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Red spot on belly where I got sunburnt, white bumps over abdomen, symptoms of viral illness. Coughing with clear mucus, wheeze afterwards. Have bronchitis. On inhaler and nasal spray. Worry? Child diagnosed with molluscum and eczema. Can a dog cause this? Fatigue, irritability, leg muscle weakness, blood work showed elevated lymphocytes. Family history of brain cancer. Inflammation of joints. Pain in hands. Had a cortisone injection. Also have ulcerative colitis. Suggest diet? Irregular period. Light period blood, heaviness in stomach. Tubes are tied. Menopause? Chest vibrates. Have angina. Do I have a heart problem? Accessory navicular region pain, muscle twitching, taken Indomethacin. Can this be gout or nerve problem? Tumor in ovary. Done Value Unit, CT scan oh whole abdomen, ultrasound, urine test. Reported big size. Help? Male body, slim with breast growth. What tests should be followed? Problem of hair loss. Have keratosis pilaris. Pinkish skin that itches. Should stop using soaps and moisturizers? Stabbing pain in kidney area, high BP, no UTI or kidney infections with normal urine tests. Any other kidney problem? Pimple on the lower shaft of penis. Why is it getting worse? Injected GP test enanth into thigh for bodybuilding, soreness, tenderness and swelling. Will it go away? Burning sensation in whole body mostly on feet & palms, pain in elbow, knee joints & calf muscles with hot feeling in joints. Thyroid, hematology, autoimmune, glucose all normal. Low vitamin D. Taking calcirol. Diagnosis? Child wakes up with vaginal pain. Using rash cream. What can cause this? Can spondylitis cause shivering in hands and legs? Underweight, thyroid and sugar normal. Can I gain weight safely by taking antidepressants? Pain in back, thighs and shoulder blades with weakness and headaches. Can use of bleach cause this? Fungal infection on penis, itching, red spots. Zokon did not help. What is wrong? Chest tightness & breathing problem, indigestion, reflux. Had short spasm in chest that makes to cough & breathlessness. Symptoms of asthma / heart problem / hiatal hernia? Pregnant, wants to terminate, not possible with pills, had c-section. Advise about Methotrexate injection with its risks & good clinics? Is it advisable to take tylenol and sudafed the day before a colonoscopy? Elevated AST & ALT levels, consumed alcohol before test, taken alcohol more than normal in holidays. Is this cause for high AST & ALT levels? Infant having a hard lump on the head. No other health problem. Reason? CT scan brain shows small tight gliotic area with adjacent bony changes & csf density. What does it mean? Bloating, pressure on rectum, stomach pain and constipation. Taking Cintapro, Placida and Pantocid. Symptoms persisting Greenish white discharge, pregnant. Is it safe to take nuforce CD3 vaginal suppositories as doctor prescribed? Blood in urine. Diagnosed with broken blood vessel in bladder in the past. Done cystoscopy and CT scan Unprotected sex, discharge, painful urination, testicular pain, blood test negative. Do I have herpes? Cramps like period in pelvic area. Could be perimenopause. Have heart burns from meferenic tablets. Worry? Any drug interaction between Chantix and Oxyelite pro? Something popped in lower back while bending, fell down & not able to stand up, pregnant. Was it bone/ disk/ muscular? Constant dull pain in calf, more painful while walking. Haven't done any exercise still calf is sore. Burning pain in the triceps and armpit, pain worsens on breathing Irregular periods, nausea, tender nipples, swollen abdomen with movements. Taking Implanon. Pregnancy tests negative. Chances of pregnancy? Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomit, joint pain. What could be causing platelet level to drop? Light spotting, Unprotected sex, had period a week back. Pregnant? Stinging in lips, had history of fever blisters, partner has yeast infection. Taken Acyclovir. Stinging reoccurs with stopping medicine. Yeast infection? Frequent brownish yellow jelly stool for the past week Sore bluish immovable lump on armpit, skin around armpit is dry. Had rash in the same area in childhood & stuck for long years. Worry? Vomiting & head spinning in child Bacteria caused heart burn. Diagnosed with H pylori. Bacteria eradicated by antibiotics & omeparazole.When will get rid of heart burns? Ultrasound of upper left quadrant showed liver size, have high cholesterol. Concern for liver size? EKG showed normal sinur rhythm with left atrial abnormality and non-specific s-t changes. Means? BP result. How to lower Blood Pressure? Severe pain in the stomach. Normal GI ultrasound. Taking Lyrica. Chances of Abdominal Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome? Chroinic cough for long time, found yeast infection with endocsopy of throat. Taking nexuim & vitamins. Cause of prolonged cough? Painful lump on palate, pain in left side gum. Have dental implants, sinus infection with existing stuffiness. Treatment? Want to take Cleanse RX which contains vitamin c, magnesium oxide, psyllium husk. Can it be taken with Cipralex? Baby accidentally sprayed air freshener on her face. Will cause serious problems? Self healing recurrent swelling on the cheeks. No dental problems. What are the possible causes? Reddish raised scab in lip area post a lip laceration. Taking antibiotics & applied neosporin. Is this part of normal healing process? Child taking Prozac and Vyvanse. How much is considered an overdose? Difficulty in smiling, raising eyebrow, closing one eye. Is this a stroke? Right ventricular conduction delay in ECG, showed left axis deviation in past in ECG, now no left axis deviation. What caused this? Taking Ebexid tablets. No thyroid problems. Is this a multivitamin tablet? Gaining weight rapidly, blood test showed elevated DHEA, elevated glucose, irregular periods. Have depression and stress. Overweight, bipolar & hearing disorders. Can go for arm liposuction? Pregnant. Ultrasound did not detect pregnancy. Found a dominant follicle in ovary. What does it mean? Irregular bleeding after taking pills for abortion. Reasons and treatment? Intercourse, taken pills, heart burn, stomach ache, irregular periods. Pregnant? Elevated blood pressure and anxiety. Normal ECG and kidney function. Taking Amolopidine. Should I continue medication? Abdominal pain with blood in stool. Is it an emergency? Infant with cold, restlessness and fever. Given calpol. Fever persisting. Treatment? Bitter taste in mouth and nausea after taking Fasigyn. When will these symptoms subside? Is Pacitane a Schizophrenia medication? How long can it be used? What happens if you take wrong colour of logynon pill? Will sex afterwards undesirably? Low energy, upset stomach, no sexual drive Palpitations, red flush over face and chest when exposed to hair dye. Feels better with antihistamines. Is this due to anxiety or allergy? Feeling bumps inside vagina. Is it herpes? Child had stomach virus, taken Zofran, gagging, diarrhea, no vomiting. What can I do to stop gagging? Suffering from genital warts. Presence of lumps. Burning sensation in testicles after ejaculation Eye feels bruised, reddish eye. Reason? Dry scratchy throat, nausea, lack of appetite, stomach pain, fever. What could be the reason? Red marks on back after massage, rubbed off. Would I have felt the poke if I had been poked with a needle with HIV blood? Bloating, pain in the abdomen on pressing, ill formed stools. Need cure Breathing difficulty, fatigue, fainting episodes. Prescribed with Diazepam. Right medication? Reddish patch near the eye after vaccination for an infant. No fever. Is it normal? Taking Paxil currently, want to start Oxy Elite Pro. Can these medicines be taken together? Periods overdue, abnormal menstrual cycle, taken Regestron. Breast and nipple pain. When will I get my periods? Dry cough, cold, sore throat, warts on tongue, jaw heaviness. Have history of sinus. Treatment? Cough, nasal discharge, stomach bloating, foul smelling urine. History of sinus and smoking. What could be the reason? Upper abdominal pain affecting both sides of rib, shoulder, back. Ultrasound, CT scan done. Prilosec taken. What is the cause? Sore throat, red patches at the border of tonsillectomy. History of tonsil removal. Should i be worried? Red rash, itching, dry, allergy to pollen, dust and food, Demodex positive, applied Nystatin. Is this facial Candida or Rosacea? Is liquid EDTA good in reducing arterial plaque? Need treatment for acne and vertigo Bleeding from nose, headache, high blood pressure. Advice? Skin rashes, vomiting, nausea, headache, body ache, fatigue. Normal blood report. No connective tissue problems. Any suggestions? Painless bubbling sensation in the scrotum. Why? Have prostatitis, urination frequency increase, increased sensitivity of penis, lack of ejaculation control, taking Avodart for hair loss. Is it genital HSV? Can Amoxicillin be used for a bee sting reation? Hard movable bump on the back of the neck. What could it be? Slowly gaining weight, hair loss, dry skin, sensitivity to heat, headaches, fatigue, ED, random tachycardia, sensitivity to gluten & dairy. Blood tests normal. Why these symptoms? Constipation, watery stools, weight loss. Causes? Losing feeling in hands when I sleep. Is this a circulation problem? Extended use of Pepcid for heart burn. Back stools, loss of appetite, weight loss. History of heart attack and stent placement. Medication side effects? Why do I sweat when I eat chips or ketchup or drink coffee? Dream state-like symptoms, headache, dizziness, fatigue, dehydrated, normal blood pressure and sugar. Red lines in the stool. No other symptoms. No history of colon cancer. Should I be worried? Having sinus pressure on forehead, neck pain and dizziness. Citrobacter koseri found in the test. Taking Cipro. Need permanent cure? Had a Truncal plication. Prescribed with Amyl nitrate for preventing erection. Medication not available. Alternate medication? Having petechiae, normal blood work and CBC. Can I have petechiae and be completely healthy? Abscess near wisdom tooth, pain and numbness, tingling feeling on the face. Are these related? Itchy painful spots on the inner thigh. Diagnosed with seborrheic keratosis. Is cold nitrogen treatment effective? Need a diet plan to gain lean muscle mass Coughing up brownish mucus, slimey saliva. No pain and fever. Tried expectorants. Permanent solution? Recurrent chest pain, stress echo normal, high cholesterol, borderline BP, family history of arrythmia. Where do I go from here? Have breast cancer, GGT level increases during chemotherapy. Is this an indication that chemotherapy is not working? Child having dizziness, stomach aches, shaky legs. Not interested in normal activities Breast cancer, no carcinoma found. Is it safe to conceive? Blood in urine, fever, dizziness, headache, night sweats. Had taken anti malaria pills Pus filled pimple in the vagina, bleeding when popped. Medication? Hypothyroid, menopause, ovarian cyst, uterine wall thickening Soreness on the c-section scar. Pus formation and pain in the stomach. Is it a boil? Please advise on urine examination report whether it is abnormal or normal. Ultrasound report showing hypoechoic lesions in the bulky uterus, normal follicular cyst. History of anemia. Should I be worried? Reduction in penis size. On hypertension medication. Viagra not working. Solution? Feeling cold in arms, back and chest. Tingling sensations in the head. Causes? Pain near the collar bone, elevated blood pressure and high heart rate. Chances of heart problems? Abdominal pressure, not constipated, nausea, heart racing, belching. Do I have a hiatal hernia? Need help in reading a blood sugar report. Ways to increase the hemoglobin levels? Spinal lesion found on MRI, bladder infection, POTS, normal renin, high aldosterone, ambulatory blood pressure test, abnormal ESR, CT scan, inflammation. Cancer?. Severe abdominal pain after bowel movement. Advice? Stabbing pains in the stomach. Had belly button infection, taken incomplete course of antibiotics. Is the pain due to the persisting infection? Bad taste in the mouth, burning sensation in the throat. History of hiatus hernia. Chances of tooth decay? Suffering from PCOD. Cyst removed. Weight loss methods? Having a painless knot on the back of the neck. Is it dangerous? Is it normal to see orange spots? Need eye check-up? Is there any medication or hormone injection to increase height? Burning throat, endoscopy shows enlarged fatty liver, negative for hepatitis. Is there a better test than endoscopy? Breathing difficulty, depression, concentration problems. Are these episodes of sleeping an indication of blood pressure? Irregular periods. Asked to do blood test. Do I have to go for blood test if this is a symptom of menopause? Irritation and blood in the anus. Causes? Swollen lymph node in neck, headache, shoulder and neck hurt, chest pain. Do I have sarcoidosis? Obese, trying to lose weight. Need diet plan Have hypothyroidism, frequent urination, nausea, tunnel vision, diaphoretic, increased heartbeat, dizziness. Infant crying uncontrollably. Could it be due to teething? Cramping and twitching of muscles, migraines, hypertension. Normal reports of CBC, thyroid tests. Do I have Morganella infection? Indigestion, foul smell, stomach heaviness, have liver cirrhosis, high iron. Is weight loss bad? Infant with wheezing. Prescribed with Duolin nebulisation. Is it safe in infants? Is there a chance of low blood pressure when using Levophed and Vasopressin? Feet falling asleep, blood circulation gets cut off. Is there an issue with my circulation or is it due to working out? Dry blotchy skin rashes spreading on the body, stuffy nose. Medication? Is Evis MD platinum blue light therapy for acne safe? Vertigo, dizziness, increased heartbeats. Had breast cancer. Could this be a brain metastasis? Will testosterone replacement therapy affect heart rhythm? Suffering from depression. Overdose of combiflam. What to do? Child has hoarse voice, coughing, croup-like symptoms. Runny nose and fever after immunization. Less appetite. Having recurrent itchy red lumps under the skin Have hydronephrosis, blood and leukocytes in urine. Ultrasound showed stones. Any insight? Parotid gland swelling. Can it be reduced by medication or surgery? Constant wetness of the corners of mouth. Wisdom tooth removal done. Are these related? Postmenopausal, breast cancer Swollen ankle after taking excess mephadrone. Need help Is loss of libido a side effect of Onlgyza? Is it safe to take oxyelite weight loss pills with synthroid? Having tender nipple, greenish loose stools. Symptoms of gall bladder stones? Suffering from IBS. Had colon infection. Temporary relief from medication. Need diet advice and permanent cure? Abnormal WBC result from semen test. What are the causes? Raised hard sore vein under armpit. What is it? Stiffness due to gout, have eliminated meat and fish, reduced alcohol, taking vitamin C. Am I doing the right things? Having fever and abdominal pain. Taken Moxif for urinary tract infection. Pain due to medication? Uncontrollable shaking, increased heartbeat, not cold. Child has ADD and autism. What could this be? Brownish stools. Is this a symptom? Difficulty from birth control medication side effects. Is there any other protection methods which can be used with condoms? Nodes in buttocks, itchy, acne on shoulder and buttocks Infant with frequent cold and cough. Takes Asthalin and Allegra. What are the side effects? Any alternate medication? Cramps under the ribs, itching on the hands and feet. Relieves after vomiting Will curved erection cause a problem with sex? No hard scar tissue. Will my penis cause her painful sex? Vaginal itching with white discharge. Taking medication for UTI Done LFT, throat burning. Endoscopy showed enlarged fatty liver. Hepatitis negative. Is there anything better than endoscopy? Can bad breath be caused by worm infestation. Taken zentel. Bad breath persists Is Wysolone helpful in hearing loss? What are the side effects? Taken Avil for itchy rashes. Feeling drowsy. How to come out of drowsiness? Done blood tests. Could drinking wine and eating nuts be the reason for high GGT level due to selenium toxicity? Difficulty in focussing eyes and dizziness. Normal MRI report. Possible causes? Recurring swollen sore testicles with lower back pain Child having difficulty in concentrating on studies. Is this a problem? Need permanent cure for spreading reckles Retaining urine, bladder infection, do not want catheter, no tumor. Have cerebral palsy. How do I bring down my bad cholesterol level and increase my good cholesterol levels? Had unprotected sex, cum around vagina. Should I get the morning after pill? Black line on neck which does not disappear, conscious of it. Should I be concerned about it? I want to quit smoking. How to do it? Fever, shivering, painful urination. What is the cause? Is it serious? How can I avoid it in the future? Which tablet to take for fatty liver problem in India? Taking too long to ejaculate, tired and irritated. Is there any medicine that can help me? Protected sex, condom broke, taken Plan B, negative pregnancy test, delayed period. Why is it taking so long? Pregnant, taking minoz-OD for acne, suggested not to take during pregnancy with its risk to foetus. Kindly Advise. Had chest congestion, have lightheadedness, taking Z pac and Mucinex. Had unprotected oral sex. How quickly can I be tested for STD? Blood in urine. Reasons? Pus filled blisters on foot. Recovering from ruptured quad tendon surgery, leg kept in zero ROM brace. Anything to be worried? Have CKD stage III, chest pain, light headed, dizzy. Muscle spasms, pulled muscle in lower back. Taken motrin, carisoprodol, used hot & cool presses. Any Good muscle relaxer / pain relief ? Am pregnant, have genital warts and HSV2, herpes. Is it safe to take Valtrex while pregnant? Cotton like stuff from belly, itching in throat, found semi solid semen during nightfall? What should I do?
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