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Indentation on forehead between left eye and hairline. Vein has appeared. Had a photofacial test. Should I be alarmed? Suggest a solution to stop hair fall Done ultrasound scan of pelvis. What does the report says? Sperm count is healthy, normal viscosity, liquefaction. Motility is low. On lipitor. What could be the cause for low sperm motility? Headache in right temple. How to get rid of it? Have high BMI. Diagnosed with Hepatomegaly with Grade two Fatty Liver. Positive stress test. Suggest exercise to reduce weight? Small bump at the opening. Bleeding and not painful. What could it be? Having the symptoms of shingles. Sensitive skin on inner arm and armpit. Should I go for blood test? Shout and mutter during sleeping time. Taking olimelt. Don't get proper sleep Sperm count is healthy, liquefaction. On lipitor. Suggest the most efficient nutritional supplements? Problem with pruritus of both forearms. Prescribed with steroid creams and nothing helped. Any ideas? Have a hepatic lesion which is hypoechoic focus oval and vascular. Itching on forearms and symptoms of hypoglycemia. Cancerous? Taking physiotens and karvea together. Can I get dry mouth after taking physiotens? Feeling heart beat very strongly. Having pain when breathing out. BP is high and feeling dizzy. Suggest the cure? Taking inhaler for chronic bronchitis. Need ayurvedic remedies What could be the reason for frequent urination? Having nausea and vomiting. Had viral fever. GI endoscopy showed esophagitis grade a with erosive antral gastritis Had an ultrasound on left collar bone due to a small moveable lump. What could it be? Diagnosed with minimally displaced fractured tibia plateau. Do you recommend surgery? Have five coronary stents. On aspirin 325mg. Is it a high dosage? Does radio therapy have any effect on kidney and other organs? Baby having dry cough. Suggest remedy Hypertensive. On Telmasartan H and having headache. CT scan showing venous angioma on the left side. What else could it be? Are olybutynin chloride, oxybutynin chloride er and oxybutynin the same drug? Suggest suitable way to stop biting nails Had total shoulder replacement. On morphine and dilodid. Currently taking vicodon Have heart and kidney problem. Diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis. Suggest further treatment? Suffered from salmonella infection. Having nausea and light-headedness. What could be the reason? Having some scar tissue. Biopsy came negative. Anything serious? Have itchy testicles. No bumps or spot. What could be this? Painful lump on the roof of mouth. Have sore throat. What could it be? Having recurring sore throats. Blood test came with absolute WBC and high neutrophils Urine test indicates appearance is slightly turbid, leukocytes large and epithelial cells moderate. What does it mean? Tingling feeling in right arm and right side of the back. Is this a sign of an illness? Experiencing stabbing pain in abdomen, dull constant heavy period pain. Swollen stomach and had sex. Is it fibroids? On nuvaring. Had sex. Got bright red blood in period. Pregnant? Having some scar tissue, mole. Biopsy came negative. Anything serious? Have irregular period. Taking clomid. Done hormonal tests and trans vaginal scan. PCOD? Having pain in back and arm pit. Having bouts with nausea. Having pain when taking deep breath. Suggest? Extreme pain on right side. Had massages. is there anything to relax the muscle? On nuvaring. Had sex. Got bright red blood in period. Chances of pregnancy? Feeling the taste of foods was bad. Losing weight. Suggest the treatment? Gelatinous and inflamed uvula, dry throat. How long it will take to be cured? Can I take a melatonin supplement with xanax? Post-menopausal woman. Had a D&C because of a thickened uterine lining. Reason for pain in left side? Pain in heel and arch of foot. Bruising and pain in ankle. Have haematoma below knee. Need advise? Pain under left rib cage while walking. What could be the problem? Have had right sided facial pain. CT scan showed red circle spot Prescribed with losartan potassium. Pain in foot, coughing and back pain. Had severe congestive heart failure. Suggest the cure? Suffering from allergy symptoms, itchy throat and runny nose. Took zyrtec. What to do? Long time menstrual bleeding after starting of first period. Is it normal? Diagnosed with Lyme disease. Taking Rocephin. Done with MRI of lumbar, cervical spine and brain. What are the findings from the report? Is it common to get UTI repeatedly after a partial hysterectomy? Done with blood work. BUN was 8 and Creatinine was 8. Should I be concerned? Done with blood test. What are the findings in the report? Feels like itching and getting rashes on hands and legs. lot of heat coming out from body. How to overcome this? Inverted eyelid after surgery. Sensitive to light. Will a surgery resolve the light sensitivity? Face turns black when exposed to sunlight. Could I use Dermadew Acne soap to remove the tan? Took monistat for yeast infection. Having swelling on vagina and uvula. Took Aleeve for swelling. Is it a side effect? Getting light reddish streaks on both of my hands. What is causing it? Rapid heart beat. Take colace stool softeners. Had anal fistilictomy. Any relation? BP ranges from 125 to 135. Is this normal? Child took over dose of seroflow rotacaps capsules accidentally. What should be done? Have cold and wet cough. Could I take Wikoryl and Roxid M? Got some tissue texture while blowing my nose. What could be this? Have polycystic ovaries. Hurting to move and sit down. Shooting pains across stomach between hip bones. Suggest the treatment? Pinching pain under left breast. Done Ekg, Triponin, dimer test, chest X-ray Skin tags on neck and under arms. Need remedy Suffering from peripheral vestibular lesion with cerebral atrophy. ENG showed severe vestibular lesion Immune system is very low. Had vivex malaria and had some bacterial infection. How to recover from typhoid? Had two miscarriages. Tested positive for rubella. Prescribed with rovamycine and ecosprin. Why ecosprin? Had thyroid ablated. Have swollen lymph node and tight muscle shoulder Have pain in right hand side of ribcage at the bottom. Very painful to touch. Suggest the cure? Treated for wisdom tooth infection on lower jaw. Diagnosed with candidiasis. Acne like structure on neck and soreness. Treatment? Looking for STEPHAN BIO NUTRITIONAL Ultra Hydrating Fluid. Suggest any product with same ingredients? Noticed skin on penis was red after sex. Used canesten cream with steroid. Having red spots on penis. Help? Feeling stomach bloated with gas. Missed periods. Need help? Get chest pain after masturbation. What could be the reason? Curved penis towards left and has a banana shape. Pain during erection. Will it have an impact on sex life? Experiencing few episodes of presyncope. Sudden cold in arms and hand and pressure in throat. Done with ECG. Suggest treatment? Taking antidepressants seroxat and nerve drug rivotril. Can I take steroids with them? Has Alzheimer. On Exelon and Namenda. Started with Axona supplement. Can Axona have caused the fainting spell? Child with general tongue pain and low appetite. Symptoms of foot and mouth disease? Hit my chin. Developed a hard, non-painful lump. Will it go away? Home pregnancy test came positive. Could not detect anything in ultrasound. Why? Had blood along with sperms. CT/USG of abdomen came normal. Advised to apply Proctosedyl ointment Bald spot developed on beard. Is it Alopecia Areata? Suggest the medication? How can I delay my period? Have demyelinating disease. Ulnar nerve got damaged. Any cure? Suggest the medication to prepone periods by a week? Got creamy discharge after inserting progesterone sustained tablet ultiget. Is it normal? Suffer hair thinning. Due to testosterone hormone and oily scalp. Prevention? Had a stroke. Bleeding due to high BP. Short term memory and fight depression. Told as nerve damage Child with weepy eye, no health issue. What could be the reason? Started taking wellbutrin and prozac. Feeling even more anxious. What should be done? Feeling like fainting, sweating, fast heartbeat, paresthesia on arms. Done ECG and ultrasound of heart Birthmark on face. Skin tag on belly. Could this be neurofibromotsis? Have an epididymal cyst on left testicle. Done with scrotal ultrasound. What to do next? Have comorbidity. What are the complicating factors associated with comorbidity? Have restless leg syndrome. Feet feel numb. Can both be related? Swallowed an almond sliver. Will my stomach digest this? What are the short term and long term effects of alcohol? Having acidity after taking i pill. Had lower abdominal pain. How long will the acidity last? When is it advisable to do a crown or root root canal for a tooth instead of just a filling? Got 21 day progesterone levels. Having heavy and painful periods. On progest cream. Anything wrong? Facing under weight issue. How to increase muscles size? Taken two Depo shots, having chapped, dry, swollen lips. Could this be due to depo? Experiencing twitching, shaking in arms and vibrating throughout the body. Is something serious? Pain on waist and left knee. Swelling in right ankle. What could this be? Had sex using two condoms. Having abdominal pain. Diagnosed fatty liver. Connection with incident with fatty liver? Baby has barking cough. Suggest treatment? Quit smoking. Having burning sensation and soreness in shoulder area. Pain and tenderness in rib cage. Had vaginal yeast infection. On candid V6 tablets. Dissolved tablets are seen in vaginal discharge. Why? Have sore on the foot. Remedy? Blood test showing alkaline phosphatease level of 37. What does it represent? Sperm analysis report shows 83% amophous, 7% coiled, 9% pin head and 1% normal. Meaning? Having back problem? Will Oxycontin show up on urine analysis? When is the best time to take blood pressure medication? Lab work show high calcium level and low vitamin D level. Diagnosed with subtle nodular focus at lower pole thyroid. Taking supplements help? Took ambien. Having nightmares, shaking, depression, memory loss, loss of coordination Child having high fever. Giving Paracetamol. Need suggestion Having rash on chest and neck. Feeling itchy. Put neosporin. What can I do? Depression. Taking trazodone at night time. Should I take it at daytime to be active? Prescribed Atarax for rash. Is it good to take lasix? Why do I need anastrozole? What if did not take it because of the side effects? Fever with tense abdomen. Why? Ultrasound scan shows a gestational sac in uterus. Should I be worried about the thickness of uterus? Having chronic anal fissure after delivery. Tried Beclomethazone dipropionate ointment. Taking lactulose syrup. Suggest? Suffer IgG deficient and have chest pain. Unexplained inflammations and high Uric acid. On nexium Did not have periods. Have osteoporosis and all kinds of problems. Suffered with bulimia and anorexia Is it possible to get hernia after bladder imaging? Can aceclofenac tablets be taken for tooth ache and root canal pain? Using condoms while having sex. Cracks on foreskin. Suggest treatment Is there any possibility of tinnitus while taking paxil instead of wellbutrin? Due to have foot surgery. Tendon over the big toe. Could the injection sites be numb? Suffering from liver disease. Taking Pantocid, Udiliv and Duphalac Oral solution. Advice diet? Trying anal sex with condom and withdrawn without ejaculation. Broken condom. Any upcoming risk? Pain in left breast. Found some density in ultrasound. Referred for biopsy. Suspect a cyst. Curable? Suffering from leukorrhea. Will this affect my child birth? Treatment? Can lack of digestive enzymes and lack iron cause barretts disease? What is the difference between chest pain caused by muscle strain and that caused by cardiac issues? Smoke 5 cigarettes in a day. Will this cause problem? Done with liver screen. What are the findings in the report? Had an amoebic infection. Could I take probiotic to cure the infection? Underwent four artery CABG surgery. Left circumflex artery was blocked. Weak and stressed. What would you recommend? Having increased heart rate and shortness of breath. Could this be pots or an electrical issue? Increased heart rate and shortness of breath. Having mild mvp. What could this be? Had a bilateral mastectomy resulting in left side lymphedema. CT scan showing scattered non specific lymph nodes in neck. Is this normal? Had her gall bladder removed. Had constant diarrhea and symptoms of IBS. Having stabbing abdominal pain. What to do? Will vagina tightens if I did not have sex for decades? Was hospitalised with dengue fever. After discharge, noticed rashes on hands and thighs. What should I do? Talking and hallucinate all night long. Looking for sleep specialist? Suffering with jock itch. Used home remedies like applying garlic and honey paste. Suggestions? Diagnosed tapeworms. Having hair fall. Prescribed albendazole or praziquantel. Provide information? Red streaks on hands. What could be the reason? Had left and right pelvic pain. Done with ultrasound. Lump on cervix. Suggest the treatment? Have itchy penis under foreskin. Noticed white stuff formed every day under foreskin. What is this? Swelling on face, arms and legs in the morning. Medical cure for this? Have itchy skin under foreskin. What could be this? Noticed bleeding after taking i pill. Feel tender breasts. Is this the breakthrough bleeding? Had been diagnosed with colitis. Bloating, cramping and pain in lower left abdomen. Stool is loose. Should I be serious? Had a grommet inserted into my ear. Having hearing problem. Any infection? Height is 6 feet and weight is around 52 to 55Kg. Suggest the diet plan? Taking amlodopine. Edema all over legs. Fast heart rate. Blood pressure under control. How to go ahead? Left ear and sometimes the whole head hurts. could this be a toothache gone virual? Have anal itching. Tried itch guard cream. Permanent cure from this infection? Suffering from hair loss. Advised to use mintop forte and anaphase shampoo. Will hair regrowth take place? Right eye is filled with water. Not blinking for long time. Could this be an early sign of abnormal eyesight? Have PCOS. Gained weight. Delayed periods. Suggest diet plan? Knee turned purple. Having pain. Putting ice pack. Diagnosed with shingles. Suggest? Having fever. Advised to do blood test. Diagnosed with S typhi. What are the precautions to be taken? What does Serolgy CRC mean? Having cut in anus due to hard stools. Having burning sensation. Can I use Moxikind? Had spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis. Noticed a dent in right fronto temporal region. Having cold symptoms Done MRI scan. What does the result says? Having diarrhea. Used Bristol type 3. Celiac blood test showed one positive out of the 5 markers. Advise. Penis is very small. Regrows after having sex. Suggest the medication? Had surgery for torn biceps. Pain, swelling and numbness in hand. Should I be worried? Have bumps in pubic hair area. Noticed blood mixed with some white substance oozing out. What can this be? Have lump in pubic area. Feels like ball moving. Sometimes painful. What could this be? Had flu. Temperature normal. Feel tired. Help? Suffered anaphalactic reaction to medication. Feeling tired and dehydrated. Normal? Hard lump under left eye along eye socket towards top of cheekbone. Painful to touch Nose hurts, feels raw with mucus and but have cold. Have odd smell like sinus infection. Having raw spots are forming. What to do? Suffer from itchy ears and continuous headaches. Did I damage inner ear by scratching with fingers? Had allergy. Woke up dizzy and glands in neck are swollen. Otitis affecting the facial nerve from swelling. Suggest treatment? Hit forehead. Applied ice. Have swelling. Noticed black spots. Suggest? Can tranxene and xanax be taken together to help clausterphobia during an MRI? Inner ankle bruised and looks purple. Cannot walk and feels numb. What is wrong? Bubbles in urine in the morning. What could this be? Having epididymal cyst on testicle. Suffered testicular torsion. How is this detected? Does gabapentin effect your kidneys? Have sore throat while swallowing. Had tooth extraction. Why am I unable to have ground food? Pain after hysterectomy. Is this normal? Had bilateral hernia surgery. Having itching in lower abdominal area. Taking Lortab and bendryl. What to do? What is the difference between fluid on chest and just gas? Back pain. Tried heating pad, icy hot and ibuprofen. Suggest treatment for permanent cure Taking fiorinal for years. Suggest good substitute? Noticed lump/growth on left salivary gland. Having dry mouth. Could this be related? Had headache and checked blood pressure. Is it normal?
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