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Persistent headache, bad taste, illness, tinnitus and fatigue. Could it be cerebrospinal fluid leak? Needle prickling sensation on palms and foot. Remedy? Clogged pores resulting painless pimples / nodules in labia minora, no STDs. What should i do? Pregnant. Had tender breasts and felt queasy. But, symptoms stopped and nose bled. Symptom of miscarriage? Stabbing chest pains, have respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Quit smoking and reduced caffeine. Why? Pins and needles all over body. Slight bumps swollen on face. How to treat it permanently? Stressed. Affecting education, relationships and normal life. How can I deal with my emotions? Headache and tingling feeling over the body after taking Duromine. Is it normal? Should I take Losartan for blood pressure? 1 year old having diarrhea. Diet advice? Fatigue, low concentration, frequent memory loss, constipation, depression. Suggestion for proper medicine? Had fever. Salmonella typhi O titre beyond range, typhoid. Oflomac and paracetamol good treatment? Having hemophilia, bilateral PCOS and bulky ovaries. Proper treatment? Immovable painless lump on the upper arm For how long Inj.Espogen is to be continued? How to control kidney damage, BP and blood sugar? Skin rashes, blisters, allergic to preservatives. Has tobacco addiction. Can tobacco cause allergy too? Lump in breast. Under arm pain, breast pain. Have fibosystic accompanied with dizziness and headaches. Why? Need guidance for medicine and diet based on MRI report for liver and pancreas problem. Light pink and white dry spots on arms. Is it dangerous? Knot like feeling in neck, heaviness in head. Need a chiropractor or acupuncture? Chest pain after eating, belching. Acid feeling if no belching. Heart skips beats due to anxiety and panic attacks with dizziness, chest pain. Heart in danger? Pregnant. Is Flomist safe? Fluid collection in inner layers of retina. What is the treatment? Left abdomen pain, feeling shaky. What could the symptoms mean? Young teenager smoked k2 or spice once. Will it lead to death? Dark stools after taking AZO cranberry pills, immune boosting probiotic and vitamin C. Is it normal? Headache after applying whiteboard pain. Is there anything that will flush it out of my system? Had a knee surgery to remove cysts, awaiting knee replacement. A deeply bruised knee cause to concern? Hearing loss in one ear. Lots of fluid and redness. Is an antibiotic shot safe? Purchase hearing aid? Protected sex. Found blood on condom. Low risk or high risk of STD? Wait to get tested? Hair follicles on base of penis becoming infected after sex. Does partner have latent staph infection? Pain in the stomach after skipping food, blood in stool. Is it ulcer? Taking atenolol and lisinopril for hypertension. Elevated heart rate after taking cortisone injection Have diabetes. Please advise on blood sugar level and urine sugar level. Overdose of BID. Should I be concerned that this extra dose could drop? Infant refusing to breast milk, not responding to colicaid. On antibiotic drops. Is this causing it? How safe is the procedure of insemination? How much are the chances of pregnancy than a normal try? Did laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, losing weight. Can the tummy blow up due to hookah? Taken overdose of Larezapen for sleeplessness. Not responding. What to do? Taking Duphaston for PCO. Is it correct that Duphaston should be taken in second half of cycle? Abnormal bilirubin, SGPT and SGOT. Does Udiliv have any side effects? Spotting and cramps after unprotected sex, negative pregnancy tests. Could there be a chance i'm pregnant? Uric-acid based stones in bladder Planning for pregnancy. Precautions and tests to be taken? Trying to conceive, on follicular study. Stress causes less erection. Suggest medication to release sperm for IUI? Constipation, diarrhoea. Partial bowel obstruction? Heavy painful ankles in the morning. Is it a symptom of any disease? Brown discharge, weakness, tiredness, headaches. Is this something I should be concerned about? Increased heart beat for a 4 year old. Having cough and chest pain. Is there anything to be worried? Child has calf pain, cold, foot drop. Diagnosed as myositis. Could this still be viral? Coughing out phlegm, loss of appetite, vomiting, weakness. Suggest what should be given. Woke up shivering and cold in normal temperature. What is causing this? Swollen arm, tingling. History of slipped disc and back surgery. What could be wrong? Periods delayed, negative home pregnancy test, used protection. When to take next test? Tender and hard spot on ribcage, painful. What's wrong? Low BP, have not had water pill. Can I take a Benicar until I get Furosamide? Itchy skin rash after anesthesia. Is this something I should worry about for future surgeries? Painful gout on foot. Is it a consequence of eating foods with high purine level? Penis injury after using sex toy, blood flow limited, cannot get full erection, no pain during urination. Arm feels weak and agitated, restless leg syndrome. Anxiety attack. Chest tightens by armpit. Headache, heavy back, sore neck, sleepy, sore throat, feels like I'm going to get a cold. Alcoholism, vomiting and hallucination after self-detoxification. Is the grey fluid coming from the brain? Will sexual intercourse affect platelet count? Which foods will increase platelet count? Noise in head associated with position change and eye movement. Is it a variant of migraine? Colonoscopy and flexure biopsy revealed ulcertation and changes of collagenous colitis. What do you recommend? Can Amoxicillin antibiotic cause itchy ankles? Suffering from heaviness in head and giddiness. On vertin, glciphage. Why are they not helping? Breathing problems, anxiety, have over-active thyroid, taking Cipramil. Advice appreciated. Have LPR detected early. Can I lead a normal life? Will I suffer later in life? Born with ear dimple. What is it? How can it affect her? Want medicine to increase sexual desire and create sexual mood and maintain penis erection. Pregnant with tooth pain. Advised to take kettorol DT and mouth gel. Safe during pregnancy? Friction blister on head of penis from masturbation. Neosporin not helping, not STD. What medication should I take? Testicle discomfort radiated from right leg, also while erection. Why is this happening? Must do a routine TB screen. Okay to do mantoux on someone with g6pd? PET scan showing focal stringy opacity of low uptake. Meaning? Low fever, chest congestion, fatigue and hives. Can I take antibiotics unsure of sinus infection? Neck crunched by sitting down hard. Could this be dangerous? Genital warts (HPV) Depression tests suggest near to or sever depression. Answered questions wrong? Electing ECT wise? Fear of doctors and physical examinations. Can I be sedated while examinations are completed? Small red blotched under the lips. Diagnosed with Reynaud's Syndrome. Are they related? Treatable? Done chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Now has blurred vision, medicines made him vomit. Prognosis for vision? Fasciculation and fatigability in all muscles. Blood tests okay. Why do I have troubled vision? Piriton or anti histimine with amoxycillin safe? Lump in throat, drainage at back of throat, swollen lymph nodes, nose blocked. Scared. Clear discharge from penis, climax less powerful, has slight pain or twinge. Why is this happening? Trying to get pregnant. Has my uterus gone down after the first birth? Have reactive airway disease due to breathing paint fumes. Left side chest pains constantly. Possibilities? Whit bumps on penis that look like pimples, no pain. What are they? Had food poisoning, have another episode of it. Was given dompass, vizzylac. Take it again? Had anal sex, condom broke. Worry? Meaning of prominent infiltrates on lung X-ray? Headache between left temple and left ear with a twitch in lower lip. Medical advice? Small bumps and spots in red color on penis head. What are they? Can I contract STD by mere contact of semen and vaginal discharge with clothes on? Took enema with enema kit. Some amount left. Is there any reason for concern? Pressure on upper abdomen near diaphragm. Speech labored and slurred, throbbing pain in chest. What is it? Diagnosed with nodular melanoma on my scalp. Can it go? Distance between scalp and skin? Chapped lips. dry mouth at night, red spots on gum line, fingers tingle and arms sore. Is it normal? Med-high risk displaysia and pregnant. Should undergo LEEP procedure. Abortion only solution? Eyes and cheeks twitching. Minor stroke? Will the twitching leave? Infant vomiting since birth. Is emeset syrup safe for infants? What else can be done? Connection between stomach gas, digestion problem, irregular bowel movement and irregular heart beat? Epilepsy. Was on epilim and tegretol. Can I still have brain fog? Will it last forever? Asthma patient. Developed joint and muscle pain. What do you suggest? Period delayed. How to take mtpill and mitoprost? Old age, on bed with dizziness, neck pain and low BP. Should she be medicating herself? Pulsating pain in upper abdomen can be caused due to? Dark spots and discoloration on nose, glasses irritate the area. Why is sit spreading downwards under eyes? Dizziness, nosebleed, nausea, slight headache. Headache, feels drowsy, frequent strangulation inducing brain damage Dizziness and headache. Low on vitamin. On betacap TR. Are there side effects? Increased SGOT and SGPT levels, negative Hepatitis B and C tests. What should I do? What causes abnormally small hands and feet? Weakness and dizziness after stopping vitamin supplement. Have stress. Kindly advise. Had gastro, vomited, body pain. Later felt weak and tired with grey stools. Why? Breathing problems, fibromyalgia, hiatus hernia, stomach problems, asthma. Taking antispasmodic medicine. Advise about checks to be done. Painless lump on back of ear, dark color like blood blister. History of hypothyroidism. No injuries. Sore testicle, not sensitive to touch, painful. Is this a strained muscle or ligament? How can I prevent getting a seroma after removal of sentinel lymph nodes from groin after excision of melanoma? Problem with penis erection. Suggest oral medicine for normal sex? Vomiting, abdominal pain, painful breathing, taking Ibuprofen, shallow breathing. Need help. Have been loosing sperms every night. Now feeling very weak. What can be done about that? White dot in amygdala, discomfort. Is there a risk of transmission to children? Any OTC medicine? What foods should be eaten for someone recovering from pancolitis or C-DIF? Blood test showed high cholesterol levels Sore throat, red and swollen, yellow phlegm. Due to nasal congestion or flu? When can antidepression medicine taken for post partum depression be stopped? Stiffness and discomfort while ealking, had total knee replacement surgery, range of motion good. How can I remove nicotine from my body for surgery? Cannot breathe through nose, headache, mood swings, constipation. Had sinus surgery. Palm tingling and numb with back and hip pain. Had a back and hand surgery. Is it stroke? Have COPD, taking Prednisone, want advice on natural supplements or vitamins. Penis looks slightly bloody with breaks. Is it fungus related? Bumps inside vagina that burn after an accidental application of cream on inner labia. Treatable? Weakness and twitching in tricep, anxiety, taking Ibuprofen, had acupuncture. Want reassurance. Child has shortness of breath and chest vibration after hot shower. Is it too much heat? Milky white discharge, regular periods, negative pregnancy test. When should I get a period? Old age. Cough worse at night with phlegm. Why do I cough worse when hot? Child has bladder infection, headache. Taking Bactrim. Done allergy test. Any advice? Ate crystallized ginger. Will it have side effects? Cause upset stomach? Activated charcoal help? Red and painful breast, areola is red. Not swollen. Tiredness. Want advice. Ear infection. History of dysfunctional eustachian tubes. Adenoids removed. How is this affecting hearing? Can I ask to be sedated so that I can relax and get through the exam without pain or an anxiety attack? Had ADHD as child. Can the same medications be taken as an adult? Will marijuana harm or help? Dizzy, abdominal pain, nausea, hands shaking, sleeplessness. Do you have any thoughts? Weaning off snorting medicine. Want information on possible problems if I do not cut down or quit. Swallowed a gum. Will it affect the gastric bypass surgery I will be having? What happens when the penis snaps out of place while having intercourse? Head injured, passed out. Numbness and tingling sensation in body. Why is it still there? Emergency? Who is best for private care for a person with spondylitis and degenerative back disease? Child has bleeding ear but no fever. Had grommets tube inserted. Can we wait to see a doctor? Bleeding, cramps, tiredness, had protected sex. Do you have any idea what it could be? Sore throat. Tonsils hurt, white spots and bleeding with cough. Why aren't medicines helping? Pain in neck and back, had a stent in heart, had bladder tumor removed, fluctuating BP. What is causing this? High BP with headaches. What should be done now? Blisters on foreskin after having unprotected sex. Treatment? Having brain fog feeling after stopping Epilepsy medication. Had taken Epilim and Tegretol. Should I restart medication? Muscles contracting and weird taste in mouth after taking Azithromycin. Will this subside? Pain in throat, jumping eye lid, pain in chest, stabbing pain in stomach, nauseous. Heart burn or worse? Dark spots on body, not sure of acne. How can I take care of skin? Do I have depression or dementia? Doctor suggested hospitalization for behavioral therapy. Ovaries hurt after an orgasm masturbation, stinging sensation. What could it be? Lump under clavicle, growing. Too high for breast cancer. Ask for a biopsy of the tissue? On adderall. Can it result in nagging dull pain below rib cage? Dry mouth and pain below the ribs. Urinalysis showing blood. No fever, vomiting. Taking Adderall. Are the symptoms due to side effects or cancer? Thyroid problem. On TMZ. Why does she have hair loss? How to treat it? On epilim and tegretol CR due to epilepsy. Went off them to reproduce. Thoughts blocked. Go back on both? Gastric pain, diagnosed with lax cardia, esophagitis and duodenitis. Want more details. Hepatomegaly, High SGOT and SGPT. Suggest if physical activity and Udiliv is the best solution. Purple swollen penis, white film in mouth, burning, discharge. Taking nyastin. Had unprotected sex. I have stopped drinking alcohol and it causes constipation. What is the best way to resolve this? Sweaty anus and scrotum at night, itchy, bleeding upon scratching. Applied Daktacort. Want opinion. Trying for conception. Suggested to have intercourse during ovulation period. Having difficulty in erection and sexual desire. Medication without side effects? Headache, had a shunt, have seizures. Ear throbbing. CAT scan showed congestion in sinuses. Tension, sleeplessness, have hypertension. Had CABG surgery. Any solution? Coughing, chest pain, stomach pain. Taking treatment for chest virus. What's up? Child has loose motion. Taking Enterogermina and Sporolac. Any further advice? What part of eye surgery triggered vertigo? Had blepharoplasty, MRI showed nasolaryngeal carcinoma. Head of penis covered in smegma, itchy. What can I do to stop this? Swelling of one lip of vagina after unprotected sex. What can I do? Erectile dysfunction due to excessive masturbation, premature ejaculation, anxiety, depression. Treatment? Is it ok to take Amitriptyline along with Omeprazole? Headache, mucus in throat, swollen eyes when swallowing, tiredness. What can those symptoms mean? Period lasted two months, becoming anemic. What do I do? Swollen tonsil, ear pressure, no redness or white patches, no pain, nasal drainage. Urinating pus, no urine, yellowish and thick, strong smell. Should Amoxicillin be taken? High blood pressure, pulsation in forehead, no pain but frequent. What should I do? Bones removed on lower jaw, flesh has covered jaw bone. What is the problem with this painful jaw? Painful labium, swollen after sex. No bumps but itchy and irritated. What should I do? Head injury, dizzy, no bleeding. Headache, painful. Should I get a CAT scan? Swollen lymph node in groin, lump in breast, pain, weight loss, fatigue. What could all this mean? UTI, kidney stones, nausea, knee pain, tinnitus in ear, migraines. What could this illness be? Wart on penis, negative STD, looks like a cauliflower, another underneath scrotum. Can it be warts or a mole? Vitiligo white patches developing on lower lip. Want to know what each prescribed tablet is for. Am pregnant and have had contact with hand, foot and mouth disease. Worried for unborn baby. Growth in tongue, growing in size, slightly painful. How should I treat it or who should I see? Child cannot recognize colors, diagnosed with mild color blindness.
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