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Operated for bypass. Feeling heaviness in chest while walking. What treatment should be done? Got bitten by big rat. Swelling appeared and started paining. What precaution should I take? What is meant by urine appearance is cloudy and had trace of protein and bacteria? Smoker. Found blood in the back of throat. Should I be concerned? Having inflammation on nose. Had rhinoplasty surgery. Taking Cefuroxime axetil. Please advice Found lump on penis. Tested negative for HIV and syphilis. Could it be STD? Taking clarithromycin for recurring sinus infections. How to get rid of it? Developed coughing spasms from colds. Have sore diaphragm and difficulty to breath. What to do? Can costochrondritis cause elevated white blood cell count? Hip x-ray showed white spots close to hip joint. Could it be a cancer? What treatment should be done for pain in penis and testicles? Suffering from lightheadedness, headaches, slight breathlessness and glazed eye. What's wrong? Have fluttering sensation in the groin area. What cure should be done? What is causing rumbling noise in stomach after eating? Using systane eye drops for tired eye. What is causing this and cure? How to reduce body fat without losing weight? Is it safe to travel during first two months of pregnancy? Infant got hit on head and behaving normally. Should I be worried? 65 years old. Suffering from cold. Any advise? Suffering with chest pains. What treatment should be done? 2 year old have almost closed foreskin. Will it be cured by applying betametasone cream? Have a red rimmed lesion on back of neck. Not cured by steroid ointment. What to do? Missing periods after dilation and suction procedure. Getting cramps after taking regulate 5 mg. What's wrong? Have erectile dysfunction. Started frequent urination after medication. Is this phimosis related? Why am I getting severe itching on palm and feet? Blue lines started appearing all over body after shower. History of hypertension. Is this dangerous? Have cough. red fingertip, difficulty in swallowing and ent infection. Required treatment? Have sore, red lump on leg close to scrotum. What could it be? Suggest a good toothpaste for bleeding teeth Having irritation on nasopharynx. Not cured after using neti pot. What should be done? Can taking i-pill damage ovary? Suffering from exhaustion due to anemia. What medication should I take? Having pain in ovary. Is it safe to go for pap and pelvic exam? Chest CT scan done. What is aterosclerotic disease? What are osseous structures? Have osteoarthritis stage 2. Getting upset stomach after taking milk products. Suggest medication Child having fever, cold, rashes on hands, legs and buttocks region. Any treatment? Can I have intercourse with a person on treatment for abdominal TB? Have small wart on the white left eyeball and busted veins. Worrisome Have soft movable lump on thigh, forearm and back. Could it be lymphoma? Have soft movable lump on thigh, forearm and back. Should I be worried about lymphoma? Pregnant. Beta hcg levels are increasing which is consistence. Is there any complication? 70 years old. Noticed red blood after urination. What are the risks? Have rashes on penis. Is it safe to take fluconazole 200mg? Have red, itchy, blotchy skin on arms and torso. Not cured by hydo cortizon. Any cure? Fell down on knee. Swelling appeared, hard to walk and noticed blood while wiping. Concerned Why am I feeling heavy headed and uncomfortable while breathing? Is there any natural treatment for penis enlargement? Suffering through sleepless nights. What treatment is required? Is it safe to take hajmola in pregnancy? Child having red skin rashes on stomach, face and neck. Advice lotion to reduce rash? Have acne on face. What treatment should be done? Got electric shock. Had thumb injury, giddiness and back pain. Will it be safe to conceive now? Urine analysis done. What does the reports says? Am I having urine infection? Child has bluish vein on the back of leg. Should I be concerned? Started itching after shaving pubic hair. Should I be concerned? Diagnoses with photodermatitis on lip. Should I be worried about MRSA? Having severe inflammatory reactions and skin issues. What treatment should be done? Started itchy burning type pain on skin after knee replacement. What is this? Found lump on side of thigh with bruise and tender to touch. What could be causing this? Noticed blood during bowel movement. Is it due to hemorrhoids or anal fissure? Noticed itchy, pink tissue on the inside of vagina. Worrisome What medicine should I take for asthma? What should I do to get fat? Having cramps, frequent urination, bloating and started spotting. Any ideas? Blood test showed creatinine 1.52 H, eGFR 56 L, hemoglobin 17.6 H, hematocrit 52.1 H. What's wrong? What is meant by C4-C5 left eccentric disc osteophyte complex and mild dorsal disc bulge? On medication for LBP. Feeling blood pumping in neck, arms and leg. What is causing this? Is it safe to ice an infected knee bursitis or cellulitis? Have braces and noticed change in direction in front teeth. Is this possible? Found group of small bruises above knee. What could be the cause? Had gallbladder removed. How long should I avoid heavy lifting and unnecessary efforts? Getting clear liquid anal discharge. What is going on? Have red itchy rashes on wrist along with swelling. What to do? Have sore ribs, getting needle pricking feeling through chest and breast area. Is it due to anxiety? Is it safe to give supplementary diet for a 2 month old. Any suggestion? Noticed blackhead on upper lip which looks like cold sore. What cure should be done? Have small, hard, tender round lump on upper palatine. Any ideas what it could be? Is it safe to take pill after unprotected intercourse? What are the side effects? On indral for HBP. Passing through menopause and feeling uneasiness. Any suggestion? Had unprotected sex. PG test negative. Started spotting between periods. Chances of pregnancy? On aleysse birth control. Does the low level of FSH indicate pregnancy? No periods after using mtp kit. What should I do? What quantity of lactogen should I give to a 1 month child? Took medicines to postpone periods. Is it safe to have unprotected sex? Took medicine for hyperthyroid. On medication. Is major depression the side effects of thyroid? What is the perfect time and importance of marriage in human life? Got foot injury. Getting pain while bending leg. Is it a serious problem? Have pleural-pericarditis. How long should I take motrin plus colchicine? Infant got head injury and have ear infection. Should I be concerned? Feeling dizzy, tired, fast heart rate and slight salt level in blood. How to get cured? Will it be safe to take duromine along with oroxine cz? Infant have snoring problem and suffering from sleepless night. What should be done? 7 month old got head injury. Behaving normal and moving head. Should I be concerned? Suffering from nettle rash and started feeling cold. What does this mean? Have red and painful eye. Why am I getting burning sensation after using azitheral? Have red ring on top of finger and looks like bruise on the centre. Any treatment? Colonoscopy showed piece of the villious in colon. Getting pain in groin area. What could this be? Suffering from depression, anxiety and memory problem. Chances of getting alzheimer ? Have post dural puncture headache. Experiencing sharp pain in brain. Any suggestions? 72 years old. Noticed black spots on back. How to get rid of this? Does livomap, cardimap, vedam calm and energol ma helps to improve immune system? Having pain in breast and shoulder blade while breathing. What should be done? Getting tingling sensation in arms and neck with pink skin after eating raw sesame seeds. Concerned Eye automatically gets closed while thinking. Is this neurological issue? Have type 2 diabetes, frequent painful urination with a white gritty substance. Should I consult a doctor? Can I take I-pill to prevent pregnancy while taking primolut n? Having mild pin in testicle and left testicle getting bigger. Medical test normal. What should I do? Getting headache, sleepless night and breast milk stopped after taking lactonic power. What's going on? Noticed hard and swollen area after hernia operation. Is this normal? Is it possible to get wobbly legs and dizziness with apraxia? Test showed HDL - 52, LDL - 145, Triglycerides - 309 and GGT - 154. Will it be safe to drink bear? Light bleeding started after unprotected sex. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Diagnosed with HIV and TB. Taking ZLE and DOTS. How to lead a healthy life? Having chest pain with caffeine use. Any advice? Smoker. Noticed dots on bottom lips. Could it be vitiligo? Having cold, cough and fever. Started feeling light headed after taking medication. Side effects? Have thyroid and gastritis. Diet plan to reduce weight? Feeling nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, headache and body ache. What is causing this? Had unprotected intercourse during periods. What are the chances of getting HIV? Getting vibrations in head and have restless legs syndrome. What cure should be done? How long does pernicious anemia takes to get cured? Suffering from ringing ear, tingling legs, shortness of breath and chest pressure. Any thoughts? Taking razine S 2mg BD, qutipinSR 100 od and ativanZ od. What am I suffering from? Suffering from severe IBS-D and arthritis. What treatment should be done? What is the average penis length for a 14 year's old? Have swollen lymph node in groin area. Concerned Using nitrates frequently. Have cold and runny nose with soreness. How to treat it? Why am I getting bad odour in armpit? What is meant by mucosal thickening in ethmoid sinuses and polypoidal mucosal thickening? Child has -3 powers for both eyes. Will it be cured? What precaution should be taken? Having swelling and pain on lower part of rectum. Any advice? Having severe pain in shoulder joint. Is it spondylitis? Pregnant. What are the risks of doing amniocentesis procedure? Alcoholic. Test showed high Gamma GT value. How long after quitting drinking it will be normal? Suffering from polio in left leg. Having pain and swelling in right knee cap. What treatment is required? Found small reddish purple hard spot on penis head and tender to touch. Any treatment? Noticed yellow stools. What could be the cause? How to get rid of foul smell during period? Is it safe to have intercourse during periods? Have throbbing pain in chest, throat, jaw and hurts while breathing. What is the problem? Suffering from diarrhea. Getting dark greenish grey stool. How to get cured? Had unprotected sex after taking contraceptive pill. Should I take ECP again? On medication for hypothyroid. Is it safe to take calamarine omega 3 product with carnitine? Feeling constipated, bloated and uncomfortable. What is causing this and cure? List of anit-oxidants that do not thin the blood Experiencing diarrhea after swallowing sperm. What could be causing this? On metropolol and benazapril. Feeling week, tired and having stomach ache. Any suggestion? How to get relief from pain and swelling in leg? Have burning sensation in rectum, bladder, genital area and feeling difficulty with urination. Concerned Getting the feeling of trapped wind or hard mucus in food pipe. What should I do? Having mild pain in hip and tingling sensation in foot. Diagnosed with bursitis. What to do? Feeling strange sensation in arm. Got relief after taking ativan. What is causing this? Got hit on forehead. Having black eye and headache. Is this a minor consequence of the shock? Why do I feel increased heart rate, slight nausea and anxiety during night? Noticed a red spot on arm with a white ring around it. On medication for eczema. What to do? Have hard lump on skull. Hurts while pressing. Any ideas what it might be? Child suffering from stomach ache and back pain. How to get relief? Can extreme depression cause headache? Have small liquid filled bump on the top of head and getting blurred vision. What's going on? Are there any treatments for male infertility caused from spermatocele cyst removals? Used hydrocortisone cream for rashes on neck and noticed black skin. Side effects of cream? Experiencing fast heartbeat while laying down and throat hurts while swallowing. Should I be concerned? On medication for BP and HPV. Noticed blood in urine. Is this the side effect of medicine? Chest xray showed mild apical disease with vague density and a square density. Worrisome Child suffering from diarrhea and cramps. What precaution and cure should be taken? I am male and attracted to male. Is there any treatment? Have hypertension, type 2 diabetes and joint arthritis. Suggest proper treatment Have swollen tongue. Allergic to corn. Took benadryl. What test should be done? Can I use calcirol sachets for infant? Taking atfour tablet for high triglyceride level. Not feeling well. Continue with this tablet? Medicine and diet plan to increase weight and immunity power of a 2 years old How to get rid of painful mole? On sepmax ds for STD. Feeling weakness and pain in spinal chord. Any treatment? Have irregular periods. Test showed ESR count of 36. What are the risks? On olvamol 40+5 mg for HBP. Precaution to be taken and diet plan to control BP? Is it safe to give celestemine syryp to a 6 month old? Child having ear infection and frequent cold. Not cured by medicine. What to do? Had intercourse after using fucidin cream on penis. Will this interfere with contraceptive pill? What is causing pain in the side of chest and acid reflux? Having diarrhoea and noticed mucus in stool. How to get cured? 9 month old suffering from vomiting. What is causing this? On antibiotic and missing periods. Can antibiotic treatment cause the delayed periods? Suffering from HCV Hepatitis C Genotype 3a. Looking for remedy Suffering from vtamin D3 deficiency. What treatment and precaution should be taken? Suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. On cialis and clomid. Any suggestion? Does electromagnetic radiation cause cancer or any other disease? Diagnosed with grumbling appendix. Feeling nauseous and abdominal pain. What should be done? How to reduce weight? Developed cavity. Is root canal treatment safe for a 4 years old? 3 years old having developmental delay and cerebral palsy. Which specialist should I consult? What is the treatment for disorganized schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder? Can copper coil be inserted immediately after an abortion procedure like D&C? Developed lump on labia minora. Is it a cyst? Feeling abdominal pain, nausea and numbness in hands. Should I consult a doctor? Diagnosed with mgus. Feeling cold and having loose bowel movement. Cause and cure? Child was pushed back and forth with moderate speed. Will this cause shaken baby syndrome? What are the signs and symptoms of spondylosis? Is it safe to use valtrex before the pregnancy termination surgery? Have itchy spots on back and legs. What could be causing this? Is it safe to have intercourse with more than one person?
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