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Is a testosterone level of 266 a cause for concern? What does my ANA result report indicate? Suggest treatment for depression What causes persistent severe naval infection? Is there interaction between Mebendazole and Praziquantel? Suggest treatment for migraine and dizziness Suggest ways to increase breast milk production What does my X-ray test result indicate? Suggest treatment for toxic epidermal necrolysis in an elderly person Suggest treatment for persistent redness on the arms Suggest remedies for high blood sugar levels and pain in legs and arms Suggest treatment for thickening of sigmoid colon Suggest treatment for watery eyes and dry lips What causes persistent swelling in legs and feet while on Furosemide? What causes loss of eye sight after suffering from a stroke in a diabetic? Suggest treatment for inflammation in the toe after an injury Suggest treatment for lump in the right testicles Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain when diagnosed with crystals in urine What do my BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for inflammation of the soft palate Is fluctuating BP levels a cause for concern? What causes swollen tongue and throat post intake of vitamin B12 supplement? What causes abdominal pain, bloating and acid reflux while on Ciprofloxacin? What causes a sudden feeling of fear and fatigue? What does a HIV 1 and 2 antibodies result of negative suggest? What is the age limit for the Gardasil vaccine schedule? Suggest medication for severe hair loss Does Naproxen cause false positive for Marijuana in a drug test? Suggest treatment for swelling in the feet with lack of appetite What are the possible repercussions of hitting forehead on a fireplace mantel? What causes severe hair loss post child birth? What causes severe fatigue after a partial nephrectomy? What causes a feeling of vibrations in body while sleeping? Suggest treatment for gas, constipation, nausea and abdominal cramps What causes choking sensation in the throat while eating or drinking? Suggest remedies for dry skin on base of penis Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node in the neck after a wisdom tooth removal What causes lack of facial hair growth in a 24 year old man? Suggest an alternate medicine for Coveram taken for HTN Suggest treatment for mild eustachian tube dysfunction after taking Sudafed Suggest ways to manage diabetes while on Prednisone What causes pain in the throat while swallowing? What causes delayed menstruation and vaginal discharge post intake of Deviry? What causes vaginal spotting while on birth control pills? What causes cough, burning sensation in head and body pain? Suggest remedies for breathing difficulty after stent placement Suggest treatment for ringworm infestation Is ELISA test done post 9 weeks of exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for prominent aortic knuckle What causes a soft squishy bump behind the head? What causes dribbly farts while on Colestipol Hydrochloride? Suggest treatment for severe coughs, sore throat and ear pain Suggest treatment for severe chest pain and shortness of breath Are irregular heart beats, lightheadedness and fatigue signs of Afib? Suggest treatment for severe pain in testicles after smoking Marijuana Suggest treatment for bulging vein on the top of the hand Is ginger effective in managing heart flutters? Does Cyclobenzaprine help cure persistent back pain? What causes heavier and loose breast during lactation? What causes yellow vision every morning and IBS in an elderly person? Suggest ways to control pulmonary systolic pressure Suggest treatment for unilateral headache Is a swollen and oozing mole a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for persistent shoulder pain when diagnosed with supraspinatus tendonitis Suggest treatment for high fever and cough in a child Suggest treatment for symptoms of facial allergic contact dermatitis What are the side effects of Melacare? Does Silofast interact with Tazzle? Suggest treatment for pityriasis rosea Suggest treatment for diarrhea while on antibiotics Suggest treatment for persistent shooting pain in the head What are the chances of HIV transmission after protected vaginal intercourse? Suggest treatment for loose stool in a child What causes memory loss, speech disorder, severe fatigue, exhaustion and joints pain? Is pale yellow color urine a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for upper back pain What causes delayed menstruation and negative pregnancy test? What causes severe nausea and persistent vomiting? Suggest treatment for heel and leg pain Suggest treatment for fatigue and body pain when diagnosed with Henoch-Schonlein purpura Does intake of Minocycline help in clearing open pores on face? What do my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for pain, redness and itching on glans penis Is anti-rabies vaccination required for a dog scratch? Is light gray colored stool of an infant a concern? Suggest treatment for plugged ear and nausea Suggest the best treatments for gynecomastia What causes swelling in the vagina? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node in the armpit What causes delayed menstruation post intake of Unwanted 72? Suggest treatment for overactive bladder What causes pain below the rib cage after a fall? Suggest ways to manage severe pain after tooth extraction What causes sharp pain on left-sided abdomen, nausea and breathing problem? Does Hepatitis B vaccine cause irregular menstruation? Suggest treatment for redness on the foot and ankles Suggest treatment for severe pain and tenderness in the knee Suggest treatment for severe cough and cold in an elderly person What causes pain under the breast and armpit region? Is Vyvanse effective in controlling binge eating disorder? Suggest treatment for persistent chills with body tremors Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in the abdomen What causes severe abdominal pain and vasovagal syncope during menstruation? Suggest medication to increase the motility of sperm What causes sore in the left nostril when diagnosed with allergic rhinitis? Does Losartan interact with Viagra? What causes stabbing pain around the shoulder blade? Suggest treatment for persistent nasal congestion What causes sudden increase in blood pressure while on Losartan and Amlodipine? Suggest ways to manage pain in legs when diagnosed with varicose veins Suggest treatment for severe cough and runny nose Suggest treatment for pimples on the penis Suggest treatment for pimples and dark patches on the jaws What is the drug cut-off level of amphetamines for a hair follicle test? What causes dull pain on the left side that radiates to the hand? Suggest treatment for swelling on penis after intercourse Is Dolo safe during menstruation? What causes swelling in the left side of the forehead? Does Zocon help cure nail fungal infection? Suggest treatment for fever, cough and pain in eyes Suggest treatment for severe depression and anxiety Are precautionary medications available to prevent HIV? Is inhalation of paint fumes harmful? What does my cholesterol test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe shoulder pain Suggest treatment for severe dizziness and headache when diagnosed with strep throat What are the chances of pregnancy after taking an I-pill? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest remedies for sudden and severe itching on the torso skin Suggest treatment for a fibroid that is indenting towards endometrial lining How long after IUD removal can pregnancy be expected? What causes heavy, irregular spotting and cramping? Suggest treatment for swelling on the foreskin and dehydration Suggest medical tests to rule out incomplete abortion What causes sudden weakness in the upper and lower limbs? Suggest treatment for urinary infection in a 72 year old person What does my CT scan test result indicate? Suggest treatment for loose stool and mucus in a breastfed child Suggest remedies for mild hepatomegaly with increased hepatic echogenicity Suggest treatment for itching bumps on the penis What causes blood in stool? What do my lab test reports indicate? What does two lines on a pregnancy test mean? Suggest treatment for kidney stone What do the following test results indicate? What does my thyroid test report indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling in the ankles and feet What causes weakness, dizziness and buzzing sound in the ears? Suggest treatment for fever and tender spot below the ribs What does my MRI test result indicate? Can Vicks vaporiser be used for a 19 months old baby? Suggest treatment for depression and loss of interest What causes left-sided abdomen pain post an injury? Suggest remedies for severe pain in left eye Can a broken rib cause pain in abdomen? Suggest treatment for dizziness, ear aches and teeth pain What causes itchy rashes throughout the body? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in a child What causes irregular heartbeat and nervousness while on Synthroid? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking I-pill? Are weakness and weight loss symptoms of cancer? Suggest treatment for insomnia despite medication Suggest treatment for irregular periods and PCOD What causes severe body aches, fatigue, nausea and sore throat? What causes increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for melasma on the face Suggest treatment for toe nail infection What causes pelvic organ prolapse postpartum? How to test blood sugar levels? What causes echoing in both the ears and dizziness throughout the day? What are the repercussions of missing a dosage of Cerazette? Suggest treatment for muscular pain in the arm How safe is Mucolite drops for a 2 month old infant? Suggest treatment for sinus tachycardia How soon can the pregnancy test be taken? What does this widal test report indicate? Is fasting blood sugar level of 327 mg/dl a cause for concern? Suggest remedies for shaving bumps on the sensitive area Suggest treatment for severe diarrhea What causes chest tightness and breathing difficulty while walking in hot weather? Suggest remedies for skin allergy How long after taking I-pill will withdrawal bleeding resume? What causes fever and body pain in a diabetic patient? What causes pleural effusion? Suggest ways to manage hemorrhagic complications during virtual colonoscopy Suggest treatment for high fasting blood glucose levels Suggest ways to control anger Suggest treatment for a lesion on the glans penis Suggest remedies for burning and tingling on feet after contact with Clorox and vinegar Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and chest pain Suggest treatment for symptoms of IBS What causes tightness in the left side of the neck? What causes frequent urination, poor appetite and IBS after delivery? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node under the armpit causing pain Suggest treatment for numbness in the tongue Should Norfloxacin be continued when with loose stool? Can hormonal IUD cause menstrual irregularities? What causes a small rash on the penis and itchy testicle after sex? Suggest remedies for dry mouth and lethargy after taking Tryptomer
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