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Suffering from cavities. Having pain. Treatment? Asthmatic patient. Having skin itching and sneezing problem. Guide? Having itchy skin from several days. Itching more at night. Suggestions Blood check showed sugar level 300. How to control? Feeling pain in the ear. Diagnosed with Eustachian-tube infection. Remedy? How to quit smoking? Having dry mouth in morning, feels tongue swollen and phelgm in throat. Help? How long does alopecia areata lasts? Diagnosed with spine TB. Taking medication. Safe to plan for a baby? Taking Simvabeta, causes terrible pain in the arms and shoulder. Should I stop it? Had prostrate cancer. Having burning sensation during urination. Suggest? Have itchy throat. Prescribed antibiotic and steroid. Having cough. Remedy? Have a hard lump between eye and nose. Feels hard when pressed and growing in size. What is it? Using melacare cream on face, dark spots gone. When stoped face turns blue black. Advise? Have a hiatal hernia and have been on medication. Is it safe to do pull-up exercise? Child having cough and cold, prescribed nebulization. Suggestion? Had sex using withdrawal method. Took plan B. Should I expect my periods? Skin drying and cracking on scalp, causing sebum. Applied Neosporin. Guidance Having corn on toe. How do you treat a foot corn? Does uterine polyp cause delayed periods? Swallowed a chicken bone and felt stuck in throat. X-ray showed nothing. Prescribed antacid, having abdominal pain Had sex with sex worker. Having cold, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat. Risk of HIV? Noticed urticaria after eating. Took loratadine. Continue tablet. Any cream? Can survive even after having heart attack for more than a week? Had abortion. Waiting for my periods. Took morning after pill after sex. Safe? Suffering from migraine. Taking migranil. Develops severe acidity. Suggest Having scabs on nose, which hurts and comes back after picking. What to do? Had ipill after sex. Noticed bleeding after periods. Should I worry? Does vaginal suppositories affect infant sex if pregnancy in the same month? Which brand of kojic acid and azelaic acid cream to use for pigmantation? Pregnant. Having low back pain. Normal? Child fainted and unresponsive in locked bathroom. Gets seizure like movements. Remedy? Had headache. Prescribed Rocephin. CT scan normal. What to do? Forgot to take blood pressure pill. Can I take or wait for tomorrow? Had protected sex and had pimple on penis which was bleeding during sex.Am I at risk to get HIV? Unable to have a bowel movement without enema including diarrhoea. Take miralax for bowel incontinence. Suggest? Scheduled for a HIDA scan. Can I take flexaril and tramdol for pain and water before scan? Pulled ingrown hair, pimple has formed into large red boil. Eyelid and under eye are full of fluid. Suggest? Had black spots during last circle. Had protected sex. Having body aches. Should I be worried? Feeling dizziness while working, mouth is dry, pain on back of head. BP normal and pregnancy test negative Wanted to know if you can feel your ribs in your inner breast area? Endoscopy shows hiatus hernia. Having stomach and chest pain. Prescribed Ganaton and Herbogastron. Permanent cure? Had root canal. Having pain and small blister on the roof of the mouth. What to to? Reports show TSH level is high. Suggest Does vitamin C cause birth defects? Have cirrhosis, increase arthritis pain and abdominal bloating. Normal in cirrhosis? Had unprotected sex. Having rash on penis and it is tender. Is it a STD or irritation? On infertility treatment, taking siphene and progynova. Stopped progynova. When am I due for periods? Has diabetes and has insulin, had plaque in kidney. Takes omperazole. Suggest? Diabetic have low blood sodium, fatigue, foggy head weight loss and freezing. Thoughts? Had prostate cancer and prostate removed and radiation cleared. Had treated yeast infection. Having tingling in testicle Have hit on the side of head. Having facial numbness, chest and back pain. MRI and X-ray was normal. Suggest? Child's skin becoming darker with little sun exposure. Stool is always runny and white. Suggest ayurvedic medicine? I am underweight by birth, no smoking habit, how to improve my health? Having lump under arm pit. Painful, red and filled with fluid. Suggest? Having pain in nipple, sore to touch, no lumps. Pain has moved to arms and neck. What is it? Having reddish and blackish cough. Increased snoring. Help? Underweight. Taking Ayruvedic treatment. No improvement. Suggest Blood test showed high GGT level. Have thyroid problem. Cause? Have stomach flu. Cure? Can copper supplement be taken with or without food for better absorption? Taking trileptal, Geodon, Remeron, and Risperdone. Safe to take Garcinia Cambogia? Noticed blood in urine. Having dry mouth. Feeling tired. Worried? Having pain in hip, leg and buttock. Does these symptoms suggest hip replacement? Feeling sick and nausea 3 days after sex. Cause? Have cortisone injections for arthritis. Want to know the dosage per day of Endone to relieve pain? Having pain in chest, back and shoulders. Had colonoscopy to confirm Crohn's disease. Suggest Taking Savella. Noticed swelling in legs and low sensation in foot. Side effects? Diagnosed with Diabetes. Preventive measures to be taken? Feel like something inside when I masturbate. What could this be? Suffering from severe itching, tried many creams. Allergy? Delivered still born baby. Experiencing pain in cervix and having increases bleeding. What to do? Having severe headache. X-ray showed compressed disc in neck. What can this be? Noticed skin color changed after one month of swimming. Applying SPF15 cream. Remedy? Having tingling in upper back and numbness in arm. What should I do? Having severe vomiting and loose motions. Could it be GERD? Fractured radius near wrist. Ulna sore and red. Can I cut hole in the brace? Having severe knee pain. Advised arthiritis. Cure? Feeling tired, leg pain specially in lower foot. Suggest? Had Vasovasostomy. Noticed lump at the incision site. Painful to touch. Should I be concerned? Have an itchy red rash on legs and arms. After healing left a scar. How to get rid of it? Having early periods with heavy blood colts. What could be the cause? Had unprotected sex but took ipill. Periods are late. Pregnant? Suffering from Varicose veins in leg with swelling and pain which causes discomfort. Suggest ayurvedic medicine? Had unprotected sex with two different girls. Having sore throat and mild fever. Risk of HIV? Have skipped periods. Had regular cycle. After taking modus having blood clots instead of flow. Suggest? Taking gemer1 in empty stomach and feeling uneasy. May I take it before principal meal at night? Having headache. Cure? Leg is hot inside but cold outside. Underlying cause? Bedridden. Urine moving towards urinary tract. Remedy? Given medicines ceftum and emeset for gall bladder stone. Having severe pain. Took spasma proxyvon. What should I do? Had aneurysm. Lots of hemmoraging in brain. Suggest Does low thyroid cause numbness in various areas and vertical double vision? Experiencing shortness of breath after taking Metaprolol. What to do? Suffering from frequent urination and burning sensation in penis? Can I take DI sodium hydrogen citrate syrup? Diagnosed with momo. Tonsils swelling. Using oral mouth wash. Misdiagnosed? Weird feeling on the side of neck. No lumps and throat doesn't hurt. Suggest? Have bump at the bottom of cheek. Its hard. Any thoughts? Have sore bottom gums inside of the bottom teeth, tenderness under jaw. Suggest? What is the best way to treat toe nail fungus? Have been diagnosed with an Morganella infection. Taken Cipro and don't feel any difference. Is this a common ailment? Having palpitations after eating. Remedy? Taking birth control pills. Noticed bleeding continuous for 7 days. Uterine cancer? Chest right side under breast bone is very sore. Remedy? Feel bowel movements but not able to pass stools. Feel abdomen bloated. Cause? Had a tubal done followed by heavy periods. Now not having any signs of periods. Is it tubal pregnancy? Red itchy spots or bruise like areas inside the mouth. What could be this? Have severe pain across upper back. Get it after standing and sitting for too long? Child with dust allergy, sneezing, no fever. Cure? Masturbated for long time. Foreskin was red, swollen and irritable, no pain during urination. Advise? Ultra sound done showed enlarged kidneys. Have lower back pain and diarrhoea. Advise? Having mild tightness in chest, arm and shoulder. Sign of heart attack? Ultra sound showed enlarged kidneys. Have lower back pain and diarrhoea. Underlying cause? Have cold problem, how to treat this? Pregnant, done with urine test. What are the findings? Child complaining upset stomach. Had blood discharge from rectum followed by purple and green stool. Suggest? Suffering from hair loss and thinning. No family history. Suggest medicines and diet for the same? Child started with a rash on arm and spreading to neck and chin. Suggest? Child having a rash on arm and spreading to neck and chin. Treatment? Have a painful knot at the base of skull causing headache and hurting ear. What could it be? Having burning sensation from chest to stomach. Guide? Having itchy bumps on thigh and scrotum. Having transparent liquid discharge. Remedy? Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Safe to use Viagra. Suggest medications? Got tested with HSV 1 and 2 antibodies. What are the findings? Having erratic heart beats. Had stent and mild heart attack. Taking ramapril. Suggestions Pregnant. Taking hcg injection. Scan report showed Beta hcg level 99.8 Nt/ml. Safe? Discomfort in anus region. Skin below the scrotum is dark and feels itchy. Help? Noticed blood in urine. Having pain and burning sensation during urine. Cause? Suffering from pimples on neck, ears, forehead and cheek. Cure? How many days after c-section delivery, sexual activity can be resumed? Suffering from fever that occurs frequently. Suggest? How to get rid of one month pregnancy? Child having high fever. Given meftal, imol syrup and solvin cold. What are the side effects? Taking Lalra and Aibitel. Gaining weight. What to do? Experiencing abdominal pain. Cure? Taking regestrone for irregular menstrual cycle. Had unprotected sex. Took unwanted 72. Safe? Having masturbation since 5-6 years. Noticed low sex stamina and small penis. What to do? Had protected sex and noticed blood in condom. HIV test negative. Should I go for the test again? Having hurting jaws. Doctor suggested grind teeth. Remedy? Accident. Noticed swelling in eyelids, forehead and temple. Having headache. Treatment? ECHO report shows dilated aortic root. Meaning? Concerned? Suffering from stomach pain and nausea. Guide Suffering from pain during intercourse. Cure? Pregnant. Avoid foods like Black grapes and Mangoes? Having vomiting. Had reflux and prescribed gaviscon. What to do? Heart rate monitor showed 180. Normal? How long can Stieva-A be used? Has vascular cerebral accident. With septic shock. Treatment? Has genital warts, would like to know the risk of getting infected? Suffering from Gout. Had body building supplements. Having pain and stomach gas. Guide? Suffering from intermittent bleeding, cramps and back pain. Ultrasound showed retroverted uterus. Meaning? Hit head hard on metallic edge. Had nausea and shock. Should I be concerned? Having cough, headache and feeling nausea. Have UTRI? Delayed periods. Had sex, no ejaculation. Pregnant? Had an X-Ray after acute bronchitis. What are the findings? Do cardio on stair stepper. Heart monitor showed 180. Is it normal? Using melaglow new and eukroma for pigmentation. Getting white heads and pimples all over my face. Suggest? Having rashes on nose and hands, with blisters on lips. Took samento. Guide What does it indicate to have a white ring around pupils? Feeling something stuck in throat while swallowing. Concerned about cancer? Have swollen and red ear lobes. Nose swollen. Should I see doctor? Being on testosterone and retrieving sperm through testicular biopsy would be unaffected by epididymitis? For use with ICSI? Felt a lump at the base of skull, painful and tight neck. Had stomach bug and vomiting. Could it be strained muscle? Depressed. Taking antidepressant. Suggest Suffering from diarrhea and abdominal pain. Guide Suffering from urine urgency. Prescribed antibiotics. Guide Experiencing stabbing pain in the centre of chest with a sudden urge to cough. What is it? Have boils between nose and upper lip. Growing in size and itchy. What to do? Noticed abdominal inflammation. Had hernia surgery. Cause? Taking nitrofurantoin for a urinary infection. Suffer from RA, having tightness and pain across chest Suffering from stomach infection and diarrhea. Due to lactose intolerance? Diabetic. Sugar level 199-365. What can I do? Suffering from stomach infection. Gave antibiotics. Changed lactogen to Zerolac. Suggest Severe back pain and headache caused by UTI and sore mouth. Treated with cisp. Suggest? During periods observed low flow and then brown discharge. Having symptoms like slight nausea, tiredness and bloating stomach. Guide? Feeling tightness in knee and hurting. What to do? Developed rash, no pain and no itchiness. Applied cortisone, no improvement. Suggest Taking selekon, BP got high. Situation is same after increased dosage along with minipress. Suggest? Have a persistent need of clearing throat. Underlying cause? Pregnant, feeling feverish and weakness. Prescribed ccm and ferium. Suggest? Cause and treatment for Retinal Haemorrhage? Had an eye injury, have trauma induced IOP. Prescribed xalatan, have no vision and lens in eyes. Advise? Have hissing in ear. Have hearing loss, ABR came negative. Told to have tinnitus. Suggest? Have a lymph nodes under both arms, in groin and neck also. Is it normal to feel lymph nodes? Have stomach upset, spasm pain comes and goes and bad foul stool. Taken buscapen and feronem. Advise? Started valacyclovir for rash on nose. Is it possible to choke with shingles getting worse on throat? Have lower abdominal pain like labor pains. Feel urge for bowel movement. What can be done? Why is my bottom lip suddenly turning from red to black? Having numbness on top of feet, more on metatarsal area. Taking paracetamol nocte for pain. Suggest? What is a corneal ulcer, suggest treatment and recovery? Child severely handicapped, on wheelchair , cannot walk or talk. What is the life expectancy? Have rashes, sore around lips and scalp, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Have numbness in hand and feet Having pain in hip, ibuprofen did not help. X-ray showed spot on pelvic bone. Is it cancer? Have normal hard erections and orgasms but noticed decline in amount of sperm at orgasm. Advice? Have herpes and a bad taste in mouth. It is hard to breath, have had shingles. Do I have aids? ESR result of 105 and X-ray shows Fibrotic Lesion, rest blood test is normal. What it can be? Had cabg. Pain in shoulder and arm radiating to hand with numbness in finger. MRI showed canal stenosis Having dizziness and Aphasia. Family history of lung cancer. Help? Infant on formula feed. Developed loose stools and bloated stomach. Had projectile vomiting Had abdominal pain and stiff neck. X-ray showed multi-level degeneratives. Suggest
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