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What causes bulging veins in lower hands and arms? What causes extreme weight loss? What causes pain in upper rib while on Rantinine? What causes numbness on legs? What causes red patch and blisters on the buttock crack after laminectomy? Does application of Arth Arrest have any side effects? What causes blurred vision? Is Doxycycline associated with seizures? What causes pain in toe and heel upto the achiles tendon? What is the purpose of taking Fenofibrate? What causes thick vaginal discharge? What does these ultrasound of heart indicate? When does hemoglobin become normal afer stopping Lupron? Can i get food poisoning by touching the unhygienic turkey? What causes stress incontinence of urine? Suggest treatment for plantar fascities How to increase body weight? Suggest treatment for excess saliva after stab injury to Salivary glands Suggest treatment for painful knee while walking What causes buring sensation in nose after taking Cetrizine? Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence Suggest treatment for weak erection and anxiety during sex Is Trental intake safe to remove calcification in penis? What causes lightheartedness, dizziness, numbness in finger and toes? Suggest treatment for buring pain in toe bone Suggest treatment for male pattern baldness What causes late periods inspite of taking I pill? What causes laziness through out the day? What are the symptoms of HIV? Suggest diet to avoid gas and acid reflux during pregnancy What causes pain under the ribs while taking deep breath? What causes skin allergy? Can i take Omez daily for heart burn? What causes weight gain after blood transfusion for anemia? What does positive OBT indicate? What causes blood in urine and pain while urinating? What is the cause and treatment for gastroparesis? Suggest food replacements for Amoxicillin & Clavulanate potassium tablets? What causes increased lymphocytes? What causes painful periods with back pain,bloating and head aches? Suggest treatment for hair fall Suggest treatment for an episode of Syncope Suggest treatment to remove warts on skin Does narrowing stricture close completely and block respiratory tract? Suggest tips to achieve night weaning What causes anxiety, headache and feeling sick? Can i get pregnant if i am already on my period? Suggest treatment for lazy colon What does my urine test report indicate? Suggest treatment for cold and DHA supplement Is Olmark and Crestor safe for BP treatment? What causes small hard bump on my right hand point finger? Is Digoxin and the Cordarone safe to use daily for cardiac issues? Suggest treatment for wheat allergy What causes excess saliva and dry mouth inspite of using encorate and Risat? What causes Nightfall and Dhat? What causes delayed periods? Suggest treatment for acute enteritis Is these thyronorm dosage correct for these TSH levels? What causes headache and nausea with plasma in the urine? What does these triglyceride and post-meal sugar levels indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety Suggest treatment for purpura Suggest tests to detect fertility problems Is Anticoagulant and seizen safe to take during pregnancy? How much should a heart-rate fluctuate? What causes mild bleeing and backache after stopping breast feeding? What causes vomiting of curdled milk in infants? What causes recurrent respiratory infection? What causes lump on occipital bone and swollen lymph node at neck? Suggest treatment for pain at bottom of feet inspite of having Arthritis Suggest treatment for keratoconus Suggest treatment for rectal pain with severe dizziness What causes vaginal itching during pregnancy? What causes tingling sensation of nipples? What causes swelling in armpit and arm after mammograms? How to treat ruptured hymen? What causes bruised penile shaft after a dorsal slit-operation? Suggest treatment for vomiting and fever What causes chest pain while trying to swallow food? Suggest treatment for stomach issues inspite of using Clindamycin and Rifampin Suggest treatment for fevers and chest pain after vomiting Suggest alternative medications for Rasagiline What causes atherosclerosis? Sugegst treatment for calf muscle strain What causes increasing back pain that that decreases with movement? How to calculate fertile days? What causes stinging pain inside the penis? Suggest treatment for white discharge from penis during urination? How long does heart block caused by a beta-blocker take to recover? What causes frequent urination and blood in urine? What causes feeling urge to urinate? What causes tinitus? What causes stomach bloating, growling and pain? What causes pain and swelling in index finger? What causes sudden black out in vision? Can i get pregnant during ovulation? Suggest remedies for cold during pregnancy How to check if hymen is intact? Suggest treatment for bloating, diarrhea and lichen planus What does " a1c of 4.5" mean? Is Regestrone tablet used to prepone periods? What causes muscle spasm, fever and dizziness? Suggest treatment to control high BP What does "quantiferon is positive and infy levels 3.41 mg" mean? What causes pain under the breast radiating to back after coughing hard? What causes discomfort in the rectum after a TRUP procedure? What does a mole with dry skin indicate? What is the normal size of testicles? Suggest capsules containing chondroitin sulphate Is it normal to get chronic cough after gastroscopy? Suggest treatment for overactive bladder with UTIs and depression Suggest treatment for severe tooth pain Can Rosuvastatin be taken for high cholesterol levels? What causes sudden weight loss and appetite loss? What are the side effects of Oxycodone over dosage? Suggest treatment for diabetes Is Serovital (HGH) a safe and effective supplement? What does the Liver function test result indicate? How long does Celation therapy taken to cure heavy metals poisoning? What causes mild swelling of lymph glands on groin area? Suggest treatment for pain due to Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia Is it safe to stop Estrogel intake at once? What is the life expectancy while suffering from small vessel brain disease? Suggest treatment to loose weight What causes breathing difficulty in a child? What causes back pain,headaches and suicidal thoughts after a clensing regimen? Suggest treatment for weakness due to cold and frequent sneezing What is patella femoral syndrome? Can I take Cymbalta with Zyprexa? What causes knee pain with warmth on touching? What causes itching in nostrils with temprature change? What does my thyroid test report indicate? Suggest good hair removal cream for unwanted hair on face Suggest treatment for fatty liver with cyst What causes headache on stopping Testosterone? Suggest treatment for typhoid fever What causes infection on a skin tag? Does taking I-pill affect future pregnancy? How safe is LASIK treatment? What does my ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for behavioural changes in a child What causes excessive coughing when on antibiotics for strep throat? What causes redness in buttock crack while recovering from laminectomy? What causes inability to concentrate after a grand mal epilepsy? How to stop nose bleed? What causes chunky ejaculations? What causes pyogenic granuloma on nails? Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia fog Suggest treatment for ADHD What are the symptoms and treatment of anemia? What causes frequent itching in ears? Is abdominal pain spreading to pelvic bone indication of UTI? What causes body chill after a uretal stent insertion? What causes blood blisters in groin area? Suggest treatment for sleep apnea Suggest treatment for indigestion during pregnancy Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in both hands Suggest treatment for penis pain due to penile fracture What causes pressure and popping in ears? How can I quit smoking? What causes restless legs at night? Are Tminic cold syrup,Novamax and P-125 drops safe for a baby? What causes thick vaginal discharge with a brown tinge? Suggest medicines for tonsillitis Suggest treatment for small white spots at back of the neck Suggest treatment for ADHD Will bleeding occur after hymnoplasty during first intercourse? Is taking Clonazepam together with Clobazam safe for treatment of seizures? What causes foam coming from mouth? What does these TSH values indicate? Suggest treatment for backache during pregnancy Suggest treatment for needle like pain in toes What does my sperm motility report suggest? What causes low grade fever and appetite loss? Suggest treatment for sneezing and running nose What causes freezing cold and shivering? How long does artificial aortic valve work? Suggest treatment for Grave's disease Suggest treatment for cold and cough Suggest treatment for shingles Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Does "dilated pancreatic duct, 15 cm" indicate cancer? What causes breathlessness due to cold? What does "Placenta is Grade-2 maturity" mean? What does raised High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein indicate? What does "rubella igg-500 Igm-0.37" indicate during pregnancy? Can Carmicide be given for diarrhea to a baby? What causes on and off awful smell period bleeding? What causes dizziness with ear pain? Suggest treatment for Lariam tablet stuck in esophagus Suggest treatment for dry cough Suggest treatment for pain due to occipital neuralgia Why i cannot drive while on Percocet? Is there any diet restriction when suffering from psorasis? What causes rash behind my ears? How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis Can make up be applied during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for flatulence
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