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Dizziness, shoulder pain, nausea, jaw pain, feeling warm, heartburn. History of hysterectomy, appendix and gallbladder removal Is it true that a sedentary lifestyle can cause renal cell carcinoma? Have blood in urine, tiredness Have mood swings, anti social, compulsive buyer, paranoia, irritated. Taking Prozac for depression. Partial diagnosis? Have swollen meatus, constricted urethral opening, tenderness, small urine stream, no pain during urination. Cause? Have depersonalization and derealization. Have stopped Benzodiazepine medication and Ativan. Due to medication? Had an abdominal ct for potential abscess. Feeling uncomfortable. What does the report suggest? Using Nizoral for dandruff on scalp, itching, flaking, boils on forehead. Suggest quick remedy Is it possible to vomit 10 minutes after eating a bad prawn? Eaten pork belly previously Child is struggling to concentrate, irritable, gaining weight. Is this normal? Have frequent acidity, coughing when laying down, chest and arm discomfort. Worried Suggested core decompression for AVN. How much time will it take to recover from the procedure? Constipation, anxiety and depression, taking Citalopram, throat discomfort. Have underactive thyroid. What is it? Suggested dialysis for loss of kidney function. What is the lifespan for a person who has kidney failure without dialysis? Using maintenance dose of GBH before going into detox. Anything to help? Sudden increase in heart beat, chest moving. Not stress or anxiety-related, throat tightness. Should I be concerned? Dropped laptop on foot. Wondering if I need to see a doctor Brown discoloration in semen Taken Azithromycin, Doxycycline and Nitrofurantoin for prostatitis and pyorrhea. Now groin lymph nodes swollen and tender. Any ideas? Swelling after insect bite, cannot walk steadily, nausea, vomiting white substance, dizziness. Please advise Positive pregnancy test, spotting, done HCG test. What does the test result mean? Had unprotected sex but no penetration. Pregnant from precum? Chest burning, dry cough. Taken Dynapur, Pantop and Colopol. Still have fever and cough. Should I visit another doctor? Child has fever, tooth about erupt, done tests What are the precautions I need to take to avoid headache or migraine? Done HIV ELISA test. Worried about OD ratio level. Please clarify Ears ringing, have rhinitis, wet neck, sweating, always have cold. What am I to do? Done blood test. Please explain the results Painful throat, pus discharge, pain in left side of face and ear. Any OTC medication? Cluster of raised brown spots on nipple, resembles moles, no bleeding or itching Red cell distribution width 16.6, mu mean platelet volume is 12. Is it dangerous? Any treatment? What is the best post cycle therapy to keep myself safe and keep gains after cycle? Had Stage 3 colon cancer and heart valve replaced. Experiencing prickling sensation in chest. Any suggestion? Suffering from bipolar disorder. On medication. Feeling weakness. CT scan done. Future medications? Have hard bump on forehead, joint area and on hand and wrist. Feeling light headed. Looking for cure? Hit hard on back head. Bump appeared. Not having pain. Should I go for emergency room? On modus 10 mg to get periods. Feeling nauseated, abdominal pain. PG test negative. Am I pregnant? Had a bowel resection for a vaginal fistula. Had wound infection. On medication. How long will it last? Forgetting the names of place, numbers and names. What could be the reason and the cure? Having sharp pain in hip and leg. Gets worse after sitting. What treatment should be done? I am hiv + female. Had unprotected intercourse. What will be the problem? Suffering from severe hair loss. What is the solution to cure it? Getting needles pain in center of chest. How to get relief from this sensation? What medicine should i have for mild fever? L.F.T test done. What does the report signify? Prostate cancer surgery done. I am diabetic. Experiencing nipples itching and frequent urination. What to do? 13 year child having swollen and hard nipple. Painful to touch. What is going on? Have a warm sensation inside leg and ankle area. Had injury in heel bone. Is this from nerve ending? 76 years old had stroke. Not able to move leg and hand. Should go for surgery operation? Have had lump behind ear. Ultrasonography done. What are the chances of lymphoma. Should I be worried? Red bump developed on neck. Hard to touch. Blood and puss coming out. What should be done? Missed taking cerazette. Had unprotected sex. Having pain in lower abdomen. What are the complication? Suffering from severe diarrhoea. Diagnosed with IBD. It is crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? Having lump on left head above ear. Soft to touch. Should I be concerned? Had protected sex. Itchy rashes appeared on stomach. Have dry scalp and dandruff. Chances of HIV? Having chest discomfort and shoulder pain. Family history of cardiac and pulminary issues. Any complication? Had unprotected sex. Started pain in scrotum. Urine test done. What is causing this pain? Got aurvedic treatment for piles. Internal hemorrhoids comes out during motion, bleeding started. Looking for permanent cure? Pregnant. Having severe abdominal and back pain. Having diarrhoea. What treatment should be done? Have had months of heavy bleeding between periods. Ultrasound done. Should I go for biopsy? Have weight gain, sleep apnea, hypothyroid, hyperinsulinemia and low ferritin. Any thoughts? Had thoracotomy with rib desection to fuse T9. Having tingling leg and back pain. How to get relief? Bitten by insect and painful red lines appeared on leg. Appeared like bruise with bump? Experiencing a tingling in big toe while urinating. What is causing this? Constipated. On medication. Started drinking more water. Mucus appeared in stool. Chances of colon cancer? Have an infected ingrown hair. Sebaceous cyst removed. On medication. How long will it take to get relief? Eaten large dinner. Feeling uncomfortable. Endoscopy and colonoscopy done. What are the complication? Have had a recurring cough. Suddenly got two large purple spots on back. Worried Had hit on thumb. Swelling started and pain in forearm, elbow and shoulder. Have I pinch a nerve? Had hit on head. Got headache, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision and slightly blurred speech. Is physical therapy helpful? Having recurring extreme pain under breast line and around back. Feeling nausea. What's wrong? Pregnant. Experiencing diarrhoea. Does it have any affect on baby? Worrisome Fell down a hill. Bruise and narrow area of pain appeared on knee. Suggest some cure? Have twinges in lower back and below shoulder blade. Feeling like muscle strain. Is it related to kidney problem? Feeling burning sensation in body. Hysterectomy and breast lumpectomy done. Are they related? On medication for diabetes, cholesterol and TG. Having pain in upper chest. ECG showed normal. Any advice? Noticed white stuff and blood in stool. What is wrong? 4 year child having difficulty in bowel movement. Noticed pink patches in the stool. What to do? Took paracetamol for headache. Feeling discomfort in wisdom tooth. Is this the side effect of medicine? Getting hives on body and itching all over body. How to get relief from this? Spinal test done. What does the report signify? Looking for second opinion? Should Soframycin skin ointment be avoided during pregnancy? Pregnant. Have a blood blister or cyst on areola. Which specialist should I go for check up? Had cryotherapy for post coital bleeding. Will this procedure work? Child not interested in eating except milk. Suggest some effective medicine? Suffering from severe body pain, fever, running nose, sneezing and throat pain. Suggest some medicine Mild irritation during urination. On medication. PSA test done. Getting sexual weakness. What should be done? Suffered a heart attack. Cardiologist advised to undergo angioplasty. Is it necessary? What are the side effects? Suffering from gas bloating. Feeling uncomfortable. Diagnosed with ulcer in stomach. Suggest best medicine 27 week pregnant. AFI is 3.7. How to treat this and what precaution should be taken? Hit on lower middle back. Little swelling appeared. Suggest some remedy Feeling of preassure change in the ear with sound of heart beat. Looking for suggestion Had a strangulated hernia a year after having a stoma. Have fistula that is bleeding. Any advice? Loud gurgling sound comes from stomach. Suffering with lazy bowel. Is it normal? Swollen painful and raised bumps behind tooth. Pain in ear. Experiencing slight asthma. Any suggestion? Reduced the dosage of thyroxine. Feeling uncomfortable. Is It safe to go down so quickly? Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. Kidney stone removed. Test showed normal. Alternate treatment? Urine test done. What does the value mean? Should i be concerned about kidneys or liver? Having recurrent herpes simplex, small hard nodule near anal opening. Could this be related to the herpes? Sudden pain in forearm, shoulder and upper back. Is this related to any heart issues? Cleaning inner cannula of HIV positive patient. Some fluid sprinkled in eye. Am I at any serious risk? Diagnosed with amoebiasis. Skin rashes appeared, swelling in hands and feet. What is your opinion? Depressed. Taken morphine and valium. Problems not cured. What should be done? 8 month 25 day pregnant. Feeling cold and had vomiting. What cure should be done? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Is masturbation a contributing factor? What should be done? Irregular opacity in lung. Had gemzar treatments, radiation. Faced coilitis attack. Irregular opacities malignant? Suddenly lost consciousness for few minutes. Test showed fine. What could be causing this? Have slight protruding breast. Swollen nipple, painful to touch and gaining weight. Looking for cure Experiencing pain and tingling in vaginal area. History of migraine. Could this be disseminated hsv? Have painless pin head sized hard bump on testicle. Ultrasound done. What does the report suggest? Noticed cervix is elongated at the opening of vagina. Ovary removed due to tumour. Need some information 24 weeks pregnant with twins. Smoked weed. How long does this stay in the babies system? Feeling senseless and pain in the middle of the thigh. What should I do? Does a septated hepatic cyst always need to be removed by surgery? Having urge to urinate. On amoxicillin for sinus infection. Tested negative for UTI. What is wrong? Suffering from gasteric problem. Started snoring. What could be the problem? Suffering from head pain, dizziness, tiredness, weakness and nauseous. On medication. Any suggestion? Having small bumps on penis foreskin. What can i take to carry them away? Have one testicle and low testosterone. Will it be safe to go for testeterone replacement therapy? Feeling depressed. Eyelids twitches and getting bad dreams. What is going on? Have red spots on penis head. Diagnosed with psoriasis. What can I do to get rid of them? Had an acl repair with a Lars graft. Noticed painful lump after surgery. What could be causing it? I am 59. No period for 5 years. On estradiol. Having back pain and bleeding started. Should I be concerned? Right arm is hurting and going numb? What could be causing this? Having cough with white phlegm. Smell like sulphur. Can it be due to fungus? What precaution should I take to reduce the SGOT and SGPT levels? Experiencing belly-button pain. Feeling discomfort, bloated and pressure along navel area. Worrisome About to start sereupin for depression. Is there any side effects of this medicine? Having pain in penis while having sex. Skin got contracted. What is the problem? Have anal liquid leakage. Causing itchy rashes in the crack of bottom. What cure should be done? Taking folitrax 7.5 mg. Having joint pains. Is rheumatoid arthritis curable? Having prostate issues. Having painful and burning urination. On medication. What should be done? Ultra sonography test showed mild hepatomegaly with severe fatty change. What does this means? I am neuro patient with right side paralytic. On tracheostomy. What test should be done? Family history of depression. Suffering from excessive sleepiness and frequent anxiety. Should I go for vitamins test? 6 weeks pregnant. Taking cozaar comp for high BP. Does it have any harmful effect on baby? Started shooting pain above the right temple. How to get relief from the pain? Feeling cross eyed when looked down. Vision gets blurred. Had lasik surgery done. What is causing this? Have open mouthed kissing. Am I at risk of HIV? Noticed semen as quite runny and yellowish in colour. On cefpodoximine proxetil. Am I having UTI? Smoker. Having mild asthma, breathlessness while talking. Test showed normal. Any suggestion? Started with a clogged nose and lot of mucus. On nortriptyline 10 mg for dizziness and headaches. Concerned On clonazepam for restless leg syndrome. Will taking ambien cause a problem? Feeling like getting a jolt of electricity through body. On paxil for anxiety. Any ideas? Scalp has become very itchy. Not cured by medicines. Any alternate suggestion? Having ovarian cysts. Want to treat it with duphaston. Diagnosed with aggressive ovulation. How to treat? 16 year old suffering from nausea and hypersensitivity at throat. On medications. Any thoughts? Having upper to mid back pain and shoulder pain. Feeling uncomfortable. How to get relief from the pain? Diagnosed with OCD. What treatment should be done? Stopped taking anavar 60mg. Wanted to start post cycle therapy. What dosage of HCG and Clomid should i take? 75 years old noticed thin line of blood in the stool. What could be the cause? What is the life expectancy of a kearns sayre syndrome sufferer? Bitten by a vole. Washed with antibacterial soap. Used neosporin on it. What other steps should I take? I am uncircumcised. Noticed red patches of rougher skin on inner foreskin. What it could be and cure? 57 years old, having pain during sex, bacteria in vagina. Is it due to infection? Taking e-mycen for a skin infection. Missing periods. PG test negative. Am I pregnant? Started bloating, fever, sharp head pain, and red hives all over body. Can this be viral disease? Had gall bladder removed. Having sharp pain under ribs and trouble with breathing. What is the problem? Having severe cramps and early periods. Having metal test in mouth. Could I be pregnant or experiencing a miscarriage? Diagnosed with high blood pressure after pregnancy. Taking medicine. Any suggestion? Is it okay to smoke weed after gallbladder removal surgery? Have had a sore throat, white patch on tonsil, headache and loss of appetite. What could be causing this? Had lap band removed via lap surgery. Having pain in breast. Is this normal? Having unprotected sex. Started stomach cramps and mild fever. Is this the symptoms of pregnancy? Having headache. CT Scan showed incidental angioma.Treated for sinus. Any suggestion? Had unprotected sex. Noticed spotting and pelvic discomfort. What are the risks? What is the doasage of cremaffin for a 2 years 8 months old kid wieghing 16 kg & height 98 cms? Developed fungal infection in the groin area. Used steroid cream. Can the skin get repaired? Have high BP. On medication. Having severe neck pain. Worrisome X-ray done. What does the report signify? What treatment is required? Having cough with thicker and whitish mucus and neck pain. How to get cured? Stopped taking pills. Started irregular periods. Feeling tired, runny nose, sore breast. PG test negative. Worried Fatness in stomach. Despite exercise it is not reducing. What should be done? Suffering pain and weakness in arm and lump on wrist. What are the symptoms of bone cancer? Having sore and red bumps on bum. Painful when touched with water. Looking for cure? Suffering from functional dysphonia. What treatment should be done? Suffering from stomach ache. Biopsy report showed cancer. What kind of medicines are available? Suffering from hypothyroidism. Test shows normal but have pregnancy issues. Any thoughts? Experiencing pain in lower abdomen before periods. Diagnosed with ovarian cyst. Any advice? What does occasional rbc in semen analysis means? Given injection to a child without gloves. Noticed blood on hand. Washes with antiseptic. What are the chances of having HIV? Diagnosed with fatty liver. What are the cause and effects of this problem? Will it be cured by weight loss? I am overweight, smoker. On medicine for low BP and pulse rate. Is this normal? Chances of getting any vaginal or reproductive damage from the leaded water that went inside? White blood cell count came 62/HPF in blood work. Is this high or normal for small infection? Has SOB, pressure and heaviness in chest, light headedness and weakness. No chest pain. Worrisome Can IIH be treated or managed by medicines? Suggest some treatment? What does mild fullness of the right renal collecting system and right ureter mean? Have severe depersonalization and derealization. Face is distorted. MRI scan normal. What is causing this? Noticed little yellowish slime after bowel movement. No pain or itching. What could be this? Having patch of skin on arm. Sensitive to touch. No pain in muscle. Any suggestion? I am 70 year's old. Having severe pain in scrotum after sexual intercourse. How to get relief from pain? Left head getting weak, loosing control and memory loss. How to solve this problem? Have tonsillitis and noticed white patches. On antibiotic. Chances of STD? On cardace 2.5 mg. Having chest pain. ECG and chest x-ray done. What are the use and side effects of s-numlo and telvas? Experiencing pressure below ribs with heart burn. Working under stress. Looking for cure Had unprotected vaginal and oral sex. Hard to urinate and hurting testicles. Any thoughts? Started diarrhoea and on and off tingling sensation on neck after eating. What should be done? 3 month child having abdominal pain and not sleeping well. Suggest some cure and medication? Had hit on big toe. Hurts while moving. What can i do to heal it? What will make it feel better? Drinking infrequently, depressed. Blood test done. Chances of liver to be affected? What test is required?
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