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Cervical erosion,post coital bleeding,contraceptive injection,heavy bleeding,back pain What is the inflammed swollen bump on the left side of my vagina? Can you recommend a tablet for erectile dysfunction? What is the remedy for pus due to inserted implanon? Does using Rectal rockets cause unbearable pain and burning ? Hair loss,oily scalp,no regrowth of hair.Medicine? What is the target heart rate for exercise for a quadruple bypass patient? Hurt foot,swollen ankle,very painful Depression,femeston,cyclo-proxynova.Effects? Low cholestrol,menopause,yeast infection,bronchitis,itchy rash on inner thigh,buttocks Does hyperventilating and anxiety cause dip and skipping in heart beat on the stress EKG ? Lesion on breast,biopsy,sore Why did i have pain in arms and chest lasting 15 minutes after lunch? Does an ultrasound showing baby with lemon shaped head mean something is wrong? What is the remedy for bump on vertebrae due to a fall? What should i do for hair loss and white flakes in the scalp? Scraped foot,puncture wound,peroxide.Tetanus shot? Dizziness,leg cramps,chest pain,parkinsonism What does QRSD 126, QT 400 and ECG 444 signify? Chlamydia,infection,azithromycin,white discharge What is the dry,itchy patch of skin on my left thigh and arm? Why is it painful when i have intercourse? Do i have reddish urine due to the liposuction i had? What could be the cause of sensation of lump in throat prior to and post Nissen fundoplication surgery ? Is there an ayurveda treatment for retina pigmentosa? Why do i get a soft bulge on my neck when i have a headache? Numbness of leg,pinched nerve,snapping knee,no back pain Dog bite,vaccination,rabies,rabipur,no HRIG Pressure on penis,soft tissue,painful,reddish,no bruising What should i do to get pregnant by Intra Uterine Insemination successfully? Swollen tonsil,trouble swallowing,enlarged lymph nodes,reflux problem,bacteria What could be the cause of inconsistent skin quality, hair fall and pungent odour in feet and body ? Is there a surgery to hide penis so that i appear to have a vagina? HCG diet,dilantin,lamictal xr,levothyroxine.Effects? What is the red blotchy rash and lump in my armpit? Indentation on penis head lubrication not helping, painful. Suggest healing process? Bilateral foraminal stenosis,pain in calf,low blood pressure.Surgery? What is the remedy for hair fall and dandruff? Does an overdue period and bloated feeling indicate pregnancy? Unprotected sex, menstrual cycle after 28 days, perennial health problems Should i be concerned about skin hanging from my labia minora? Removal of prostrate,laser surgery,UTI infection,tight passage problem What books and yoga pad do you recommend for a yoga beginner? Is my partner still a virgin if after penetration she was bleeding? Vaginal hysterectomy,haemetoma,bleeding,ovarian cysts,bloating,endometriosis,fibroids Is there any way of conceiving only baby boy through IVF? Pregnant,ultrasound,normal CBP,TSH.TIFFA test needed? Sciatica pain,lower back pain,thyroid problem,eltroxin,high blood pressure Why does my bp rise after a pvc or a pac? Do i have double vision and headache due to steroids? Pregnant,frequent masturbation.Safe for baby? Breast cancer,masectomy,chemotherapy,mogadon How can Raynaud's phenomenon be treated in 13 year old ? Why do i have continuous lower swollen bleeding rectum with abdominal pain ? Small penis,uncircumcised.Treatment for enlargement? What is the remedy for night terrors while sleeping? Is swelling in left wrist and arm due to my hypertension and atrial fibrillation? Should i take an expensive injection that produces eggs or go for an egg donor to get pregnant? Lung cancer,ct scan,biopsy,metasis of bones,immunotherapy Cirrotic liver,dialysis,severe hair loss,vitamins,calcium,hepatitis C What is the reason for severe pain while urinating since last 3 years? What should i do to stop my urge to do harmful things? Are medicines available to increase height ? Reddish,itchy outer vaginal lips,hair removal cream,irritation,burning sensation Is it normal to bleed during intercourse after a hysterectomy? Not had intercourse, not masturbated, G spot and clit vibrator. Safe to use device ? What can be the cause of recurrent red lesions that appear on my 9 year son's arms ? Cold,cough,wheezing,difficulty breathing Does a platelet count of 70000 mean i have Thrombocytopenia? What can be the reason for having several symptoms like sclerosis, HSV etc ? Normal blood work,no ubiquinol production.Normal? Why does MDPV cause serious constipation? Does my partner feel nothing during intercourse due to my penis size? Dis i get a period of 19 days due to discontinuation of yasmin birth control pills? Difficulty breathing,air through ears.Perforated eardrum? Small penis,erectile dysfunction,difficult penetration,penis enlargement pills Frequent intercourse,erectile dysfunction,painful intercourse Itchy genital area,wet discharge Pulmonary ablation,aggressive massage over catheter,hematoma,left testicle bleeding Is my tiredness related to my thyroid removal or the drugs for TSH control ? What is the reason for brown, slightly raised blister spots on my face? How can a painless hard lump behind left ear be treated in a Type 2 diabetic with family history of death bycancer ? Fall,lower back pain,difficulty lifting leg Can a surgical procedure be used to correct thin skinny leg ? Normal LDL,raised WBC count,infection Is bubbling feeling in my left chest due to acid reflux? Aquille tendon,rerupture.Second surgery needed? Unprotected sex,sore breasts,mild cramping.Pregnant? Sunburn,prednisone,antacid.Effects? Is the reason for swollen eyes,constipation,indigestion and depression my hypothyroidism? Pregnant,iron supplements,dark green stool Diabetes,erectile dysfunction,cialis,watery semen What is the reason for severe pain in my hands and legs? What could be the cause of tingle and swelling all over my body that started with bursitis on shoulder ? Does it require to take both rabipur and beribub shots for a house dog bite ? Premature ejaculation problem.Medicine? Miscarriage,infertility,hysteroscopy,subbseptate uterur,septoplasty Does positive TB IGM is related to my endometrium thickness and conceiving ? X-ray,pulled patella tendon,fissure,dark circle on femur What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy ? Masturbation,burning clitoris,swollen.Friction burn? What could be the cause of painful small dark lump on the side of anus and how can it be treated ? Trying to conceive,dull pain on right side,bloated stomach How is muffling in the ears treated ? What could be the cause of brownish orange stains between toes of right foot only in the mornings ? Is it irrelevant to get an elevated calpro test for irritable bowl syndrome ? Baby oil on vulva,allergy,swollen labia majora,bleeding,neosporin,painful Can Amoxicillin intake for 5 days cause yellow smelly stools in 11 month old baby? Lower calf pain,swelling,bruising,vein prominence,streaking,no blistering What could be the cause of painful spots when pierced discharge white clear liquid followed by blood leaving marks ? Can a pinched nerve cause throat numbness while swallowing or could it be Bulbar onset? Weight loss,normal colonoscopy,pelvic ct scan,spot on liver,hyperthyroidism White discharge from penis,itchy,smelly,painful foreskin How to treat Urinary tract infection in 60 year old woman ? How to prevent flatulence while coughing due to internal hemorrhoids ? What is the meaning of "Hydroquinone free" ? Is meladerm safe to use ? Reduced sperm amount,watery sperm,pristic,cozaar,sleeping pill How are moles on the leg treated ? Metabolic panel, creatinine, ketones, proteinuria, cholesterol, on simvastatin, enalapril, diovan, diltiazem cd Bipolar,depression,mania,thalamocortical dysrhythmia,weight gain,lamictal,bipolar spectrum Blood blister/bump on inner thigh, groin, fowl odor, seepage of blood Does swimming post a heavy meal lead to constipation with severe stomach pain ? What could be the cause of sudden painless bump on scrotum ? Fluctuating heart beat, breathlessness, stress in past How are pre-ventricular contractions during pregnancy controlled ? Are there any treatments for sexual anhedonia? Diabetic neuropathy, high BP, depression, anxiety, asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, pain, tingling in palms, numbness, on amlodipine accord, lergigan for, sobril, zoloft, novorapid flexpen, tegretol retard Does taking bath salt 2 days in a row cause insomnia ? PCOD, folic acid, folinic, ovacare. Pregnancy possible? Hair coloring, allergic reaction, itchiness, neck glands sore. Solution? What is the reason for chest pain in a 4 year old with fever and neck pain ? Gastroenteritis, blood sugar low, fasting. Suggestion? What is the reason from blood in stools and eczema in face and groin area ? Resting pulse rate, AFIB, weakness, dizziness, GERD, on nexium, tramadol, tylenol Irregular period, cyst, had spotting, on deviry tablets. Cause? Blister on penis, unprotected sex, herpes What can be the blister on my penis that appeared after unprotected sex ? Does use of Somatropin help cirrhosis of liver? What can be the reason for feeling tired, low and very sleepy ? What treatment can be taken to avoid hair fall ? Are there medicines that can be given to quit alcohol addiction ? Rectocele, painful, areas near tailbone, bovine graft, surgical mesh Will the consumption of doxycycline hyclate affect my fetus? Does intake of Androgel induce panic attacks and anxiety ? What is the reason for a pink discharge ? Does a 180 degree rotation cause muscle sprain with discolored skin ? Cyst on right testicle, burst, leaking toxic fluids, having it removed, spermatocele. Opinion? Foul body odor, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, broken hip, hip replacement, shifted from crestor to lipitor. Cause? What does a fat nodule in my arms and stomach indicate ? Can breast cancer be detected through a mammogram ? Discomfort in chest,fatigue,blood pressure,cholesterol,cardiac ct scan Dizziness, vomiting sensation, diarrhea, weakness, painful, no appetite Does nail biting cause calloused bumps on the skin around nails ? What can be done painful heels due to walking bare foot on gravel path ? Should I worry about the left bundle switch and go ahead with GBS surgery ? Why do I have pain in my testicles since a long time ? What is this discomfort near the vagina opening where the rear end starts ? Stomach upset,stress,anxiety,prilosec Sleep aid,RA,OTC,auto immune disorder Skin pimple on uvula,anxiety,benign What are the three spots on my right foot that does not hurt or itch ? What is the reason of flushing sensation in the upper cheek ? Kunscher nail on right femur,osteoarthritis,knee replacement Bee sting,numb face and lips,hydrocortisone cream,shortness of breath,ankle pain Hypertension,cortisol test,blood test,migraine,vomiting,low blood pressure ICSI,vomiting,gallbladder removal,infertility,banoside,domstal,ovuloc.Effects? What can apply for raw bleeding blisters due to burn ? What medicine can I take for an itchy rash in the anal region ? What can be done to overcome my wife's disinterest in sex ? Why do I get pain in my testis while watching a sex movie ? Pain in leg, back, groin, hip, on movical. Suggestion? Brain MRI. frequent headches, flair hyperintense foci, ischemic foci. Meaning? Can I still get pregnant with cytomegalovirus infection ? Calcification,normal echo density,non residual urine,no pro minim in middle lob What are the side effects of withdrawing prodep medication ? How can one get rid of burn scars? Habitual abortion,duphaston,pregnant,blood spotting Is Ornidazole and Ofloxacin safe to take during pregnancy ? TBPCR positive, infertility. Treatable? Seizure,severe pain in sternum,painful cough,X-ray How is knee friction and pain controlled ? Is their a relation between thyroid levels and blood sugar levels ? How is breast malignancy or lipoma treated ? Overweight,liposuction,PCOD.Effect on conception? What causes low WBC and platelet counts ? How are classic hemorrhoids treated ? How is fibromyalgia and high blood pressure treated ? What are the complications of heart bypass surgery ? How is cervical spondylottic changes in the spine treated ? How is Escherichia coli infection treated during pregnancy ? Is a painful white tongue, pricking sensation in throat some sort of allergy ? What can I do for stiff knuckles and ankles that started with some insect bite ? Why do I feel like something is stuck at the back of my throat ? Why does my wife have a painful lump below the knee after her arthroscopic surgery ? What is the significance of IGA and IGM together? Increase in bilirubin, liver function test normal, hep B, hep C, liver sonogram, CBC What medicine can I take for redness on the mouth, under the nose and on the temple ? Can a itchy vagina with yellowish discharge be some infection ? How accurate is an ekg that repeatedly comes back with anterior or anteroseptal infarct ? What can be the reason for pressure in my jaw preceding with a viral infection ?
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