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Zit on lip, could it be cold sore? Fever, blood in motion, wicoryl oral suspension, mickacin injection. Treatment ? Should we see a doctor if my daughter has blood in her urine? What is the best way to stop using Stilnox? Left of belly button hurts, perspiration. Treatment? Protected sex, taken Plan B, red spotting, swollen lymph node. STD? Should I seek medical attention for food poisoning? What is the cause of shortness of breath? Why can I not sustain erection while having sex? Should I be concerned about freezing hands and feet? Is Australia recommended for whipple operations? What is the banging in the ears or head caused by? Can stopping a hair care product aggravate a thyroid condition? Can I conceive naturally if my follicles do not rupture? Protruding coronal suture, skull x-ray. Cancer due to radiation? Can I drink alcohol if I am on antitubercular treatment? Anti tubercular treatment, rifampicin, isoniazid. Dangerous to take alcohol ? UTI, Gram negative bacilli, diabetic, Faronac ineffective Shaky, racing heart, lethargic, after food, postpartum. Hypoglycemia or hypo/hyper thyroidism? Red knees, turns white upon touching. Blood circulation problem? How can linitis plastica be treated? Neck pain, sleeplessness, muscle spasm, taken Naproxen, Cyclobenzaprine Mega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid tablets. Recommended? Is there something wrong if I have tiny red blood spots? Why do I have a black eye? What can make my hair re-grow? Numbness in left arm, left hand, tingling, left toe pain, lower back pain. Multiple sclerosis ? Small penis, erection problem. Physical or psychological problem? What is the problem if I have low appetite and headaches? How long should I take sick leave for cerebral contusion? What are the symptoms of degenerative disc disease? Are itchy pimples a sign of sexually transmitted disease? What disease do I have if my skin is always itchy? What are cyst like white spots under my heel? Why do I have pain in my right side while coughing? Can numbness due to injury be dangerous? Prega news self test positive, breast feeding, unprotected sex. Pregnant? Abortion options? Inner left thigh, purple black area, firm, bleeding, patted with TP. Serious issue ? Tingling, numbness, gastric reflux, candida penis, folliculitis, hairy tongue, alopecia How can I get rid of yellow discharge and vaginal soreness? Fever, EBV positive, runny nose, seizure, eczema. Cause? How can back pain due to injury be relieved? Should I visit a doctor to get pink spots on my stomach treated? On escitalopram, affected sexual drive, unpleasant odor from under garment. Help? What are the symptoms of acute HIV infection? MTP, scan normal, irregular periods. Conception possible ? What are the withdrawal symptoms of phenobarbital? How can a squint be corrected apart from surgery? Does my daughter need surgery for urinary reflux grade IV? RBC 1--2 hpf, WBC 2-4 hpf, Epithelial 1-2 hpf, no crystals, Nil albumin, serum creatinine 0.7 mg/dl, Hb 14.7 Why are my follicles not rupturing at all? Fell off horse, thigh and neck pain. Collarbone injury? Sex with prostitute, vaginal sex, HIV status unknown. Tests for HIV ? Is it a thyroid problem if my daughter is slow and irritable? Left sided head ache, previous head injury, area soft, feel a dent. Suggestion? Weight gain, stiff joints, dizzy, headache, no diet change. Reason? Bad smell from ear, white thing in ear, no fever, uncomfortable, green discharge from nose Nausea, body ache, low grade fever, throat pain, abdominal pain Dizziness, imbalance, loss of hearing, ringing ears, nervousness. Reason? How can the sensation of crawling worms be treated? What could be the cause of severe dizziness, numbness of right side of face, painful ear and blurred vision ? How can a frozen shoulder and weak left hand,after sebaceous cyst surgery, be treated ? Can midpiece defects detected in semen analysis have any impact on conception or birth defects ? Sleepy, headache, body ache, dizzy, high BP, diabetes, not hungry, not thirsty Course of flucoxacillin, superficial phlebitis, pain in penis while urinating. Treatment ? CKD, creatine maintained between 3-4, fever, cold, cough, creatine 4.9. Problem? What could be the cause of numbness in second toe of right foot with history of pinched nerve ? Bypass surgery, stent inserted, penal injections for ED. Okay? Can loose sensation after breast reduction be treated ? How critical is stage 4 B of pancreatic cancer ? What could be the cause green mucus discharge from left ear for 3 weeks in 2.5 year old child ? What are the side effects of Amberen ? Can stretching of cardiac arteries cause lower abdominal pain? Vein on arm below wrist expanded, three times normal size. Treatment ? Cirrhosis, busing pain and bruising in the right hip, one leg longer, on tylenol. Medication? Sinus drainage, pus pocket, painful swallowing, no tonsils, no fever Is it normal to have tremors in my colon? Leg pain, not muscle pain, shifting pain, started after active exercise Is the pain in stomach and left shoulder/neck due to nissen fundoplication surgery? How to get rid of penile lymphocele and prevent its future occurence? Depression, anxiety, panic attack, taken Zoloft, Lergigan, Sobril, Diet caps. Thyroid? Should i take immediate action for arrythmia of 10beats/min? Is it normal to get periods twice in 2 weeks after taking emergency contraceptive pill? Can increased dosage of Levothyroxine cause tingling sensation in the arms? Optic atrophy, uveitis. Curable? What is the remedy for sharp abdominal and chest pain for a person having polyps? red, swollen chin, yellow seeping fluid, applied antibiotic, kept dye longer Right testicle pains, after intercourse, on emanzen-d. Over dose harmful? What is the reason for vaginal pain when i try inserting my penis? Kidney pain, fever, nausea, painful frequent urination, taken Sulfameth Hard lump on back, MRI, back discomfort, esophageal candidiasis. Lymphoma? What is the reason for redness of eyes when i masturbate? What is the required diet for a Hepatitis E patient? Gnawing under sternum, breathing difficulties, on gastro-intestinal medication, mucus in throat, could be ulcer, gallstones Endometrial hyperplasia, adenomysis, ovarian cyst. Hyponidd effective? Baby urinating once, passing stool frequently What is this small lump on my upper arm ? What is the remedy for lump on forehead formed under stitches? Bubbles in water during direct urination. Proteins in urine? Anal tag removed, stitches opened, bleeding, swollen. Serious? Severe abdominal pain, dizziness, Irritability, consumed 20 tablets of Dolo, 6 tablets of Tapentadol. Serious? Spider bite on neck, reddish. Serious? What is the resaon for tingling sensation in spine? Is my bad body odour due to an internal body problem? Irregular period, intercourse, reddish pink discharge, white discharge, abdominal cramp, implantation bleeding. Pregnant? How is tuberculosis treated ? Is insomnia and exhaustion due to a thyroid problem? what is the remedy for constipation and back pain due to opiate withdrawal? Pain in stomach, watery stools, burning sensation, bowel scan, weight loss. Treatment ? Is is normal to be still bleeding 4 weeks after giving birth? How is bacterial vaginosis treated ? How is Esophagitis and Chron's disease treated ? Red penis, uncircumcised, pain during urination, swollen. Treatment ? How are hypertrophic scars treated ? Colon cancer, colectomy, colonoscopy, bubble like cluster, MoviPrep. Suggestion? Can alcohol be taken after using antabuse ? How is dry cough treated ? How is rosacea treated ? How is hepatitis and enlarged liver treated ? Arthroscopic hip surgery, heart rate dropped to 40, BP low. Causes ? Coumadin, positive pregnancy test, abortion. Risks involved while on medication ? Abnormal AST on blood test, overweight, gilbert's syndrome, GERD, dieting, on augmentin, sinus infection How is abdominal migraine treated ? What causes black spots on the labia ? Penis lost girth, excessive skin, circumcised. Suggestion? Headache, fatigue, trouble focusing, after a fall in drunk stage. Serious? Sleeplessness, sleep apnea, CPAP, on cymbalta, wellbutrin, zoloft. Treatment? Left side eptopic pregnancy, on methatrexate, HCG at 6. How long to absorb? Can I opt to remove tonsils on account of sore throats? What causes grey colored mucus from the nose ? What is the solution to a septate hymen ? Chylmadia, on arthromycin, retest, fluconzole, augmentin, URAL effervescent granules Yellow discoloration of sperm. Pregnancy possible through IVF ? How is depression treated ? ICSI ET done, HCG less than 1.2, low levels. Chances of rising ? Back pain, stomach pain, ibuprofen, hot pad, massage not working. Treatment ? How are rectal polyps treated ? How are genital warts treated ? Inflammation in testicle, minor pain, discomfort. Specialist for treatment ? How is ear infection treated ? How is swollen ear lobe treated ? What are the side effects of Valacyclovir ? Depression, chronic condition, depakote, tolaz. Continue medication for life ? Shaved, red rashes, itching, burning. Medication and treatment ? How is hemangioma treated ? How is ulcer bleeding stopped during pregnancy ? How is chronic kidney disease treated ? Smoking 6 cigarettes, over 4 days, single episode. Chance of permanent damage ? Stepped on fluorescent light, little bubbles on feet, itching. Treatment ? What is the reason for muscle spasms under my left breast? Top of ears covered in small blisters, filled with yellow pus, soreness. Treatment ? Can anal fissures cause infection ? What to do incase you take an overdose of paracetamol ? Does an abortion cause scars in the uterus ? Elevated ALT, accutane usage, ultrasound, hemangioma detected. Treatment ? How is Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis treated ? Does swollen cervical lymph node indicate cancer ? High thyroid levels, low calcium, high cholesterol. Hyper or hypo thyroid ? Do my smyptoms indicate that I have HIV ? Can alcohol be taken with Metoprolol and Lisinopril ? Lack of sex, irregular sex life, functional ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast changes Vulvar vitiligo, pruritis, UTI, flaky nails, hair thinning. AIDS symptoms ? Can my seven year old son take tdap vaccination after taking toxoid vaccination ? Delayed periods, headaches, stomach cramps, swollen breasts, leg cramps. Causes and treatment ? How is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome treated ? How is cervical cancer treated ? How is acute cholestasis treated during pregnancy ? Low sexual drive, tiredness, depression. Reason? Swelling in lower abdomin, total hysterectomy, above scar. This is? Reduced GFR, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, night time flank pain, severe raynaud's, carpal tunnel, LVH history, chest pain, migraines How is bone cyst or osteoporosis treated ? On hydroxycut, hair loss. Suggest. Pulmonary embolism, pulse deteriorates from physical activity, on coumadin, oxygen saturation decreased on exertion. Why? How are dents and depression in the skull treated ? What are the side effects of stopping betnovet ? How is brain aneurysm detected ? How are degloving injuries treated ? Dissection of ascending aorta,no pulse. Heroic measures needed? How is testicular trauma treated ? Small bumps on left side of nose,swollen,pain and sensitive both sides of nose and bottom ear,headache,migraine What is the dosage of meprate and provera ? What are the risks of infection from having mandible chin and cheek implants ? Overflow incontinence, bed wetting. Treatable? What is the treatment for catarrah? Fever, on temptal, acetaminophen oral, crocin drops, cavit, vitcofol, nasoclear drops. Medication okay? Are the white spots on the tongue due to dentures? White bump on labia majora, after period. Treatment? Blood circulation of baby and mother low, baby weight low. Increase how? What is the problem if I have tingling in my arms and feet? What is the reason for stomach ache,vomiting and leg pain for a 5 year old child? Melanoma, dark brown mole, peeled out. Serious? Palpitation, racing heart, burning hair smell, weight loss, generalized anxiety disorder, depression. Cancer? Should I have cramps and bleeding if I take birth control pills? Is there any need for a colonoscopy if i have reddish,blood like stools? Why are my liver enzymes high? Ecosprin 75, pregnant, bleeding. Affect the baby? What is the remedy for gynecomastia? What is the reason for severe lower back pain for a 15 year old female? Vasectomy, testicles pain, vas deferens was hardened, pain in lower abdomen Why did I get my periods early?
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