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Have tooth decay, white patches with red spots and lump on gums. Oral cancer? Suffering from severe bleeding hemorrhoids, took OD tablets. It recurs with constipation and had body allergy. Suggest? Have persistent stinging, prickly like pain on forearm, burns like rash and itches. Cause? 3 month pregnant, had urine test. Are result normal? What are the side effects of Methotrexate and also what diet to take? 4 months refusing breast feeding while awake and spitting but taking any formula drink in bottle. Suggest? Taking Thyroxin after total thyroidectomy. Have tiredness, weight loss and fatigue. On calcium and Vitamin D Had protected sex. Delayed periods. Pregnancy test negative. Having heart burn and vomiting. Normal? Pregnant? Had fissure and it healed. Diagnosed with Lyme disease. On Doxycycline Hyclate. Have bleeding during BM. Infection? Had wisdom tooth and cyst removed. Taking Augumentin and ibuprofen. Feeling fatigued and nauseated. What can be done? Wore new shoes and sole of foot was sore to walk and swollen ankles. Suggest? Have small right kidney. Have had nausea and tiredness along with kidney area pain. Related? Having panic attacks and terrible anxiety, prescribed Xanax which helped. Suggest? Had unprotected sex, took Nordette. No withdrawal bleeding but had abdominal cramps. Meaning? Have back pain about the kidney area, frequent urination and feeling hot. Cause? Have tonsil infection and abscess on pallet. Tested for glandular fever positive. Gained weight. Joints pain. What to do? Have upper back pain going down to hip, weak urine stream, high BP, diabetes. Taking Metformin, insulin lantis Having burning sensation in breast. No lumps or discharge. Diagnosed with acid reflux. Suggest? Have discoloration in mouth due to smoke. Can this be cured? Pregnant. What exercises to do? Using lortab on and off for pain, have learning problem. Suggest? Have IBS and blood pressure. On Catheter. Feeling like pissing through the tube. Can this happen? Following back injury and pinched nerve. Took numerous pain killers. Developed lump in abdomen and constipation. Suggest? Suffer headache and stiff neck. May be due to migraine. Taken Naproxen. Fluvoxamine feel sleeplessness. What can be done? Have multiple joint pains, ankle, lateral knee and hip pain. Suspected slip disc. Prescribed arcoxia. Stomach upset. Suggest? Doing nightshift is good or bad on our health? Was an opium addict, have quit and is clean now. Feel restless and craving for opium. Suggest? Started hair fall after using Gel. Thinking to use Tugain or livon hair gain tonic. Suggest? Having alprax to sleep. Can I go off it at once? Get sneezing when take bath or roam in dust areas with watery nose and have itchy back at night 28 weeks pregnant and had shunt put in baby's bladder. What are the chances of this working? Complaining mild pain in chest under lower rib, advised Happi D but no help. Suggest? Complaining mild pain in chest under lower rib, advised Happi D but no help. Advise? Had masturbation and now penis is not responding well and not becoming harder. Suggest? Have veins on penis. Visible when flacid and erect. Sugested trauma from being circumsized. Foreskin retracted throughout. Cure? Have regular itching on genital area, advised tablet and cream but no help. Suggest? Has bone cancer tumor and lung tumor which has shrunk in size. What are its effect on body? Have normal weight but has stomach which looks like pregnant. Suggest? Having hair fall problem. How to reduce this? While spraying Volini for Pain relief, got some in eyes and inhaled little. Suggest? No weight gain. Found intolerant to lactose. Giving ragi porridge, Nestum and rice. What do I do? How to avoid smoking? Taking Alprax with lamatragine. Had bleeding in wrist in tendent area and doctors not ready to puncture. Help? Can plan B causes amenorrhea? Diagnosed avascularnecrosis and reiters syndrome. Suffer low back pain, dry eyes and vaginal dryness. Help? Had bike accident, and face became black. Got healed but area beside eye is still black. Suggest? Had sexual encounter. Found muscular swelling and feeling tightness. Should I worry? Child feeding properly but not sleeping more at stretch. Suggest? Overweight, developed fluttering or vibration type sensation in groin area. Should I be worried? Suffer hair loss. Blood test showed low Monocytes, Hemoglobin levels and high uric acid. Remedy? Complaining mild pain in back of abdomen. USG done. What does it indicate? On Glynase. Prescribed Glimestar M1. Sugar normal? Should take Glynase MF or GlimestarM1? Have developed an hydrocele. Suggest treatment without surgery? Had Bells Palsy symptoms, thought to be sinus issue. Recovering from upper respiratory infection and one side paralysis Having stabbing pain in head, going to shoulder. Taking paracetamol but no help. Suggest? Has ringworm on feet, body, groin and face. On medicine and cream but no help. Suggest? What is the best calcium supplement for a woman after crossing age 30? Diagonised with fatty liver. Taking Udiliv, platelet has reduced. What to do? After masturbation having slight but continuous pain in testicle, got swollen and little hard. Suggest? Get feeling like a nerve trapped when sit down. Suggest? Experienced sever pain in ovary. US showed cyst with blood and pus. What doe it mean? Have numbness and cold feeling in fingers and toes. Suggest? Has frequent dry skin on legs below knee. Suggest diet and medicine to cure? Have COPD and asthma, can hardly breathe and downhill. Suggest? Feel light headed, headaches, numbness in lips, face and arms. EEG, MRI and blood test normal. Cause? Have small movable lump that pops over center of collar bone. Is it lymph node? Received positive urinalysis for Temazepam. Have used only dietary supplements. Is it safe? Having slight stomach pain, need to go to bathroom after eating with pain and irritation at back. Suggest? Taking lyrica, cymbalta, tradol, cataflam and Arava. Found to be Pregnant. Is it safe? Used hair product for coloring. After washing had color spots on face and scalp. Told to be hypo-pigmentation Had dry cough, feel tight almost like its swollen. Taken Dayquil but no help. Suggest? Experiencing chest pain radiating to arms and shoulders with facial pain. ECG, blood test and X-ray normal. Cause? Have soar throat, weight gain, swollen glads, stiff joints, fatigue, headache, back pain and rapid heart. Suggest? Have patch of skin on leg that feels like burning and tearing. No discoloration and bruising. Suggest? Diagnosed with cyst in kidney after ultrasound. Have UTI. Cyst slightly exophytic. Can this lead to cancer? Should I be concerned? Diagnosed with bleeding hemorrhoids, had blood in stools. Should I be concerned? On underside of tongue, vein is hurting and tip is bruised with black color. Cause? Found to have Haemophilus Influenzae, prescribed Augmentin and lungs are not clear. Suggest? Child fell and banged legs. Area around has swollen, applying ice. Suggest? Skin has become rough and hard, especially on the cheeks and the nose. Suggest remedies? ECG results were abnormal. Prescribed appetite suppressant. Having dul pain between right breast and under arm. Suggested biopsy. Guide? Had septoplasty . Endoscopic nasal cleaning and crusting done. Suggested additonal crusting at the surgical site. Concerned? Recently divorced, got genital Herpes from partner but no breakout. How infectious I am? Have round white pill with 4839 imprinted and V below number. Is it percocet? Had delivery and prescribed Diane 35 because of PCOS. Read it should not be taken while breastfeeding. Suggest? Having severe acne issues on cheeks. How to treat this? Took Tramadol and having migraine. Still have poor vision, thumping head and vomiting. Suggest? Had sex, took ormeloxifene hydrochloride. Had bleeding afterwards. What is it? Prescribed Glycomet and Ovral, not obese but have irregular cycle. Suggest? Experiencing extremely itchy forearms with no rash, tired, headache and swollen glands on neck. Suggest? Cardiac activity absent in 11 week fetus . Reasons ? Having panic disorder, taking Parocen and Amlokind. Any side effect when taken with alcohol? Child is having constipation issues. Sometimes painful to pass hard stool. Suggest? Had surgery for perianal abscess. Taking antibiotic and pain killers. Still in pain. Suggest? Have constipation and gas followed by loose motion, blood in stools, no appetite. Had hemorrhoids and liver problem What painkiller can be taken to reduce pain while cramps and bleeding starts after misoprostol. Suggest? Underweight. Little deficiency in iron. Prescribed Ostocalcium. Worried about weight? Suffer severe panic attacks and degenerative spine disease. Disabled. Wondering what might be wrong with me? Child suffer from hyper sensitive airways. On levolin but become hyper active and restless. Giving Bicarex and telekast Have pigmentation on toenail. What could it be? Have bloody semen. Treatment? Struggling with Hashimotos. Having pain in neck, back and shoulders. Have severe bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome with some nerve damage. Help? Have pain in lower back and leg pain. On medication for neck problem. Suggest? Having frequent pain in stomach. Suggest? Having Premature Ejaculation problem. Suggest cure? Have polysistic ovaries and want to know how to go about getting pregnant? How long can sepsis survive in a bowel? Baby is 20 months old but has not started talking. What to do? Had metal on metal hip replacement surgery and tested high for chromium and cobalt. Metallosis? Have pain in forearm, advil relieves it. On HP and cholesterol medicine. Suggest? Been treated for verrucas. No response. Very sore and hard to walk. What can this be? 61 years old had occasions of wetting the bed. Thoughts? Diabetic, suffer from recurrent UTI. Using ointment Zelsa. Permanent cure? Has joints pain, shoulders paining and burning during sleep. Swollen legs when walking, tired and shivering. Cause? Get Pimples on face with puss inside and skin is dark. Suggest cure? Have gas trouble, didn't take any precaution, using Gelusil when stomach pains. Suggest? Teeth is yellow, after brushing properly cavities are there. How can I minimize it? Having stomach problem, going to bathroom after eating. Suggest? How to reduce Hair Fall? Smoking and tried to quit but can't. Got blood from mouth while brushing. Cancer? Have had blood test. What does report shows? Blood test showed globulin level was 3.9. Should I be concerned? Have some pain on left side which comes and goes. Could this be gas pain? After having unprotected sex two small painless flesh colored bumps arose on penis shaft. STD negative. Suggest? Having pain in wrist moving to elbow and also stomach ache, back ache. Have gall stones. Suggest? Get allergies on skin, have irregular periods. Consulted doctors but no use. Treatment? Passing stools frequently. Smells pungent. Took Flagyl. On cardicor and zoton. Suffer acid reflux. No vomiting. What to do? Prescribed amitriptyline to help sleep and foot pain. Taking Zolpiden. Can these be taken together? While on flight was trying to sleep and woke up feeling faint, sweating excessively and tingling fingertips. Suggest? Removed wisdom tooth, given Enantyum for pain. Started stomach pain, taken Pantecta. Have cavities in lower wisdom tooth Diagnosed with proteinuria and advised Olmezest. Taking Amlogard, Arkamin and Minipress for hypertension. Suggest? Had complete abdominal hysterectomy. Pathology report says heavy uterus with fibroids. Suggest? Diabetic and taking Mclazide. What are the side effects? Pregnant, feel fatigued, dizzy, stomach cramps and getting hot and cold chills. Suggest? Got kicked in pubic bone area. Felt bruised and swollen, took paracetamol and Naproxen but still in pain Had physical relation but no intercourse, took ipill and had light bleeding but no period. Suggest? Pain in front and below kneecap in both legs when walking in stairs or squatting. Suggest? Have frequent urination at night, constipated and fatigued. On Ramipiril and Simvastatine. Suggest? Had DVT, was on OC pills and taking warf daily with side effect. Suggest contraception without side effect? Does Wysolone increase heart rate? Has COPD, pulmonary oedema, low temperature and myeloproliferative disoredr. What is medical significance of 0.5 level of melocytes? Have lupus. Diagnosed small airway disease not asthma. Lung volumes show significantly decreased functional residual capacity. Menaing? Have slight swellings in front of ears. Feel hard when I clench my teeth. Have under active thyroid. What to do? Having pain on abdominal sides. Noticed yellow cloudy urine. Having pain. Diagnosed bacterial infection. Cause? Having low sexual desire and no morning erection. Suggest? Had taken mifrestone still no result. Pregnancy test was negative but not getting periods. Suggest? Have delayed periods, back pain, nauseous, frequent urination and tired. Pregnant? Have difficulty going to sleep. Suffered depression. Prescribed Sublinox. No memory. Help? Complaining of severe itching and rashes. Diagnosed allergy. Prescribed NSAID cream. What can be done? What kind of doctor I need to see about slurred speech? Have excessive vaginal secretions during sex. Partner losing muscular control. Had lap assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Cure? Had unprotected sex, suffering from extreme anxiety, achy muscles, diarrhea, bad flu. STD negative. Is it reliable? Have lower abdomen pain like a tear and increases with bending. Suggest? Has bi-polar. On invega sustanna. Now on Closapine. Got Invega Sustenna injection. Craving for craving. What to do? Had sex, HPT negative. Took Mifepristone but no periods. Given Regestone, Maxical and vitamin D3. Have pimples. Suggest? Diagnosed with lymphnodes. Taken HREZ+ Levofloxacin. No improvement. Feeling lack of energy. What can be done? Noticed semen to be semi concentrated and grey colored discharge. Prescribed Niftran. Any serious concern? Sent the photos. What could it be? Used levosetride 5 once 10 tablets. Any risk involved? Have completed periods, taking metformin. Can we try for conception? Suffering from knee joint pain, MRI showed degeneration of knee and suggested orthoscopy. How long cartigen be used? Have breast cancer, spreading to liver, which got treated twice. Chances of occurring again? Diagnosed with BPH and prostatitis. DRE done and depressed with anxiety. On Cipro. Suggest? Diabetic, high BP, on insulin. Have swollen legs below the knees, leaking water blisters. On metformin. Suggest? Having pain in calf muscles post marathon run and also get back pain. Suggest? Have slight throbbing pain in upper back and shoulder. Been on antibiotics for sinus infection. Have irregular heart beat. What to do? Had Microdiscectomy. Taking less pain and spasm pills. Experiencing pain after few hours of work. Remedy? Pulmonary function test showed asthma. Spirometry showed a forced vital capacity of 3.5 L. Do I have interstitial lung disease? Have high cholesterol and diabetes. What can I take naturally to reduce level? Di agonized for Lever Cancer, suggested Sorafenat. Done CT scan. recommend treatment? Blood test showed WBC 4.4 L and MPV 10.9. Cholesterol-LDL:92 and HDL:91.2. TSH is 2.05. What does all this indicate? Given Naproxen after bowel resection for colon cancer but has high BP ad do smoking. Suggest? Addicted TO Methadone, given Suboxone to help get off. Suggest? Had double vision, inside corner looks bloody and eyes is frozen with no side movements. Suggest? Had a high bilirubin level and now sudden drop. Cause? Had painful, heavy periods with clots, migraine and dizziness with blurred vision. Have Dysplasia and fibroids removed On Lorazepam, want to switch to Celexa. Had history of anxiety. How to wean off? Having acidity and vomiting sensation, taking zintac to get relief. Suggest? Suffering from IBS and diarrhea. Suggest medication? Dealing with recurrent yeast infections. Can taking Chitin Cell inhibitor help? Having diabetes, taking Gemer, Galvus, Azator but have fluctuating sugar level. Advised insulin mixtard. Suggest? Use medication vivactil, but is not available. Suggest alternative drug under generic name Protriptyline? Been very unwell. Deficient in IgG1 and IgG3. Diagnosed CVID. Recurrent chest infections. Immune system not responding. Help? Was admitted for Hysterectomy surgery but failed in the Cardiac fitness test. Done angiogram. Suggest? Has chronic kidney disease. Diagnosed hypertension. Have nausea and vomiting. Found large concentration of protein in urine. Help? Started itching on thighs and testicle, developed spots and testicles burning. Tried dettol and candid-b but no relief. Have got baldness from the center and hair fall is not very high. Suggest? Diagnosed fungus infection in ear and husband has fungal infection on chest and abdomen. Is it contageous? Have severe throat infection and cold. Had blood in spits. Was smoker. Cancer? Have multiple small nodes in groin with no periaortic or pelvic lymphadenopathy identified. Meaning? Noticed twinge in lower back with sore abdomen. Not due for periods. cause? Gallbladder working at 0% whit no stones. Is surgery recommended for removal? Had preputioplasty done to relieve tight foreskin. Able to retract but penis is sensitive and foreskin doesn't move Have recurring, consistent dull ache around collarbone radiating to shoulder, no lumps. Suggest? Have failed IVF. Done with hysteroscopy. Pregnancy test positive. Ultrasound showed single gestational sac noted. Suggest? Taking Pexep. Perfectly okay. Should I continue medication? Experiencing intermittent abdominal pains and white mucus anal discharge. Suggest? Noticed swelling on scrotum area, no pain. Cause? Accidentally took double dose of janumet tablet. Should I be concerned? Had oral sex. Noticed bumps on tongue. Have throat infection. Tonsils were so swollen and painful. What to do?
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