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What causes mouth and face blisters with swollen gums and bad breath? What causes easy bruising on body? What causes dizziness with arm and leg numbness when diagnosed with MS? Can Manforce be taken for premature ejaculation? Can stress cause irregular periods? What causes dizziness and double vision? Suggest treatment for recurring headache What causes excessive fatigue? Can Adderall for taken for ADD? What causes tingling and numbness in forearm post rotator cuff surgery? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss Suggest treatment for pelvic and lower back pain What do these blood glucose levels indicate? Is it normal to have unusual color to ear wax in an elderly person? Can walking bring down the body temperature? What causes nausea and severe headache in a patient with depression and psychosis? What causes fever while on anti-TB medication? Suggest treatment for spinal stenosis Can HPV be contracted through protected oral sex? Suggest treatment for Alzheimer's disease What are the withdrawal effects of Finasteride? What causes sleeplessness? Can Lithium carbonate be taken irregularly for bipolar disorder? Can Tremadone cure hand tremors? What causes tight foreskin? Suggest treatment for high BP, headache and nausea Does Clomid help in getting pregnant? Can aloe vera cure acid reflux and indigestion? Is diastolic blood pressure value of 120/87 a cause for concern? Suggest remedy for itchiness all over the body and panic attacks caused by stress What causes pain during urination in a PCOD patient? What causes chest pain while on Midodrine? What does brownish vaginal discharge post I pill intake indicate? What causes regular heart palpitations and high BP after discontinuing HRT? How to identify a broken hymen? Suggest treatment for lump in the armpit How to check if hymen is intact? Can Prednisone cause difficulty swallowing? What causes intermittent severe migraine attacks along with blurred vision and numbness in left hand? What causes irregular bleeding postpartum? What surgical options are available for urethral stricture? What causes ribbon-like stool? What causes prominent superficial dorsal vein on penile shaft? Suggest treatment for severe stabbing pelvic pain How to determine the date of conception? What causes blisters on forehead? Suggest remedy for stomach pain along with diarrhea What are the withdrawal symptoms of Wellbutrin? Will Forteo affect PethStat blood alcohol test results? Suggest remedy for cough and choking sensation in throat after eating food Is laser treatment effective in treating toenail fungal infection? Suggest treatment for IBS despite medication What causes whitish pimples on foreskin? How does stress affect pregnancy in first trimester? What is the dosage of Meftal-P? When is sperm count zero in pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest remedy for night sweats Suggest remedy for cold sore along with chapped lips What are the chances of HIV transmission through oral sex? Suggest remedy for night sweats Suggest treatment for itchy rashes all over body How long does recovery from TB take? Is absence of vaginal bleeding post Cytotec intake suggestive of unsuccessful abortion? What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on hip and groin area Suggest treatment for perifollicular fibrosis on face What are the chances of STD transmission through oral sex? Suggest remedy for heat boils on body Suggest treatment for headaches, severe stomach pain and fever Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Can a low WBC count in blood cause an abscess? Suggest remedy for sleeplessness What causes non cancerous tissue mass on left side of brain? What causes persistent itching in palm and feet? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels despite being on Metformin Suggest remedy for bed sores on buttocks What causes pain and swelling in the small joints of fingers and feet? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive pill? Suggest remedy for burning sensation and pain near anus Can Amoxicillin be taken along with Carbamazepine? What causes persistent pain in foot despite taking medication? How to wean off Clonazepam? What causes clear mucus discharge from anus while standing? Suggest diet plan for a patient who had a colon resection What causes episodes of burning sensation in chest? What does throat cancer look like? What causes small reddish dots above knee? What causes pain in calf while driving? What causes excessive sleepiness and confusion in an elderly patient? Suggest treatment for persistent abscess What does this ultrasound report during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux Suggest treatment for lump on waistline What causes ringing in ears along with fullness and pressure in ears? Is 10mg of Valium equal to 0.5mg of Klonopin? Can Xarelto be taken along with Dilantin? Suggest treatment for persistent cough and cold in a child What is the dosage of Thyronorm for this thyroid profile test report? Suggest remedy for sleeplessness due to pain caused by multiple surgeries Suggest treatment for type 2 diabetes Is Keppra the right medication for essential tremors? What does my ECG report indicate? What are the side effects of Colimex-DF? What causes flashes of bright light in peripheral vision of left eye? What causes severe nerve pain after shingles? Suggest remedy for trendelenburg gait Suggest treatment for metastatic breast cancer Suggest treatment for elevated amylase, ALT and GGT levels Suggest treatment for high fever in a child What does this blood test report indicate? What does EEG report showing bitemporal slowing indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic tonsillitis What causes difficulty breathing when diagnosed with COPD of a smoker? Suggest ways to get fair complexion Suggest remedy for premature ventricular contractions What does this follicular study report indicate? Suggest remedy for constipation in children Suggest treatment for elevated A1C levels despite being on Januvia What causes red dot on upper lip? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What causes constant tiredness? Suggest tests to detect HIV What causes persistent hair fall despite taking medication? Suggest remedy for small stomach ulcer along with feeling of something stuck in upper chest area Are severe fatigue, weight gain and chronic constipation suggestive of hypothyroidism? Suggest remedy for radiating pain in stomach and in the abdominal area Suggest treatment for recurrent UTI despite medication Suggest dosage of Thyronorm according to the below mentioned thyroid test report Is discolouration of skin indicate hematoma? Suggest treatment for severe knee pain post injury Suggest remedy for acute pancreatitis What causes pus-like discharge, redness and swelling on nipple? Suggest treatment for diarrhoea and stomach pain What causes pain at the tip of penis? What does my semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for testicular pain, premature ejacuation and lower back pain What are the effects of drug use and smoking during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for broken tooth Suggest remedy for insomnia What does this ECHO report indicate? What causes tingling sensation in hands, confusion, migraine and chest pain? What are the symptoms of prostatitis? What causes itchy skin after taking Meloxicam? What causes irregular periods post miscarriage? Suggest remedy for persistent itchy and dry cough What causes frequent urination with rapid heart rate? Is HIV RNA quantitative test done 12 days after unprotected intercourse conclusive? How long does Marijuana remain in the system after stopping it during pregnancy? What are the adverse effects of not taking antiretroviral therapy by a HIV positive? Suggest remedy for severe stomach pain in a pregnant diabetic patient Suggest treatment for rapid heart beats What causes dizzy spells with mild headache? How long before having EMG test should one stop taking Lovenox? What are the most effective arthritis medicines? Suggest remedy for burning and itching sensation in the clitoris What causes elevated WBC count? Suggest healthy diet while on treatment for Clostridium difficile bacterial infection Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis flare on foot and toes What causes strong pulsating sensations at back of neck? What causes cerebral parenchyma? What causes tingling sensation in hands? What causes dark blueish lesion on skin? What causes sharp pain in left upper arm? Can an X-Ray detect benign nodule in chest? What causes exhaustion and disturbed sleep when diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke? What causes right sided lower abdominal pain along with back pain? Is small cell carcinoma curable? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest remedy for persistent vertigo Suggest treatment for swelling in elbows and fingers in a BP patient Suggest medication for neuropathy Is it safe to drive when you are on many medicines? Suggest treatment for wound caused by dog Can Hydrocodone be taken along with Oxycodone? Suggest treatment for eye contusion caused by an accident Suggest treatment for frequent UTI Are sadness and excessive alcohol consumption suggestive of depression? Can anxiety cause persistent chest pain? Suggest treatment for blisters in the groin area Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes sleep apnea and pain in torso of a person on Primox What causes lack of bleeding despite taking Mifepristone? Suggest treatment for persistent fever, wheezing and body ache in a child What causes acute body weakness after fever? Are Rapaflo and Ciprofloxacin antibiotics? What causes sudden black eye with swollen eyelids? What causes constipation in infants? Is lipase value of 700 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for lymphoma What causes breathlessness and stomach bloating in a BP patient? What causes mild abdominal pain along with stomach upset? Can penis swell-up in a person with prostate cancer? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What does my liver function test indicate? Can DISH cause back pain and numbness in hands? Suggest treatment for headache, head pressure, tinnitus and neck pain What do welts with purple rings indicate? What causes testicle pain while suffering from chronic epididymitis? What causes burning sensation in feet and dry mouth in an elderly person? What do these following lab reports indicate?
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