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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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My Husband Has A Red Well The Size Of A

My husband has a red well the size of a 1/2 dollar on left upper buttocks. It's right on the borderline of lower back and upper buttocks. He has had it since last Saturday and it's not getting any smaller. He finally let me touch it last night so at least I knew the deminsions and kinda the depth. At first I was able to get this fat stinger and junk coming out of it. I looked up on Google to see if it was for or a boil or a bite. It looks nothing like a boil. I do know he needs to go to a doctor but he wants to wait... Please suggest something he (we) can do to ease the pain. I've tried and still am with warm compresses. Please please suggest something that might help.
Wed, 3 Oct 2018
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My Husband Has A Red Well The Size Of A