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What are the side effects of Lodoz and Cilacar? What do my lab test results indicate? What are the chances of TB recurrence after stopping medications? Is delayed menstruation after missing an active Krimson a symptom of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe knee pain and swelling in a toddler Can Susten be taken after IUI? Suggest remedies for insect bite in an infant What are the chances of TB recurrence after stopping medications? Suggest treatment for high fever What do the following test reports indicate? Suggest dosage for vitamin D3 supplement What causes bad breath in a patient using braces? Suggest remedies for red skin on the chin Suggest remedies for a painful lump in the left breast What are the medical tests to be done for a pregnant woman? Suggest treatment for compound fracture in the lower leg What causes consecutive miscarriages when diagnosed with MTHFR genetic defect? What type of activities are safe for a patient suffering from Bochdalek hernia? What causes blurred vision during the night? What causes abdominal pain 9 weeks after a colon resection surgery? What causes high fasting sugar levels? Suggest remedies for a brown rash on the inner thigh Suggest treatment for polymenorrhea Suggest treatment for severe muscle strain Suggest remedies for discomfort in testicles that spread to lower abdomen Suggest remedies for jock itch What are the repercussions of Advil intake by a child? Suggest treatment for recurring pain in the hip Suggest treatment for swelling between the neck and shoulder What causes vomiting and fatigue after prolonged exposure to sun? Suggest treatment for redness on the forearm Suggest remedies for elevated AST and GGT levels in blood Is premature ejaculation caused by low testosterone levels? Suggest treatment for severe back pain What causes drowsiness followed by unconsciousness while treating arrythmia? Suggest alternative medication in place of Potassium Citrate What does this eye test result indicate? What causes flank pain, acid reflux, mucus in throat and blood in stool? Suggest remedies for acne lesions on face Suggest treatment for lower back and neck pain while having degenerative disc disease What causes shoulder pain while on Marcaine? How long should Bifilac and Cifran-CT be taken for diarrhea? Can Postpone-72 cause delayed menstruation? What causes sudden chills inside the body and severe cold? Is pregnancy possible despite taking Ovral G? What causes menstruation once every 15 days? Suggest treatment for excessive weight gain while having PCOS What causes prominent visible indentation in the ankle? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in the groin area Does erythema migrans indicate Lyme disease? Suggest treatment for sneezing while having cold What causes left-sided abdominal bloating while having hiatal hernia? What causes dark chunks in stool while on probiotics? Suggest treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome Are anxiety and depression heritable? What do my blood test results indicate? Suggest medication to reduce excessive alcohol consumption What causes diarrhea and pain in lower left abdomen after a partial colectomy? Suggest remedies for cystic structure in the uterus during pregnancy What does my X-ray test result indicate? Until what time during pregnancy is abortion safe? What is the ideal weight for a 13 month old infant? Suggest alternative medicine for Simvastatin to avoid elevated lipase and amylase levels Are painful bumps on the gums signs of HIV? Suggest home remedies for burping and burning sensation in stomach What does persistent discomfort in upper chest area suggest? Is Prednisone effective in treating vestibular neuritis? What causes yellow discoloration of the teeth despite brushing twice a day? What causes intermittent bouts of syncope, right-sided neck pain and occasional headache? What causes fatigue, tiredness, headache and tinnitus? What do my HIV test results indicate? What are the repercussions of taking 3000 mg of Oleanz orally? Suggest treatment for obstructive sleep apnea Suggest treatment for bleeding from ears while on Warfarin Is pregnancy possible through intercourse during menstruation? What causes spontaneous bruising on the inner thighs? Is a BP reading of 195/91 a cause for concern? What causes low BP during sleep along with sweating? What causes swelling, redness and soreness in the little toe on right foot? What are the possible repercussion of Clonazepam ingestion by a child? What causes red stool after consuming beet juice? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for lymphedema while having breast cancer Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for incomplete bowel movement and chest pain Can Oxycodone be taken during pregnancy? What causes constant insomnia? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the thighs What do the following blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for flatulence and abdominal bloating Suggest treatment for stomach pain and acid reflux Suggest treatment for melasma on the face What does the following ECG report indicate? What do these following AST and ALT values indicate? What causes implantation bleeding after embryo transfer? What are the differences between OCD and narcissism? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for geographic tongue Suggest treatment for diarrhea after intake of milk and protein Suggest treatment for severe pain at the base of the skull after a fall What causes tingling sensation in the legs? Suggest remedies for muscle cramps in feet and legs What causes coldness and cramps in legs? Suggest treatment for infertility when diagnosed with endometriosis Suggest treatment for pain on the thighs What causes radiating pain in stomach, breasts, navel and back pain? What causes bright flashing lights in eyes? What causes irregular menstruation after an abortion? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest ways to increase the penis size What causes short term memory loss and slow hand movement while on Encorate? Suggest treatment for hoarseness while having asthma What causes massive abdominal tumors, blood in stool and vomit? Suggest treatment for excessive flatulence and bloating Does gallbladder sludge cause indigestion and reflux? What causes burning sensation in the breast? What causes extreme tiredness, back pain, headache, brain fog and poor memory? Does intake of Tolterodine help in treating painful urinary retention? Suggest treatment for pain in the shoulders Can high fever cause a person to become sterile? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for sharp pain in the abdomen Is a negative HIV test report conclusive at 94 days post exposure? Suggest treatment for severe flatulence Is bleeding normal after taking Levonelle? What causes severe dehydration in an elderly person? What causes delayed menstruation? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation Is alcohol consumption safe while on Xanax? Suggest treatment for a bump on the forehead after injury What causes metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal bloating, swollen foot and fatigue? What causes neck pain for standing too long and headache after lumber puncture? Suggest treatment for nocturnal emission What causes high fever after a head injury? What causes frequent and painful urination in an elderly man? Can Ureaplasma infection be transmitted through unprotected intercourse? Suggest treatment for bladder endometriosis Can mild whiplash cause a dilated pupil? Suggest treatment for symptoms of vasculitis Suggest treatment for conjunctivitis What causes ureaplasma infection? Suggest treatment for chest discomfort and dry cough Can varicocele surgery cause erectile dysfunction? What is the life expectancy of person with melanoma in the lymph nodes? What causes waist pain, tingling sensation in feet, legs, arms and shoulders? How effective is Lysin in curing cold sores and blisters? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does my scan test report indicate? What does my biopsy test result indicate? Suggest remedies for tenderness on collarbones Is consumption of soup with melted plastic piece safe? What causes insomnia while on Telma H and Cilacar? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for prostate cancer that has metastasised to neck of bladder Suggest treatment for cough, nasal congestion and fever What does a PSA level of 27.39 indicate? What causes red marks and flaky skin around the genitals? What causes light colored bowel movement? Can TPHA test be positive throughout one’s lifetime despite treating syphilis? Suggest treatment for back and hip pain during pregnancy How can a swollen cut on the left foot be treated? Will a shock from a gas lighter affect the fetus during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe thinning of hair after stopping thyroid medicine What causes pressure sensation in groin area? Can lyme disease have a flare up after 18 years? What are the repercussions of Betadine ingestion during pregnancy? Is Rowasa the same as Canasa? What causes severely itchy and oozing sore on the back and limbs? Can HSV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes headache and breast pain with a history of costochondritis? What causes subtle throat with gurgling sound, mucus and difficulty in swallowing? What causes rainbow vision around the lights while on the contact lens? Does usage of Fourderm cream help in treating acne scars on the face? Can withdrawal from Utrogestan during pregnancy lead to miscarriage? What are the after effects of consuming Pseudoephedrine with Red bull? Can drinking contaminated water with TCE and PCE lead to dysthymia disorder? Suggest treatment for severe premature ejaculation What do my lab test results indicate? What causes constant bleeding from a small bump at the anal opening? What are the possible side effects of detoxing? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Can an ECT therapy help in treating severe anxiety and depression? Are difficulty in breathing and mild asthma signs of anxiety? Suggest remedies for acute stomach pain What causes severe pain in the left shoulder area just below the clavicle? Suggest remedies for a dog bite on the calf of right leg What causes breathing difficulty, backache and vomiting after a heart attack? What causes tremors in hand post intake of Lisinopril? What causes a lump on right side near the cervix? What causes hypersomnia in a diabetic patient? Suggest remedies for bloating in upper abdominal region after eating Is recurring tingling sensation in head a symptom of pinched nerve? Suggest remedies for swollen and tender knuckle in the index finger Is sudden pain in lower back a symptom of slip disc? Is intercourse advisable while on Vagilact Ph? Suggest an ideal diet plan for elevated sugar levels in blood Do laser treatments before pregnancy have any effects on the health? Suggest treatment for swelling in the feet Is pain in arms while lifting a symptom of muscle strain?
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