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What causes pain and swelling in the right foot? What causes severe pain in upper arm after a pneumonia shot? What causes light headedness, high BP and heart palpitations? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes itchy lesions on legs that look like orange peel? What causes constant vertigo, high BP and diarrhea post a bypass surgery? What causes red pus filled pores and dry skin on legs? Suggest ways to wean off Dalmane What does my blood test report indicate? What causes tiredness during the day and frequent awakening during sleep? What causes tinnitus, radiating pain in the neck, jaw and arm? What does my blood test report indicate? Is prolonged intake of Rantac safe? What causes sudden loss of power in legs while treating BP? What causes cold and high body temperature in an infant? What causes rapid weight loss, persistent fever, diarrhea and low WBC level? What causes a mild irritation in the throat after eating a burger? Suggest treatment for spinal stenosis How long is medication advised for a patient suffering from stroke? Suggest remedies for a rash on the shin Does Advil interact with alcohol? What causes a heat sensation at the back of the head and mouth? Can Andractim cream be purchased online without a prescription in India? What causes recurring and fast healing sores in the mouth? Is laser surgery safe for the eye? How safe are condoms in preventing STD's? Is Nutrigain safe to gain weight? What causes diarrhea and grunting while passing stools in an infant? What do my lab test reports indicate? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Is losing an erection during masturbation a symptom of erectile dysfunction? What causes extreme numbness in the brain after prolonged TMS therapy? Is pregnancy possible through unprotected intercourse? Suggest remedies for aneurysms and angina What causes brown lumps on the nose of an elderly person? What causes sudden dizziness in an elderly person with hypertension? What are the chances of pregnancy while on BC for PCOD? What causes tingling in the arm and increased heart rate after consuming spicy food? Does different blood group of couple cause complications during pregnancy? What do my lab test reports indicate? Does intake of Manforce help in curing erectile dysfunction? Why is the price of Copaxone increasing rapidly? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Cytomid during pregnancy? Suggest remedies to induce early menstruation Suggest treatment for severe arm pain Suggest remedies for recurring eye infection What causes difficulty in conceiving? What causes black spots in stool, flatulence and burping? What causes breathlessness while exercising? What causes low arterial oxygen saturation in an elderly person? What causes small itchy patches on wrist, buttocks and thighs? What causes difficulty in burping with history of flu? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes elevated sugar levels? What causes a small white split at the side of the mouth? What causes loss of penis sensitivity and ejaculation problems? Is delayed menstruation a sign of pregnancy? What are the signs and symptoms of herpes simplex? What causes delayed menstruation after taking contraceptive pills? What do my lab test reports indicate? Does I-pill cause vaginal bleeding? What causes headache, neck pain, dizziness and nausea while on Atacand? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What does my Widal test report indicate? Suggest the ideal dosage for Arachitol nano syrup taken for vitamin B12 What causes a feeling of sickness, dizziness and chills? What causes persistent body odour? Does Mirena coil have adverse effect after removal? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes pain in right buttock and burning in feet post an injury? What causes unilateral breast pain and soreness without any lumps? What causes anxiety post intake of Cannabis? Does physiotherapy help in preventing acute attack of sciatica? What causes pain, swelling and red eyelid? Suggest treatment for cold and chest congestion What causes severe cough associated with thick white mucus and nasal drainage? What causes severe pain and gurgling noises in the abdomen? What causes elevated HVA levels? What causes diabetes during pregnancy? What causes a small swollen bump on neck? Is severe arm pain a symptom of heart attack? Suggest ways to unclog the ears What causes a spreading muscle spasms in throat and chest? What causes foul-smelling urine and vaginal itching? What do my LFT test reports indicate? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes irregular heart rhythm, extra beats and PVCs after exercising? Does excessive consumption of salmon fish bad for health? Suggest treatment for chronic gastritis What do my lab test results indicate? Is protein leak from liver a cause for concern? Can stomach cancer be cured? Are the bonding adhesives used while hair replacement safe? Suggest medical tests to rule out narcissistic personality disorder Suggest treatment for severe knee pain in an elderly person What causes clear white nipple discharge while treating PCOS? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes numbness in hands and feet while treating high BP? What causes PCOS in a diabetic? What are the repercussions of prolonged exposure to mold? Suggest treatment for penis tears in a sexually active person What causes dry, watery eyes and blurred vision while on Jardiance for diabetes? What causes persistent and progressive dry cough and fever in a child? What causes low pulse rate while on Clonidine? What causes severe back pain, sore throat, bad breath and chest pain? What does my X-ray test report indicate? What causes positive results with pregnancy test kits and negative in clinic? What causes severe chest pain on left side below rib cage? Suggest the ideal dosage for Lyrica taken for pain management What causes weakness, lack of energy and anxiety while skipping a meal? What causes cough, sore throat and pain in left rib under the breast? What causes severe upper arm pain? What causes grey hair? What causes nerve like pain in left side of body, arm and leg? Suggest treatment for severe pain in thighs What causes swelling, redness, itching in legs and fatigue? Are recurring chest pain signs of heart attack? What causes severe insomnia post a cataract surgery? Does intake of Karbofin and Duspatalin help in curing GERD? What causes numbness in right big toe and second toe in left foot? Does intake of Adderall help in curing bipolar disorder? What causes cramps in legs after a very hot shower? What causes frequent painful urination, spotting and back thigh pain post intercourse? What causes a painful hard knot inside the left buttock? What does my lab test report indicate? What causes a false-positive urine drug screen while on sedative drugs? What causes nausea and dizziness post intake of Hydromorphone? Suggest remedies for persistent cold, cough and ear infection What causes recurring fever, shivering and whole body pain? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes left supraclavicular swelling, severe fatigue and night sweats? What causes elevated BP levels and severe back pain while on Lisisnopril? Is Nefopam safe for a pregnant woman? What causes persistent diarrhea and right-sided abdominal pain after a gallbladder surgery? Suggest the ideal dosage for Lovastatin for heart disease Suggest alternative medication for Flomax taken for kidney stones What causes jaundice and elevated bilirubin levels in a new born baby? What causes watering mouth, severe fatigue, body pain and bitter tongue? Suggest treatment for heart disease What causes recurring diarrhea and low blood sugar levels? What causes tingling and numbness in palm, sole after excessive masturbation? What causes frequent urination, low haemoglobin, iron, rbc and anorexia? What causes burning and peeling of facial skin? What causes weakness, shivering and headache before menstruation? Can Lexapro and Musinex be taken together? What causes low pulse rate while on Clonidine? Suggest alternative medication for Cherifer syrup What causes numbness in the jaw and tooth pain? Suggest ways to increase length of penis What causes sudden blackouts and blindness for a short time period? Are isolated PVCs and heart palpitations signs of cardiac disorder? What causes pain and numbness in palm and sole after excessive masturbation? What causes delayed menstruation while on Nuva birth control ring? What causes persistent pain in stomach, back and diarrhea? What causes foul smelling vaginal discharge post intercourse? Suggest remedies for fungal vaginal infection Suggest remedies for torn foreskin on penis What does my HSG test result indicate? What causes small burning and painful lumps on labia minora? What causes throat pain and weakness while walking after a meal? Is air travelling advisable for a patient suffering from continuous headache? Suggest remedies for genital fungal infection What causes two small sized spots on left side of throat? Suggest treatment for tinnitus What causes pain and weakness in arms, legs, sleeping difficulty and fever? What does my stool test report indicate? What causes nausea, cramps, mild vaginal bleeding, vomiting and fever? Can HIV virus survive outside the human body in an open environment? What causes left-sided navel pain while bending? What causes acute gout attack in ankle post intake of Allopurinol? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? What causes persistent fever, cold and diarrhea in a 22 month old child? Suggest remedies for sore throat What causes severe lower back pain post delivery? What causes severe right flank pain at night after a kidney stone surgery? Is a TSH level of 2.59 to 3.14 a cause for concern? How to determine the paternity of the fetus? What causes dizziness and giddiness while treating asthma? What are the repercussions of overdosing Alka- Seltzer Extra Strength? Can blood pressure be checked in left arm? What causes persistent sore throat, redness in left tonsil and swollen right tonsil? What causes severe spasmodic pain in ear? Sugget a good specialist for opthalmic migraine in East coast What causes pain, tenderness on left-sided back along with knot, fever and chills? Is HIV spot test done 4 weeks post exposure conclusive? What causes severe wrist pain and swelling in hand post an injury? Suggest remedies for wrist pain post an injury Is diet soda safe for weight loss? What causes abdominal pain and bloating after a liver biopsy? How long do typhoid symptoms last? What are the side effects of Mifepristone and Misoprostol? What causes burning sensation in anus after a bowel movement? Suggest remedies for baby colic and constipation What causes electrical jolt sensation in both arms and body and Erb's palsy? What causes persistent pain in left testicles? What causes back pain while treating sinusitis? What causes tingling sensation in fingers, hands and body while sneezing and coughing? What causes pain from inside stomach and kidneys while sleeping and breathing? Suggest treatment for fungal toenail infection What causes low BP and chest fullness while on beta blocker?
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