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What is a normal blood pressure reading? Can hives be a reaction to a PPD shot? Weight 98 kgs, weight loss treatment, thyroid test. Liposys treatment safe ? 37 weeks pregnancy, weakness in legs, chest pain, clogged nose, dizziness, hypothyroid. Treatment ? Cough, rash on legs, chest, ear pain. Causes and treatment ? What is the remedy for clots and blood in urine? Spotting, continuous bleeding, clots, normal PAP smear. Normal menopause? Why do I feel constipated and fatigued? Hypothyroidism, TSH 6.5, FT4 14, synthroid, TSH 2.5, FT4 12. Pituitary problem ? Does the pregnancy continue if there is no visible sac at 6 weeks? Hysterectomy, livial HRT, depression symptoms, lack of interest. Change in HRT required ? Is my neck pain associated with disc bulge? Is lower abdominal pain caused due to aortic coarctation and mitro valve abnormalities? How can I remove a scar? Can severe itching on anus and both testicles be treated ? How can chickenpox scars be lightened? Can intramural fibroid cause infertility? 6 weeks pregnant, taken Percocet. Harmful for baby? How can constant back pain be relieved? Can the Elemis Body Cleanse Detoxification Program cause brown discharge? Can Clarithromycin help in treating Urinary tract infection or bladder infection ? Nasal polyposis, mucocele, nose swelling, taken prednisolone, ass-intolerant, histamine intolerant What is unfolding and dilation of the dorsal aorta? Why do I have fatigue and weakness? Kidney stone attack, multiple calculi, cysts, hyperintense lesions. Treatment ? What is the reason for a painless swelling in front of mons pubis? Is birth control pill a remedy to stop ovarian cyst formation? How can irregular periods be treated? Is there a safe way to remove age spots on the penis? What is causing my headache and dry nose? Kidney stones, stress, lack of testosterone, loss of lower lip control, trouble with eyes. Stroke symptoms ? Breast reduction, breast infection, seeping scar. Normal? Headache during contact with artificial fragrance, perfume Embryo transfer, IVF, muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea. Effect on pregnancy? What is the herbal medicine for deposition of tar in lungs? Is it mandatory to contact a physician before taking a steam bath ? Ear surgery, dizziness, middle ear bone removed, bad odor, pus, 43% hearing loss. Treatment ? What does low grade recurrent fever indicate? Ectopic pregnancy, loette, bleeding continues. Treatment ? Psoriasis, hypothyroid, Psorid, hair loss. Treatment for hairfall ? Scrotum swelling, fatty tissue, build up on penis, dull pain BV, inflamed cervix, anaemia, heavy periods, clots, discharge in stools, bloating Does taking grape fruit juice while taking Lipanthyl 100 have any side effect ? Chest discomfort, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, Helicobacter, no gall bladder stones Hives, taking Lazine. Side effect during long term use? what do you suggest for 12 inch worm from anus and abdominal pain? What exercises can I do for Erb's palsy? Leg pain, cramp, blood clot, Factor V Leiden, lymph edema, smelly green mucus Should I work if I have headache and dizziness? How significant is a 0.7ng/ml PSA increase over 4 years as it relates to my chance of having prostate cancer? Diabetic, high cholesterol, prescribed Lipanthyl 100. Take grapefruit juice simultaneously? What should I do if my hands are numb? Leg pain,cramps,blood clot,lymph edema,smelly green mucous How can stomach ulcer be treated ? Red spot in hairline, sensitive to touch, bleeding, using moisturizer What could be the cause of lumps below waist line that are hard and painful on touch ? Pain in xiphoid process. Treatment and specialist ? Chest, neck, arms, hand trembling, muscle fatigue, soreness Why does a 83 year old having myelodysplasia need 2 RBC transfusions in a week? Stage 2A breast cancer, taken Taxol, Zometa, Doxycycline, SGPT 80, SGOT 61, CRP 6.24, WBC 3.0 Is there another remedy for Staphylococcus Haemolyticus apart from Mometasone nasal saline? Triple by-pass surgery, red rectal bleeding, stopped Plavix Tachycardia, nausea, chest pain, Troponin from 3.0 to 0.25, myocarditis Condom breakage, no ejaculation. STD or HIV? Is the throbbing pain in my right testicle due to testicular torsion? What is the cause of adult bed wetting ? Penis bruise, bleeding during urination, swollen Fall on back, lower back pain, x-ray, no broken bones Anal sex, latex condom, blood at head of condom, p.e.p pill Is the Hematology test report normal ? What should i do for a purple,veiny insect bite on my leg? Is a calcium level of 10.9 and AST of 46 normal for a 15 month old child? premature ejaculation. Treatment? Cortizone shot, nerve shot, bruising on eyelid, forearm, shoulder, headache, taken Neurontin, Vicodin What are the possibilities of an inconclusive pre-employement drug test ? inflamed penis, Balanitis, Kenacomb, cleaning with soap, salt water, tea tree oil Can severe pain persistent since 6 years in lower back extending to left leg and left arm be treated ? Leg edema, non pitting, no DVT, taken Dyazide, weight fluctuation, fatigue, urine odor Is it possible to be infected with any STD in case of heavy petting with no oral or vaginal sex? What is the reason for hard lump on the underside of my glans? What causes false positive reading for Temazepam? Why do i have a hard,sticky substance on my teeth after a root canal? Will there be any complication during or after aborting 5 week old pregnancy ? Is numbness in the right hand due to fibromylgia? Leg pain, overweight, smoker, no plaque buildup, osteopenia, kidney stone, Synthroid How can bone infection in ankle at site of fracture be treated ? 30 weeks pregnant, small belly. How to increase size of baby? Addison's disease, PCOS, SJS, taken Alendronic acid, Betahistone. Nephrotic Syndrome? What should i do for heart palpitations and hypertension? What is the reason for disorientaion, no sleep and nervousness? Will taking loprin and naturogest simultaneously effect my pregnancy? Back pain, leaning to one side, scoliosis, rehab therapy. Reason? What is the reason for severe vaginal pain during intercourse? Is it normal to have white milky discharge from breasts 5 years after an abortion? Why is it extremely painful when i pass urine? Trouble getting hard erection, Asperger's syndrome Painful back lump, swollen lymph node, scalp itchiness, no redness, no flaking Head injury, frontal lobe seizure, taken Depakote, Keppra, Lamictal, Gabapentin, Lorazepam Hit shin area, below knee, fluid retention, stabbing pain in ankle. Nerve injury ? How can depression be treated without using anti-depressants ? What is an effective exercise for a fatty liver? What is the remedy for itchy white patches on my arms and legs? What precautions should i take for this pregnancy as i have had a miscarriage before? 28 weeks pregnant, fragile x, mental retardation, ovarian failure, learning disorders. Treatment ? What is the remedy for white egg like substance in stools and constipation? What can i do to improve the collapsed veins in my arms? Are the Liver function and diabetes tests report normal ? Paleo diet, constipation, bloated, blood in stools with mucus. Chron's disease ? Is the foul smell and burning sensation in my penis due to a STD? High BP due to alcohol and fried food, need to bring it down. Amlong tablet safe to take ? Does completing a full 4 day course of prednisone increase WBC count ? Is there a remedy for tonsilities apart from an operation? Hip and groin pain, intense burning, constant pain, worsens on movement. Treatment ? Is lump in throat, brown mucous and weigh loss symptoms of cancer? Is it normal to have pain during bowel movement 7 weeks post delivery ? Coughing, exercise induced asthma, inhaler not helping, allergy. Treatment ? Ultrasound of pelvis, myometomy, pain, uterine fibroids. Chances of ovarian cancer ? Is blood in stools and abence of bowel movement due to ulcers? What could be outcome of taking Xanax after drinking wine and beer ? Why do i have dizziness,neck and shoulder pain? Bloating, gas, incomplete evacuation, anal pressure. Treatment ? Surgery,swollen under head of penis Diarrhea,rectum pressure,painful bowel movement Why has Salicyamide been removed from some pain medications such as "BC" powder ? Does the tablet Rosavel cause pigmentation? What is this oily,orange discharge from my rectum? Can lack of oxygen for 10-15 minutes post birth cause stiffness in back ? What does "Frontal sinusities with DNS with hypertrophied turbinate" mean ? Dizziness, sweaty, tingling sensation, kidney stone, ovarian cyst. Anemic ? Why is there an increase in heart rate while lying down with cardiomyapathy and heart murmur ? Imodium, diarrhea, gas pain, loperamide HCL, simethicone. Alternative medicines ? Deep bruise on hips,discoloured,indentation,fibrosis Bruise on foot, bluish patch on foot, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, tingling in feet. Treatment ? Fatty liver,high cholesterol,vitiligo,normal thyroid,diarrhea,constipation,cramping,pain Is it normal to have light brown discharge in urine during 5 1/2 weeks of pregnancy ? How can Depression be dealt post Coronary artery bypass graft surgery ? Missed abortion, ecosprin, wysolone, second pregnancy. Benefits and side effects of medicines ? Does high blood pressure, recurrent migraines and chest pains cause heart attacks ? What can be the reason for long lasting back and neck pain ? What could be the cause of discharge from breast on pressing ? What could be the cause of dizziness, faster heart beat, chills and sweating in hands and feet ? Tooth extracted, from front on lower jaw, dizziness. Treatment ? What is Hepatic hemangioma and how can it be treated ? Virgin, first time intercourse, no bleeding. Normal ? Stent in kidney, right kidney not functioning, chemotherapy. Precautions to protect kidneys ? What could be the cause of weakness in legs with severe pain in knees ? What does" Sub chronic bleed pole measurement - 13X4 MM" mean and how can it be treated ? Snorting bath salts,mdpv,pixie dust.Effects? Is there any alternative cream instead of Fucidin as the chancroid blister has not healed ? Does Depakote ER have any side effect on pregnancy ? Foggy vision after dry sauna. Causes and treatment ? What does "low posterior placenta reaching the OS" mean and how can it be treated ? How can genital warts be cured and prevented ? Why am I unable to open my mouth completely ? Carotid artery disease, on BP medication, heart racing, distended abdomen, nausea. Treatment ? Collision, left knee hit below knee cap, swelling, pain, fever. Treatment ? Liver tumor, not cancerous, high alkaline phosphate. Treatment ? Recurring sinus infection, nausea, depression, hunger pangs. Treatment ? Why do I have a raw butt crack that is irritating and has a weird smell ? Do we get stabbing abdominal pain with chills after having vaginal hysterectomy ? Slow growth rate,slow weight gain,no eating disorder,normal hormone levels Why does my husband have a delayed erection? Sudden headache, pressure in head, mouth ulcers, sore glands. Treatment ? Is it OK to wear a splint on the knuckle of ring finger bruised and slightly swollen ? What can be the cause of increase in DHEA-S without increase in Cortisol ? What could be the cause of swollen lymph nodes, assymetrical age spots on face and stomach and bruising over legs ? What can be the cause of honey comb markings on abdomen and large bruise on left lower side ? Irregular periods, once in 2 months, stomach bloating, pain, negative pregnancy test. Causes ? Unwanted 72 emergency contraceptive pill, taken once in three months. Side effects ? Thyroid problem,high TSH,thyronorm Is it normal to have a tingly sensation in a bruise due to an accident ? What can be the cause of development of gland near the joint of penis ? What can we do to improve chances of natural pregnancy and avoid IVF as IUI has failed ? C5 full body fracture, cervical cage inserted to C4 and C6. Full recovery possible ? Can microscopic blood in urine be a sign of cancer ? Is it safe to use Placentrax on burns due to hot water ? Can I go for septum myectomy as a cure for HOCM with a dual chamber ICD ? Does vaginal bleeding happen due to withdrawal of birth control pills ? Broken penis shaft, pain on urinating, itching, no erection. Treatment ? Vaginal irritation,red,swollen,fatigue,painful intercourse,dizziness Why does shortness of breath occur after hard exercises ? Can you suggest a Ayurveda treatment for low blood sugar problem ? ESR score of 2, low grade glioma, color dye MRI, lung cancer. Brain tumor cancerous ? Sex with sex worker, protected sex, condom failure, herpes infection. ELISA test ? What is the reason for headache and eye pain when I wake up ? Is there any side effect of Placentrex 2ml injection ? Does a hematoma caused due to hitting the arm require medical attention ? Why do I get black spots on the tongue and inside the mouth ? What can be the swelling in the neck that itches and grows in size ? Do BP medicines with Metoprolol cause dizziness and fatigue ? Imbalance, leaning towards left side, headaches. Causes ? Do diarrhea with discomfort in shoulder and upper back indicate mytral valve prolapse ? Is there anyway to check ovulation without using the OPKs ? What is the cause of multiple lymph nodes swollen by my groin area ? Is it possible to have typhoid fever for almost 4 years ? White spots on forehead, getting bigger, loss of pigmentation, due to shingles. Treatment ? Excessive saliva, ovarian cancer scare, hip pain. Symptoms of anxiety ? Which treatment is good for Erythema multiforma or Hives? What should I do for a small sensitive growth near my clitoris ? Four discs in neck, bulging, neck spasms, tunnel vision, tingling in arms. Causes ?
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