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Diagnosed with ADHD. No medication taken. Sweat a lot. What can be done? Can mutant mass, a weight gaining aid cause heart attacks? Picked up amoeba. Had tinidazole and Flagyl. Suffering from cramps. Guide Have rash and swelling on foot. Having pain. History of heart trouble. What should I do? Ear pierced. Tissue coming out. Should I remove the ring? Feel on back. Having pain, sweating and cold. Normal? Lowered hair density. What could be the root cause? Is hair transplantation beneficial? Had intestinal issues. Had colonoscopy. Found diverticula. Suggest Dents on the forehead. What could have caused this? Spotting and bleeding between periods. Us show mild fluid collection in pouch. Prescribed Ornilox. PID or something else? Suffering with depression causing irritability and bloating, believe it to be related to food intake. What could it be? Penile itching during urination, later smelly yellowish water. Reason? Suffered head injury. Scan report says thin stripe hyperdense extra axial blood collection seen in left frontoparietal region. Guide 16 weeks pregnant. Is air travel safe during this period? Constant headache with night sweats, troubled speech, clenching, no relief with medicines. CT scan done. Suggestions? Felt lumps on both sides of lower back, no pain. Been doing workout, boxing. What could it be? Weight loss since IBS treatment, joint problems, weakness. Advised Econorm, pentocid. Will it help? Painful boil on scrotum. History of unprotected anal sex. Tests showed non-reactive serum VRDL. Do I require HPV test? Had cervical epidural injection. Having soreness at the injection site. Suggest MRI showed L5-S1 bulge. Taking Lyrica, Pan. How long will it take to alleviate pain? Irritation on the rectum that aggravates with tea, spicy food. Suggestions? Suffering with pinonidal sinus near anus. Frequently travel by car. Guidance? Frequent dizzy spells usually during eating, no harm with light snacks. Serious? Periodic outbreak of itchy single spots on legs that turn deep red after a while. Any ideas? Diabetic with mild chronic hepatitis. Advised ultrasound of liver. What could the cause be? Clusters of skin, colored bumps on arms and inner thighs between genitals and knees that are itchy. What could it be? Pregnancy test a week later showed positive result. Earlier pregnancies had shown early positive result. Cause? Heart rate is 116. Is it good or bad? Severe hair fall. Is it a symptom of underlying problem? Cystic pimple on the cheek oozing heavily, seems to be heavily swollen. What will help reduce swelling? Pregnant, accidentally had an overdose of paracetamol tablets. What should be done? Impaired hearing when people call from a distance. Often hear loud music. Suggestions to overcome this? Being transfused with blood and plasma giving a good HB. Platelet count seems to be decreasing. Cause and steps to improve this? Pregnant. Done with two scans. When should be my next scan? Have lump inside nostril. Discomfort in breathing. Having pain in right eye. Suggestions Got off HRT. Experiencing joint aches, forgetfulness. Is this normal? Rectal pressure, discomfort while wiping, swelling above rectum. Done heavy lifting few days ago. Cause? Increase in TBIL level, liver enzymes seem to be good. Possible causes? Constant tingling in hands and feet, spider veins on chest, face, occasional heart palpitations. Blood tests good. Cause? Will Cowper's fluid outside vagina and in contact with clitoris result into pregnancy? Lipid profile done. What should be done to detect the risk of heart attack? Guidance for depression and anxiety problem? Bleeding from roof of mouth, rectum, abdominal discomfort and bloating. Recently had amoebic dysentery. Help? Had endometriosis. Have moderate hemorrhoid. Have rectal bleeding. What should I do? Child has albumin in urine. What diet is recommended? Sweat smells like yeast. What could the cause be? Having watery stools. Lot of indigestion. Feeling sick. Suggest Taking rupahist, have pain near ribs. Allergic to drugs prescribed for cold. Cause? Not able to pass stools even after eating vegetables and fruits. Suggestions Baby diagnosed with urticaria, taking clamist. Would facial swelling and occasional scratching be a cause of concern? Suffering from upset stomach. Feeling vomiting and weak. What can be done? Tests showed low MCV and CO2 levels. Should I try to get the normal levels? Having persistent cough with mucus. Have asthama. Guide Abdominal pain below rib cage to center of body post eating. Taking medicine for skin infection. Side effects? Is there a natural supplement for Proteus Miribilis UTI? Is it possible to have gas build up in the body? Have small purple spot under eye. Getting bigger and darker. Serious? Periodic back soreness, intermittent pain around waist line. Cause and cure? Noticed blood in urine. Prescribed bactrim. Having candida. Having soreness after urination. What could this be? Continuous headache behind eye, pressure in kidney area, tingling in fingers, neck and back tightness. Sign of infection? Itching and redness on penis head since using condom with formation of whitish material. Can I use olive oil? Noticed swelling in ankles. Taking hydroclorize. Suggest Child on piriton cs, seems to have increased cough and slight wheezing. What can be done for relief? Is abortion pill detectable in urine or blood test? Suffering from frequent urination and rashes on penis head and leg. Cause? Severe abdominal pains, low grade fever, stomach ache, nausea, cough and sore throat since treatment for strep throat. Help? Noticed right testis bigger then the left one. Feeling uncomfortable. What could this be? Cleaning the wound with peroxide and applying Neosporin. Covering with bandage. Feeling numb around the wound. Normal? Is it okay to go for chlamydia and gonorrhea test after 19 days of unprotected sex? MRI scan report shows posterior disc bulge with mild bilaterial nueral canal stenosis at L3/L4. Meaning. Treatment? Is it true that women with O+ blood group have higher infertility rate? Small penis and testicle, uncircumcised. Is circumcision necessary? Got thick brown discharge for few days prior to periods due, had taken plan B earlier. Periods? Child has fever, headache, cold, stabbing back pain below rib cage. Any thoughts? Liver profile done. What do the values indicate? Dent formation on upper thigh, edema in ankles and legs post standing for long hours. What can be done? Diagnosed with PCOS, prescribed Riomet, Krimson. Will these cause any complications in pregnancy? Fair complexion, have darker lips. Is there any way to regain natural pink color? Digestion issues, frequent vomiting. Any suggestions? Occasional swelling and itching in hands and fingers. Cause? Diagnosed with sacralization, herniated disc. Have pain in buttocks. Is there any option of surgical treatment? Suffering with Lyme disease, pulmonary hypertension, got exposed to one with active MRSA. In danger? Pregnant, have ear pain. What can be used to alleviate this? Elevated WBC since years. Would chronic leukemia cause WBC fluctuation? Accidentally tool heavy dosage of sudafed. What can be done to counter the side effects? Having recurrent prostatitis. Taking Ofloxacin. Having frequent urination. Suggestions Unprotected sex, tear on the foreskin, using neosporin. Is it safe to have oral sex? Vomiting and retching since a long time to relieve nausea, emit black slime. Suggestions? Pain behind ears, area seems to be tender, diagnosed to be enlarged gland. No improvement with medicine. Cancer sign? Weird tiredness, under severe stress, on amlodipine. Had sinus medicines in the past. What could be causing the symptoms? In pre-diabetic and sub-clinical thyroid stage, have observed rise in HbA1c. Should I start thyronorm? Suffering with calcium oxalate kidney stones since years, surgery done earlier, recently observed stone near VUJ. Guidance? Feeling of blurred vision, excessive sleep. Tests reports normal. Had taken anti-depressants in the past. Cause? Stay in Brazil, surrounding people often get abscess that ooze later. How can I prevent my family from contracting it? Hymen not ruptured. Can I insert finger in the vagina? Child has body itching, scabs on face and back. What could be causing this? Lesion on penis, no pain or discharge. History of oral sex. Help? Had epigastric hernia repair. Found hard lump at the site of repair. Serious? Has COPD and UTI. Taking Sipro. What can be done? Suffering from schizophrenia. Suggestions Kindney and Liver Panel analysis report show GGTP-97 U/L, Alkaline Phosphatase-135 U/L and Bilirubin-29mg/L. Suggest treatment? Have lump on lower abdomen. Burst with puss and blood. Guide Child got bruises on body, dark raised spots on tongue post immunization shots. Blood reports normal. What could this be? Noticed yellow stool after stomach virus. How long will this be? Recovery? Want to conceive, have fundal subseraus fibroid. What kind of treatment is advisable? Noticed white itchy spots on foreskin after having unprotected sex. Guide On logynon ed. Want to take a break. What should be done? Child's lab shows suspicious ESR and C-reactive protein level. Opinion? Prescribed to take amox-clav. How many apart to take? Had adrenalectomy for Conn"syndrome. Hormones lacking. Dangerous? Suffering with Hashimoto Thyroiditis, addicted to oxycodone. Is it safe to take suboxone? Consistent flu with sore throat, fatigue, headaches, night sweats. Is this normal? Got over diarrhea and lightheadedness a few days ago. Is it safe to travel by air? Bumped head. Getting black eyes. Should I be worried? Noticed black substance on teeth. How do I remove? Child has consistent low grade fever causing weight loss, low appetite. Labs show high WBC count. Reason? Blood test revealed temazepam 157 ng/ml and Oxazepam 63 ng/ml. Meaning? Feel nauseous, dizzy and sick post having intercourse. Reason? Suffering from depression. Took 30 tabs of aplrax 0.5 mg + 20 tabs of Ativan with half bottle of alcohol. Safe? Feeling of something stuck in the eye, blinking causes eye lid to touch the white dot on iris. What could it be? What does heavy mixed respiratory flora mean? Get burning sensation before orgasm causing orgasm to stop mid way. Sign of prostate cancer? Swollen penile skin, watery discharge. Which medicine can be used? Started light exercise, noticed painful dark patches on arms. History of twitching on arms. Alarming? Constant lower back pain followed by heartburn, feeling of obstruction in throat. Cause? Depression causing loss of focus, have inferiority complex due to looks. How can I overcome this? Shortness of breath, dizzy spells, blurry vision. Taking medicines for heart stents, high BP, ulcerative colitis. Due to drug interaction? Swelling in lips, oozing, scabbing, later blister formation. No change in routine. Cause? On various drugs, mainly citalopram, pantoprazole, oxycocet. Will these have adverse reactions? Having a red rash on bottom side of penis. Noticed scaling. Prescribed Clotrimazole. What can be done? Had kidney infections. Quadriplegic. Suggestions Large bump on the base of head that is tender and sensitive to touch, have severe neck and back pain. Any ideas? Blood pressure of 113/94, heart rate of 110. Cause of concern? Is painless vaccination safe for an infant? Labs show complex cyst in ovary with vascularity. MRI recommended. Insights? Chest pain, headaches, blurry vision. Tests showed abnormality in ECG graph, high BP. Possible causes? Unprotected sex, have delay in periods. Do not want pregnancy. Suggest? Dry itch of vagina, have only one partner. Could it be cancer? Chronic GERD, high body temperature. Suggestions for treatment? Skin infection since months, itching only during sweating. Diagnosed to be sobi. What are its causes and precautionary measures? Dizziness, lightheadedness. Suspicion of inner ear problem, lump on the back of neck. What could be wrong? Child frequently complains of stomach ache. What could the cause be? Lumps around groin with pigmentation. What could they be? Have lump attached to testicle. Can this develop into cancer? What should I do? Does frequent ejaculation cause any problem in future? Diabetic with triglycerides, have consistent headaches, lethargy, excessive sleep, eye pain, joint ache. Reason? Diabetic with triglycerides, get frequent headaches, excessive sleep, eye pain, joint ache. Tests to be done? Delayed periods. Had unprotected sex. Took unwanted72. Pregnant? Can epididymic cyst turn cancerous in future? Suffering from viral fever. treatment? Having itchy and red penis head. What to do? Rash around belt line above buttocks causing severe itching. What could it be? PCOD, have irregular periods, weight gain. Prescribed obimet, clofert. Are these safe? Is blood pressure hereditary. Symptoms? 63 year old, have BP around 163/80. Advised BP medicines. Guidance? Not able to pass stools completely. Should I go for detox. Smells very bad. What can be done? Get sharp pain in throat while walking. Recently recovered from chest infection. Suggestions? Excessive yawning causing neck pain. Cause? Pregnant. Started bleeding. Prescribed susten and hcg injection. Miscarriage? Swelling in the nose causing oozing, fever, body and headache. What should be done? Will the iron in blood be low even after umbilical hernia surgery? Suffering from back pain. MRI shows disc protrusion at L3 - L4. Meaning? Negative HbsAg, high SGPT, SGOT. Indications of hepatitis B? Had aged placenta in the earlier pregnancies. What can be done to prevent recurrence? Child is a active gymnast, complains of pain in the center of chest that increase while inhaling. Underlying congenital defect? Frequent loose and grainy stools. Cause and remedy? Intermittent occurrence of blood in urine. CT scans normal. Best treatment measures? Having pain in the shoulder. Suffered from nerve damage. Guide Pregnant. Having ovarian cyst. Has nausea and vomiting. Prescribed folic acid. Concerned. Treatment? Diagnosed with medical abortion. Was having soreness around vagina. Guide Diagnosed with epididmiytitis. Have pain in testicles. Guide CT scan and ultra sound showed moderate hepatomegaly. Has lesions and complex ovarian cyst. Both related? Pregnant. Noticed brown spotting. Normal at this stage? Feeling skin on back cold and painful. What could this be? What is done if surgery is necessary for peptic ulcer? Having total cholesterol level of 182 and Triglyceride level of 263. Matter of concern? Forgot to take microgynon and had unprotected sex. Took postinor. Noticed faint bleeding. Pregnancy? Pregnant. Having heavy nasal bleeding and dysentery. Cause? Blood test showed uric acid 7.2mg/dl. Suffering from allergic asthma. Taking salbutamol inhaler. Suggest Diabetic. Have red blotches on legs. Suggest Kidney ultrasound revealed small hyperechoic foci seen in both kidneys. Meaning? Should I be worried? GTT showed positive result. Good diet? Having itchy scalp, hair loss. Have meningioma. Suggestions Having low back pain. Can I use Tens Unit? Have sinus problem. Taking pseudeophedrines and tylenol. Suggestions Noticed sticky stools and having stomach cramps. Guide When can the test for HIV done after exposure? Kissing cause HIV? Having back trouble after gall bladder surgery. Suggest Having foot pain with discoloration and swelling. Had metatarsal fix. MRI showed mild difuse disc bulge L5-S1. What can be done? Ways to increase the size of the penis? Feeling nausea. Having back pain. Suggestions Having fever. Given sinarest syrup. Cause? How long will it take to settle? Observed excessive sweating. Smoke and drink. Taking no medication. Suggestions Tooth abscess, outer part of cheek, lower part of nose swollen. Antibiotics to be taken? Condom slipped. Wife missed period. Medicines to avoid pregnancy? Suffering from breathlessness. ECG normal. Recommended for ECO test. Necessary? Infant has stomach pains, slimy mucus stool. What does it indicate? Occasionally get blurred vision for a short period. Cause? Having swelling in legs and also developed blisters. Suggestions TMT and ECG reports normal yet feel heart beats during sleep time. Remedy?
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