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During intercourse had prepuce penile retraction injury. Contact of Rh positive blood with Rh negative sexually. Pregnant. Take precautions? Increased varicose veins, calf twitching. Can I travel? Headache, dizziness, Not having proper balance. Is it UTI/bladder infection? Fullness in chest. Bowel movements help. Why is lower back sore? Scar tissue from prostate surgery the cause? Will voltrex interact with birth control pills? Stingling pain on the toe and muscle cramps. What can be causing this? Heavy bleeding, on diet, irregular periods, abdominal cramping, nausea, frustrated. Advsie? Low pulse rate and diabetic. What should be done in the given situation? Forgetfulness. Has tinnitus, diabetes. Prescribed micro speaker. Is this normal? Does he have Alzheimer? Ameobiosis, frequent urination, stomach pain, headachee, loss of apetite. Taking sporlac, pantopD5, cifranCT. Permanent solution in homeopathy? Lump in the right armpit, nodule or cyst attached to rear muscle of armpit. What can be the reason? Penile rash, chlymidia, 1% hydrocortisone, contagious,spreading, itching. Treatment? Had sonogram done of scrotal sac wherein microliths were detected. Beta HCG came normal. Need I worry? Oral Lesions, purpura, night sweats, fever, fatigue, diarrhea, erythema multiforme tongue , tingling, numb, Valtrex , negative for HIV, mono, Hep A, B, C White pasty dischange under foreskin, yeast infection, canesten. Treatment? Why does soap burn my skin on my face and butt? High level of Urea & Creatinine, heart failure, lack of appetite, tired, bad smell in mouth Genital skin tag, uncomfortable. Treatment? Athletes feet, hands burning, stinging palms, no pain. Fungus infection? Blood draw, sharp pain, no hematoma. EMG needed? White bumps on my lips, dont hurt. Cure? Does MRI indicate surgery necessary to prevent paralysis? Is the facet arthrosis or lumbar stenosis causing pain? Red patches and scars due to food and allergy. Takes levocetrizine. Please suggest permanent treatment? Ear popped, decongestant tablet, eucalyptus, dry throat, blocked nose, continuous buzzing in ear. Tinnitus? Meniere's disease, hearing loss, steroid injection. Is it blocked eustachian tube? Acute GERD, endoscopy, prilosec, glandular mucosa with minimal chronic inflammation, no intestinal metaplasia. Is it normal? Yeast infection, liver disease, Monistat cream. Treatment? Vomiting, weight loss, no heart burn. Is it esophageal cancer? Penis started cracking and shedding, allergic reaction, cialis, ED Painful scalp infection, no superficial symptoms, swollen occipital lymph node, hair loss. Reason? Recurrent Pleomorphic Adenoma, malignant transformation, carcinoma, CT scan, pain on neck Pain in neck. Why did I feel wobbly? Suffered from refulx. Connected? Hypertension. How to quit smoking? Done liver funstion tests. Can it be explained? Bone lumps on forehead. Solution for it? Have rounds of purple spots on buttock that open up. What are they? Nexk, back, shoulder pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes, blurred vision, groin pain, neck carotid arteries. Done thyroid and kidney tests. Cause? Can a young girl start to gym with no harm? Taken a full body diode, soprano accord, laser hair removal package. Not safe in the scrotum area? Thyroid test revealed elevated prolactin. What can be done? Had nasal cannula inserted during a colonoscopy. Sneezing after removal. On synthroid. What is going on? Stomach ache, back pain, red bowels. What can be the reason? Have sharp stabbing pain in stomach below rib cage when sneezing. Why do I have sulphur smelling burps? Headaches, throat pain, uvula not straight. What should be done, advise? Visiting areas vulnerable to passive smoking causes risk to cancer? Can the body heal from exposure? Double pneumonia, sepsis, respiratory failure, cough. Prescribed zithromax. What is happening? Bowel movement problems, smelly urine, taking Movicol, stomach ache after eating. Please advise Flaky red splotches around mouth and chin. On nystatin. Is it just fungus? Had an eptopic. Pain in right lower abdomen. Not pregnant. What can it be? Maturbation, fungal infection, testicular problem, no erection. Used trosyd. How can the personal problems be solved? Undergone cesarean operation. Why is there still bleeding? What to do? Can large tonsils give the sensation of lump in throat that burn and scratch? Pain in back that resonates downwards, like severe splint. Extra strength advil helps. Permanent solution? Red brown itchy spots, bruises on the chest. Reason and treatment? Sick in the stomach. Why am I lethargic and tired? STD tests done, HSV. Advise and suggestion? Could a low count of warfarin cause redness and hard lump in legs? Marijuana allergy, watery eyes, sore throat. Occasional smoking. Medication and advise? Has chest cold, heavy legs, weakness, shivers. Is this viral? Can it be ALS? Pain in left rib area, swollen eyes yellow, sticky and sleepless. Had delirium. Adderall helps. What is wrong with me? Shivering, saliva discharge, vision problem. Prescribed olanex, encoratechrono, lonezp, depakote. Can sodium valproate be taken? Why do I keep getting diarrhea? Am I okay? Left arm numb. Spreading to toes. Soaking in hot water has not helped What is going on? Itching in vaginal opening, bled after scratching. Why are the vaginal lips swollen? Will obanate M cream help? Acute pain while urinating, water intake increased after starting to gym. Why is this happening? Young teenager had a bruise on knee. Noticed blue bruising on ankle that is spreading. Why are they sore? Bleeding constantly after abortion. Had copper IUD inserted. Why am I bloating, have blurred vision and headaches? Menopausal. Found a red polyp in the cervical. Surgery essential? What can happen in the long run? Addiction with cocaine and ibuprofen. Has been detoxing. Bad climax. Why does he have nightmares and perspiration? Have pustular erythematous rashes all face. Greasy and crusting. What is wrong with me? Oldage. Prescribed with renerve injection every alternate day. Is it safe? Pressure under stomach above vagina with cramps. Is this implantation fertilization? What else could it be? What should be the food-chart for an unhealthy child? Lichen striatus on arm, scar, low heamoglobin, skin rashes in a child. Why did it reoccur? Considering vasectomy. Worry about testosterone and auto immune problems due to sperm antibodies? Taking oral tetralysal for possible Rosacea. Why is it getting redder although spots are going? Dizzy, diagnosed with labrynthitis, taken Betahistine, numbness, jaw pain. Blood work showed raised WBC count. Any ideas Gas and bloating. Inner breast hurts, sore upper back and left arm. Can it be acid reflux? Had blood work done and my triglycerides readings are high. Take tricor? Rectal bleeding after starting weight conrol product apidexin. Is it related? Pain in the sternum to the chest and arm, cyst in the breast,in digestion. Mammogram negative. Whats happening? Have been taking ofloxacin for a UTI. Have stomach cramps and diarrhea. Can I skip it for a day? Sore throat, irritation, dry cough, body ache. Taken allegra, roxid. Allergic to sulphar. Suggest broadspectrum antibiotic? Irregular menstruation, thick chin hair. Hormonal dysfunction? What should we do? Have oily skin, eat oily food. Advise on solving the problem? Could encephalomalcia be related or caused by lupus? Or is it venous malformation? Hurt head and back. How long will it take for the headaches to clear? Suffering from triglycerides problem due to stress. Curable? Fertile? Chances of offspring getting it? Accident with hairline fractures. Go for an X-ray after healing? Will I have trouble in future? Been on hydromorphones and narcos. Have a painful crohn's disease. Overdose of percocet. Damaged liver? Sugar level under control. Bad desire for sex in vain. Why am I lacking production of sperms? Termination of four week pregnancy. Prescribed cytolog, mifepristone. How can this be taken orally or vaginal? Yellow coloured sore lump on hard palate, sore throat. What could cause these symptoms? Need sexual power capsule. Which one is the best without side effects? Loss of hand sensitivity, after rubbing iodex it comes back, pain in shoulder, osteoporosis. Guidance and treatment? Ultrasound showed endometrial polyp, uterus fibroids. Advised hysterectomy. Any other opinion? Irregular periods, abdominal pain. Taking valprol. Prescribed orgamed, siphene, susten, magprol. No pregnancy. When will the periods start or is it pregnancy? Child has atopic dermatitis. Using Allegra and Atogla but no improvement. Is this problem curable? Burning and itching, no urination, depression. Laparoscopy done. What could be the reason? High fever on and off, headache on forehead, pain in eyes Purple spots on vagina. What could it be, treatment? Latent adrenal hyperplasia. Treatment? Brown spotting after normal periods. Ovulation starts. No yeast infection. What could be the reason? Flu, dry cough, headache. Taking paracetamol, ibuprofen. Is it a matter of concern? Have contagious viral. Extreme fatigue, low energy, low blood levels. What could be the reason? Red, inflamed, burning labia majora, burning sensation before and after urination. Done STD tests. What could be the reason? Have intense pain on left calf while standing. What could be the reason? Itching sensation during urination, ulcer type projection. What could be the reason? Have lesion on forearm. What it is this lesion? Have soreness in left nipple area, no lump. Should I be worried? What causes involuntary exhalation? Hard lump on top of head, coeliac. No history of accident. What could be the reason? Diarrhea, noticed rice like bits in stools. Are they worms, advise? Working night shifts. Taken and want to take Provigil. Can this medicine be taken? Dime size skin coloured bump, bleeding, sensitive inner thighs. What is it, advise? Itchy armpits, sore throat and swollen lips, eyes. Prescribed antibiotics. Tested for streptococcal glomerulonephritis. What is the cause? Have tender, multiple, increasing nodules along bottom of rib cage. What could be the reason? Pain on the side of abdomen, patel in the womb, irregular periods, polycystic ovary. Laparoscopy done. Reason and advise? Masturbation, painful erection for a while. Cause and treatment, advsie? Tingling feeling in penis while masturbation and urination. What can be the reason? Having frequent urinal infection. Want to stop regular intake of antibiotics. What should I do to get relief? Bypass surgery, burning sensation in the hand. Taking wax heat, electric shocks. Advise? Skin problem. Prescribed defza30. Opinion and advise? Having loose motion. Want to take Norflox 400. Can this medicine be taken? Cramps in ankle of legs, white patches, wounded. Right leg is getting thin. Concerned, advise? Have genital wart. How to get relief? Throatache, ringing ears. Diagnosed staphylococcus. Taking cephalexin. Painful testicles. What is the reason for these symptoms? Burning sensation in the body till the foot, cold sweats. Remedy and advise? Head injury, headache, blurred vision. What can be the disgnosis? Bruise, swelling, numbness in the knee. X-ray normal. Numbness persists. Advise? Saline implants done, lump on breast. Is this cancerous? Spots on tongue and roof of mouth, orange palette. What could this be? Depression, BP, hypertension. Taking alprozhalam, betaloc. What can be done next? Had sex. Condom slipped. Had diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes. Norvasc helping. Can I be infected with HIV? Headache, dizziness, swollen vocal cords, reflux of acid. Had ablation, hystescope. What caused this after surgery? Itchy spots on arms, wrists, thighs and legs during menstrual periods. How to treat this? Cant open mouth for food. Diagnosed with parkinsons. What can be done? Pimple with pus & oil discharge. Any suggestion for remedy? Heavy bleeding after ipill, pain during periods. Is this early menstruation or pregnancy? Child coughs until vomits with phlegm, worse during cold. Is it just asthma? Bleeding after finishing periods, unprotected sex. What could this sign be? Headache during orgasm or nightmare, jaw pain that radiates back to head Stents from heart attacks. Why is there pain in armpit? Is it tietze syndrome? Ptosis in the eye, nerve paralysis, diabetes. Thyroid test normal. Treatment? Laparoscopy for hiatus hernia. Palpitation, sweating, heaviness in the throat, constipation. What should be done next? Anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal. On anti depressants. Low BP, rapid heart beat. How can I relieve myself? Sore breasts, lower back pain & abdominal pain, gas problem, delayed period. On YAZ birth control but irregular this month. HPT -ve. Could i be pregnant? Using Glisen MF for diabestes. Can I used Euroglip as an alternative medication? Odd patches on tongue that are red. Why did taste buds die? Is it geographic tongue? Does an MRI show an old calf strain? Leg injury, MRI shows muscle atrophy, cannot regain strength Pain in d spine, Can ultrasonic rays, electromagnetic rays and ice packs be used? Taking Epilim, asked to reduce dosage due to diagnosis of non-epileptic seizures. Planning on stopping altogether Itchy rash at the ears and neck. Taken benadry cream and vitamin E, Ketoconazole for rosacea. Had hormone replacement therapy. Treatment? Red, small pimples below lip and at corner of mouth, hurts when touched, itching, white film around it. Want to know if it is herpes Nipples are hard and standing out, bumps near nipples, not itchy or painful but sensitive. Want to know if there is any solution Squamous cells urine. What is the level of WBC and protein to be considered. Taking Simvastatin and Ramipril. Stomach cramps, yellow diarrhea, stomach ache. Is it due to medication? Hard lumps on back & abdomen area under skin. What could be this? Broken condom, unwanted pregnancy. Taken postinor. Can eating and alcohol be taken? Calf injury, indentation and bump. Not painful. Should I be concerned? Taking Trazadone and Bupropian. Changed Celexa to Cymbalta and doubled Lorazepam. Chills, sweating, fever. What should I do? Low BP. Had quadruple bypass surgery long back. What should be done to keep the pressure in balance? Dont want erections in the night. How can erection be prevented? Taken prednisone for sternum pain. Now have chest pain, indigestion, throat discomfort. What could this be? Constipation, stomach swelling, abdominal pain. Had total hysterectomy. What could this be? Flu, throat pain. Dog diagnosed with kennel cough. Can it affect pragnancy, advise? Can I use Pimafucort on ringworm? High BP. Had vertigo, inner ear infection, wobbly feet. Emergency? Recurring UTI after having sex, urine culture showed E.coli. Is there a permanent cure? Difficulty with sleep. Hoarseness in voice, dry cough, hair loss and white spots on penis. High WBC count. Worry? Taken Happi and Zinetac for blood in vomit. Hyperacidity after completing medication. Can I continue medication? Gall bladder tumor. Suggestion for best hospital in bangalore for surgery of gall bladder removal? Mole on cheek has spot forming next to it. Does this mean anything? Child has ulcerative colitis, prescribed Azoran. Is it a steroid and what are the side effects of Azoran? History of asthma Sensitive skin with ingrown hair and zits that get red. On cortisone cream. Go to a doctor? What penis size is required for pleasurable intercourse? Child suffering from loose motions and vomitting. Fever after taking Oflomac. Green stools, breastfeeding Blood in semen after sex, no pain. Semen analysis normal. Prescribed B.Cin. Is it due to any infection? Premature ejaculation, partial ED. Earlier taken medication for mild depression. Suggest medicine to cure it How long does it take for a period to become normal after stopping birth control? Taken birth control for PCOS and irregular periods Pain and burning anus. Use herbal laxatives, taking norco and vicodin. What would cause this? Why do I have a purple reddish circle on the back of thigh which is painful? No injury suffered Used toilet bowl cleaner with hydrochloric acid. Now chest, throat and sinus burning. Did I do permanent damage Tenderness, headache, stressed. What these symptoms suggest? Possible HIV exposure, PCR test and rapid blood test negative. Sore throat, ulcer and diarrhea now Have mitrovalve prolapse. Have sleep apnea, GERD and reflux. Elevated liver enzymes. Due to being over weight? Taking Doxycycline for epididymitis. Have pale stools. No pain. Is this a serious side effect that I should be concerned with? Lack of appetite after a car accident. What can be done? Fever, nausea, stomach cramps, bleeding tongue. Suggest treatment and cause? Will smoking Marijuana cause a urine test to not show that one is taking Dilaudid? Took two Dianette pills by accident so skipped next dose. Had unprotected sex. Is this really bad? Unprotected sex, heartburn, nausea. Can this be pregnancy? Will a person live if he has diabetes? Red dots. Blood work normal. Not anxiety induced. What do the results of DNA double-stranded test mean? Can gastritis cause throat itching and coughing? Lump on the right side of chest muscle. What is the cause of this? Abscess on head of child that looks like a mosquito bite Feeling uncomfortable hot or cold, hip and thigh pain. Temporary relief from Arnicare Foul odor of urine, burning urination, lower back pain, frequent urination, feeling unwell Brown spots below child's navel, now black with surrounding redness, not sensitive. What could cause such an issue?
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