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Suggest treatment for varicocele Suggest remedies for pain and burning sensation in vagina Suggest the ideal dosage for Micardis taken for high BP What causes dizziness, vomiting, headache and restlessness post intake of anti depressant? What causes painful urination? Does intake of Bactrim help in treating chlamydia infection? Where are the hair loss medicines available? What causes redness in face, neck, and hot ears? What causes recurring infections, fatigue, breathlessness, fever and headache? What causes persistent vomiting, high BP and nausea? Does chemotherapy has any effect on sperm motility? Can PCOD cause thick uterus lining and a miscarriage? Is a second dose of I-pill advisable to prevent pregnancy? What causes a red patch on the left side of the soft palate? What do my lab test results indicate? Is a blood pressure reading of 200/110 a cause for concern? Is rabies vaccination required after being scratched by a dog? What do my lab test results indicate? Does Humira shots help in treating Crohn's disease? What causes difficulty in conceiving? How to use Metrogyl P for deep skin laceration? What causes severe fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath? What do my ultrasound scan test results indicate? What causes fever, heavy head, cough, loose motion and weakness? How long after taking Ovutrig injection will ovulation take place? What does my EEG test report indicate? Suggest remedies for post operative hernia Suggest remedies for post operative hernia Suggest remedies for gastric and constipation during pregnancy Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? What causes breakthrough spotting and negative pregnancy result post intake of Meprate? What causes sneezing followed by throat and ear irritation while sleeping? Does intake of Oflox-OZ and Lomofen help in treating stomach cramps? Suggest an ideal diet plan for weight loss Are abdominal cramp and vaginal bleeding normal post intake of Mifepristone? What causes left-sided chest pain, heartburn, nausea and anxiety? What causes constant headache, weakness, low BP, dizziness, nausea and fatigue? Does Tramadol interact with Promethazine? What causes vaginal bleeding during intercourse in a 45 year old woman? Can chlamydia be left untreated? Does intake of Wymox help in curing viral fever in an infant? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of Amoxilin? Is weight lifting advisable for a aortic stenosis and BAV patient? What do my LFT test results indicate? How to check if hymen is intact? What causes dark discolouration with itchy red spots in elbow pits? Can UTI be spread through anal sex? What do my blood test results indicate? Suggest remedies for acne Can pus cells in sperm affect pregnancy? Suggest treatment for anxiety What causes loss of appetite, oversleeping and weakness while treating bipolar disorder? Why would one take undue credit after helping out during certain crisis situations? What causes pain in right arm and back when diagnosed with notch in v2? What causes bone pain, tenderness on the arm post a plastic surgery? Does intake of Augmentin help in treating sinus infection in a child? What is the incubation period for HPV warts? What causes severe hair loss after a C-section? What causes TMJ tension, indigestion, bloating, foggy head, palpitations, dizziness and anxiety? Does intake of Neurocet help in treating back pain? What causes corneal thickness in eyes? What does my ECG test report indicate? What causes burping, sneezing, phlegm in throat, cough and cold? Suggest medical tests to rule out pancreatitis Can a broken shoulder be fixed? What do my lab test reports indicate? What do my USG test results indicate? Does Cannabis oil interact with Synthroid? What do my lab test results indicate? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Is a blood pressure reading of 117/56 a symptom of hypotension? What causes burning sensation in left calf of the leg while sleeping? What causes joint pain, chronic fatigue, brain fog, memory problems and depression? What causes chest discomfort while sitting for prolonged period of time? What causes weakness in left leg when diagnosed with osteoarthritis? Is weakness in left leg in an elderly man a cause for concern? What is a mucosal wave? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes severe lower left leg pain after inserting Mirena IUD? Does intake of Pholcodine help in treating dry cough? What causes chills, diarrhea, congestion and body pain? What causes itching throughout the body? Suggest medical tests to rule out optic nerve problems What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes large-caliber stools in a teenager? What do my lab test results indicate? Can rheumatoid arthritis be cured without antibiotics? What causes fever, cold, headache and red phlegm from throat? Can Cyclizine and Prochlorperazine be taken together? What do my semen analysis test results indicate? Can a head glue cause non-healing wound with infection? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest remedies for scars on face How long does recovery from chicken pox take? Suggest ways to wean off Heroin How long can Fentanyl patches be used for pain management? What causes severe mid-back pain and nausea with the history of kidney stones? Why do men have quick release? What causes pain under left breast, back and hoarseness? What causes back pain, ammonia taste and smell while on Suboxone? What causes sneezing, swollen eyes, puffy nose and jaw pain? What causes pain in lungs, chest, neck and shoulders? What causes intermittent pain under the left shoulder blade? Does Epilim interact with Garcinia cambogia? Suggest treatment for depression What causes severe pain in right thigh while sitting? Does intake of Novelon help in preventing pregnancy post intercourse? What causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and headache? Is a TT injection required for a minor scratch from a iron piece? What causes a feeling of caffeine in body and difficulty in sleeping? Is dark stool in a cardiac patient a cause for concern? Would a heavy baby at 28th week of pregnancy remain large during birth? What causes insomnia and pain with arthritis symptoms in post-menopausal woman? What do my lab test reports indicate? What do my CT scan test results indicate? What does my CT scan test report indicate? Is Quinvaxem shots safe for a 3 month old infant? What causes persistent pain and soreness in right-sided abdomen below the ribcage? What causes painless bumps near the genital area after shaving? Suggest treatment for side effects of Plan-B Suggest treatment for chronic sinusitis What does this pap smear test report indicate? Is intake of Betacap, Petril and Bupropion safe for reducing nicotine craving? Suggest treatment for seronegative arthritis What does my blood test report indicate? What causes radiating pain in lower left lumbar and knee cap? What causes nausea, fatigue, severe headache, low BP, dizziness and mood swings? Is a single dose of Mifeprin adequate for abortion? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for sciatic nerve pain What causes severe shaky, lightheadedness and loss of balance while exercising? What causes swelling throughout the body in a diabetic patient? What causes a small bubble like substance on the foreskin of penis? What causes fever, stomach cramps and chills with the history of influenza? What causes diarrhea post intake of Paracetamol? What causes severe sweating and tingling sensation in hands, feet and fast heartbeat? What causes persistent diarrhea? How long does recovery take from an ear infection? How safe is Isomil formula powder for a 7th month old infant? What do my urine test results indicate? What does non-reactive mean in an HIV test? Suggest remedies for cough, running nose and ketones in urine of a child Does intake of Metroprolol, Hydralazine and Finasteride help in treating urinary retention? What are the repercussions of overdosing on Thyronorm? Is a lump at the base of spine in back serious? What causes abdominal cramps after hydrogen peroxide douching? What are the repercussions of leaving a tampon inside after menstruation? Suggest remedies for severe toe pain post an injury How effective is a laser surgery in correcting the power in both the eyes? What causes extra facial hair growth below the ear while on Normaxin? What causes a feeling of ants running across the eyes and flashing lights? Suggest an anti-biotic that helps in anxiety, depression and weight loss What causes constant intermittent twitching in body? What causes severe night sweats and hair loss while treating insomnia? Can HIV be contracted through skin to skin contact? What causes flickering in left upper eye? What causes small painful bumps in rectum? What causes a sudden swelling and tenderness near the cubital nodes? What causes purple bruise like spots on the upper thighs? Suggest treatment for vikings disease What does my blood test report indicate? What causes an extra growth in the scrotum? What do my ultrasound test results indicate? Suggest remedies for split nails Can inhaling paint fumes increase blood pressure? What causes severe diarrhea in a 53 year old woman? Suggest treatment for extra growth in cervix Can HIV be contracted through unprotected intercourse? What causes a cluster of small bumps under the tongue? What causes stomach pain after 8 hours of sleep? What causes panic attacks while on Levothyroxine? What do my lab test results indicate? Is exercising advisable for a patient suffering from achilles tendon strain? Does Trazodone have any effect on QT interval? Is bleeding from nose post head injury a cause for concern? What causes blood in stool during excretion? Are Prozac, Mirtazapine, and Quetiapine safe to take together? Is Ibuprofen safe to take while on Virtussin AC Syrup and LevoFloxacin? What causes radiating pain in left leg, knee and ankle? What causes itching sensation on chest and back? What causes severe pain in right-sided upper back while on Coumadin? What causes painful stomach contractions? What causes rapid heart rate, swollen tongue, neck, blotches on hands and insomnia? Suggest medication for toe pain post injury What causes whitish vaginal discharge post protected sex? What does this follicular study scan indicate? Are itching in palms after a hip surgery side effects of Cobalt? Suggest OTC drugs for syphilis How to overcome exhaustion from stress and overwork? What causes swelling and pain in testicles after smoking marijuana? What causes reddish itchy lesions on hands? Suggest remedy for severe hair loss Is I-pill safe to take while on Primolut N? Does Meprate act as a contraceptive? What causes severe pain behind the head on lower left side? Suggest remedy for loss of hair from hairline Suggest remedy for irregular periods and pain in legs Do Probiotics cause cellulitis? What are the chances of contracting UTI through used tissue papers?
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