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Heart feels fluttery and hands shaky after masturbation and eye feels stuck. Is this normal? Titanium rod placed in femur. Having joint pain in legs, difficult to walk. What should I do? Having type2 diabetes, kidney disease, CHF caused by a bad aortic valve. What is the life expectancy? Diagnosed with meneires. Got worse after operation. MRI done. Feeling dizzy and ear pain. Concerned Pregnant. Suffering from cough, noticed small streak of blood. What are the risks? Having lower abdominal pain while urinating. Any thoughts? Had angioplasty stent. Feeling dull, tired and drowsy. What my be the possible reason ? Suffering from pimples. Not cured by homoeopathic treatments. Alternate solution? 12 year over weight child. Thyroid test done. Suggesting for thyronormalcy. Any ideas? 7 year old having asthma. Using pulmicort nebulizer. May I combine it with duolin? Have jock Itch problem near inner thigh. Not cured by betamil GM cream. Suggest the treatment for cure. Splashed a bit of hot oil in eye. Feeling uncomfortable. Suggest some urgent home remedy 50 days child on breast milk. Having diarrhoea. Stool analysis done. Looking for suggestion Feeling stressed and depressed. How should I manage this? Have an baltod on groin area. Taken phexine 500 mg and applied betadine ointment. Suggest some alternate remedy? Feeling bloated, reflux problem comes to throat and feel pain. Endoscopy done. Taking omeprazole. Any ideas? Getting pain under breast. Feeling dizzy, headache, cough and vomiting. Any advice? 9 month old child is lactose intolerance. Having runny and loose bowel movement. What treatment should be done? 5 year old having habit of bed wetting. Advice some permanent cure? Tubectomy operation done. Started feeling sweaty. Thyroid hormone test done. Suggest a solution Have had epsiode of shingles, blister on neck below ear and painful lump behind ear. What to do? Suffering from frequent urination and bowel movements. Feeling chest pain, vomiting and dizzy. Worrisome Forefinger becomes stiff and painful after waking in morning. What is causing this? On pep medication. Can i do a mutiplex hiv test? Have swollen and crusty eyelid. Bathing several times with a mix of boris acid and hot water. What should be done? Suffering from blood pressure, acidity and digestive problem. Feeling heaviness in chest. Worrisome Drank harpic toilet cleaner. Vomits after eating or drinking, losing weight. Any opinion? Toddler making swallowing sounds during night. What is causing this and the cure? Feeling tired if sleep is less then 10-11 hours. What should I do? Had hurt while hitting punch bag. Having pain from little finger knuckle to wrist. How to get relief from pain? Suffering from phobia, anxiety and vomiting. Advice on how to overcome this fear Had surgery to remove osteocondroma from rib. Started feeling chills and shaky arm and hand. What's wrong? 8 year old having minor thalsemia. Blood work done. What treatment is required? Trying to lose weight.Will this end up with lose skin or stretch marks. What should I do? Have painful enlarged lymph node in armpit and upper neck. Noticed red spots on feet. Any solution? Pregnant. What does gravid anteverted uterus with an irregular marginated gestational sac mean? Gave blotchy skin patterns on leg. Turns red when heat is applied. What treatment should be done? Having stomach ache. Feeling nausea, vomiting while eating, not able to sleep. Is it necessary to take rinifol tablet? Suffering from IBS. Prescribed normaxin. Not cured. Alternate solution? Semen analysis done. What does the reports suggest about fertility? Brushing teeth daily for 5-7 minutes, still teeth is yellowish. What should I do to make them white? Having frequent burping, belching and nagging feeling in chest.Concerned Have had severe cervical pain. Have allergic reaction after taking medicine. What is causing this allergy? Had vertebral artery dissection and stroke. CT scan done. Should I be concerned about flying with narrow artery? Tested for cholesterol level and triglyceride. Is Lipitor or another drug really needed? 6 months child frequently passing urine. Urine test done. Should I be worried? Is it curable? Having problem in passing stool in the morning. Suffering from headache. What should I do? I am moderate diabetic, blood pressure normal. Is there any problem? Trying to conceive. Diagnosed with lyme disease. Feeling fatigued and heavy menstruation. What is the problem? 2 1/2 month pregnant. Facing some health issue. Medicine to terminate pregnancy? 6 month baby having reddish brown spot on upper cheek area close to eye. Should I go for treatment? 8 year child with autism has pink eye. Taken antibiotic. Should I get worried? I am 23 year old. Trying to increase height. Suggest some safe medicine I am 28 years old Getting white beard. What is causing this? How to stop this? 1.6 years old suffering from fever. Given wikoryl and crocin. Is this safe to give? Have had treated for gonorrhea. Having pain and swelling in epididymis, frequent urination. Am I having epididymitis? Newborn baby having a high TCL. What treatment should be done? What will be the effect on child in a room furnished using low VOC oil based polyurethane? Smoked pot roughly. Drug test done. Have high metabolism. Is it safe? Have nail pettla sydrome. What surgery should be done for cuticles reconstructed for nail growth? Blood clots found in urine. One is brown dead blood cells other is red. What is it? Testosterone tested low within normal range. Should I go for retest? Have darker spot on lunula of thumb. Should I be concerned? Had unprotected sex. Took pill and again had sex. What are the chances of pregnancy? Having red patch of loose skin on outer labia, feeling uncomfortable. Is it allergic reaction to birth control? I am a smoker. Can i quit smoking immediately. Will there be any problem? Feeling anxiety and terminal illness. Had unprotected sex. Feeling headache and mild fever. Worrisome Knees started to hurt. Noticed red, splotchy rash above knee, getting fever. Should I go for check up? After having a torso ct scan how long can I wait before trying to conceive? Having painful and itchy spots around anus. Worrisome Diagnosed with MCTD. Having bouts of forgetfulness and clumsiness. Is this normal? Suffering from oily sweating from penis. Not cured by using a jock itch powder. What should I do? When can i have a safe sex after my last period? Have compression fracture. Having pain and wearing brace. How long will it take to get cured? Taking ibuprophin and tylenol for high fever. Blood test done. Feeling fuzzy and headache. Any suggestion? Diabetic, high BP, fungal infection in toe nail. Suggest home remedy to clear the toe nail infection? Had intercourse. Pregnancy test showed positive. Medicine to terminate pregnancy? Have pimples and black marks on face. Suggest some medicine to get rid of these problem? Suffered from T.B. Cyst in ovary removed surgically. HSG showed tubes normal. Not able to conceived. Any suggestion? Having itching, burning and peeling bumps on side of vagina. What should be done? 14 years has seizure. Born with a cerebral haemmoraghe and obstructive hydro cephallus. Looking for cure Suffering from itching problem. Suspected for nutrition or vitamin deficiency. Suggest some remedy Have bulbar type motor neurone disease. Where will I get low dose naltrexone? I am 33 years old. ECG test done. Is this normal? Have clear, oderless discharge while urinating. Colonoscope and pelvic CT negative. What to do? Diabetic. Feeling dizzy, ringing ear, tingling sensation on arm and feeling sleepy. Why am I getting this feeling? Reason of sudden death in sleep? Got sunburn and yellow patches on face. How should I treat this? Getting severe numbness in foot. What is causing this and cure? What is the cure and treatment for osteoarthritis and other autoimmune diseases? Having irregular periods. Not getting cured by medicines. Planning to conceive. What should I do? Had chronic fever. Developed changes in menstrual cycle. Are these related? What should I do? Stopped taking beta blockers. On cozzar and diuretic. High blood pressure. Is this the rebound from opressor? Having lump in the breast. Looking for good gynaecologist Having mild mvp and mild blood pressure. Taking medicine. Suffering from panic disorder. Any suggestion? MRI done. Diagnosed with microvascular ishemic disease of brain. Is this a dementia? Is there a coloration between red bull and uti or kidney infections? Noticed warts above penis. Not cured by using acid fluid on it, moisterising cream and freezing. Worrisome Diagnosed with polysystic ovarian syndrome. What are the side effects of HCG diets? Feeling anxiety, fluttering sensation all over body, pain in knee. Why am I getting these feelings? 3 year child took 200mg ibprophen pills. Will it have any side effects on eye surgery? What are the risks? I am on breastfeeding. Started thick clumpy and very brown bleeding. Is this normal? 12 weeks child not gaining weight. What could be the reason? Over weight. Suggest some diet plan to reduce the weight? Having warts, psoriasis and molluscum contagiosum. Is my immune system very weak? Is it safe to take double dosage of lisinopril? On vicodin. Back started hurting. Can I get in trouble even though it is legally prescribed medicine? Applying cider vinegar to the bone spur on heel will get cured? Had prostate cancer. PSA score rising while on hormone injection. What is the life expectancy? Chest x-ray showed evidence of fibrotic scarring with few parenchymal calcification. Looking for remedy Wisdom tooth extracted. Took moxikind 625. Feeling feverish. What should I do? Putting peroxide and neosporin on burned body parts. Red bubbly rashes appeared. What could this be? 5 years old having unproductive cough after skipping flohale rotacap dose. Concerned Getting pain under lower rib cage while standing or walking, sore to touch. What is going on? Suffering from obesity with mild mental retardation, having problem in swallowing. Looking for cure 50 years old. Started irregular periods, getting hot flashes and insomnia. What should be done? Having on and off swollen shoulder, pain in shoulder and breast. What are the possibility of having infection? Having irregular periods. Hormone tested normal. Pregnancy test negative. Trying to conceive. Worrisome I am asthma patient. using aerocort Inhaler. Is it safe? What are the side effects? Getting throbbing sensation on and around spine. Feeling dizzy, shaky and nervous. Any advice? Suddenly lost sensation in leg. What are the complication? Having straight line rashes on biceps and forearms. What should be done? Drainage coming from back of the roof of the mouth. Have had sinus surgery done. Looking for solution Started pain and swelling underneath the nail. Should I see a doctor to have it examined? Had dog bite. Taking vaccine. Feeling dizzy, headache and muscle pain. Is it contagious between humans? Is it safe to wash with detol before applying scabies cream? Taking zoton. Is alkaline water better to drink? What is the best SSRI drugs for GERD? Have GERD with a hiatus hernia, and acid reflux. Any thoughts on LINX procedure to fix hiatus hernia? Feeling tired and sleepy, having red rashes under eye, getting breathless. Blood tested clear. Concerned Breast augmentation done. Getting rashes on neck and shoulders, itchy rashes. Should I get worried? Having red rash on penis after intercourse. What is this and the treatment to be done? Had protected intercourse. Noticed white, sticky jelly-like blob in anus. What could this be? Can overdose of steroid cream or lotions for psoriasis cause uvula enlargement? Having stomach ache. Ultrasound showed pelvi-calyceal fullness with a post voide residue of 63 cc. Any advice? Started breathing problem. Diagnosed as anxiety. Not cured by prednisone. What is the problem? Have a wasp sting. Should I go for medical check up? Straight line rashes on biceps on each arm and forearms. Suggest some medicine Is arthritis a curable disease? Is it cured by any medicine or treatment? Semen analysis showed normal count with increased liquafaction and infection. Any advice? Started butterfly feelings in upper stomach, having anxiety attacks. What are the risks? Suffering from frequent urination and premature ejaculation. Suggest some medicine Suffering from diabetes. Varying insulin level. Feeling nausea and dry heaves. What is causing this? Have had hit on testicle. Having pain in testicle and small penis, not able to have proper intercourse. How to get cured? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Advised penegra 50. Is this due to testosterone deficiency ? Stopped using isotexin gel for mild acne. Am I able to get medical microdermabrasion done? Hand moves unknowingly while resting, getting sudden heat in foot. All test report are normal. Reason? Have PMDD. On cerazette. Is it safe to take the double dosage? Have lump on arm, feeling stiffness in joints. Blood test done. How severe is the disease? I smell pee everywhere. What should I do? Had unprotected sex. Diagnosed as yeast infection. Feeling dizzy. What are the chances of HIV? Stool test showed alcaligenes. Diagnosed with bacterial infection. Feeling week and tired. Any advice? Can I use Melacare cream while breastfeeding? Had unprotected sex. Noticed red spots on penis head. What could be this? Pregnant with twins. Having throbbing pulsing pain in upper back and chest. Not able to sleep. Any ideas? Suffering from cold sores. Looks like mouth ulcer. Not cured by medicine. What should I do? Had surgical abortion but hormone seem off the chart sexually. Could I masturbate? Had intercourse after periods. Taken pill. Developed thrush. Missing periods. Worrisome Suffering from stomach ache and frequent urination. What is wrong? Vaginal hysterectomy done. Stitches not getting dissolved. Getting problem while intercourse. Worrisome Need some information about abortion and its side effects Having rashes on penis head and scrotum. Diagnosed with eczema. How to treat this? Having abdominal pain and gastritis. Can a tanning bed damage organs? Gaining weight. Treated with durotram. How can I reduce the weight? Feeling restless body, blurred vision and dry mouth. Suggest some remedy? Had surgical abortion done. Getting lower back pain. How to get cured? Recovering from a fracture of the tibia and fibula. Is it safe to drive vehicle? Thyroid bloodwork done. What does the report suggest? Having sore arm and slight flu symptoms. Not able to lift anything. What are the risks? I am 26 years old. I grind teeth while sleeping. What treatment should be done? Stool test done. What does the report suggest? Had stroke, behaving abnormally. What are the chances of brain damage from blood pressure or a possible tumor? Took medicine for infection on foreskin. Causing headache and stomach discomfort. Should I stop medicine? Started gagging and coughing after meals, stomach pain and losing weight. What this could be? Had c section done. Feeling pain in abdomen. Diagnosed as hernia. What does this mean? I am smoker. Suffering from breathlessness, cough and sputum. Am I having asthma or COPD? Getting burning sensation on penis head and anus while having sex. Why? Having pains from just above elbow where needle is inserted to shoulder. How to get relief from pain? On depo injection. Is it safe to take pregnacare conception while on depo? Any advice? Blood comes out with urine while masturbating. Is it an infection or some serious issues? Starts bleeding before periods and continues with normal periods. What is the problem? Took 5 panadol all together. What are the risk? What should I do? Is there any way of controlling suicidal thoughts stemming from sexual abuse? 2 year 2 month child having on and off red patches on tongue. What should I do? Ultrasound showed thickening of the womb. On hysteroscopy. Missing periods. Looking for advice Having throbbing pain, redness and swelling in toe. Feeling discomfort. What to do? Suffering from hearing-loss. What is causing this problem? Having dark reddish skin in groin area. What medicine should I take to get cured? Having severe acid reflux. Taking nexium and domperidone. Endoscopy normal. Can I take prokinetics also? CT scan done after craniotomy for aneurysm repair. What does the reports mean? Face and hand getting darker. What should I do to come back normal? Passing white kidney bean like lumps in stool. What could this be? Having recurring shoulder pain. How to get relief from the pain? Why is it recurring? Had hit on eardrum. No bleeding occurred, feeling sensitive. Should I go for medical check up? Have tingling and numbness in lower leg while standing. Looking for solution On medicine for palpitations. ECG, EKG and chest scan done. What precaution should be taken? Having heel pain in both feet. Pain gets worse in morning and evening. What treatment should be done? I am getting smell of stale tobacco smoke. Why am I getting this feeling? Tested for LPT serum total Cholesterol and serum triglyceridde. What is your suggestion? Getting allergy after taking ritalin and concerta. Missing periods. What is going on? Can I do GM diet. Is this good for health?
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