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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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Hi , I Am Really Confuse Right Now . I

Hi , i am really confuse right now . I am having a bad pelvic pain and also lower back pain . I was suspecting i got chlamydia again as i used to have it before . But when i told my friend about it , she said it might be i am pregnant as she have the same symptoms as me .
I had sex like 2 weeks before my period got started . Exactly 2 weeks later , my period came as expected . On the 2nd day of my period , i had sex with my boyfriend . On the 3rd day , i had sex again with my boyfriend and my period blood became lesser and on the 4th day , i had sex and my period got into spottings and on the 5th day it stopped .
Now, it has already been 1 week plus and i feel nausea and every time i will feel headache . Currently my pelvic and my back pain is quite painful and i tried so hard googling about the symptoms of chlamydia , UTI and so on . So , is it im having chlamydia again or UTI or am i really pregnant ??
Thu, 4 Oct 2018
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Hi , I Am Really Confuse Right Now . I