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What is the reason for semi solid stool with slight blood stain ? What are reason for hives or a rash on my ankles and legs? what causes grayish blue specs on the toilet paper after wiping? What is cause for nail getting black , damage and thick How to get cured for cavity in teeth? Please suggest medication for sleep disorder Suggest treatment for stomach pain Got covid booster and two days later tested positive for covid I have a Cervical now a days frequently. Suggest treatment for health issues reported for my wife Suggest treatment for throat infection cold and dry cough What are cause for small pigmented spot on his big toe? What is remedy for teeth gap? Is it good to take thyroxine Sodium Thyronorm 50mcg every day for minimum of 2 months? What is causing blood in stool ? Suffering from headache, fever , running nose and body pain I am suffering from a cough and cold it's been a week since What causes red eye and eye swollen ? What causing mild pain in right side of neck and ribs of right side of chest? Suggest treatment for tonsils Causing stomach bloat burping and feel nauseous after food How to plan Intermittent fasting? Heterogeneous 4.1 cm lesion in the distal tibial metaphysis with T2 hyperintense enhancing rim Can you analyze MRI report? How to increase intercourse time? Suggest treatment for diearrhea How can I get rid of mouth ulcer and diarrhea Why am I getting vaginal discharge every time I cough and sneeze? Suggest treatment for stomach pain Is it recommended for severe anxiety xanax and Klonopin to take daily How can I stop excessive hair fall? Suggest medication to alleviate cold and cough What should I do about pain and slight bump on the right eyelid? What should I do about persistent cold symptoms? Why do I feel numbness in my hands while sleeping? What is specific type of autoimmune disease? Have noticed a bump behind right ear should I need to undergo biospy? Why rectal bleeding even after gall bladder removed ? What causes the feeling of dizziness when I stand or move while I also have elevated BP levels? What could cause weakness and the inability to eat much? What is the treatment for headache? What are the risk UTI having massage ? Why am I having sudden knee pain with clicking sound? Hoe can conjunctivitis be treated and cured? Swelling in lower eye lid by rubbing little hard See my last health check-up report & prescribe for me Suggestions as to how to get some relief from OAB but not the usual symptoms. Can amoxicillin 500 mg cause intermittent loose stool / diarehea? White discharge from last 3 days and lower body pain I have some itchy spots on my groin Please suggest some medicine erectile dysfunction issue. How to reduce premature ejaculation ? Suffering from fever and cough Will the optic nerves inside both of the backside of my eyes rip open and spill out blood? Is it possible to replace crown on my top front teeth? How to overcome frequent UTI issue ? How to reduce hair fall? I had a blood flowing like periods for 2 days, What is the cause? Having pain in my back and stomach is there any possibility my pain is related to kidney function? what are the causes and what medication for pimples on my face and body acne? Are the potential side effects of terbinafine especially regarding liver damage? What causes painful redness and hardness around my nipples during my period? Does oxidized LDL fluctuate with diet particularly after eating ice cream? What would be the appropriate dosage of ashwagandha and shiljajit rasin to be taken? Why am I experiencing blood in stool, abdominal gas, and constipation after taking Metrogyl for diarrhea? How do I get speedy recovery from fissure issues? Suggest fast relief medication for cold, blocked nose and cough Can rough intercourse cause bladder fullness, spasms, pelvic pain, and bladder and pelvic pressure? Kindly suggest a diet plan Who get genital herpes of HSV2 will get meningitis ? How to clear face from acne and black marks ? What causes radiating pain from the neck to the fingers on the right side? What is the reason for missing periods since last 50 days ? I'm 16weeks pregnant now and I have severe leg pain Noticed 1 inch hard lump under skin in lower part of groin crease I have a neck to shoulder pain for past six months Do I need to take action for lower back pain that become more intense over the following days? Why do I experience dizziness every time I sit or stand and at times have black outs for a few seconds during that time? Why is there too much pain in the heels leading to difficulty in walking? What can be done about intermittent shortness of breath and weakness in the nerves? Suggest home remedies to alleviate throat infection and cough after getting wet in the rain kindly suggest the treatment related to my genital organ What am I supposed to do about an MCL injury that occurred about 20 days back? Can an anal fissure be treated and cured through medication? What are the early symptoms of pregnancy? Is HSV2 antibody (infection) prevalence is common ? Why do I have stomach ache and bleeding during defecation? How can I break mind patterns related to similar negative thoughts? What is normal BP level? Is there any chances of cancer relapse? What can I do about unresolved psoriasis despite trying various medication and treatments? I have query regarding my lipid profile How long will it take for the extra dose of tablet will completely remove the symptoms of IBS , anxiety , Gilbert's syndrome? My BP is 134/90 is it normal Suffering from high bp and insomania How can I change my sleep timing to be able to sleep early and wake up early? Why am I having irregular cycles postpartum? What is the medication for dark spots and hyper pigmentation of the skin? Facing little less of energy after having lunch Which tablet should I take to stop runny nose While sleeping (Afternoon and Night) mouth becomes dry fully, no saliva in mouth Suggest treatment for fever and cold that has persisted for the last two days Feeling heel pain very sore in the morning Is ti safe HRT - Cyclaur while entering menopause? Everytime we put head bath to our 3 year old son he falls sick Hairfall since 2 months and my hairline from front also get wider . Hairfall since 2 months and my hairline from front also get wider . Burning sensation during urination for 2 year girl Would you advice to remove ulser permanently? How to stop/ decrease hair shredding? back pain problem What can I do abut pain in the back? What do I do about fever symptoms like body pain and headache? What is the normal range for leukocytes ? My Infant suffering from cough How much longer until my gut gets back to normal? Why do I have fever and headache after a sudden bout of sneezing? 16 weeks pregnant now and I have severe leg pain when I sleep Will sinarest syrup and paracetamol reduce ear pain and cold for 3 years child What could be the reason for getting periods just after a week of finishing it? How can eye flu be treated? Sometimes there is pain in the ANKLE of my foot difficult in walking Suggest treatment for cholesterol and thyroid when the platelet count is less Is it OK for me to wear my Apple Watch while going to sleep? What should I do about noticeable hair loss on a regular basis? What is reason for lack of apatite ? Two weeks ago I had some flulike symptoms with ugly phlegm cough unable to recover Can I get diet plan? Suggest treatment for stomach infection, recurrent bowel movement and the feeling of any food being spicy Please suggest any effective treatment for premature ejaculation Would low level of Escherichia coli in my bladder be enough to cause UTI symptoms? What must I do after water went into one ear during swimming? Can HIV test come positive after 120 days of exposure ? Right leg little finger slammed into a wall remain swollen Could bacterial load be enough to have lingering UTI symptoms or Should I be taking the Macrobid? How to avoid surgery when cystoscopy done and urologist said bladder ? Is blood pressure level 120/84 is high for diabetic What is the reason for delayed period with pregnancy negative? Could you please review the ecg report and see if its normal? Can fever be controlled by Meftal P suspension 7.5 ml ? What are the causes for dizzy spell vomiting? Will Ibuprofen reduce TMJ syndrome pain ? Could touching my genitals after touching a puppy lead to any sort of infection? Why did I get my periods twice in a month within a gap of a week? I need to consult doctor for diabetic and urea level Can you suggest remedies for gum pain in end side teeth and pain in tonsil area? What do abnormal ECG and possible Ischemia mean? What is the treatment while suffering from chikungunya? Is it a concern when an infant hasn't passed motion for over two days? Does blood spill in the white of eye cause issues? What should I do about my abnormal ECG report? Would reduced carbohydrates intake along with regular walking increase the chances of losing weight? Please advise on the medication for IBS and Gilbert's syndrome since last 20 years Can face mask prevent COVID totally? Can we give sweets to a infants of age below 9 months? Want to know the treatment for canker sore ? How do I reduce weight and belly fat? Suggest treatment for acid reflux and burning sensation in the torso Suggest treatment for itching and skin allergy at the private area Can wearing mask to totally safe against covid? Sensing right side jaw joint ache it is tender to touch near the ear joint Suggest treatment for dizziness, vomiting and loose motion Smelling phlegm coming out occasionally once in 10 mins Need solution for balding problem Suggest any solution for acne and its stubborn marks from over a year ago Why would a person experience a sudden fainting spell? My daughter she is struggling to breath because of sinuses Felling pudental nerve on one side of genitalia which causes burning, stinging Due to stress, heavy diet, irregular sleep timings and hormonal imbalance cause irregular periods? Should ankle operated on - with a view to correcting the coalesced bone? can I take d mannose of 1gm tab daily along with 600 mg cranberry tab for recurrent UTI ? What could cause swollen right wrist, intermittent elbow pain and the inability to move the hand? Can HIV spread through full body massages? Suggest treatment for body ache, mild fever and cold Could dizzy, irritable couldn't sleep be caused by a lack of Vitamin A? Suggest medicine for diarrhea? Can Meftal P tablet of blue cross given to fever? Feeling hungry and weakness very fastly even though my stomach is full What can I do to stop pimples coming up? Need to get quick opinion on a procedure of the pudental nerve in genital area How many days required to recover from HLA-B27 positive symptoms? Can you suggest medicine for ear pain who is pregnant ? Why am I getting trouble with digestion? How can I manage hair fall and reduce it? Suggest treatment for fungal infection on the buttocks and under the thighs Can covid can come second time? How to stop hiccups? Can ecosprin, minipress and cilcar on daily basis relief in coughing P500 syrup 5 ML In the last 4 days, the fever is not going above 100.7 How much microscopic damage can be caused after spinal surgery, if you are re positioned in bed improperly Require opinion on tmecg Can skipping prescribed amlodioipine ,potassium-andi ani one other heart medication could cause problem Could I take progestin only pills for elongated period due to PCOD Please suggest what to do for UTI I develop one or two small HPV warts on my penis Is it common for warts to return? Patient felling dizziness , headache,chill,shivering followed by body pain and Pins and needle sensation on upper and lower limbs Can overdose of Kufril LS drops for cold cause serious problem I am worried about homosexual event and it's relation to my feet swelling Is it common feeling tired with joints pain after viral fever? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation
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