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Diagnosed with pneumonia, had drips of levaquin. What is medical terminology for upper lobe infiltrate? Having numbness on knee, waistline and elbow. Feels pressure in abdominal area till lung area. All test normal. What to do? Had unprotected sex took ipill and again had sex. Is there a need to take ipill again? Having persistent blood pressure. Prescribed lasix. Noticed BP after stopping lasix. Which is safer lasix or hydrochlorithizide? Having frequent pinching effect in kidney area. Anything serious? Having rashes on ankles. No itching and no sensitivity. Suggest medications? Foot always itches every time. What could be the cause? Having anxiety, depressive disorder and sub-clinical hypo-thyroidism. Taking Sertaline? Can I use Lyrica? Diagnosed Pulmonary TB of SI joint. Taken Cinex, pyrazinamide and ethambutal. Advise? Had chronic eye strain and headaches, tried vitamin supplements. Have anxiety disorder, take propranolol. Suggest? Have pain in clavical bone. Had broken shoulder and have sponlitis. Related? Having cough and stuffiness. Should I be worried? What can be done? New born baby with mutation of extra arms and legs. Can the surgery be done immediately or should wait? Have lesion on shaft of penis, no discharge, hurts when squeezed. Was on hydrocortisone and cetrizine. Advise? Having Glaucoma. Does using Timolol and Latantrost eye drops cause side effects? Causes swelling underneath eyes? Suffering from oesophagitis, inflammatory polyp and fundal gastritis. Suggest remedies? Removed adrenal gland due to Conn"s Syndrome. Can other adrenal gland provide sustenance needed for normal life? Have had inverted pelvis, bone of pelvis was out of place. What are the after effects of it? Diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Tests showed stage 4 chirosis. Treatment with telapevir and peglated interferon. Information on disease progresses? Taking simvastatin and now have a UTI. Started taking sulfamethoxazole. Having burning. Drug interaction? Is Percocet an anti inflammatory? Having blocked right nostril. Face on right hurts while sneezing. Tried antihistamines decongestants and steroid nasal spray. Suggest Urinate frequently during day only. What could be the cause? Gained weight and feel bloated. Taking Progest cream, luteinum, cimicifuga and Folliniculum. Guide? Had carpel tunnel surgery and side of the healing wound has started going red and swollen. Infection? Taking Macrodontin. Noticed dark urine. Skene's gland cyst or abscess cause long term damage? What would cause pain radiating from middle of spine, up under armpit and breast? Minor swelling near armpit, pain in shoulder and arms. What could be the cause? Found lump in breast. More than cm. Should I go for surgery? Had inflamed perianal glands. Prescribed hydrocortisone cream, no improvement. Continue? Diabetic, had stroke. Had heart surgery, take clonozapem, gabapentin, lisinopril , atorvastatin and omega. Suggest? Have numbness and tingling in finger tips. Hard to type. What to do? Suffering from chronic diabetes. Had partial hip replacement surgery. No movements. Eats less. No recognition. Suggest Having severe pain in foot. What to do? Raised sore on elbow and knee with puss in it. How to cure it? Suffering from frequent urination. Diagnosed as prostatitis. Took medicines. Ultrasound normal. Help? Have tachycardia. High dose of bisoprolol lowers BP, dizziness. Feels better with low dosage. Medication? Had small cuts on base of penis and scrotum after shaving pubic hair and had unprotected sex. Chances of HIV? Suffering from Koch's spine. Taking AKT. Having back pain. Help? Having severe headache, numbness and pain in arm. Have fever and vomiting. BP went low. What to do? Having high cholesterol and experiencing weakness in legs. Suggest medication to control other then Statin? Suggest alternative medicines to cure Leigh's Syndrome? Has typical hypoglycemia symptoms. Blood test showed normal results. Taking thyroid medication. Insulin test? Diagnosed with RA. Problem with heart, lungs, asthama, COPD and PTSS. On many medicines. Suggestion? Test results showed GGT 104 and SGPT 45. Having discomfort and heaviness in abdomen. Having loose stools. Cause? Precautions? Head of penis is itchy and has pink grains on the tip of it ans on wrist. What it could be? Have indigestion. Drink and smoke. Elevated SGOT and SGPT. Prescribed ursodeoxycholic and evion. Suggest? Have GERD, diabetic and elevated BP and cholesterol. Having pain in chest. What could be the cause? Is Keppa Levetiracetam medicine safe for children? Had abortion three times. All tests normal. Advised to got for Hysteroscopy and Polypectony test. Guide? Getting pain in chest, what could be done? Is there a remedy for PCOS and how to get rid of my weight with PCOS? Suffer depression and sleep problems. No drugs or drinks. Feel having Adult ADD. What can be done? Having jabs and jolts headaches. Given DHE infusions, Indocin and MgSO4. No gain. Taking Topamax. MRI, CT, EEG's negative. What to do? Hurt back in a army accident. Having low back pain. Taking tyleol, ibuprofen and naproxen. What to do? Can h pylori be the cause of elevated liver enzymes and low ferritin levels? Suffer from anxiety. Having upper viral respiratory infection and hay fever. Having viral rashes. Suggest Had leg pain, given tramadol. Feeling shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat. Taking Xanax. Suggest? Having muscle pain all over body, Feel tired and lack of energy, pins and needles around knees. Suggest? Periods were heavy, but now reduced. Getting hot flashes and feel nauseous. Not pregnant, what else? Fell down and twisted foot. Foot is not working through brain signals, cannot walk without foot strip Has Shingles. Suggested post herpetic neuralgia phase. Has ankles and feet swelling after taking Lyrica and Neurontin. Help? Diagonised with HTN, DYSLIPIDEMIA. Prescribed ramipiril, and atonolol. Developed cough, taking losarton and ecosprin. No relief Had oral sex, having burning sensation inside penis. Given bactiflox. Chances of STD or HIV? Got test for SGOT, Albumin and amorphous. What does it indicate? Have burning sensation and swelling on labia vaginal area. Used desonide cream and hydrocortisone, no relief. Suggest? Severe alcoholic. On zyprexa. Having ADHD with narcolepsy. What about Lamictal vs. Zyprexa? Not overweight. When wearing sandals or flip flops, have pains as cannot bear weight. Advise? Took xanax, heart was thumping hard and little anxiety. Can I take another xanax? Have had pain in abdominal area and headache, lost weight. Ultrasound and tube normal. Had stress. Advise? Was diagnosed with trapped nerve along the side of spine. Taken trammadol and voltral. Having pain again. Sciatica? Get headache and fear to death. Taking propranolol for anxiety. Effects of medication? Having swollen eyebrows. Suffer from dizziness and nausea. Had vertigo symptoms. Diagnosed labyrintitis. Prescribed Betahistine. Suggest Skin on inner thighs and on leg are sensitive. Feels like brush burn. Is it jock itch? Had a purple dot on the inside of upper lip. No pain, no swelling, no lump, no growth. What could be this? Penis looks really wrinkled on the underside of it and has small skin coloured dots. What is it? Have been on ortho cyclen but missed and had unprotected intercourse. Having spotting. Implantation bleeding? Headaches, bone pain in arms and legs, constipated, loss of memory, hand tremors. Diagnosed with Parkinson Has gained weight after and during Drug withdrawal. Is bed bound and multiple neurological symptoms Had chest cold. Prescribed Augmentin. Having pain and swelling in chin and neck. Remedy? Had fallen, nose is swollen with yellowish bruising on the bridge. Had turbinate surgery and septum fixed Diagnosed to have mild hepatomegaly. Will a lifestyle change in my diet take care of this? Had breast x-rays followed by ultrasound then biopsies. Anything serious? MRI done and it has indicated Acute intervertebral disc herniation and acute Schmorls node. Meaning? Have trouble acquiring and maintaining a hard erection. Is tadalafil, as effective as prescribed name brand Cialis Have pain on hip area. It feels to be bruised when pressed. Underlying cause? Feeling more hungry, get shivering if don't eat. Father is diabetic. Am I prone to diabetes? Have scabby infection on eyebrow and it is spreading and has puss. What can it be? Had heart attack. Angiography showed Triple Vessel Disease. What does this suggest? Experiencing pain and abdominal cramping. Suffer diarrhea and nausea. Stools light in color and noticed black stones in stools. Cause? Diagnosed with Cirrhosis. Recommended a transvenous liver biopsy to determine it auto immune disease. Suggest? Had night sweats, headache, shivers and cough. All well except cough. X-ray showed shadow. Can it be lung cancer? Pregnant. Got chicken pox. Taking Zovirax. Having severe cold and cough. Prescribed Laff Capsule and Dolocold. Safe to take medications? Have an irregular periods. Had intercrural sex. Chances of pregnancy? Having severe back pain. Recovering from broken ankle. Taking paracetamol. Pain in thigh and burning. What can I do? Have sore patch on face after exposure to sun. Had severe agoraphobia. What can be done? Getting acne on face and shoulder and it takes two weeks to cure. Suggest medication? Suffering from hair fall. Using tresemme hair fall shampoo with tresemme conditioner. Using loreal hair spa cream. Cause? Pregnant. Had broken skin due to dog bite. Having involuntary stretching of stomach. Not sure about tetanus given to dog. Fetus safe? Pregnant, ate something that had listeria. What would be the impact? Had Fissure and Piles after delivery, took medicine. Having same problem fissure is bloody and external piles Getting white film after brushing teeth. Using sensodyne. No pain or bleeding. Normal? If a candy contain egg albumen, would listeria be a cause for concern? Had sex with clothes on. Chances of HIV? Had a hysterectomy. Have lasting hot flashes and prespire profusely. Take chlorstal for BP. Suggest? Size of penis is small, affecting sex life. Suggestion? Have sores in groin area. Started as open red sores, are moist and have developed around hair follicle. STD? Experiencing acid reflux. Taking medication. Having ear pain, discomfort, cough and burning while eating. Suggest Having melasma on face. Tried using melaglow, skin lite, triglow and aziderm. Skin tone lightened. Having dark patches. Cure? Having black eye underneath, just below tear duct and spreads about half way under eye. Advise? Was having nightfall and masturbated. Have stopped masturbating and no nightfalls. Is it due to low sperm rate? Have panic disorders, taking a low dose of alprazolam. Will it cause any problem? Have thyroid, feel lethargic, difficult to reduce weight. Started extra dose of prescribed thyroxine. Suggest? Diagnosed with depression. Suggest ways to control anger and anxiety? History of UTI. Have frequent urination and feeling of full bladder. Taking macrobid. Suggest? Had mild cramping, HPT showed faint positive line. Completed IVF cycle. Having on and off pregnancy symptoms. Suggest? Diagnosed with burtitis of the hip and bulging disc. On tramodol and morphine. Suggest natural medication? Chronic kidney disease patient. Taking PROLOMET- XL for BP. Discontinued Stamlo. Suggest suitable tablet for blood pressure? Had sex. Having delayed periods, stomach paining and not able to move. Pregnant? Have tinkling noises in ears and head and it gets louder when eat or chew. What can it be? Child complaining stomach cramping, vomited and had diarrhoea. Suggestion? Colonoscopy reported focal hyperplastic changes in the mucosa. Does that mean I have cancer? Had umbilical hernia surgery repair, noticed redness below umbilicus, no pain. Is it hematoma? Started sneezing and now have sore throat, hurts when swallow, neck is stiff. What could it be? Taking clindamycin. Having bowel movements, rust colored and several times. Took hydrocodone. Had vomiting. Concerned? Can I pass the H pilori to my baby if eats from same plate? Experiencing racing heart beat after cipro for UTI. Changed Bactrim. Infection reoccurred. What to do? Have gall stones In extreme pain in lower back. Had Aorta valve replacement. What could it be? Had oral sex, partner having epipididymitis. Should I take prophylactic antibiotic? Have had a very long and heavy period also noticed a lot of clotting. Anything serious? Started taking Klonopin, having headaches, dizzy, body aches and weakness. Side effects? Pregnant. Had masturbated and had spotting. What are the chances of miscarriage or birth defect? Has problems on the right side of heart. What could be the cause? Having pain in hands and elbows. Astamatic, on citalopram. Mother had polymyositis and pneumonia. Suggest? Have high BP, TMT showed ischemia. No history of heart disease. Suggest? Noticed severe swelling in lips and lower face. Suffer from allergies. Taking antihistamine. Will this affect liver? Stomach pain while urinating and blood at the end. Told to have UTI and given medicine. No relief Suffer from depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. Taking codamol. Drinking 20 units of alcohol. Risk of drinking and codamol? Have a femoral hernia which was not seen in a CT scan. Is this possible? Periods were heavy, but now reduced. Getting hot flashes, feel nauseous and lost weight. Suggest? Diagnosed with Venous Incontinence, liquid is leaking from open wound. How serious is the problem? Smashed index finger. Swelling has gone but tingling at the tip. is this normal? Having Blood after ejaculation. Underlying cause? Have eye fatigue, head aches, temple pressure and sudden flashes of light. Is it due to exposure to computer? Had missed period. Having headaches and feel nauseous. HPT negative. What could be the cause? Had a cut above the eye. Closed the wound with butterfly band aids. Head feels numb. What could this be? Lipid profile result shows Total cholesterol:193 mg/dl and triglycerides 252 mg/dl. Prescribed Storvas. Can I take the medicine? Have itchy brown spots on skin. Spots turn white when I get sunburn. What to do? Pregnant. Pricked finger with sewing needle. Worried about tetanus. Will the fetus be affected? Suffer tooth pain. Suggested to extract. Noticed swollen lymph glands. Taking Cipro. Suggestions? Having lot of stomach related issues like burps, gases and bad breath. What should I do? Had history of breast and thyroid cancer. Treated with surgery and radiation. Recent serum hCG Beta subunit showed positive. Guide? Diabetic. Having blood pressure. Any medicine to improve time of sex? Suffering from graying of hair. Remedy? Diabetic and coronary artery disease. Suggest generic actos that does not contain sodium lauryel sulfate? Have peyronies. Suggested prostrate biopsy. Worried about cancer cells release into blood streams? What can be done? Had oral sex. Noticed burning at end of penis. Urine test negative. Took antibiotics. Can mouth bacteria be the cause? Awaiting miscarriage from IVF cycle. Feeling exhausted, nauseated and suffers from stomach pain. Cause for these symptoms? Having pain in right side around back. Ultrasound reported borderline hepatomegaly. Could this be infection? Remedy for pain? Have gum infection. Having pain in ear and also swelling. Dosage of amoxicillin? Reports show grade 1 fatty liver and tiny gall bladder polyps. What does this mean? Solution? Having anxiety, left arm pain and heart beat. ECG normal. Having pain in shoulder. Take Topiramate for seizures. Suggest Had unprotected oral sex. Suggested to take chlmiydia test. Worried about HIV risk? Ankle was hit. Had huge bump with swelling and bruising. Anything to worry? Taking Gleevec for stomach cancer. How long will it take for liver enzymes to normalize after drinking? Prescribed anafranil. Advised not to dringk alcohol. What are the possible side effects of anafranil? Feeling sick with foul stools and cramps. Changed to novalac 3 from lactose free milk. What can be done? While taking blood for test wrist started tingling and burning. Still have discomfort. Suggest? Having headache and pressure in ears. Taking livalo and Losartan. Caused due to drugs? Got hit on the nose. Its hurting, head pain and exhausted. What should I do? Suffering from psoriasis. Tried allopathy and homeopathy. Suggest complete cure? Child had viral illness, rash, vomiting. Post illness everything normal but eyes are puffy. Suggest? Having low back pain, chills, headache and fever. Having sleepiness, loss of appetite and body sore. Remedy? Prescribed Ativan for anxiety. Suggest Having high blood pressure and choloestrol. Taking efexor. Can I take diet pill out Garcinia Cambogia? Having loss of balance. Feeling nausea and weak. Suggest? Taking Wellbutrin. Have mood swings, feeling abandoned with behaviour and decision making. History of sexual abuse Having diarrhea, nausea, shivering and dizziness. What could be done? Suffering from post herpes neuralgia on face. Tongue feels burnt and no taste. Suggest medication? Having tingling feeling down the spine. Having pain in hips, back, neck and shoulder. Feeling dizzy and eyesight going worse. Suggestions? Suggest best class of technology for refrective surgery? Has fever, swelling in hands and legs with reddening of blood vessels. Done with tests. Findings? Have swelling within soft tissue of knee, have constant slight heat. Had fractured spine. Suggest? Delayed periods. Feeling hard inside vagina and feeling frequent urination. Chances of pregnancy? Noticed blood in urine. Having discomfort below abdomen. What can be done? Having stomach pain and no sexual mood. Suggest medicine. Having backache and feeling sick, not able to eat. Given antibiotics for a water infection. Suggest? Constantly feeling sick. Not eaten anything. Given antibiotics for water infection. Suggest Have lasting cough. Become unconscious, hand and legs vibrate with hard cough. Had cold. Advise? Having abdominal pain. Lost weight. Billirubin count is 3.9. Suggest Have toenail fungus. Cut a bit of toe nail. Noticed bleeding. Put hydrogen peroxide. Should I be worried? Digestion is normal except for some days of acidity and constipation. Suggest Ayurvedic medication? Taking Norco. What does an opiate level of 7,500 on a drug test mean? Having fat storage on my body including arms, biceps, thigh and stomach. Biopsy report showed Lipoma. Non-surgical method of treatment? Developed pink rash and swelling on waistline. Having little itch and no pain. What can be done? Pregnant. ultrasound reports show baby weight is 2.29 and scar thickness is 3.6. Suggest Pain in hand and shoulder. Soreness, muscle fatigue in forearm, elbow and wrist. Is it WMSD? Have bouts of diarrhoea after eating fatty foods. Take Cozaar and Atenonol for HBP and Estradial. Suggestion? Taking divalproex sodium for manic bioplor disorder. Feel unbalanced, dizzy, have anxiety problem. Advise? Breast feeding. Can I take nutri gain to gain weight?
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