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Suggest treatment for boils on skin Suggest remedy for fatigue and ear pain when suffering from sinusitis and bronchitis What causes severe vomiting episode in a patient with type 1 diabetes? What does a bone swelling on chest of child suggest? What does the urine analysis report indicate? What causes a protruding bone on the center of chest in infants? What do high BP and anxiety after taking Newbona active, Flavojoint, Piroever and Etorvel indicate? What does itching inside the ear indicate? Suggest remedy for chronic lower back pain when on Clozapine Can Bayer Back & Body help in treating chronic gastritis? What do these ultrasound findings indicate? Is it advisable to take Cyclopam for flatulence and heartburn? Suggest treatment for abdominal and scrotum pain What causes lower right abdominal pain? What causes small pieces of skin stuck in throat? What causes an itchy red scrotum after having an unprotected oral sex? Suggest dosage of varicella vaccine What causes persistent pain in face, cheekbone and jawbone? Suggest treatment for constipation What does the biopsy report indicate? What causes a lump on sacrum? What causes an excessive clear vaginal discharge? What causes stress along with nausea, haziness and unsteady gait? Suggest treatment for eyelid fluttering What causes decreased libido after taking Zoloft, Effexor XR and Losartan? Is it safe to attend a camp while dealing with dehydration? What do these HSG results indicate? What causes hallucinations after the death of a loved one? Is it safe to take Levipil, Zentel and Decdak after alcohol consumption? What causes reddish discoloration of body fluids like motions after taking Dots? Suggest treatment for neck pain Suggest treatment for loose motions How accurate are blood and urine tests for STI? What are the side effects of Xarelto? What causes anxiety, progressive muscle weakness and rigidity of muscles and tremors? What causes seeing in one half of the visual field? What causes a painful bump on the back side of tongue? Suggest treatment for green loose stool and lower abdominal pain What does this ovulation follicular study indicate? Is it safe to take Celexa for anxiety? What are the withdrawal effects of Suboxone? Suggest treatment for a hair follicle inflammation in scrotum Suggest treatment for severe muscle cramps along with pain in both sides of body Suggest solution for frequent clogging of Foley catheter Suggest treatment for iron deficiency anemia How do protease inhibitors affect body tissue? What causes severe pain in cervical spine region while exercising? What causes black stools and tingling sensation between rib cage and pelvic area? What causes fast heart rate despite having normal stress test and ECG? What causes difficulty in passing stool despite having a healthy life style? What would cause skin color to darken around the anal area? What causes pain in thighs and hip when diagnosed with bone on bone? Suggest tests to diagnose vitamin deficiencies What does this MRI report of brain for seizures indicate? What causes discomfort in the back of head when i lay down? Can weight loss lead to a significant fall in BP? What causes unbearable pain in flank region? Is having mild mitral regurgitation and mitral valve prolapse a cause for concern? Is it normal to have watery discharge from eyes in an infant? What do these urine analysis and serum creatinine test reports indicate? What are the adverse effects of long term usage of BP medication? Are Noliprel Forte and Valerian the right medication for high BP? What does this pathology report post gall bladder removal indicate? Suggest treatment for elevated INR levels despite medication How long does the shot for gonorrhea take to show effect? What does this MRI report of brain indicate? What causes fever along with soreness in neck, shoulders and back? What causes redness on back of throat? What causes discomfort in between lower chest and upper abdominal area? What causes blood in urine post masturbation? Suggest tests to investigate twitching type pain in abdomen on left side Is it safe to take Celexa when diagnosed with right bundle branch block? What causes swelling and pain in testicles even after surgery for epididymitis? Is Nicotex consumption harmful? What is the turn over rate of collagen in brain? What causes hearing of high frequency noises in ear? What causes awful vaginal odor? What causes spitting of blood? What causes white grainy vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for persistent dryness of skin on penis glans Is it safe to remove the rod in femur as it is causing pain in knee? What is the right dosage of AKT 4 kit for tuberculosis? Should T3 and T4 levels be monitored post thyroidectomy for effective nmangement What does frequent urination in a child indicate? Suggest treatment for itching and rashes on face Is Voltaren eye drops advisable whilst wearing contact lenses? What causes a bruise on breast? What causes back tingling and whistling sound while breathing and coughing? Suggest treatment to remove a wad of cotton stuck in ear Suggest treatment for cotton from Q tip stuck in ear How to terminate pregnancy? How to increase sperm motility? What are the chances of contracting HIV after having unprotected sex? Does tetrahydrocannabinol have a harmful effect when interacted with Novocaine? Suggest treatment for regurgitation, aortic and mitral sclerosis What do headaches behind the eye and numbness suggest? Suggest treatment for bad cough and wheezing along with shortness of breath What does difficulty in walking when on Amiodarone for A-fib indicate? Is it safe to sleep after an overdose of Oxycodone? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding during 12th week of pregnancy? Suggest remedy for pain while moving foreskin after frenuloplasty surgery What causes severe lower back pain? Suggest treatment for severe dry eye, restasis and swollen eye What causes severe left-sided pain in upper abdomen after undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Suggest treatment when pulse rate is at 50 after chemotherapy How effective is Rifaximin in treatment of post infection IBS? Suggest remedy for excessive burps when suffering from chronic gastritis Is a height of 104cms and weight 14kg normal for a 6 year old? Suggest treatment for cough and mild sore throat during pregnancy Will nicotine be detected in a cotinine urine test? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What do swollen spots under the eye with blisters suggest? Suggest treatment for bleeding from the bowel What does this CT scan report indicate? Can amebiasis cause UTI? What causes penile discharge, frequent urination and itching despite taking Doxycycline? What are the chances of HIV infection after protected sex? Suggest remedy for pain in stomach and back after choking on food Suggest remedy for pain in upper back and while breathing deeply Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder and phasic respiratory sinus arrhythmia What are the symptoms of having kidney stones? Are supplements advisable when suspecting low magnesium levels? What causes clogged sinuses, post-nasal drip and frequent vomiting? Does fried food with no cholesterol lead to heart conditions? What causes prominent cords and veins under head of penis? What does the number imprinted on Labetalol pill indicate? Suggest treatment for allergic itching reaction after using hair color Is the HIV DUO 4th generation test conclusive at 32 days post exposure? Suggest treatment for severe gastritis and upper stomach pain What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes intermittent fever in infant? What causes coughing up phlegm from chest after sleeping? What causes frequent urination and incomplete emptying of bladder? What causes twitches in chest and left shoulder? What does this X-ray report indicate? Suggest treatment for cut on frenulum during intercourse Will 17 doses of rabies vaccination have any adverse effects? Are 9 biopsies required after an upper endoscopy? Suggest remedy for watery eyes and heavy eyelids when on Prednisolone What causes low back and pelvic pain in a patient with endometriosis? Is circumcision advisable when suffering from balanitis? Suggest methods to detox Marijuana from system Suggest treatment for pain and swelling on lower buttocks Suggest treatment for severe headaches Suggest treatment for upper abdominal pain, lupus and blood in urine What does a PSA level of 100 in a prostate cancer patient suggest? Suggest treatment for recurring pain on one side of head What causes severe waves of tiredness and heavy legs? What are the chances of STD infection after unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for depression, anxiety attacks and negative suicidal thoughts Will Suboxone help to wean off Norco? Suggest treatment for rashes on skin, sore throat after treating TB Can wine be consumed while treating hepatitis-C? What causes tingling feeling on lips and sore throat? What causes bleeding after sex? What causes aggressive behavior and excessive anger while on Ranitidine-HCL and Buspirone? What antihistamine should a person take while taking aspirin? What causes dry lips and altered taste in the mouth? What causes lightheadedness, skipped heart beats and light pressure in head? What causes black eye after trauma to the head? Suggest treatment for sore throat, swollen glands under chin and headache What causes pain in right hip area above hip bone? Suggest ways to manage depression and IBS when on Metformin Suggest treatment for frequent idiopathic RVOT PVCS and abnormal heart rhythm Can Neurontin help in treating hemifacial spasm? Suggest treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia and tiredness Suggest remedy for persistent pain on legs and hands with blurry vision What causes a bump on left side of pubic area? Suggest treatment for back pain with chills, tremors and fever Suggest remedy for panic attack and anxiety when on antibiotics for infection Suggest treatment for fecal body odor and diarrhea while treating helicobacter pylori Suggest alternative medication for Anadrol What do these FNAC findings indicate? What causes itching behind ear followed by bumps and fluid discharge? How long does it take for liver enzymes to go back to normal? What causes urge to urinate after getting an erection? What causes the need to urinate after an erection? Suggest ideal diet for a diabetic perosn Suggest treatment for migraine, subdureal hematoma on both sides of brain What does an itchy patch on the back suggest? Can and Cymbalta ad Ciprofloxacin be taken for severe ear infection? Can Wellbutrin be taken along with Escitalopram to manage fatigue and sleepiness? What causes lack of appetite for breast milk in infant? What does high creatinine level indicate? Suggest treatment for severe bipolar disorder and rebellious behavior How long will the symptoms of RMS last following Vancomycin injection? Suggest treatment for tibial plateau fracture Suggest treatment for abscess on buttocks Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is Zithromax advisable for vomiting and diarrhea? Suggest treatment for enlarged kidneys in an infant Do overactive bladder, insomnia and vaginal irritation suggest thyroid issues? What does a red spot in the upper thigh after protected sex suggest? Suggest treatment for a painful benign lesion in the flanks Suggest treatment for gout in left foot Suggest treatment for persistent cough Can bulging disc from a wreck deteriorate further and rupture? What causes pain and swelling in lower neck? What are the risks of taking Oxycodone pill once in a week? What causes foot paresthesia, tinnitus and facial twitching after alcohol withdrawal?
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