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What causes occasional bacteria in urine? Can Femara be taken while treating infertility? What causes inflammation of right eye? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Suggest treatment for headache in back of head on right side What causes sharp fall in glucose levels after meals in a diabetic? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain post angioplasty What causes sore nipples after taking Crestor? What are the chances of HIV transmission through body massage? What do these below blood pressure and pulse rate values indicate? What causes painful lymph nodes on left side along with ear pain? What causes severe pain and numbness in right hand? What causes dark skin in groin area? Suggest treatment for hematoma on foot What causes rashes on legs, arms, vagina and anal area while on Lipostat? Suggest treatment for severe eczema on hands along with dryness and itching What causes pain and numbness in right foot? Suggest treatment for severe cough with phlegm Does Klonopin have a negative effect on Alzheimer's disease? What causes eye floaters in children? Suggest treatment for pneumonia and cough with phlegm when diagnosed with MS Is PSA value of 7.8 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for redness and itching inside vaginal lips What causes irritable bowel syndrome? Suggest treatment for mucus discharge during bowel movement and external hemorrhoids What causes inner left ankle pain and deep vein thrombosis in leg? What causes diarrhea with severe joint pain? Suggest treatment for swollen gland under chin and hives What causes recurring ovarian cysts? What causes severe sore throat, swollen glands, body ache, nausea and fever? Suggest treatment for fever, cough and pneumonia What causes uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in young adults? Suggest treatment for occasional fleeting pain in the breast Suggest treatment for visual hallucinations and sleeplessness What is colonoscopy recommended for? Suggest treatment for facial and scalp eczema How long after abortion at 21 weeks can one try to conceive? Suggest treatment for cyst on ovary Suggest treatment for bruise inside left forearm and stiffness in shoulder What causes pimple like bump on the breast? Suggest treatment for sacral fracture after spinal stenosis surgery Is ORIF appropriate for left radius fracture? Suggest treatment for tightness in stomach and gas Can Fertyl help to conceive? Suggest treatment for symptoms of Raynaud's disease Can Pravastatin be taken with Naproxen and Carisoprodol? What causes swelling and itching in hands? What causes delayed period after taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for soreness in vagina and clitoris Suggest treatment for severe neck twitches along with pain What does my thyroid test report indicate? Is one I-pill taken after intercourse sufficient to avoid pregnancy? Suggest treatment for fluctuations in blood sugar levels Is head circumference value of 40.5 cm normal? What causes pain on the right side of face? Is flying safe after treating infection in incision site? What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? What are the symptoms of colon cancer? What causes pain and numbness in leg after cocaine use? What causes absence of periods with sudden weight gain? What causes fluid filled lesions on lips? What causes skin coloured raised bumps on glans penis? Suggest alternative to breast feeding Suggest treatment for frequent bowel movements and belching Suggest treatment for red coloured freckles on nose Will masturbation cause bulky uterus? What causes red bumps on penis? Suggest treatment for scalp psoriasis Suggest treatment for ankle arthritis Suggest treatment for poor memory, high BP and hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for endometrioid carcinoma What causes pain and swelling in eye? Can chronic tooth decay and swollen TMJ cause Alopecia? Suggest treatment for rashes on back and raised itchy bumps Suggest treatment for pain after defecating something stuck in rectum Suggest treatment for fever and chest infection What causes a reddish brown vaginal discharge? Suggest treatment for lower right quadrant pain and fibroid tumor What causes back and stomach pain which radiates to groin area? Suggest depression medication containing Flupenthixol and Melitracen Suggest treatment for itching and redness inside labia Suggest treatment for lipoma What does my lab test report indicate? What causes tingling of urethra? Can HIV be contracted through French kissing? Suggest treatment for partial complex seizures, migraines, syncope and fibromyalgia What causes numbness and tingling sensation on right leg? What causes violent shaking followed by difficulty breathing and disorientation? Suggest treatment for tenderness and swelling in breast while having Nexplanon implant Are blood sugar levels between 95 and 107 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for microscopic hematuria What is the difference between Mefenamic acid and Ibuprofen? What causes fatigue and body pains after having Amoxicillin? Suggest ways to help a toddler gain weight Is it possible to recover from ketoacidosis without the use of Insulin? What does this MRI report of right hip indicate? Is it safe to take Vyvanse along with Adderall and Klonopin? What causes acidity, stomach gas and bloating when diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver? What causes spotting and breast tenderness after having I pill? What causes open sore under breast post usage of oral antibiotics? What causes pain, swelling and soreness on hands? What causes nausea and headache post surgery for pituitary macroadenoma? Is it possible to cure ear infection with antibiotics? What causes dry bleeding nose after having Fexofenadine for cough? Suggest medication for PTSD, anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for hair loss that is limited to a small portion on scalp What causes disorientation and confusion state in a person with history of stroke? Is it safe to open capsule and mix the medicine powder with food? What causes missed period despite having protected intercourse? What causes constant tiredness even after extended sleep? What causes small soft swelling on wrist? How long does Klonopin take to reach a steady state? What causes tiny spot on lateral border of tongue? Does a small hit to the left side of head cause concussion? What causes weakness after increasing the dosage of Toprol? Is it safe to use Vicks vapor rub during pregnancy? Should I take Plan B inspite of having unprotected sex on 6th day of implantation? Suggest treatment for constant blinking of eyes subconsciously in children Do probiotics help in treating loose stools? What causes green phlegm? Can Plan-B be taken 6 days after taking Nexplanon? Is one step Plan B pill and two step Plan B pill more potent? What causes pain in collar bone radiating to back? Should I take Plan B inspite of having unprotected sex on 6th of Nexplanon implantation? Is it safe to use peppermint oil for asthma during pregnancy? What causes persistent nose bleeds in a 8 year old? What causes chronic diarrhea and weight gain? What causes itchy red rash on body while on Synthroid? What causes resistance to Ritalin after taking Clonazepam? What do these routine health check up reports indicate? Is it safe to have saline filled breast implants for breast augmentation? Is it necessary to take anti TB medication inspite of having positive Mantoux test? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for delayed periods Suggest treatment for severe headache Do brain tumor or aneurysm cause recurring headache? What causes burning pain in chest and back area? Suggest treatment for missed periods while breast feeding Suggest basic medication for high BP and cholesterol levels Suggest treatment for disturbed sleep and lack of appetite Is long term usage of Prednisone safe? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive pill? Suggest treatment for difficulty bending in a person with kyphosis Suggest treatment for nose bleeds in a 7 year old Is it possible to contract HIV by swallowing semen? Is it safe to take Actalin while on Plaquenil and Levothyroxine? Is pregnancy possible despite missing a single birth control pill on the day of unprotected sex? What is the age limit to begin mammograms? Can I take Viagra for erectile dysfunction? Do I need to consult doctor for itchy red skin at the site of tick bite? Suggest treatment for redness of right eye Suggest medication for herpes zoster infection Suggest treatment for cold sore on upper lip What causes increase in BP at high altitudes? Suggest treatment for persistent dry cough despite medication What are the repercussions of accidentally taking Folvite and Hosit twice during pregnancy? What do these MRI findings indicate? What are the symptoms of herniated disc? Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain that radiates to testicles What causes extreme sleepiness during the day time? Suggest treatment for dry cough, cold and post nasal drip Suggest remedy for severe stomach pain Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis Is successful conception possible while on Clofert? What causes sudden weakness in both arms? Suggest treatment for severe chest pain What does this urine analysis report indicate? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking contraceptive pill? How long can one live with undiagnosed breast cancer? Suggest treatment for fistule like boil on hip Is riding motorbike safe while having severe headache? Is ultrasound advisable after using abortion pills? What does my CT scan test report indicate? Suggest medication for OCD Is it safe to have a transvaginal scan? Suggest treatment for frequent acne Suggest remedy for healthcare and well-being of body while trying to conceive Suggest treatment for varicose veins in legs Suggest the exact dosage of abortion pills Suggest treatment for lower right kidney pain, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea Suggest treatment for penile pain Suggest treatment for red circular spots on foreskin and glans penis Suggest treatment for migraines, cystic ovaries and gall bladder issues Suggest treatment for verrucas on toe Suggest treatment for flushed red palms, chronic insomnia, cold hands and feet What causes severe gastritis after taking Amoxicillin? Suggest treatment for pubic lice infection What causes extreme tiredness and trouble in keeping up with everything? Suggest medication to BP without side effects What causes abdominal pain, bloating and salty taste in mouth? Is there a genetic component to lower ejection fraction? What causes painful swelling under jaw and chin after tooth drilling? Can Maca and Progesterone be taken together? What are the symptoms of cataract? how serious is pulmonary embolism? Suggest treatment for hair loss and dandruff What does this liver function test report indicate? Is pregnancy possible according to my lab test report? Suggest ways to manage BP while on Telma Does Depo Provera influence potassium levels in the system?
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