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Getting irregular periods after C-Section delivery. What is the problem? On medication for typhoid 2. Scan showed fat collected in the liver. Is it curable? 6 months pregnant. Developed pain on upper back. How to get relief from this pain? Have cough and chest infection. Getting feeling and tired. What is the required treatment? Planning to conceive. Test showed bilateral polycystic ovaries. What does this mean? Chronic inflammation in maxillary sinus. Allergic to pets and dust. What treatment should be done? Have had a constant popping in ear while swallowing. Is it due to food allergy? Any ideas? Having stiffness in back while sleeping or during day time. Cure? Had a prostate removal operation. Started getting fever. Diagnosed with UTI. How to get relief? Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Test showed high thyroid level. In how many days I will get periods? Taking medicine for irregular periods. Can I use regestrone 5mg to postpone periods? Suffering from gastritis. Not having abdominal pain or blood in stool. IBS or colon cancer? Have a marble size hard lump directly on testicle. What does this mean? CT angiography, 2D Echo and ECG done. What does these reports says? 16 year old is waking up with severe nausea, sweaty back, joint pain and headache. Any solution? Diagnosed with postural hypotension. Allergic to amlodopine. Noticed blood clot clot in eyes. What is causing this? I become unconscious after taking injections. What could be the cause? Why my complexion is getting darker and hair thinner. Looking for proper remedies? Feeling thirsty, frequent urination, very bloated and stomach cramps. Got periods. Chances of pregnancy? Have a burning sensation while passing urine. Is this is an infection? Suffering from premature ejaculation during sex. Suggest some medication Suffering from premature ejaculation during sex and foreplay. Suggest some medication Suffering from hyperthyroid. Taking thyronorm 50. Suggest some diet plan Diagnosed with Rosacea. Taking medicine. What can I do to prevent hot flushes? 9 year old child is having high cholesterol. What precaution and cure should I take? Having digestion problem. Diagnosed as infection. Suggest some permanent solution Getting cough and burning sensation in throat. Diagnosed with gastric erosions. Is this serious? Not getting proper sleep due to cough. What is the cause of cough at night? Took duramine. Started headache, dry mouth, red and swollen face. Should I stop the medicine? Having pain in head. Feeling nausea, stress and anxiety. Could it be migraine? Taking Motrin 800mg for severe leg pain. Had SI joint fusion. What is causing this pain? Dog licked on the mouth. Am I at risk for exposure to rabies? What are the chances of getting the viral infection by a single needle prick of HCV positive patient? Had rapid heartbeat. Feeling thirsty and huge stomach. What should I do to get relief? Have a little discolouration on the jaw front. What should be done to prevent it? 65 years old. My bp is 107/66. Is this ok? Experiencing a lot of hair loss. Have white bumps on labia majora. Any advice? Have on and off soreness in shoulder and neck, weird sensation behind eye. Any treatment? Taking medicine for high cholesterol. Scheduled for an angiogram. Looking for your suggestion Have several quarter size bruised spots around waist on back. Could it be ringworm? I have a hairline fracture of the distal radias bone in wrist. Will i need surgery on it? What does it mean by sperm count 3? Getting IVF treatment. Got a Prostap injection and found pregnant. Will there be any risks for a baby? Suddenly felt sensation in chest, light headed and nausea, shortness of breath. What could be the cause? Suddenly noticed small bumps all over face. Red spots appeared after using medicine. Is this the side effect of medicine? What does a fluttering across the forehead mean? I am an iv drug user. Tried shooting in the veins on the sides of ankles. Noticed swollen ankle. Any home treatment? Had unprotected sex. Started feeling weak, body pain and fever. Should I be worried? Had labyrinthitis. Experiencing strain in neck, pain in back and arm. Should I see a ENT specialist or a neurologist? Noticed red, itchy marks on penis and foot. What is this and what should be done? Suffering from fever. Treated for malaria and typhoid. Have chest infection. Safe to start AKT3? Suffering from migraine. Feeling shaky and nasty taste in mouth. What should I do to get relief? Does transfusion of blood from a young person to an older person help? Started trt with a 200 mg test cyp injection. Started diarrhoea. Could it be due to trt? 33 years old. Have flaking skin around the edge of my labia majora. How to get cured? Took semen lab test. Can you tell me if the lab result is good or bad? Having strong pain in forearm and fast pulse rate. Is this related to heart attack? My body temperature is 93.7 with cirrhosis of liver end stage. Suggest some solution 68 years old. Diabetic and on insulin. Having problem while walking. Suitable medicine to cure I have no energy, loss of appetite, tired and indigestion. What is the required treatment? Will there be any problem in pregnancy due to the adherent ovary? Having pain in chest, strange heart rhythms and unexplained blackouts. What is the problem? Started taking testosterone shots. Started feeling nauseated and vomiting. Have UTI. Worrisome Have sinus problem. Eye getting dry and mucus development in nasal congestion. Any permanent solution? Having pain on left side of the teeth. What is to be done? My TSH level is 0.09. What does it mean? How to get treatment? Having problem in bowel movement. Stomach feels full. Not cured by cremalax. What to do? Feeding with rice, curry and mother milk to a 13 months old child. Suggest diet plan? Feeling headaches, fatigued, no concentration and hungry. HPT negative. Should I wait for blood test? Not getting proper sleep due to mood swings. Feels like head is cracking. How to get relief? Suffering from typhoid fever. Not cured by cefpodoxime 200 mg, paracetamol and ofloxacin. Concerned Have number of small wart on face. Suggest some treatment Getting excretion of semen after starting oxyelite tablets. Is this normal? Swallowed 3 microgynon tablets. What will be the side effects? Was given MMR vaccine. IGG says it is negative. Is it necessary to take this vaccine again? Have a small white hanging lump at the back of mouth. Any ideas what it can be? How to make a child to go for a motion in the morning? Have lump in the side of neck. Feeling headache, dizziness and numbness. Looking for cure I am diabetic. When should I take glucose, nutrilite and salmon omega-3? Had gallbladder removed. Raised, itchy and hot bumps appeared on the scars. How to treat this? Taking hetrazan, montair LC kid and ashalin Inhaler for eosoniphila. Looking for advice Had intercourse. Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Am I pregnant? Feeling sensation in urethra after urination. Why am I experiencing this symptom? Have parkinsons disease. Noticed large canker sore under tongue. Could I have malignancy in body? Spine feels bruised and painful in the lower back. What can I do to get relief from it? Having problem of blurred vision Clear fluid comes after bathing. What should I do? Had green light prostate surgery. Stent placed due to ureter injury. Will it be healed after the stent? Have had a rash reaction after eating wheaties cereal. Taking benadryl. Should I go for medical check up? Having prostate cancer. Getting frequent urination. Recently quit smoking. Took cocaine. Lips and teeth are numb. Is there anything to get relief? Rashes in neck and shoulder is spreading over the spine. Should I apply calamine lotion? Is it psoriasis? Child feeling sick, lethargic and unmotivated about life. Has had glandular fever. What should be done? Prescribed roxithromycin sandoz to treat mucus in throat. Blood test showed high gama G.T. Cause? Suffering from headache. CAT scan, MRI of neck and head fine. Why am I getting headache? Noticed right testicle in wrong angle. What does this mean? Noticed pink red colour in vomiting. Feeling nauseated. Any idea about what is going on? Noticed large bruise and have cold. Is it safe to take advil and cold medicine? Taking benadryl for latex allergy. Suggest some medicine to get cured Why am I having a bubbling feeling in the gallbladder area even though I don't have a gallbladder? Have a lump on inner thigh. Pus and blood comes out after squeezing. Need advice? I am breastfeeding. Noticed fast heart rate. What could be causing this? Getting random bruises on legs and blueish cluster on upper thighs. Should I be worried? Getting bright red pin prick spots on skin. Could this be petechiae? Suffering from anxiety, hypochondria and constant burping. Chances of oesophageal or stomach cancer? 45 year old. Not feeling desire to have sex. Getting morning erection. Looking for suggestion I chew tobacco and gutkha. Went for dental checkup. Should I be worried about periodontitis gum disease? Have had friction burn on penis head. Not cured by medicine. Which cream should I use? Liver test done. How long will it take to get cured while using liv 52 ds? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Could it be linked to STD? Can evion 400 capsule once daily helps in muscular pain? Small portion of upper skin of the penis is reddish, feels discomfort and burning. What to do? Suffering from the rolandic seizure. Skin rashes and allergy started after medication. Why is this happening? What does partial compression L1 vertebral body seen as reduction in height with anterior wedging means? Getting throbbing sensation while leaning down and having headache. Suggest some medicine Noticed a soft but large lump on mid rib side. Feeling dizzy and tired. Any ideas? Taking Istamet-50mg for diabetes. How long should I continue the medicine? History of miscarriage. Missed periods. Faint line appeared on pregnancy kit. Worrisome 5 month old hit on head. Reddish bump appeared. Have slight fever. Should I be concerned? Got a sucker punch on nose. Nose gets red and swollen. Getting breathing difficulty. Will it be cured by itself? Feeling on and off abdominal pain and swollen stomach after periods. Took paracetamol. Any ideas? I have dry itchy spot on back. What treatment should be done? Experiencing pain on shoulder blade or left back when bending forward and breathing deeply. What is the problem? I am diagnosed with fatty liver grade II. What does the report says? Diagnosed with an intramuscular lipoma in the calf muscle. Should I go for surgery? Want to go for complete body health check up. What are the required test to be done? 13 month child having epicanthal folds, and slight low muscle tone in mouth. What are the complications? 2 year child having grossly elevated liver enzymes without jaundice. Concerned Having chest pain with breathing difficulty and sticky white cough. Any solution? 50 year old. Suffering from calcium deficiency and muscle spam. Need advice on required treatment Discovered lump under armpit. Feeling weakness and headache. Biopsy showed clear. Looking for suggestion Felt a sharp pain in centre of chest while moving neck. Neck has been stiff and sore. Remedy? Suffering from erectile dysfunction and lack of ejaculation. What treatment should be done? 15 day baby is diagnosed with thyroid with TSH 690. Suggest the dosage of the medicine? I have a lump on arm above crease. Is there anything to worry about? Diabetic with blood pressure. Taking galvasmet50/500. Started hair fall. Need some advice Diagnosed with SVT. Is it safe to take vyvanse with this disorder? Diagnosed with left basal pneumonia. Having constant pain in lung when breathing. How long will it take to get cured? Developed painful and excessive urination. Took antibiotic and developed itchy anus. What should be done? Have painless rock solid lump on top of head. What can it be? Had inguinal hernia surgery. Having lower back pain and cramping feeling near the incison site. Any thoughts? What else other than Pulmonary Hypertension can cause left artery to enlarge in an xray? Noticed bruised lumps on inner elbow. Feeling weakness and pain in arm. Why swelling hasn't gone down? How to reduce angina. Taking isosorbide and ranexa. Am I at risk of heart attack? Have a cut near end of tail bone. Watery blood leaks from it. What should I do to heal it? Had protected sex. Started burning throat and bumps on tongue. Got bacterial infection. Any advice? Had miscarriage. On medicine for anxiety. Having muscle pain before periods. Should I be concerned? Started cipro 500mg for prostatitis. Experiencing severe gas and constipated. What to do? Have PCOS. Stopped birth control. Feeling bloated and nauseous. PG test negative. Possibility of pregnancy? Have breast cancer. Feeling fatigued and nausea. Red rashes appeared on neck. Should I go for check up? 3 years old having loose bowel movement. Suggest some medicine Having smelly dark urine. Noticed redness around penis head and white discharge. Looking for remedy Have had perioral dermatitis. Bumps getting less after using doxy 100mg. Is this normal healing process? Developing large painful pimples on leg. Puss comes out after squeezing. What is the problem? Got dark red spots on arm and pain in rib. What could this be? Found lump on the base of head. Tender and sore to touch. What could be the causing the lump? Noticed blood in stool and busted blood vessel on scrotum Diagnosed as hemorrhoids. Should I be worried? On the depo shot. Had unprotected sex and spotted. Chances of pregnancy? Have lupus, pcos and cyst under skin. Fluid comes out after squezing pimples. Suggest natural remedy Did IUI. Tested negative. Given dupaston. Is there any chances for pregnancy? Can I use tummy trimmer belt to reduce the waist size? Have tendinitis in wrist. Hurts to touch. What should I do to stop the pain? Taking cipralex for the last 2 years. Got pregnant. What should I do? What can cause a red line under the eye and swelling of the lower lid? Have blood clot in mouth on the side and on lip. What does this mean? I have always had a sore tummy. What treatment is required? Is it safe to have alcohol after appendicitis surgery? How long should I wait for sex and alcohol? SGPT count is 68. Should I stop alcohol? Having horrible neck and shoulder pain. Fingertips goes numb. How to get relief? Suffering from premature ejaculation. What is the required treatment? Suggest substitute drug for xyloric without side effect of decrease in blood platelet count 1st delivery through caesarean operation. Chances of normal delivery for second child? 7 weeks pregnant. Took wysolone 10mg. Will there be any problem at this stage? Has ALS and is in a persistent vegetative state. What is causing cold, redness in arm and hot arm? Would having oats and a lowering cholesterol daily increase gamma gt and alt? Developed prostate cancer and had external beam radiation. Which medicine should I take? 9 years old having asthma problem. Not cured by romilast 4mg. How long medicine is to be taken? When to take lupride depot3.75mg if opting for ivf? Had operated for lumbar laminectomy. What is the cause of extreme indigestion? Noticed lump in the crook of elbow. Feels soft and squishy after pressing. What can this be? Noticed white spot of skin on a bruise on upper leg. What should be applied on it? Taking antibiotic for toothache. Should I discontinue lipo 6? Feeling nausea, abdominal discomfort and dizziness. Getting cold, sweating hands and feet. Worrisome Getting irregular smoke smell in nose and feel drowsy. What is causing this smell? Developed small sores around neck. Feeling light headed and loss of appetite. What is causing these sore? Suffering from dizziness and vertigo. MRI of brain clear. Which specialist should I consult? Feeling scratched inside mouth and tiny bumps inside cheeks. Any ideas? Pregnant. Having fever and pain in leg. Diagnosed with UTI. Is it safe to take antibiotic? 48 years old. Does an FSH level of 76 indicate menopause? Have PCOS. Getting periods while on medicine. Trying to conceive. Looking for suggestion? Does masturbation decrease growth in height? How to increase height after 19 year? Bike fell on knee. Not having pain while walking. Possibility of internal injury? Diagnosed with grade 2 varicocele on left and grade 1 on right testes. Is it due to sex and masturbation? Ultrasound transvaginal test shows follicular retension cyst in ovary and chronic cervicitis. Any advice? Have lump on top of thigh after hernia operation. How to remove it? Operated for 15 mm stone in Gallbladder. Started pain in stomach. What is causing this pain? I am allergic to dust. Getting frequent cold. Taking otrivin nosal drop. Looking for permanent cure Addicted to masturbation. Want to know will this lead to infertility? Have a lump on thyroid. Not cured by antibiotic. What could be the problem? Having fever, pain in thigh, groin and pelvis area. CT scan showed clear. Any idea what is causing this? Prescribed diflucan for a yeast infection. Odourless discharge from vagina. What could be this?
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