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Toddler has eczema. Prescribed aziwok. Is this safe? Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Trying for a baby. Have macrocytosis. Will this affect fertility? Have multinodular goiter. Facing hair loss, irregular heart rate. Diagnosed with PCOS. Any thoughts? Noticed painful lump on left acromion. Hurts to move arm. Linear ultrasound transducer done. Prognosis? Delivered premature child. Has sensory processing disorder. How to indicate autism? Trying to conceive. Started getting irregular period, spotting between period. Vaginal swab normal. Reason? Aborted a child. How long does it take to stop breast secretion? Have fever, penis pain and noticed yellow pus coming from penis. Took flexon. Proper treatment? Alcoholic. Found elevated liver function test result. Taking pan 40 and udiliv. Any suggestion? Using aerocort rotacaps for asthma. Experiencing slow heart rate, jaw pain and tiredness. Any advice? What treatment is done for premature ejaculation? Have tooth abcess. Taking antibiotic. Feeling congested, pain in groin area and passing lose stool Diabetic, hypertensive, neurological complication, CRF patient under CAPD. Leg edema increased, foot turning black Got wound after an accident. Now have low body temperature, feeling cold. Worried for tetanus infection Have swelling and hard lump on labia. Feeling uncomfortable. How to get rid of this? Advice a skin whitening cream Suffering from jaundice. Sonography and blood test done. Found fatty liver. Suggest a diet plan Pregnant. Have sebacous cyst on labia. Will this cause any harm to baby? Qualitative test done. What are the findings? Am I pregnant? HIDA scan showed low functioning gallbladder. Getting strange feeling around waist. How to cure this? Why am I having numbness on lower lip at night? Having pain in testicle and lower abdomen. Any harmful effect on sexual life? 87 year old. Having shoulder pain and feeling dizzy. Symptoms of heart attack? Test showed moderately reduced GFR and slightly raised proteins. On medication. Cause of concern? Took ciprofloxacin, fluconazole for UTI. Having flank pain and leg pain. Does this affect fertility rate? Have blocked nose, feeling breathing difficulty at night. How to cure this? Embryo transfer done. Noticed dark particle when urinating and started spotting. Failed implantation? Stopped taking ovral g after hysteroscopy. Started progynova. When will be the next period? Urinalysis done. Found presence of wbc and epithelial cell. Should I be concerned? Feels like wearing cement shoes. Reason? Red ingrown hair appeared on pubic area. Pus and blood comes after squeezing. STD? Have hsv-2. Had oral sex. Experiencing shoulder stiffness, rib cage pain, groin pain and weight loss. HIV? Have had pulmonary fibrosis. Found elevated IgM. Should I be concerned for malignancies? Taking clonzepam for anxiety. Started getting spasms in chest. What is going on? Took primolut to delay period. Any chances for the ovulation to be postponed? Getting pins and needles in hands and feet. Diagnosed with spondylosis. Can lumber spine be affected? Prescribed Telmisartan-H. Feels like I have fever with body pain. Found protein in urine. Serious? Taking losartan, multivitamin, aspirin. How to reduce systolic pressure and raise resting heart rate? Noticed skin colored spot on penis shaft, no pain or itching. Related to STD? Have MS. On fentenyl patch. Worried for its side effect. How to stop using this? How does probitics work for IBS. What kind of probiotic should I take for IBS? Taking Lithium, tegretol for bi-polar disorder. Neck surgery done. Prescribed prednisolone. Any interactions between these drugs? Diagnosed with herniated disks in lower back due to scoliosis. Having severe leg pain. Medical cure? Feeling bloated and have bowel issues after thyroid removal. CT scan and colonoscopy done. Any thoughts? Having abdominal pain, feeling bloated, burning after bowel movement. What am I suffering from? Red rash appeared on hand after abortion. Tested reactive on rubella IGG, non reactive on rubella IGM. Worried Pregnant. Taking gentlesorb iron, now constipated. Should I increase medicine dose? Risks if I become anemic? Taking atenolol. Having chronic patches of plague psoriasis. Side effect? Lost eye sight. Brain MRI showed lesions in the white matter. What treatment should be done? Taking treatment for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Feeling hungry. Worried for scleroderma Pregnant. Started vomiting and feeling sick. How to get relief? Suffering from sciatica. Experiencing back pain, leg pain and constipation. How to overcome this problem? Child has apraxia, sensory processing disorder and got fever. Not eating properly. What to do? Taking zolpidem and pristiq. Suggest alternate medicine that helps to sleep Have rash on face and muscle weakness. Biopsy done. Is this osteoma cutis or dermatomyositis? History of PCOD. Pregnancy test came positive. Prescribed susten. Is everything normal? Diagnosed with aortic stenosis. On statin. Can changes in diet help to lose weight? Diabetic. Taking human mixtard. Can I take protien supplement to develope my muscles? Have itchy painful sores on scalp. What could this be? Taking treatment for schizophrenia. Is it safe to quit smoking with the help of champix tablet? Pregnant. Having sharp pain under rib cage. Is this normal? Why do I get headache when waking up from sleep? Trying for a baby. Missed period, pregnancy test negative, increase in vaginal discharge. Confused? Have epididymitis. Getting discomfort in pelvic and thigh after ejaculation. Taking doxycycline, naproxen Red rashes appeared on thigh and butt area. How to get rid of this? Have seborrhea. Using Ionax t shampoo and mometasone cream. Any permanent cure? Tah bso surgery done. Have red palm, experiencing electric sensation on arm, no chest pain. Solution? Swollen gum after eating something hard. Could it be infected? Is it safe to use coffeegreen tablet for blood pressure? Had appendix burst, gall bladder out, been diagnosed with IBS. Blood test done. Have cyst in eye. Treatment? Taking medicine for high BP. Experiencing sudden sharp neck pain, chest tightness. Heart problem? On sulfamethoxazole for kidney infection. Feeling nausea and body pain. Is this normal? What should I do to reduce belly fat? Have PCOS. Have sore breast and passing sticky vaginal discharge. Cause and cure? Toddler suffering from angelman's syndrome. What treatment should be done? Urinating without feeling the urge to urinate. What is the disease called? Have swollen lymph node in neck and groin area, lump on stomach. Node draining pus and blood Lump appeared below penis head. Sonogram done. What is the correct treatment? Suffering from tooth ache. Looking for relief How the rate of hiv infection has changed in last few years? What are the side effects of cardizem? Feels like fainted while urinating with low heart rate. What is the problem? Have irritating inflammation on bottom cheeks. No relief from skin ointments, calamine lotion. Remedy? Have GERD. Is it safe to have food containing omega-3 fatty acid? Adhesions found on uterus after abortion. Trying to conceive. Should I go for adhesions removal? HIV combo test done after protected sex. Feeling tired, have muscle pain and sore throat. Worrisome Took antibiotic for pneumonia. Now tested for leural effusion with no fever. What is going on? Addicted to masturbation. Noticed black spot on penis head and downward penis erection. Prognosis? Have tiny purple spot on testicle. Starts bleeding after popping. What could this be? Blood test showed epstein barr virus and cytomegalovirus. Is there any cure available for them? Child is having throat pain. No relief from ibuprofen. Any effective medicine? Having testicle pain. Semen analysis done. Could it be chronic epididymitis? Pregnant with extra fluid. Report showed discrepancy antepartum condition. Any effect on unborn? Pregnant. Came contact with dry secretion, developed rashes. Any chances of contracting STD? Have lump on head. Hurts to touch. How to remove this? Diagnosed with urethritis. Getting painful erection. Are they related? Had nephroctomy done. Now noticed high bp, occasional missed heart beat. ECG normal. Thoughts? Took plan b after unprotected sex. Missing period. How to continue birth control schedule? Having metallic taste in mouth, feeling bloated and nauseous. HPT negative. Pregnant? Taking ativan. Can this be harmful? Taking pegasys shots and ribasphere. Blood level normal. Safe to drink alcohol? Child is having diarrhea, vomiting and body pain. What is the cause and required cure? Have cold and sore throat with excessive salivation. What medicine should I take? MRI showed scattered white matter hyper-intensities in the frontal white matter. Meaning? Have hep c liver asymptomatic, high BP. Recovering from foot surgery. Should I go for treatment? Nose started bleeding after head injury. Getting headache. Should I consult a doctor? Given overdose of acetaminophen to a child. What should I do? Have groin rash. What is the difference between canesten and viaderm? Have headache, pain in eye and high frequency hearing loss. What am I suffering from? Chances of getting pregnant after unprotected sex? Taking pause for heavy bleeding. Papsmear normal. Suspected for adetonomous polyp. Cancer? Developed spotty bruise on thigh. What could it be? Rough flaky spot appeared on the back of ankle. How to get rid of this? Have mild chest pain. No relief from heartburn medicine. Blood test normal. Worried for angina Fluid filled bump appeared on outer vaginal lip. Sore to touch. Any idea what could this be? Stopped taking alprax and fludac due to headache and fatigue. How to cure this? Have hard and sore vein in the armpit. Easy way to get cure? What does nonspecific white matter change, atypical for demyelination mean? Infant has tiny bump on top of head. No pain, no fever. What could be this and how to treat this? How to improve the heart function? Swelling and redness appeared on thumb after a cut. Infection? Taking tadalafil for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Safe to take tentex forte capsule? Sharp pain in crease of arm. What could be causing this? Had protected sex with a cut on penis. Started getting stomach ache, burning in eyes. Chances of HIV? Had unprotected oral sex. Getting soft erection with fever, sore throat and abdominal pain. Worrisome Taking cifroxo and ofloxo for recurrent typhoid. Is there any permanent cure? Had GERD. Now feeling nauseous with excess gas formation in stomach and burping. Medication? Heard popping sound when bending down. Now hurts to lift arm and experiencing pain in rib cage Took zoloft pill. Now having severe burning sensation in back of throat, numbness on lip On invega sustenna injection for schizophrenia. When will my periods return after stopping the pill? Severe pain in arms and shoulders after drinking heavily. Any cure? Taking ATK-4 for abdominal pain. Recent test showed elevated SGPT and SGOT level. Due to medicine? Toe injury while playing. Now there is swelling with inflammation and pus. Adviced novamox Suffering from body pain and burning sensation in soles of feat. Any solution? 41 years old. Shaky feeling in hands and legs. What could be causing this? Bleeding in early pregnancy. Mild endometrial thickening seen on pelvis test. Any complication? Used dip tobacco. Chance of getting cancer? Is it safe to travel during first and third trimester? MRI showed small hypointense lesions in left parietal region. What does this mean? Red blotchy rash appeared on cheeks, arms and legs. Required treatment? Toddler tested for thyroid level. Findings are slightly elevated. Is this normal? Noticed white discoloration on penis tip. Underlying cause? Toddler tested for thyroid level. Findings are slightly elevated. Thyroid level was normal during birth Took ciprofloxacin for UTI, zithromax for clamydia. Redness on penis not cured. Is levofloxacin safe? Child ingested johnsons baby oil. Should I consult a doctor? Pregnant. Started vomiting and passing loose stool. Should I be worried? Have high blood pressure, frequent urination, pain in back of neck and shoulders. What is wrong? Pregnant. Prescribed ecosprin for high blood pressure. Is this safe during pregnancy? Heard loud noise in head when trying to sleep. Prognosis? Getting pulsating feeling in feet. Is this a sign of an illness? Using nuvaring. Started bleeding after sex, have dry and swollen vagina. Due to hormonal imbalance? Diabetic. Noticed swelling on wrist and ankle. Suspected for muscle inflammation. Medical cure? Taking anxit for the last few years. Now prescribed epitril. Should I continue this medicine? Experiencing chest pain, headache, tiredness and loss of appetite with vomiting episode. Any cure? Felt lump under skin on lower back. Lump started getting bigger. Should I consult a doctor? Using clobetasol propionate cream. Can this affect drug test results? Slipped on floor. Got hit on head. Getting headache, neck ache, sleeping difficulty and feeling tired Suffering from abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. What treatment should be done? Got severe nail injury. Nail turned dark and half of nail is detached from nail bed. Common? Minimal brain activity after accident. On life support. Had punctured lung, broken ribs, brain aneurysm Diagnosed with iron-deficiency and hypothyroid. Had delayed period and now heavy bleeding. Reason? Having strange sensation in throat. Not cured by prilosec. How to get relief? Having severe body pain, mild fever. Blood and urine test normal. Given antibiotics and voltaren. Worrisome CPAP patient. Taking percoset after teeth removal. How to control bleeding from gums? Taking zoloft. Experiencing fuzzy-headedness, nausea after increasing the dose of zoloft. Concerned Noticed puffiness on face, dark circles under eye after drinking alcohol. How long it takes to cure? Have sunburn on face, neck, forearm. Taking phentermine, nortrel, metformin. Reason for weight loss, skin darkening? Woke up with slight loss of hearing. Applied ear cleaning fluid. Now total deafness. Reason? Twisted leg. Red rash and swelling appeared on hip area. X-ray normal. Took redizone, hydrochordon Getting stabbing pain close to belly button and lower back. Symptoms of hernia? Have blocked nose, sore throat. Treated for pancreatitis. Had gall bladder removed. Have swollen lymph node. Experiencing nausea and back pain Itchy hands and feet at night. What could be causing this? Bleeding started and stopped after taking a MTP KIT. Pregnancy test still positive. Any advice? Burning stabbing pain in pelvis. Taking gabapentin. Now painful perineum. Blood test normal. What to do? Have tight and cracked foreskin with red spot on penis head. No relief from quadiderm. Permanent solution? Took ipill after unprotected sex. Started bleeding with abdominal pain and vomiting. Am I pregnant? Took meth last night. Will it be safe to take tenormin now? Taking antibiotic for bacterial infection. Started itching on penis. How to treat this? Trying to conceive. Taking duphaston. Getting period twice in one month. Should I continue this medicine? Diagnosed with shingles. Prescribed tramadol. Taking cyclosporin for severe eczema. Safe to take aciclovir? Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection done. Cramps and sore breast feeling gone. Normal? Toddler suffering from loose motion. What should be done? Have headache, mild fever and passing loose motion. Taking oral rehydration solution and paracetamol Is there any way to increase the strength and thickness of hair? Having arm pain, burning sensation on back and weakness. How to treat brachial plexus nerve injury? Has sex without penetration. Noticed less bleeding during periods. Should I be worried for pregnancy? Partner suffering from erectile dysfunction. How to give sexual satisfaction? Crown placed on upper molar. Bony hard lump appeared with pain and itching. What is wrong? Diabetic. Taking sustanon for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation. No improvement seen. Treatment? Having irregular period and gaining weight. Not cured by medicine. Safe remedy? Facing difficulty to pass urine and empty the bladder. Any solution? Experiencing dizziness, slurred speech, blurred vision, pain in arm and leg. Required treatment? Have cavity. Took antibiotic for tingling, sensitive teeth. Panoramic x-ray found cyst. How to cure this? Have tachycardia, high blood pressure, GERD. Taking metoprolol, baby aspirin. Echocardiogram normal Have acidity problem due to drinking, eating spicy food. Stopped whisky, started beer. Thoughts? Stopped diverticulitis medicine. Thyroid removed due to PTC. Have elevated TSH level. Do I need colonoscopy? Taking levothyroxine. Thyroid test results are normal. Any suggestion? Purple itchy rashes appeared on neck and chest. What could be causing this? Having abdominal pain during intercourse. Reason?
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