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Started going to gym to reduce fat and build muscles. Need suggestions regarding exercise, food and supplementation What does left axis deviation and QS with negative T in 3 along with QS in aVF mean? Swollen legs, ankles, itchy abdomen. Diagnosed with CHF, dementia, arterial stenosis. Pace maker working. How much care needed? Developed heartburn, back pain and vomiting. Related to ETOH, hepatitis a or food poisoning? On iron supplements. Having irregular heartbeat, dry throat and feeling dizzy. Worrisome Weakness, body ache before bowel movement. Tried probiotics. Is this anxiety, adrenal fatigue or gastro virus problem? Experiencing backache after lunch and dinner. How to cure this? Taking treatment for hypothyroidism, guillain barre syndrome. Worried for weight gain, irregular period White bumps on throat. What is it? Diagnosed with diabetes type 1, BP, thyroid, cholesterol. Prescribed janumet. Is it going to cause any side effects? Taking abilify, lamictal and warfin. Now easily getting cold and mononucleosis. Side effect? Facing an optic nerve problem. Getting blurred vision. Not cured by medicine. MRI normal. Prognosis? Headache during and after urination. What could that be? Going to have laproscopy shoulder for tear in rotator cuff. Taking adderal. Will it interfere with the surgery? Recovering from stomach flu. Getting bouts of hiccups. Should I be concerned? Want to lose weight. Diagnosed with spina bifida. Any suggestion? Having irregular period. Taking loseasonique. Should I consult a gynecologist? Getting tingling sensation on foot. All medical test normal except elevated vitD3 level. Concerned Preborn child is vomiting continuously and not gaining weight. Underlying cause? Having lack of sleep due to work and stress. How to overcome this? Have high positive anti nuclear factor. Had tested negative for HIV. Will it affect the HIV test result? Side effect of taking high dose of cardizem er, metoprol, lisinopril hctz and ativan? Experiencing pain in intercourse as the foreskin does not retract smoothly. Suggest remedy Had food poisoning, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea. Taken Imodium. What is it? Having sacrum pain. Had premolar extracted. Infection in the site of extraction. Is the infection related to the sacrum pain? Altered test sensation, loss of hair. Diagnosed with pcs. What is it? Lower throat irritation. Cause and remedy? Lesions like lichen nitidus over genitals. Used nystatin and triaminolome acetonide. Effective medicine? Have congestive heart failure, lymphedema, edema and blisters on leg. On medication. Proper cure? Suggest dosage for rabipur vaccine Diagnosed with multiple myeloma, amyloidosis and severe congestive heart failure. Concerned for lump on arm Suffering from lower back pain. Wears belt. Suggest medication to be taken when in severe pain Have red rash on upper arms and it feels like a sunburn. What could it be? Preterm baby has cyst in the periventricular area of the brain. How to cure this? Took microgynon. Now started bleeding. Concerned Had a pre-term baby by C-section. Breasts feel heavy and leaking milk. Facing trouble while breast feeding Cramping, tightening in throat, tongue. Undergone tonsillectomy. Suggest medication Had cold. Experiencing pain on chest, muscle spasms and breathing difficulty. Cause and cure? Pregnant. Started sweating, have swollen ear, itchy rash appeared on forehead. What is wrong? Developed groin, leg pain. Completed a course of metronidazole. Is this normal? Or Do I need treatment? Bruise on face. Taking multi vitamins, calcium OTC. What tests should I undergo? Have elevated tsh level. What diet, cure and precaution is to be taken? Had protected sex with different partner. Getting headache, tired, muscle and joint pain. HIV? Suffering from low back pain, neck pain, numbness in fingers, sleeplessness. Is it cervical spondylosis? Diagnosed with fibromyalgia. ESR, CRP goes up while having a fibro flare. Joint pain, migraine, rashes. Is it lupus? Have elevated SGPT level. What is this and what should I do next? Test showed elevated SGPT, SGOT and cholesterol levels. Looking for suggestion Getting frequent headache, runny nose and fever. CT scan showed frontal white matter ischemic changes. Serious? Pain under lower ribcage. Taking cefdinir for sinus infection. Could this be a side-effect of the Cefdinir? Breathlessness while riding. Had undergone surgery for heart block, arrhythmia, had a pace maker put in. Taking metoprolol for blood pressure. What could be the cause? Laminectomy and discectomy done. Having lower back pain and bladder problem. Is this serious? Having Kidney stone problem. Stones too small to be surgically removed. USG test done. Suggest course of treatment Planning for a baby. Father has dark complexion. What will be the complexion of my baby? Reason for premature membrane rupture. What precaution should be taken for a baby? Suffering from depression. Taking arpizol, oxetol, escipra. Medicine not effective. Any advice? Is there any medicine available to postpone period? Family history of bowel cancer. Having abdominal pain, back pain and IBS. Am I at any risk? Nausea, bloated stomach, headache, tiredness, tightness in chest. What do the symptoms indicate? Had miscarriages. Laparoscopy report suggests disordered endometrial proliferation. Is it possible to conceive with this problem? Red blister appeared on scrotum after unprotected sex. Do I have herpes? Child is having sweet smell of sweat and abdominal pain. What should be done? Having headache, dizzy spells, nausea and upset stomach. HPT negative. What am I suffering from? Missed period after unprotected sex. Tested positive for pregnancy. Took abortion pill. No bleeding or pain Pain in thigh. Had undergone knee miniscus surgery. Could it be a clot? Have low ejection fraction. Taking lanoxin and cholesterol medications. Experiencing fast heart rate Red vein under nose, rashes under nose and below mouth. Taking estradiol. Is it the side effect of estradiol? MRI scan done. Diagnosed with fistula. Is surgery the only treatment? Alternate medication? Diagnosed with anal fistula. Is surgery the only option? Can Ayurveda help? How long should I wait to take Ibuprofen after liver biopsy? Have large penis and experiencing pain during intercourse. What am I suffering from? Facing problem in retracting the foreskin below penis head. Non surgical treatment for frenulum? Coughing up phlegm. Taking methotrexate, plaquenal, losartan. Suggset medication Pain in ankle and back. Temporary relief from neurobean. Blood test showed low B12 level. Relief? Sharp pain in rib. Chest X-ray, calcium serum test came clear. Taking musclepro, mycoil, shellcal. Should I consult an orthopaedic? Lump in neck above collar bone. Was recommended aspiration of the area. Should I see An ENT or a dermatologist for this issue? Noticed oily yellowish grease coming out of anus. What could be causing this? Have mouth ulcer. CBC, LFT, RFT and HIV test done. Found slightly elevated liver SGOT and bilirubin. Have nasal allergy, facial pain, nasal polyp. Taking levoflaxon, prednisone. Will zinc supplements and vitamin A help with nasal polyps? Missed pill for one day and had unprotected sex. Can I get pregnant? High fever, headache, nausea, gums-swollen and bleeding. Tested negative for strep. Diagnosed with pharyngitis, stomatitis. Suggest course of treatment Took plan B after unprotected sex. Started bleeding, itching and eczema around anus. Treatment? What does normocytic normochromic rbcs test result means? Found mucus and pus cell in stool test. Suggested to go for colonoscopy test. What should I do? Swollen, painful tongue with spots on it. Casual smoker. Suggest treatment Chest X-ray report shows subtle heterogeneous ovoid opacity in right mid zone. Meaning? Blister on head of penis, not painful. What could this be? Blood test done. What are the findings in the report? Had oral sex with stranger. Developed sore throat. Should I go for a throat swab test? Started feeling hot with fast heart rate. What is wrong? On birth control pill. Noticed blood after urinating. Is this a sign of an illness? Problems with bowel movement. Had undergone bladder prolapse surgery. Is the problem related to the surgery? Have red spots on meatus. Tested negative for STD. Worrisome Having severe pain in chest and back. Taking anxiety medications. Chest x-ray showed nodules on lung Had buckle stick fracture of the distal phalanx. Put in a cast. How long should the cast remain? Diabetic. Has a chronic subdural haematoma. What treatment should be done? Hurt in the bottom of nose, frenum behind upper lip torn, pain in columella. Taking pain relievers. Is this normal with nose trauma? Breathing from mouth during sleep. What is the underlying cause? Noticed purple line on toenails. Started spreading with pain. How to cure this? Facing hair fall and itchy rash on arms, ears and scalp. What treatment should be done? Extreme tiredness, problem while getting up. What might be causing this sudden energy loss, tiredness? Hysterectomy done. Taking lupron for recurring symptoms of endometriosis. Concerned for cervical cancer Fell down on ice. Fluid filled bruise appeared. Required treatment? Palpitation, sweating, fatigue, chest pain. Tested positive for MVP and negative little later. Can MVP go away? Had GERD, migraines, eustacian tube dysfunction. Having neck pain, dizziness. Reason for elevated liver function values? Urinating blood following fall from ladder. Cured of cancer. What could it be? Have flat shaped wart on hand. Starts bleeding after scratching. How to remove this? Took cortisone injection in shoulder. Getting anxiety, tachycardia and tremors in chest. Side effect? Pregnant. Started spotting with cramps. Feeling nausea, bloated and tired. Am I miscarrying? Diagnosed with hypersensitivity vasculitis. High level of protein in urine. The cause of protein in urine? Noticed semen discharge in spite of having erection. What is the problem? Had vagintitis and bacterial infection. Getting brown discharge after period. What is going on? Pain in back side of head radiating to neck, front head. Have migraine. What could this be? Why do blood pressure monitors suggest not to take reading until few minutes after exercising? Alternating chest congestion and chest burning sensation. Taken tetracyclin, penicillin, cortisone. Suggest remedy Diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Have low blood platelet count. What do you advise? Found movable lump on gum. What could be causing this? Missing period. Suggest an abortion pill to terminate pregnancy Numbness in cheek after smoking a cigarette after a gap. What could be the cause? Experiencing pregnancy symptoms every month. Had miscarriage. Done progesterone test. Taking clomid. What is it? Suffering from anxiety, heavy menstrual period and weight gain. Thyroid test done. Do I have hyperthyroidism? Suffering from diabetes mellitus, CAD, kidney failure and arthritis. Suggest a safe analgesic Fell on buttocks, large indentation at the fall site, slight pain. Will it go away on its own or do I need medication? Child had bilateral inguinal hernia surgery. Does holding testicle affect fertility in future? Severe pain in leg and hip area. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia. How to cure the pain? Diagnosed with transient ischemic attacks. Sonogram showed tumour, normal CAT scan and ECK. Treatment? Reappearance of lump on temple. Diagnosed as nodule. Had cyst on temple, had it sealed with laser. Could it be cancer? Burning sensation in anus area. Diagnosed with piles in anal canal. Is it normal to have burning sensation in piles? Noticed painful lump under the center of the navel. What could this be? Getting pain under rib and have gastric problem. CT scan normal. What treatment should be done? Passing soft granules in urine. No pain or discomfort. What is the disease called? Have chest infection, dry cough and mild bp. Taking ibuprofen. Found shadow on lung. Worrisome Having knee pain unable to sit cross legged. X-ray done. Looking for suggestion Extremely painful lower back, feeling of numbness, nausea. Suggest medication Pregnant. Can I take cialis. Will this have any side effect? On anxit for depression. Started gaining weight. Can I take prescopodene for weight loss? Have small sized eggs. How can I conceive? On paroxetine, clonazepam for anxiety and depression. Started feeling anxious and depressed. Effective cure? Noticed smelly fluid leakage from belly button. Easy way to get cure? Have sore throat, stinging eye, sore skin, pain on bottom of back and head. Medical cure? Strained muscle, pain in back radiating to ribs. Recommended bone scan. Had mastectomy. Should I be concerned? Trying to conceive. Had intercourse around ovulation. What are the chances of pregnancy? What is the chance of being pregnant after ovulation? Swollen leg with rash around ankle. Advise treatment Bruise appeared on thigh after scratching. Why is this happening? Have COPD. Experiencing pain in back and thigh. Lumbar spine mri done. Are the findings normal? Are there any side effects for stopping epistaxis suddenly after taking it for a long time? What are the treatment available for HbsAg positive patient? Coloured spots on back from spine to armpit. No pain. What could it be? Felt hard and sore lump on thigh under skin. History of skin cancer. What is going on? Smoking cigarette makes head feel amusing. Have been a smoker. What is the reason? Have red and brown blotches on leg. Could it be due to poor blood circulation? Have itchy vagina, getting bad odor and passing white discharge. Cause and cure? 26 year old. Is it possible to increase height? Have sores on face. Not cured by medicine. Any solution? Having heavy period, abdominal pain, back pain. Ultrasound showed black dots on uterus. Cancer? Infant fell on head. Can this cause glands to swell? Undergone treatment for lympnode TB. Smoked couple of times during the treatment. Will it cause any problem? Child is breathing heavily with fever. Prescribed cefpodoxine for pneumonia. Not cured. Alternative cure? CT scan report suggests mild atrophy in pancreas and spleen appear homogeneous. What does it indicate? Have ovarian cyst, pain in lower back, stomach, heavy discharge, burning sensation after urination. Suggest remedy Pupils not contracting, getting dizziness while turning sides. What could it be? Bruise appeared on thigh after scratching. Hurts to touch. Why is this happening? Pain in stomach, pain in back, constipation. Advise Have high body temperature. Do I have infection? Pregnant. LMP, urine, iui test done. Help reading the report. Is pregnancy confirmed? Suffering from cold and sneezing. Required treatment? Coloured sores under foreskin of penis. What is the cause and how to treat it? Nose blocked during night, runny in day time, itchiness on roof of mouth. Suggest medication Child having low appetite, low concentration. Advice medication Planning to do glycolic peel for acne scars and pimples. Is this safe? Have IUI done. Took citravescent. How to relieve the pain? Developed red ring on penis head and foreskin. What could be causing this? Dark brown spot on cheek. How to treat it? Thyroid test report suggests high TSH, low FT4. Advise medication and diet Scabies left dark spots on skin. How to get rid of these spots? Having pain on breast during period. Should I consult a doctor? Heaviness in abdomen, slight pain. Sonography suggests enlarged liver. Blood test done. What do you think about my liver health? Infant skin color started getting dark day by day. How to stop this? Have bicuspid aortic valve with moderate regurgitation. Is it safe to take adderall? Pain in posterior part of leg above malleolus. MRI, nerve conduction studies came negative. Any advice? MRI showed multiple small ovarian follicles present bilaterally. Will this affect fertility? Had ventrical shunt put in. Getting headache and nausea. How to get relief? MRI showed disc bulge and large central disc herniation causing significant spinal stenosis. Meaning? Test showed high LDL, vitamin D deficient and anemic. Suggest a proper diet plan Brown spot appeared on wrist, top of hand and back of arm. How to treat this? Pain in lower abdomen. Taking depo-prevera. Any suggestions as to what it is? Experiencing liver pain when getting up or down. Should I consult a doctor? Have ringworm on back. Using triamcinolon. Not cured. What to do? Pain during urination, swollen red testicles. Prescribed hydrocortizone. What could this be? Vomiting after eating. Suspected for mild tonsils inflation, gastro intestinal reflux. Proper diagnosis? Had unprotected sex. Getting tingling sensation on penis, irritation on urethra. Taking doxycyclin, cipro Experiencing burning sensation on hands, knee. Have vitamin B12 deficiency. Taking ostocalcium. Any thoughts? Sour, burning test in mouth, burning sensation in chest. UGI report suggests little reflux. Where is this pain coming from? Follicular study done. No free fluid in POD. Is the report normal? Robotic hysterectomy done. Getting stomach ache when coughing or bending. Is this normal? Bleeding again after period. Had sex. What could this be? Child is having chest pain with racing heartbeat. What is the disease called? MRI showed grade 2 myxoid degenerative changes in the posterior horn of medial meniscus. Meaning? Had medical abortion. Now experiencing pulling muscle sensation in bladder region. Worrisome Blood came while urinating. What is the cause of this symptom?
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