Hi, i didn't have intercourse, but we were naked and she sat on my lap, our private parts touched for 10 secs, after that she masturbates me, after a month i found out she is hiv+, immediately i took a test at well known hospital at madurai, it came non reactive, but i had some pain in lymph node areas (not swollen), then after 4 months i took another test which came non-reactive, then i thought i am hiv free, but the symptoms are not stopping, i got rashes at my fore arms, i got small swollen lymph nodes at both by armpit after 5 months of encounter, so i decided to took another test, but this time due to stigma i apply for insurance where there is necessary for full body check up along with hiv test, in that test also hiv is mentioned as negative,, (note: this test is taken after 7 months after encounter) but still i am getting symptoms,, after 8 months i got 4 sores under my tongue and another swollen lymph node at my abdomen, i am confused,, whether the hospitals are hiding my test due to their status or government procedure to inform about the positive result or i am really hiv free,, plz help me with this, nearly i am dying with anxiety for 8 months , i didn't what to do,,,