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Taking Zoloft. Got nausea and diarrhea. Taking prozac. What to do? Have projected wart near underarm. Have been using podowart and not feeling any changes. Suggest? Pregnant, shaken abdomen to encourage baby to move. Could abdominal trauma result in cerebral palsy? Diagnosis showed Bileteral supraspinatus tendonatis of sholders. Suggestions? Sweats a lot and soaks clothes. What could be the cause? Discovered to have stone in gall bladder and wall is thick. Have pain. Suggest medication? Looks very lean and unhealthy. How to improve appearance? Has got some boils on legs. How to get rid of this? Have hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, can I become father? Would like to increase height and appetite. Suggest medication? Bruise very easily without real trauma to skin. Had Vitamin K problem in childhood. Suggest? Taking medical treatment for depression. Complaining of weak legs. Is depression cause for weak legs? Feeling pulsing on right side of upper abdomen. Have annuerysm. Remedy? Having irritation in upper throat. Scan report showed mild chronic sinusitis. Put on nasal spray. Suggestions? Suffer upper neck and shoulder pain. Mri scan of cervical spine shows diffuse degenerative changes. What to do? MRI scan of cervical spine shows diffuse degenerative changes. Suffer from nack and shoulder pain. Cause? Delayed periods. Pregnancy test negative. Prescribed meprate and mensovit plus. What could the problem be? Suffering from loose stools and stomach pain. Colonoscopy, endoscopy and biopsy normal. What is causing this? Done with blood test. Taking thyrox and frenxen. Suggestion? Diabetic. Have erectile disfunction. Done with semen test. Chances of fertility? Have left ovary removed, cystic multiple septated area on right ovary. Suggested to remove ovary and uterus. Necessary? IS homeopathy medicine available for keratoconus? Has sinus surgery and tonsils removed. Developed dripping nose, fever, vomiting and red dots on body. What could this be? Having constant contralateral tibial pain, mid shaft of the medial tibia. Was diagnosed with chronic osteomyelitis. What to do? Noticed bleeding from penis. Remedy? Using seloken, deplatt and trivedon . Have swelling in both feet. Advice? Extracted teeth from dentist. Prescribed tablets. Noticed swelling around eyes after taking tablets. Allergic to tablets? Temperature on the day of ovulation was 36.5 and continued. But noticed derop to 36.5 after 7 days. What does this mean? Have a rash foot with flu like symptoms, lower back pain, chills, frontal sinus head ache. Medication? Having hangover with diarrhea. Having cramps and fever. Diagnosed salmonella from the barbecue and prescribed Cipro. Suggest Having lumps all over body. What could this be? Treatment? Swollen eyes after taking cataflam and other tablets. Reason? Having cyst on back line. Noticed pain. Took steroidal shot during plastic surgery. Help? Undergone ECLIA method for HIV 1 & 2 antibodies test, result negative. Should I undergo the test again? Diagnosed with a herniated disc. Feel numbness and have blurred vision. Reason? Have chest pains and chest tightening. Prescribed xanax. What can be done? Have severe stenosis,swollen ankels and legs. Had epidurals and laminectomy. Taking inderal. Any side effect? Pregnant. Fasting blood sugar is low and post praandial is normal. Taking Glucophage. Will that effect placenta? Have high blood pressure and alcoholic.How to change life style and have a baby? Have red spot in inner corner of eye is sore and had spread. What to do? Get sudden stomach ache, sweating, feel faint. Have to rush to toilet and feels better. Suggest? Have ear pierced, pus coming out and lab test showed to have staphylococcus bacteria. Given antibiotic, no help. Suggest? Have flu and raspy voice. Can any on line doctor help me? Have bumps on the head of penis when erect. Pin size and has not changed in size. Suggest? Child with sleeping problem. Advice? Has missed periods and HPT positive. Prescribed Gestafol and duphaston. Had miscarriage previously. Suggest? Have head ache on left side. Migraine? Having body pain from two days. No symptoms of fever. Feeling tired. What to do? Hurt toe to a sculpture that was rusty. Had bleeding. Took tetanus Tdap. Should I be worried? What are the symptoms of heat and sun stroke. Treatment? Has mood swings, irritated and frustated. Suffer from bipolar? Eyes feel tired. Feels better when close eyes. What could be the cause and treatment? Have pain in rib till back. Have constipation problem and cholesterol. Ultrasound showed fatty liver. What to do? Taking clonazepam. Want to get pregnant. How safe is it to take during pregnancy? Done with ECG. Anterior ischemia? Have high BP. On Lisinopril added Metoprolol and this has done nothing. Suggest medicine? Does nitroxtend help your penis grow? Had negative MRI scan for urethral cyst. On antibiotics and have infected skenes gland. Suggest? Had sex,took Norlevo and had brown spotting. concerned about pregnancy. Suggest? Have classical hodgkins lymphoma and have chronic cough, tingling in throat. Related? taking Geminor MP2 along with Voglimac. Any substitute? Is Gabapentinbetter drug to use in treatment for trigemental neuralgia? Having slight pain in abdomen. Sweating badly in bathroom. Having vomiting reflex. What to do? Having anxiety and panic attack. Taking buspiron, lexapro and xanax. Any suggestion? Have high blood pressure and dizziness. Taking altacan and crestor. How to control? Had hysterectomy. Having pain and discomfort in pelvic area. What could this be? Looking for doctor who can prescribe armor thyroid? Have got high number in liver test. Taking fat burners and energy pills. Related? Have folliculitis in shaft of penis. Skin looks red and scaling noticed. Using lamsil antifungal jock itch spray. Cure? Have hyper pigmentation of skin, particularly near inner thighs and private areas. Suggest pills? Pain in lower pelvis. Cause of Blackish green bowel movements? Having lower back and abdominal pain. Remedy? Having severe shoulder pain. Had surgery. Diagnosed Subacromial Bursitis. Feel vomiting. What can be done? Taking Cymbalta, Endep and Derelin for treatment of anxiety, panic attacks and fibromyalgia and beningn tremor. Suggest? Diabetic. Taking galvus and gemer. Done with sugar test. Advice? Had a serious attack of gout in toe. Have stiffness in ankles. Is it because of beer consumption? Have swollen with scar tissue after having sutures on eyebrow. Safe to apply cold pack and massage scar tissue? Took Xanax for stress and anxiety. Could still be drowsy and eyes dilated? GCT ovarian cancer survivor with clean inhibition B test but now the B level has rise. Suggest? B-HCG level when pregnant was 0000 and then increased to 304. /treated with methotrexate. How long to wait for another baby? Experiencing weakness, neck and head hurts. History of severe HTN/asthma/PE. Having sinus problem. Suggest cause of numbness and cramps in feet and lower legs? Done with semen analysis. Any problem in having child? Taking Aygestin for heavy periods. Periods now are heavier. Blood work shows menopause. Suggest? Taking Cardizem to keep heart in rythmn. Can I continue medication after surgery? Have cold and flu. How to overcome this? Taking Atenolol, Amlodipine, Celexa and Losartan. Can these medicine induce insomnia? On Librium and Zoloft. Quit beer. To have cirrhosis? Feeling pain towards sternum when pressed and bent down or taking deep breathe. Uderlying cause? Child grabbed his penis, pinched and bruised it. Is this normal? Having recurring spikes. Blood pressure 256/13. EKG normal. Feeling pain. Taking isosorbride mononitrate. What can be done? MRI showed posterior herniation, need to urinate frequently. Noticed blood after urination. Underlying cause? Taking birth control pills. There was no gap and had taken continuously. Will that be harmful? Have high MCV increased by alcohol consumption. How long will it take to return to normal? Child's penis and testicles seem to be not developing normally. Suggest? Have PCOS. Had tubal ligation. Had enlarged bilaterial ovaries. Normal due to PCOS and ovulation? Having severe stomach pain and feeling sore throat. Taking treatment for acid reflex. Suggestions? Had serial EKG normal for various eating disorders. Suggested a sign of oxygen deprivation or dehydration. Have fatigue. Remedy? Can you have implantation bleeding 6 days after a missed period? Had heart attack. Been on metoprolol tartrate and clopidogrel. Having leg cramps. Feeling weak. What to do? Have delayed periods with cramping and pink bleeding. Could I be pregnant? Having hives and swelling throat. Taking inject-able testosterone. Allergic reaction? Diagnosed with Hep C, Genome 1a. Blood work showed Feto Protein Tumor. What does it mean? Had sex during ovulation. Started bleeding lightly. Having mild back ache. Pregnant? Child complaining of burning sensation while passing urine and frequency is high. Helped with citralka. Suggest? Have ulcerative colitis and anal fissure. Bowel movement causing pain. Taking rectogesic makes heart race and swollen vagina Have small wound on penis inner layer mostly when masturbated and blood comes when erect. Suggest? Had intercourse, took morning pill and had periods next day. After periods had sex, pregnant. Suggest paternity? Have tiny red dots, tiny bumps, peeling later. Hurts only when occur on finger tips. Suggest? Had protected sex. Have some mouth ulcers , body pains and skin rash. Chances of contracting HIV? Have rash on both feet and hand. Used hydrocortzone and neopsorine, no help. Spreading and burn. Treatment? Have upper body tremors. Prescribed Primidone, clonazapam and beta blockers. Suggestions? Child struggling to walk due pain in legs, hip and now arms. Had Blood test done. Findings? Had bladder sling mesh surgery, having vaginal and abdominal pain. Advised to take ibuprofen. Suggest? Have trouble sleeping because mild apnoea. Have abdominal pain. Suggest Have high blood pressure. Had by pass surgery. Have hardening of arteries in both legs. Get sweats. Suggestions? Took 5 mifesprin tablet at same time with empty stomach. Got periods and bleeding with abdominal pain. Suggest? Want to conceive a year later. Prescribed Osure tablet. Will that make me pregnant soon? Started taking Levothyroxine for thyroid and prilosec. Have numbness in hand and feet. Can these be taken together? Rubella IgG is positive 2.27 and ESR 35. Taking thyroid medicine. What does the values indicate? Have shingles and granddaughter has had chickenpox. Can she be infected if went to see her? Suggest safe baby's shampoo, hair oil and soap free from toxic components? Feel pulse in eye when at high altitude. Feel panic during flying. Blood pressure 160/79. Suggest? Feeling tired and weak. always feel sleepy. What to do? Chest scan showed new opacities in right lower lung. sputum culture positive for klebsiella. Prescribed bactrim. Safe? Diagnosed with polyliesthesis, torn meniscus, degenerative disc disease and oesteoarthritis of spine. Suggestions? Have numbness in hand, neck and head after surgery. Had cervical disc herniation. Help? Have bulging disc in L4. Recommended physical therapy. Safe? Addicted to sexual chat. Feel erection is not enough. Trying to control the urge but not possible. What to do? what is dose modulation in a CT scan procedure? Have COPD, CHF, terrible varicose veins and poor circulation. Prescribed Oxycodone. Suggest Urine test showed positive for hydrocodone. Cause? Treatment? Diagnosed non functioning pituitary macroadenoma. What is the next step? Serious? Surgery? Diabetic. On metformin. Not feeling active. Starting water aerobics. Amount of time that should be spent on exercise? Having chest cold and nasal drainage. Prescribed antibiotics. Have headache and extreme fatigue. What does this indicate? Had ejaculated in pants but have delayed periods and HPT negative. Chances of pregnancy? Have pain in armpit, breast, neck and tingling in hand. No swelling or lumps. MRI showed cervical spondylosis Have few reddish rash spots near ankle and itch really bad. What could it be? Had a bad encounter in strip club. Possibility of HIV. Help? Having pain in hand and back. Also have vomiting. What to do? Taking Tribet 1 for diabetes and also taking Nebicard for BP. Tribet is not available. Suggest? Diagnosis of emcee. Perm scarring undereyelid. Further damage to eye? Do I need to see a specialist? Have had blood sugar test. Does it point towards diabetes? Suffering from Rheumatism Arthritis, having pain and unable to sit and walk. Suggest? Post menopausal after abdominal pain. US showed heterogeneous endometrial thickness and cyst on ovary. Can it be cancer? Have allogenic bone graft. MRI shows disc protrusion, neural foramina encroachment and CSF effacement. What does this mean? Top of foot feels like somebody pulling, had put ice on it. What to do? Have red spots appear within pubic hair. What could be the cause? Want to grow taller. Among Aromatase Inhibitor, Anastrozole and Formestane. Which one is effective and safe? Experiencing high heart rate. Had COPD and radiation for breast cancer. Taking metroprolol, but no help. Suggest? Have upset bowels, hemorrhoids and feeling irritation and itching. Suffer stomach pain. Concerned? Infant having loose motion. What could be the cause? Found to have painless lump between testicles and inner leg. What could it be? Started B12 injections and had numbness, tingling in feet and hands, staggering and sleeping difficulty. Suggest? Diagnosed with Gastritis, given Lansoprozale. Blood test negative for H.pyelori. Further treatment? Bloop pressure. Having gas reflex attacks. Waking up in night frequently and total hysteria/panics. Guide? Had c spine and lumbar surgery. Having severe pain in lower back, excessive salivation and mouth dropping and speech problems. Cure? Having low thyroid. Need specialist to prescribe for autoimmune disorder? Suffering from hairloss and had taken medication. Underwent PRP treatment for further loss. Any danger? Suffer from tear in upper gluteal cleft and bleeding. Noticed yellow opaque fluid. Used Neosporin and Desitin cream. What to do? Pregnant and sonogrphy showed blighted ovunm. Treatment? Does sorbitol cause intestinal gas in excessive amounts? Taking simethicone for bloating and pressure in the stomach. What is the dosage? Diabetic, take Lantus insulin and novolog. Accidentally took Novolog instead of Lantus. Suggest? Is there anything similar to Viagra that I can get over the counter? Have basal cell carcinoma on face change with ulceration and bleeding. Is there reason for concern? Diagnosed asthma involved with COPD and anxiety disorder. Treatment? Experiencing trouble with bowel. Have had accident, take actonel. Suggest? Diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking Ayurvedic treatment. Having breathing trouble and severe pain in legs. No sleep. Suggest MRI showed minor reduction in disc height in neck. Shoulder MRI showed Mild soft tissue thickening of acromio-clavicular joint. Suggest Had minor slip disc twice and had undergone physiotherapy and Moveon tablet. Still pain in leg and hip Have debilitating lower back and leg pain. Prescribed vicodin and Prednisone. Side effects? Feeling less confident, anxiety and uncertainty. Are these signs of depression? Have burning sensation on calf and foot is tight and hurting. Related? Developed rash kind of wound on penis head under foreskin. Has cracks and bleeds little. Sensitive to touch Have problem with penis erection started taking damiaplant a homeopathic tonic. Suggest medication? Noticed bruising in hand. Suffer stress headaches. Taking excedrine tablets. Side effects? Coronary artery disease patient. Have double stent. Taking aspirin. Getting large black and blue contusions on arms and legs. Cure? Smoked marijuana and feeling hairy tongue and dry mouth. Side effect of cannabis? Diagnosed with Mitral valve regurgitation. Prescribed with sotalol and porpafenone. Changed to flecainide. Other treatment? Noticed knee cap is numb spot. Fingers in hand also feel numb. BP normal but cholesterol high. Suggestions? Hurt knee, having swelling and bruising. Given brace wrapping and ice pack. Cure? Having itching rashes. What should I do? Have had sudden penis bleeding. Underlying cause? Pprescribed Cephalexin for insect bite and face is red with raised lumps and spots. Cannot take penicillin. Suggest? Suddenly middle area of middle finger is swollen and purple. Cause? Is there any difference between Levoxyl and Synthroid. Have gained when changed from levoxyl to synthroid Have pain in mastoid bone behind both ears. No inflammation or infection. Underlying cause? Useful statistics that compare survival rates from early breast cancer after surgery and with/without chemotherapy? Tongue is solid white, thicker and swollen. Have bump like lesion on one side. What could it be? Have severe gastroenteritis. Felling sick. Can I take probiotics? Semen analysis shows sperm Count: 35 mill/ml. Motility; Rapid-25%, Slow-10%. Taking medication. What does it indicate? Pregnant and uses warm water for bath but was hot. Will that affect fetus? On Humira injection, doing good with arthritis condition. Had sore throat, pain in ear. Treatment? Medication for hair loss? Safe to use Propecia? Taken 4 doses of rabies injection. Delayed last dose. Solution? Safe? Had dog bite on finger. Took anti rabies vaccine. On thyronorm. Injections will protect? Can take non-veg food? Have had sore throat. Have pain and wheezing. Feels like tonsils are huge. Suggest? Sperm count is low. What to do improve count and mortality? Have cold sores. Can it be transmitted to genitals by oral sex?
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