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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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Hi! I’ve Been Having What I Can Best Describe As

Hi! I’ve been having what I can best describe as pressure headaches for about a week. They’re not normal headaches where I feel like my head is throbbing or aching. It just feels like there is a lot of pressure in my head. I don’t get headaches too often and having one everyday has been a bit alarming to me. It’s a mild discomfort but I either wake up having it or it appears a few hours after I’ve been awake and it never really goes away. I’ve tried aspirin and it didn’t really help. I started taking sinius relief medicine two days ago because my nose had been more stuffy than usual since before the headaches began. It doesn’t really make the pain go away but I’ve had this problem for so long that I might just be looking for any sign of pain. My question is should I suck it up and go to a doctor’s office? Does this sound like a mild issue or should I be worried? Given that I lost my grandmother due to a brain aneurysm, I will admit that I am probably more paranoid than I should be. I’d appreciate any advice or treatment recommendations, thank you!

Oh and just in case it’s needed, I am a 23 year old female.
Wed, 3 Oct 2018
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Hi! I’ve Been Having What I Can Best Describe As