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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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Hello. I Am From Seattle Washington And Am On Vacation

Hello. I am from Seattle Washington and am on vacation in Cancun Mexico. I do suffer from GERD (I'm on meds for it) and IB although it's not bad like it used to be. I got diarrhea the second night I was here in Mexico (6 days ago) and still have it. I have been taking Lomotil every day (the only med for diarrhea in the gift shop) and it seems to help for a few hours but doesn't last. It's so severe that I have had several accidents including twice while I was sleeping. I followed the BRAT diet the first few days eating mostly toast and bananas. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or what I eat or don't eat. I actually went 18 hours without going yesterday but then it came back in full force and it hasn't stopped since. Today I feel sick too. Not the cramps and gas pains I've been having all along but I'm very light headed, exhausted, and cold. I have been drinking lots of water and some 7-up but I feel today like I'm a little dehydrated. Is there anything else I can do? My whole vacation has been ruined; we are only here today and tomorrow and leave very early the next morning. I worry about the long flights feeling so ill. Any idea or advice you have would be very much appreciated. THANK YOU!
Fri, 28 Sep 2018
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Hello. I Am From Seattle Washington And Am On Vacation