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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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Hello, About 2 Years Ago, My Son Started Experiencing Joint


About 2 years ago, my son started experiencing joint pain, and within the next year began vomiting (sporadically in the car at first, then almost daily in/out of the car). In addition to his pediatrician, we’ve visited a GI and rheumatologist, each time waiting months for appts. Over this time, I discovered that his symptoms seem to be brought on by consuming dairy. This took me a long time to figure out because his symptoms are very delayed, usually starting about 24-48 hours after consuming dairy. Once I eliminated dairy completely from his diet, the joint pain and vomiting stopped, in addition to several other symptoms I had not previously linked together. His full list of symptoms is below:

Joint pain (primary symptom, almost exclusively in his knees)
Recurring impetigo (~2x per month)
Dark under eye circles

Our most recent referral is to an allergist, but I have not been able to find any confirmation that these symptoms could indicate an allergy. In addition, his joint pain has started to return again, even with dairy eliminated from his diet. Our appt with the allergist is in 6 months, but my son is in pain now and I want to make sure we are waiting to see the correct specialist. Thank you
Tue, 1 Aug 2023
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Hello, About 2 Years Ago, My Son Started Experiencing Joint