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I swallowed a tooth pick. What should i do? Worrisome Have ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, gynecomastia. Can heart tolerate smoking pot? On antibiotic for eustachian tube dysfunction. Having ear pain and migraine. What should be done? Soreness and pain in hip and below scrotum. Blood and urine test suggested. Scared Smoked weed, feeling dizzy, detached from body, disoriented, numbness. Why? Fatigue, breathlessness, loss of appetite, giddiness. Had BMS stent placed, done cardio rehab, made lifestyle changes. Reason? Child having both ankle bent inwards. How serious is this? What should be done? Have pigeon chest, painful, trouble breathing. Surgery possible? Have psoriasis in legs, itching, black spots. Want ayurvedic medicine. Am breastfeeding Difficulty attaining orgasm, takes longer time. Normal? Is there any problem with a curved penis during intercourse? Semen's are getting liquefied in 2-3 three minutes after ejaculation. Any complications? Suffering from severe upper back pain, runny nose and dry cough. What should I do to get cured? Having swollen wrist. It is red and warm. Not cured by antibiotic. Tender to touch. What should be done? Doctor prescribed HIV, Beta HCG and hepatitis B test. Taking hydrocortisone for thyroid problems. Correct tests? Noticed tiny red particle after urination. What could it be? Have chondromalacia pattela. Prescribed Naproxen. Is medicine dosage okay? 7 month pregnant. Started vomiting and feeling like acidity. Will it be safe to give omez? Child has fever, low energy, sleeping more, eating little, no diarrhea. Taken Tylenol. Should we go to doctor? Have kidney failure and small penis. Is it okay to take penis pills or supplement to increase penis size? On oxycontin 10 mg for backache. Taking endone5mg, valium 5mg and gapapenten 5mg. What are the side effects? What is the minimum length of time after contact that oral hpv symptoms can occur? Abdominal ultrasound shows cortical cyst. No renal stone of hydro nephrosis. What is this? Soreness near chest bone and collar bone, nuclear stress test normal. Want relief from pain Can having a hole in the heart cause postural hypotension? Pelvic pain, hurts after sex. Laparoscopy showed endometriosis. Planning for baby. What to do? Missing pulse, chest pain when pressing, tachycardia. Done angioplasty with stents placed. Serious? Had gestational diabetes while pregnancy. 9 month baby having blood sugar of 7.8. Is this normal? Elbow injury, swollen, tender to touch. Should I be concerned about pain during exercising? Having splotchy and patchy bruise under skin. Looking for cure Feeling blisters in ear, blood and clear fluid leaking from it. Is this something I should be worried about? Hit harder while playing. Having pain below ribs, no bruise appeared. What treatment should be done? Have sore, itchy and stinging eyes, swollen eyelids. Face is blotchy. How long it takes to cure and any medication? Suddenly started pain in back. Pain worse during the night. What is causing this and treatment? I am loosing hair. Family history of hairfall. Stopped finax, follihair due to side effects. Any safe medicine? Partner is alcoholic, mood swings, short tempered, controlling nature. What should I do? Nausea, stomach cramps, gassy, diarrhea, blood in stool after eating. Taking Prilosec. Tingling hands. What do you think? Having pimples on penis after shaving genitals. Tested negative for STD. Any suggestion? Have external haemorrhoid, prescribed Proctosedyl, continuous bleeding. Taking Diclofenac and allopurinol for arthritis. Advice? White spots on knee after ACL surgery, pain. Going to do MRI. Normal? Doing fertility treatments. On estrogen. Started discharge. Is this normal side effects of the medicine? Not active sexually. Noticed swelling in labia and clitoral hood. It is itchy. What is causing this? Having large lump under chin. Lump is solid and painful to touch. What should I do to get cured soon? Have esophageal cancer. Fever, confusion. Taken Acetaminophen and Tylenol. Are steroids indicated in neoplastic fever? Child suffering from bronchitis. Is it safe to play football? Feeling on and off tingling in knees, legs and head and chest hurts. Suggest some effective treatment? 35 weeks pregnant. Had hit on feet. Can I use lysol spray on my feet? I am on anti depressants and statins. Prescribed ganaton total. Is it safe to take this ? Noticed bleeding two days after my period. Is this normal? 17 month old baby having red rash on feet, legs and scrotum. Should I be worried? Surgery for peritonitis done. Suffering from pain and severe bowel movements. What to get relief? Am pregnant, have welt and spreading pimply rash Infant fell off bed, fever, blinking hard, eyes crossing, getting tired. Is everything okay? Infant taking formula milk from birth, recently started Cerelac. Has greenish black stools. Normal? Abdominal pain, burning when sitting up from bed. Negative UTI stick test and CT scan. Taking Cipro. Help Trying to conceive, have back ache, swollen breasts, darkening nipples, vaginal discharge, nausea, fatigue. Optimal time for EPT test? Have lump under skin on leg, hard, movable. Have lost weight. Worried about soft tissue sarcoma Getting drunk over less amount of alcohol. Physical problem or just age? Blood spots on palms and under feet, painful. Cause? Result of PSA test >20 ng/mL. Suggestion? Blood in urine of newborn baby at the end of urination. Normal? Want medication for tooth pain Have knee pain. Treatment? Abdominal pain, burning sensation in chest. Help Need clarification that I have been sexually harassed at work. Touching breast, groping. What do you think? Trying to conceive, delayed periods, dizziness, negative HCG beta test. Prescribed Duphaston. Pregnancy chance? Hard lump behind ear, small, painless. Tumor? Swallowed fish bone, throat irritation, heartburn, gland swelling. Related to anxiety? Soreness in wrist after removal of cast, have scar tissue. Advice? Rash on penis, burning sensation after ejaculation. Had lump on scrotum and penis earlier. STD? Breathlessness, tiredness, giddiness, pedal oedema. Have chronic asthma and palpitations. Advice? Pain in head of penis after sneezing, discomfort in penis. Cause? Can shortsightedness be related to a compressed nerve in spine? Done plasma laser discoplasty surgery Have intradermal naevae on face. Suggested Erbium laser. Would you recommend this procedure? Trying to conceive, undergone IUI. Done AMH blood test. Why am I unable to conceive? Have syringomas below eyes, growing fast, itching. What is causing it? How to stop growth? Recurring thrush, leaking urine, stomach pain. Laparoscopy showed polycystic ovaries. What could it be? Leg pain, heel pain. MRI shows hydromyelia in vertebra. Serious? Lump under skin in chest, not lipomas or fluid filled cysts. Prescribed Cephalexin. Opinion? What is the best way to remove intradermal neva in a fourteen year old girl? Have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Why is it difficult to get prescribed Armour even though it is the best option? Working out, eating eggs and drinking milk. Want protein supplements that do not have side effects Area near scrotum is darker than surrounding skin. How can I make it lighter? Will Dicaris help in getting pigmentation in vitiligo affected areas? Noise when stretching hands, taking physiotherapy for tennis elbow. Have arthritis. Which x-ray to take? Hip pain, tender to touch, back pain, headache, tingling fingers. What do you think? Painful area above mastoid area, discomfort when turning head. What could this be? Had carpal tunnel release surgery, red spot on thumb and little finger. What are these spots from? Child stung by wasp, puffy eyes, no redness or rash, has numbness. Serious? Leg injury, swollen, bruised, able to walk without pain, soreness, dent. Okay to monitor for few days? Does scalp not go down much due to skull? How thick is our scalp? Delayed periods, abdominal pain, thick white discharge. Had protected sex, taken ECP. Pregnancy? Want topical cream for brown spots on cheeks Scab like mole, has darker side. Seborrhic keratosis or melanoma? Reddish, greasy spots floating after bowel movement. Where is this coming from? Done chemotherapy for breast cancer. Now have lower back pain. Tests showed lung cancer. Are reports okay? Have loose motion, body parameters okay. Advice? Done kidney transplant. Have jaundice due to Hep C virus. Treatment for such cases? Back and testicle pain, redness in eyes. Want long-term homeopathic solution Pain in preauricular region radiating to temple, CT scan shows soft tissue opacification. Had viral ear infection. Healing? Headache, tender to touch, no relief from Neurofen or paracetamol. Need reassurance Shoulder injury, MRI showed tendinitis of rotator cuff. What is considered normal size of clavicular lymph node? Burning sensation in neck, back and stomach. Had stomach upset, gas, chills, hot ears. Normal tests. Help Worried about cortical cyst in ovary Is my MIP and MEP result normal? Want to do vasectomy reversal. Is it better to use local anesthetic than general anesthetic at hospital? Testicular pain, have epididymitis, ultrasound normal. Tingling legs, taken bactrim, cipro, naproxen. Help Sore breast, lumpy feel in breast, tenderness. Have high blood pressure. Scared Wart on face, had it burned, taken OTC medication. Can a general surgeon remove it? Infant has rashes, worsens in heat, itching, redness. Should I use calamine lotion? Child drinking whole cow's milk, hard stools, vomit looks clumpy and smells bad. What is wrong? Headache, taken painkillers and homeopathic treatment. No nausea. Worried How reliable is PCR test for HIV after fifteen days post exposure? Got negative rapid test and ELISA Had sex with girl who has trichomoniasis. Need prescription Dizziness, frequent urination. Bladder or kidney infection? Done fasting blood test. No family history of diabetes. Should I be concerned about IR score or cardiovascular risk? Feeling faint, dizziness, lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, spinal pain External lump between anus and scrotum, enlarged flap of skin, no pain or itching Shoulder injury, have enlarged left clavicular lymph node. What is considered normal size of lymph node? Child has jaundice, done blood test. Taken Ayurvedic medicine. Are test results normal? Hair fall, scalp pain, diagnosed as alopecia areata. Are treatment options limited to inducing hair growth? What does pus cells and presence of albumin in urine test indicate? Pain in clitoral hood during masturbation, reddish and swollen area. What is it? What does red bits of fleshy tissue in stool mean? Have exhaustion and salt cravings around the same time every month. Had partial hysterectomy. Anything I can do? Sore mouth, body rash, swollen neck lymph node. Serious? Taken Rabipur. Scratched by pet dog. Do I need to take anti rabies doses again? Is it safe to take Diclofenac and Minoxidil at the same time? How can a male get rid of breasts? Light periods and spotting after kidney transplant, negative pregnancy test. Any idea? Head injury, painful, dizziness, have sinus pressure. Should I be concerned? Swollen corner of eyes, forehead sunburn, swollen, seeping blister. Taken Benadryl. Serious? Plugged ears, affecting hearing. Had sinus infection while pregnant. New treatments? Will insulin taken as medication show up on an employment performance test? Open wound on foreskin, had unprotected sex, itchy scrotum. Should I be worried? Child taken varicella and MMR vaccination. Has frequent vomiting. Due to vaccine? Headache after waking up, unbalanced. Please advise Can I take an infrared sauna after my chemotherapy to sweat the toxins out of my body? Developed large brown spots just inside both of elbows. Should I be concerned? Pink spot after forearm burn, dark blue vein till bottom of forearm. What should I do? Taken amoxicillin for strep. Now have sore throat and ear pain. Could strep virus still be there? Taking Prilosec for loss of voice Do Extenze pills really work? Swollen tonsil, ear pain, flesh colored bumps on soft palate, no fever. Worried about cancer Lower back pain, bloating and increased heart rate Head pain after removing wisdom teeth, intermittent ear pain, dizziness. What to do? Itchy and sore breast, red rash, dry spots. Have breastfed children Forearm injury, lump under skin, painless, movable. How to make it go away? Have dry cough, fever, sleeplessness. Taking Klor-Con, Solatol. Have congestive heart failure and bad lungs. Help Recurrent sweating, dry and sore throat. Taken antibiotics. What more can I do? Growing lump on side of neck. Could it be a lymphoma? Cramps, bloating, headache, no sore breasts, nausea, tiredness. Had unprotected sex. Am perimenopausal. Pregnant? Pregnancy test showed faded lines after few hours. Have nausea. Am I pregnant? Burning sensation in abdomen and lower back. What could be causing this problem? Hard lump where meth was injected, burning, itching, painful arm, cannot straighten it. What should be done? Child passed white stools with blood. Blood work okay. Any suggestions? Have back pain, unable to sit or sleep, cannot touch the ground. Guidance? Infected spots on chest, headache, sore body. Taken Septra. What is wrong? Constantly thirsty, breathlessness. Have mitral valve regurgitation. Could it be due to medication? Bulging vein on cheek, twitching. Is there a way to reduce it? Diarrhea, with mucus, oily, orange color, stomach cramps, worsens after eating. Had flu previously Is it better to stop sexual intercourse before having micro-tese done? Can Cantharidine oil be used for children with scanty hair growth? Any treatment for HBsAG positive? Joint pain, swollen fingers. Need help Child has eaten Dronis tablet by accident. Can you please advise? Positive HPT, lightheadedness, bloating, sore breasts, now HPT faintly positive. Early miscarriage? What is the fastest way to get crystal meth out of the body for a urine test? Given knee air cast for broken metatarsal, swollen foot and ankle. How do I use the air cast properly? Done blood test. Elevated GGT and ALT. Will readings become normal if I reduce alcohol consumption? Am pregnant. Ultrasound showed big baby. Should I be concerned about the rise in SD? How to improve eyesight naturally ? Coughing after food going down wind pipe, now sorenes, urge to cough, can breath normally. Should I go to ER? Have multiple calculi in gall bladder, did not have attack, no pain. Want to remove it Is it possible to have nerve damage in neck due to stress and anxiety? What does high mucus count and high WBC count in urine mean? Jaw pain radiating to ear after getting filling. Swelling. Pain medication not helping. What is this? Am pregnant. History of abortion. Done TIFFA scan. Would like to know baby's state Inhaled cleaning liquid, headache, lightheadedness, blurred vision. Permanent side effects? Cut on head and nose during fight. Contact with blood. Negative HIV Combi test. Should I test again? Tickling and itching in anus, sleeplessness. What can I do? Bump on throat, have Hashimoto's disease. Feeling choked. Help Head injury, swelling, tenderness, lump, painful. Put butterfly bandaid Increased heart beats, shaking arm when lifting. Help Hole in armpit, not healing, started as abscess. Should I be worried about staph? Ultrasound shows suberosal fibroid, atrophic uterus. Had ovarian cancer. Undergoing IVF to get pregnant. Explain results Headache, vomiting, fever, excessive sleepiness, nausea. Is this an emergency? Cold, running nose, fever. Taken Medlar and Ocaset. Need good medicine with less side effects Prescribed Novelon for PCOD. Have breast soreness and intermittent pain. How long will this take to go? Had laparoscopic surgery. Dizziness, lightheadedness after sex. Pain due to surgery or sex? Infant has loose motions, red nappy rash. Prescribed Vizylac and Eumosone. Should I continue medication? Taking Ednone for chronic back pain, taken nerve root injections. Do I need surgery? Burning sensation while urinating, blood in underwear, not masturbated. Worried Pain in buttocks and left leg after ejaculation. Any clues? Child has hairline fracture in wrist, swelling. Is plaster necessary or will a support belt suffice? Am pregnant. Want to know about a reliable stem cell bank Unusual periods after taking contraceptive pill, irregular bleeding, brown and runny blood. What is wrong? Have PCOS. Want better solution X-ray shows rotoscoliosis, spondyloisthesis, degenerative disc disease. Cannot walk, heaviness in legs. Explain Spreading red bumps starting at hairline of temple, now on forehead, eyelid and eybrow Ultrasound showed follicular cyst. What is the problem?
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