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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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I Used To Do Cheer In High School I Suffered

I used to do cheer in high school I suffered from falls concussions but when since I was 15 now am 20 I’ve had pain on my lower back connection to my butt before it was only occasionally but lately it’s been more persistent when I walk I limp because sometimes my legs lock and I can’t move them or when am laying on my back my hips get locked and I can’t move because if I do I get a lot of pain I haven’t gone to the doctor to get it checked out because am not sure if I should the pain in mostly on my right back side connected to my butt i try to massage it and it won’t take the pain away the pain for the past couple months has been daily through the day if I run or go up the stairs it gets worst
Sat, 29 Sep 2018
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I Used To Do Cheer In High School I Suffered