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Height 4 feet 9, loss of height, on actonel, stopped, any other safe hormones to take ? Is a lump under the skin between my scrotum and anus something to worry about ? How can be oozing blisters on penis be treated ? What can be spotting after menopause ? Low platelet count, low RBC, cough, fanconi anemia ? What can be the reason for vomiting blood after meal and weird sounds in abdomen ? High BP, bad headache. Tylenol recommended? Swollen scalped knee, right MCL tear, valgus worse. Surgery optional? Baby six weeks ago, breast enlargement and tingling, not breastfeeding, hormonal changes Chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, Liver Hepatitis, sleeplessness, depression, on trazalon, trika Dry, raw spot on face, OTC lotions not helpful, several inches, chronic, treatment ? What does my sperm analysis report indicate ? Cough, asthma, blood in mucus, on advair, proventil, Zyrtec, prednisone Hypertension, diabetes, drinking, smoking, complications and treatment Cheek injury, swollen, eye bruise Ketone in urine, baby What can be the reason for double vision problems and jaw crunching ? What could be the possible cause of a sudden swelling on left leg shin ? Lack of energy, breathing problem, fast heart rate, cough with phlegm, constipation, blood in stool Dark chocolate in large quantities, affect AST level? Do my blood reports suggest cirrhosis from drinking ? Is it common to have cramping problems after an abortion ? Blood test, glucose level, thyroid level Pain in the joint of right jaw, hurts to chew or laugh, cannot eat, treatment ? Urine retention, abdominal pain, headache, blurred vision, depression, causes ? What is the dormancy period for hepatitis B ? Lumps on armpits, pus, dark blood, also in vaginal area, overweight. Suggestion? Testicle pain and swelling, frequent urination, hernia, antibiotics, scrotal and bladder ultrasound, kidney ultrasound, kidney-ureter-bladder x-ray, prostate ultrasound, blood and urine test, semen analysis Lower back pain, kidney problems, worse while lying down, comes and goes, treatment ? Itching under tongue, small bumps, white lines, causes ? What can we call the behavior of my mother as she always speaks of dying / ailments? What are the symptoms confirming gluten intolerance ? What can be the reason for sore throat and swollen neck while on Cymbalta ? What treatment can I take for recurring arm with a hard lump ? Why do I have a pink watery discharge during my 4th pregnancy ? Diabetes. Took benadryl and TusQ for dry cough, lower abdominal pain. Cause and cure? Is the thick mole inside my belly button an indication of cancer ? What causes urethal orifice swelling ? Yellow mucus, vomiting, belching, bloating, celiacs disease ? Bump below the elbow, near a vein, injured, sore Diarrhea, headache, tired, diet Can raised triglycerides be corrected without taking any medicines ? Does lifting weight after scrotal varicose operation cause pain in testicles ? Non-drinker, non smoker, mild chest pain, high BP, sleeplessness, poor diet What treatment do you suggest for a possible nerve damage after an accident ? Smoker, chantix to quit smoking, IVF injections, safe to take medicine with injections ? What cure do you suggest for premature ejaculation problem ? Whether a gluten count of 2.5H is out of range and requires attention ? Trying to get pregnant, norethisterone What causes low grade fevers ? Top lip swollen and burning, on restylane. Steroid injections recommended? How is rheumatoid arthritis treated ? Brain MRI, fibromyalgia, cataract surgery, dizzy, headache, neck pain Fruits and peanut butter diet, pain in abdomen, pain while breathing, causes ? On finosteroid, vitamin and iron tablets. Affect my sexual erection? What causes hypersensitivity of nerves in scalp area ? Condom used in intercourse,does contraceptive pill cause increase in weight? Cervical spondylosisan, blood test normal. dizziness, on vertin 24 BD, traction BD, no menstruation for a year Dizziness,neck pain,headache,right ear whistling sound and hearing loss,cervical spondylosis,veritn and traction No hair regeneration, balding, on foltene treatment. Medical tips. Marijuana smoker, throat cancer developed? Multiseptated cystic lesion arising from the left ovary, premenopausal, USG. Surgery essential? Leg and back pain, hernia surgery, discectomy, lumbar interbody fusion, spinal canal stenosis, MRI scan ACL construction 15 yrs back, knee popped again, swollen, warm On restylane, swollen red top lip LDL, BP, ubistatin, rozavel. Side effects? Unsatisfied sex, mood swings. Suggest better sex life. How to prevent complications after surgery for subclavian artery aneurysm ? What can be the cause of thumping tightness in the center of the chest ? How can injured clitoris be treated ? How is bacterial infection treated ? How to treat a dent in the thigh ? How to treat diabetes and septicaemia ? How is dysmenorrhea treated ? What are the causes and treatment for skin rashes ? Is my blood report normal ? Are there any indications of cancer as I am feeling sleepy and weak ? What is liver cirrhosis ? How is advanced multiple myeloma treated ? When can I conceive to avoid the side effects of Acutret taken for acne ? How to treat nerve impingement and tendonitis ? Are there any side effects of the Tdap vaccine? Is missing periods of 3 consecutive months, a sign of perimenopause ? What does deranged submandibular gland indicate ? What causes increased heart rate and palpitations ? Penile blood, viagra, mixed with urine, no pain How to apply, clean and reapply Estrace on vulvar area ? How is Allergic Rhinosinusitis treated ? Delicate shin bone,skin red and itchy, on triple antibiotic ointment Excessive vaginal discharge,thick clear and slimy discharge,gall bladder removed What causes abdominal pain and pink colored urination ? Is a rapid heart rate of 90 bpm, hollow feeling in chest, arms heavy and fatigue, a sign of any heart disease ? How are random hiccups treated ? Impetigo, cold sore, oozy eyes, yellowish secretion Fluctuating BP,swollen neck lymph nodes, lumps on back of head and peyers patch region, fatigue What is the treatment for chapped lips ? Pelvic pain, fever. Diagnosis? Dark complexion, dark circles under eye. Microdermabrasion? Does azithromycin cause vomitting and nausea in 22 month old child ? Are there any medicationa available to reduce hair fall and improve hair growth and hair thickness ? Can you suggest a diet plan for patient of high cholesterol and uric acid with stone and asthma ? How can anxiety attacks be controlled ? Epileptic, neurosurgery to remove AVM, fluttering in the chest, anxiety, restlessness, anger, feeling adrenaline, obsessive thoughts, on frisium, sodium valporate, trgretol How can bloating, blood in urine and painful urination be cured? Hypertensive,LDL high,HDL low,total cholesterol high,SGPT elevated,temisartan daily Chicken pox,dark spots on face,forehead,cheeks,treatment for removal of the spots? How long does it take for liver enzyme count to drop? Sperm count 91.5 million, active motile 65 %, pus cells 10-12, abnormal sperm 30%, semen analysis ? How can broad-based protrusion be treated? How do I know if my tooth is broken? Septic arthritis, aspirated knee, citrobacter knee. Damaging? How to treat a toe nail injury ? Tingling on right side of head, sharp throb behind right eye, sleeplessness. Is it Brain disorder? No penetration due to early ejaculation. Suggest. Unprotected sex, taken Lo Ovral, negative pregnancy test. Periods affected? Are Via Ananas diet pills safe to use ? Can ipill cause menstrual delays ? Arnold-Chiari Malformation, nails are falling off, controlled by injections. Suggest medical tests. Vitreous in eyes,dark spots visible,oral hyaluronic acid supplementation,joints in hand painful and sensitive What is functional bowel disease ? Can wafarin cause a phlegm cough at the age of 80 ? Can thyroid variations cause consistent back pain, migraine and gastritis problem ? Snorted tranquility, sweats, chills. Overcome effects? Reddish spots on palms, fever, taken Zpack, weak, nauseous Irritating rash outside vagina, spreading, purple, hurts to peel Hysteroscopic resection, manual ablation, fever, taken antibiotics How to treat ligament injuries ? Grade III brain tumor,inoperable, chemotherapy stopped. Why? Stopped birth control 2 months ago, cramps, brown discharge Why do I have an enlarged vein under my arm to armpit ? Can surgery prevent transient ischemic attacks? What is the reason for vomiting yellow liquid with overnight stomach ache ? What treatment can I take for a sore throat which worsens in the night ? What is the cause for constant pain under both armpits and upper back ? Grass allergy, MRSA, red lesion, pimple. Concerned? Fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, migraine, fatigue, knee rash Can an ear infection cause mild dizziness if not treated ? 6 weeks pregnant, TSH 13.24 mU/L, treatment affects baby? Is there a way to increase my daughter's height after she has got her periods ? red area on feet, swollen feet, itching, taken Aleve What are the chances of survival after an aortic rupture in the accident ? Why are my periods delayed even though the ejaculation was not inside ? Althea oral contraceptive safe? completed PTB treatment Sugar level 122 fasting, 190 pp, play badminton. Medicine? Will being on HCG diet interfere with my scheduled surgery ? What treatment can be taken for severe persistent abdominal pain with vomiting ? Why do I get a pulsating sensation in the upper neck when I sleep ? How to cure red blotchy areas around the corners of mouth ? Painless lump under chin, definite shape, rubbery, coldsores. Cancer? Clammy hands, normal temperature Heartbeat possible after vacuum abortion? Natural way to get white skin tone? Cost of plastic surgery? Burst appendix, antibiotics, nausea, upset stomach, cramps, blood in urine Frequent bowel movement. Reason and remedy? How useful are nicotine gums to quit smoking ? What medicine to take for heavy hair fall with a dry scalp ? Fibroids, abdominal pain, food intolerance. PBC? Penis enlargement methods? Lean, very light in weight, poor diet, causes for lack of growth ? What could be the paining sore lump above the anus ? Canker sores, quit smoking, queens delight, dry tongue, pimples and burning, treatment ? Does 4.5 inches long penis cause disappointment in women? Why am I having a constant clicking sensation in my left ear ? Does swallowing Listerine cause any problems ? Dizzy,vertigo,diagnosis and treatment? What are the normal parameters for CBC tests? Sleepiness,fatigue,BP 122/60,amlodipine besylate,diltiazem,benazepril,terazosin Dull ache down the arms,neck,right shoulders,sensation in arms since 3 months Cocaine, nitro. Heart attack? What is the reason for swelling around my right knee and heel ? Sinusitis, severe headache, combiflam. Cure? What is the cause and cure for stomach lining hardening ? Why am I not able to ejaculate at all ? What is the cure for COPD with lungs pressing on the stomach ? Does weight gain cause loss of erection ? What medicine can I take for toothache in the upper line ? Red bumpy rashes, aquaphor, cetaphil. Cure? Do palpitations and tingling arms indicate heart problem ? What is the reason for constant itching and burning sensation in my penis and testicles ? What medicine is best for itchy red and distended rash due to insect bite ? Cut on foot, itchy, red lines, no blood Stomach pain, red sunburn, allergic reaction, benadryl, diva cup. TSS? Frequent urination, burning, urinary urgency, pressure, stone in bladder, lithotripsy, prostate meds Late menstrual cycle, hashimoto's, synthroid High BP, high pulse What could possibly cause blood and bile in urine with history of hysterectomy ? Hip replacement, implant infection. Good surgeon? External jugular pain, swollen vein Ecstacy, alcohol, heart racing, shortness of breath Volcano red spot on scalp, hydrogen peroxide, neosporin Vyvnase, side effects on varicose veins ? How to treat back pain due to muscle strain ? Peripheral neuropathy of arm, shoulder, palpitations, increased pulse, lack of sleep, side effects of prothiaden ? Anxiety over pregnancy, blood test, hCG level 0.10 mlU/ml, treatment ? Which birth control pill should I use? How can I grow a thick beard? Facial blushing, neck flushing, beta blockers Tight foreskin HPLC test for thalassemia, 0% Hb F, 3% Hb A2, 0% HB F and 5.2% Hb A2, complications ? Small bump below knee, on the inside, chronic condition, swelling, paining, treatment ? What can I do about fluid retention and fatigue?
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