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Is Clostridium Difficile Colitis a contagious disease? Does hemifacial spasm lead to total hearing loss? What causes brittle and crumbly toenails are? Is blood in semen normal after taking Finateride for prostate problem? What are the findings from the MRI of abdomen? Will Doxycycline help in curing Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection? Is it possible to have an appendicitis attack after gall bladder removal? Suggest treatment for tooth ache What could be the cause for lump on the left side of my neck? Is Psuedomonis sensitive to Ciprofloxacin? What is the treatment for small blisters all over my face when suffering from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy? What should be done for ovarian cyst? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction What causes swelling in cheeks and lips when having dentures? What is the permanent cure for nerve pain with plantar fasciitis? What causes razor blade sensations in my vagina? Are there any alternatives to benzodiazepine drugs to control anxiety? What could be the cause for panic attack when suffering from vertigo? Can I take diazepam instead of Ativan for changes in my head? What causes skipped heart beats? What is stratified mucin producing intraepithelial lesion? What causes shortness of breath? What causes vertigo when having suffering from anxiety? What causes panic attacks when suffering from off balance feeling due to vertigo? What is the cause and treatment for irregular periods? What is the suggested medication for sleeping problem? Suggest treatment for soreness in anus What causes unusual periods with less bleeding? Can Arnold's reflex cause chronic irritating cough for a year? Is it necessary to increase the dosage of zoloft for pressure feeling in head and dizziness? What causes redness and itching in the pubic area? Can injury on the neck bone due to whiplash injury lead to paralysis? Is it safe to take enanthate when suffering from left ventricular hypertrophy of heart? Why am I having loss of sleep with sharp pain above my ankle? What should be done for pain management when suffering from cerebellar ataxia? Is it possible to detect congenital heart disease with a stethoscope? What kind of food can I take for high SGOT, SGPT levels and heat stroke? Is constant dull ache in my right shoulder blade related to GERD disease? What are the problems caused due to over dosage of Pancreatin for pancreatitis? What causes neck pain on both sides and headache in lower back skull area? What kind of specialist will perform a sural nerve entrapment surgery? Why is my child suffering from nausea and anxiety issues? What is the permanent cure for hair loss and itching sensation on scalp? Suggest treatment for UTI causing stomach cramps What causes nausea and pains in right upper quadrant when suffering from kidney stones? What are the findings from the haematology report? What happens in threatened miscarriage? How do Spacers impact knee mobility ? Is surgery the only solution for cyst removal between L4 and L5? Does candida cause tingling sensation in my lips? What is the treatment for kidney stones in children? Can I have Acyclovir antibiotic for ear infection? What causes tingling sensation in my lips when suffering from hypothyroidism? What causes burning pain in my arm post massive rotator cuff tear surgery? What causes swelling,redness,bluish discoloration and numbness of upper limb? What causes headache the back of head? What causes imbalance when suffering from vertigo? What causes facial swelling following a dental anesthetic in my upper left buccal sulcus? What is the cure for chronic pain caused due to degenerative joint disease with multiple bulging disc in spine? Is surgery necessary for Hydronephrosis in kidney? What caises Fatty liver? Suggest treatment for dry cough What are the findings from the thyroid ultrasound report? What causes weight gain when on Encorate Chrono? Is eye pain and increased heart beat caused due to hidden infections in my throat? Is pain in eyes,head and high heart beat is due to throat infection? What does elevated white count in urine indicate when suffering from kidney pain? Why am I unable to bend my knee after a fall? Why is oxycodone not working for my pain?? What causes stress and weight gain? How to reduce sugar level and is there an alernative to Gemer? What does a painful lump on the belly button indicate? What is the pepper like thing in my urine? What causes strained throat with fullness in ear and pain on sneezing? Is Flohale or is Seroflo a better option for simple ashtma treatment? What causes pain under my ribs and cloudy urine? Will germaloids help for itching sensation around my anus? Suggest treatmant for inguinal hernias causing abdominal pain Suggest treatment for loos bowel movements in a baby What causes vaginal bleeding when on tamoxifen? Is it necessary to take hormone therapy for increased PSA level caused due to radiation treatment? Suggest treatment for anxiety with reactive hypoglycemia and pcos What do you mean by "tubulovillous adenoma with high grade glandular dysplasia" in a pathology report? What causes bitter taste in my mouth when suffering from chest pain? What causes constant sore throat with history of smokinh? What causes shooting pains through bones with numbness in legs and arms? What is the possibility of pregnancy when suffering from Crohn's disease, fistula and eating disorder? Suggest schedules and regimens for treating C. diff infection? Is safe to take glycomet, wintramo, acuvin and pevesca plus? Suggest treatment for bodyache and sweating due viral fever What is the treatment for soreness in genital area and stomach pain? What should be done for calf pain after accidental fall? What is the causes and treatment for swelling between scrotum and anus? Why am I unable to walk after slipping on ice? What should be done for high BP? Is neck pain and shoulder pain caused due to typhoid immunization shot? What causes swelling in my left foot? What causes popping sensation in my finger and hip joints? What causes shallow breathing and cramping muscles after a workout? What causes nose bleeding after head injury? Why is my child suffering from fever, cold and cough even after giving calpal? What causes severe tooth ache and cicadas in my ear? Suggest remedy for hard stool due to constipation Suggest treatmant for sore throat along with back pain,stomach aches and neck pain? Can I give clamp kid syrup for nose block? What causes blood from anus when suffering from Bile duct cancer? How to prevent diabetes? What is the treatment for pink scar caused due to intradermal nevus? What causes tightness in the top of my breast? What causes drop in my sugar levels when suffering from constant pain from a back operation? How to overcome needle sensation and have regular sex? Suggest the necessary steps to have a healthy baby Prescribed with punctual plugs for stretching in eyes and blurred vision. What do you suggest? How to overcome panic disorder and biological anxiety? How to control my thyroid level? Is high blood pressure curable? Does flu infection cause sharp pain in my upper leg? What happens when suffering from subaortic obstructive cardiomyopathy? What is the possibility of pregnancy after having sex on fifth day of menstruation? What causes severe ectopic heartbeats after eating food? Am I feeling nauseous due to anxiety? Is it normal to have bleeding after taking contraceptive pill? Is high LDL cholesterol a sign of heart attack or stroke? What could be the reason for loss of smell? What is the treatment for dry foreskin problems? What are the chances of getting herpes through direct contact? Suggest treatment for cough,cold,fever and body ache in winters? Can I take cymbalta along with duramine? What causes rise in SGOT level? What causes calf pain while climbing stairs? What does 'narrowing arteries in the brain' mean and can it cause memory loss? What is the cure for small cracks in the right side of my tongue? Suggest treatment for depression with anxiety leading to lack of sleep What causes morning cough with breathlessness? Is passive smoking harmful when suffering from asthma? Is it possible to get HIV after kissing? What causes bump on my left lower jaw while taking Lyrica and paracetamol? What are the treatment options for fungal infection caused due to blockage in sphenoid sinus? What is the possibility of alopecia areata turning into alopecia totalis? Should a 9.8 cm right adnexal cystic lesion be removed? Is it fine to skip vascoride when BP is under control? What causes dark line on my stomach and clear liquid from my breast? What is the appropriate diet when working out at gym? What does 'mild frontal atrophy mild decreased attenuation in the lateral putamen' indicate? How can hemoglobin level be increased? What do dark bruises on stomach indicate? Why does my grand baby wake up at night between 2-6am? Can I give Meftal P for my child suffering from fever? Is it normal to see redness inside the nose after nose bleeding and scab removal? Can female sex hormones affect blood test results on thyroid and triglycerides? Will positive IgG and IgM cause harm to baby during pregnancy? With reference to the blood test result should I reduce my protein intake? What causes vomiting sensation during urination? Are seizures and sleep apnea interrelated and what is the treatment? Can I take another propfenon tablet after breakfast? What causes nausea everyday when suffering from diabetes? How to get rid of fish scales on my legs when suffering from asthma?? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain caused by hard coughing What does a large bulge on left aide of abnomen indicate? What causes night sweats when suffering from congestive heart failure and low vitamin D level? What causes heart throbbing? Can esophageal spasms cause shortness of breath? What could be the cause for increase in elevated heart rate? What is the treatment for anxiety,PTSD,night terrors and panic disorder? What is the treatment for migraine in children? What is the treatment for anxiety disorder? Does Paroxetine side effects cause nose bleeding? What causes swelling in right jaw when suffering from bronchitis? What is the treatment for sprained ankle? Is vyvance and clonidine responsible for hair growth in scrotum area? What causes bluish discoloration in my foot? What causes hand pain after a gym workout? What is the treatment for back pain when suffering from worn away cartilage in L1? Will RNA PCR test for HIV detect subtype E CRF01_E and other subtypes? What causes tingling,numbness,pain of legs and arms with weakness and breathing difficulty? What causes restlessness when taking Pregabalin for epilepsy? What causes small blisters and dry scabs on my legs? What causes spasm in perinel area and pain after an orgasm? Will prednisone help in curing bruising in my ribs? Does Vitamin B12 level of 1648 indicate any abnormality? How accurate is a IGM Herpes test post three weeks of exposure? How reliable is non fasting lipid panel? What is the treatment for my baby suffering from diarrhea? How long will he have to stay in hospital for torn hamstring muscle? Is calcified pineal gland a serious problem? Will wysolone, enew and genew help in improving motility in men? Will I resume bleeding after discontinuing regestrone medication? Is it normal to have pins and needles in foot when suffering from fibromyalgia? Is lower abdominal discomfort a sign of uterine cancer? What could be the cause for elevated ANA counts and mixed connective tissue disease? What causes lumps on my penis? What causes tingling sensation in my hands when suffering from mild anxiety? What is the treatment for bumps on my penis? What causes intermittent numbness in my chin and right hand? What are the underlying causes for cramps in my ankles? Can anal lesions be hemorrhoids? What causes off balance feeling when suffering from vertigo? What is the treatment for low blood pressure? What is the treatment for mole in the back of my eye? Is rashes caused due to chicken pox?
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