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How to calculate the ovulation time inorder to get pregnant? What does a raised red mark on buttocks indicate? What causes swelling in ankles when suffering from diabetes? Is Alendronate effective for bone problems in an elderly? What does a hard knot in stomach indicate? Suggest treatment for depression Does taking Utovlan stop periods if it has already started? What casues pain in ankles after ORIF surgery? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain caused after instertion of Mifepristone What does an inactive endometrium mean? Can Colcrys Allupurinol and Ciprofloxacin HCL be taken together? What causes severe abdominal pain and vaginal pain? What causes tiredness? Suggest treatment for itchy allergic skin rash after taking Flagyl What causes periods twice a month after child delivery? What causes diarrhea with nausea and fever? Suggest treatment for dry mouth caused by Myrbetriq intake What causes red itchy swollen area on foot? What should be done from bleeding from lipoma? What causes red bumps on skin after sweating? What does a hard lump infront of the ear indicate? What does "calcified splenic artery anerurysm measuring 7 mm" mean? What causes frequent urination? What causes burning urination? What causes pain deep in the thighs? Suggest treatment for pain in ribs caused due to excess body weight How to test for pregnancy? Can Rabipur be discontinued after one dose? Suggest treatment for swollen eyelid Suggest treatment for dental hypersensitivity Suggest treatment to remove bursitis in foot What causes sweating when suffering from diabetes? What causes abdominal bloating when having an enlarged uterus? What causes numbness in vaginal and rectal region? What should be done after putting Ciprodex otic in eye? What do lumps on collarbone indicate? How to calculate ovulation time? Can diabetes cause difficulty in losing weight? What causes absence on periods after stopping Thyronorm? What causes flatulence? What causes chest pain in children? What causes an infant to vomit up milk? What causes spotting during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for nocturnal asthma What casues calf pain after playing golf? What casues sudden dizziness on standing up? Suggest treatment for quick recovery after an ACL reconstruction surgery What causes difficulty in swallowing? What is the cause and treatment for UTI? Suggest treatment for klebsiella infection in urine Does stress cause high pulse and chest discomfort? What harm does Zolfresh overdose cause? What causes pain under the feet? What causes crohn's ileitis in children? What causes buttock pain? Suggest treatment for hairfall and acne Suggest treatment for polycythemia vera What causes constant clearing up of throat? What causes leg pain? What causes pulsing sensation in feet with abdominal pain? How to know if IUI was timed incorrectly? What causes bending of the penis on erection? Suggest treatment for dry eyes Is hypothyroidism heriditary? What causes stiffness of bones? What casues non-stop hiccups? How long does Cefadroxil take to cure infections? Can toenail damage cause a permanent vertical bruise? How to avoid heart attacks? How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? Suggest treatment for ADD Is masturbation a non healthy habit? What causes dizziness on standing up? What do the out-of-range results mean in my blood work report? What causes repeated miscariages? What is the cause and treatment for diarrhea in children? What causes hashimoto's thyroiditis? Is dukes c1 a late stage of colon cancer? What causes burning sensation during urination? What causes persistent nausea? What casues exhaustion? How long does it take to recover from a brain stroke? Suggest treatment for swelling and bruise on hand How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? How to give Levolin syrup to an infant ? What causes raised red dots on penis head? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder What causes vomiting in a child? Suggest treatment for stomach infection How long do broken ribs take to heal? What causes nose bleeding after a head injury? What causes back pain with cramps and breast pain? What causes back pain and pain in breast? What causes mildly bulky uterus? Can Livocetrizine be taken by a breast feeding woman? Suggest treatment for ovarian neoplasm How to avoid unwanted pregnancy after having sex? What causes nose bleeding and dizziness after a head injury? Can Vyvance be taken while on Cymbalta? Are fatigue,poor libido,dry skin and night sweats symptoms of addison's disease? How to improve breast milk output? How should Mirvaso be applied for treatment of rosacea? Suggest treatment to remove wood stuck in skin Can formula milk be given to an 3 week old infant? Suggest treatment for allergic rhinitis Suggest treatment for back pain after a back surgery What causes frequent urination? Suggest treatment for stomach pain in a child What causes itching and burning in the vaginal area? Suggest treatment to increase height Suggest treatment for irritation and redness in vagina Suggest treatment for ankle sprain Is Budecirt inhaler safe for infants? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What causes fatigue,chest pains and bier spots on hands after drinking alcohol? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for swelling of the upper eyelid with redness Is fatigue,anxiety and depression symptoms of a heart attack in a woman? What causes sudden dizziness and sweating? Suggest treatment for celiac disease What does an abnormal endometrial lining indicate? At what age can chlidren start using a walker? What causes neck pain with dizziness while bending over? What causes muscle aches when suffering from lambert-eaton syndrome? Suggest treatment for fractured hyoid bone What does a strong pulse in abdomen indicate? Suggest treatment for allergic insect bites What causes nausea,appetite loss and fatigue after taking Amoxicillin? Is upper calf pain related with bakers cyst? What does "bilateral L5 pars defects,grade 2 spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1" mean? Is Soma a controlled drug ? Suggest treatment for allergic skin rash on body How to prevent C-DIFF and MERSA infection? What does a painful lump on vein leading to the testicle indicate? What causes bleeding from mouth? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in groin area and legs Is flying safe in pregnancy? What are the chances of pleural effusion leading to pneumonia? Suggest treatment for diabetes Should a CT scan be done for forehead injuries? What causes irregular heavy vaginal bleeding? Suggest treatment to remove ganglion on finger Suggest treatment for cracked tooth Suggest treatment for sunburn and swelling of face What causes pressure under the rib cage with gas and dry throat? What does a bump on lower spine indicate? What causes shaking in leg and hands? Suggest treatment for low BP Suggest treatment for mild pancreatitis What diet to follow when suffering from gall bladder disease and pancreatitis? Suggest treatment for back pain What causes rise in blood sugar level during pregnancy? Can Enteogermina be given to an infant for loose motions? Should rabies shot be repeated after a dog scratch? What causes excessive flatulence? What causes tearing feeling in nerves above the heart after masturbating? Can Ativan be taken with Celexa? What causes swelling in lower jaw under the ear? Suggest treatment for wheezing What does a pea-size lump on lymph node near the claivle indicate? Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder Can Advil be taken while having a low platlet count? What causes a small black spot on gum? What causes post menopausal bleeding? Can skin and hair supplements be taken during pregnancy? What causes low back pain? Can loratadine,Cipralex,Minigeste and Atarax be taken together? Suggest treatment for muscle pain in arm What causes tightness in stomach? What causes pain radiating from rib cage to lower abdomen? What causes delayed periods with low body temprature and back pain? When should pregnancy test be done? Suggest treatment for IBS Is increase of adipose tissue in the pelvis,possible? What should be done after accidental clamping up of iliac vein? Suggest treatment for cystic hormonal acne on jaw line and face What causes heavy post natal vaginal bleeding? What causes difficulty in swallowing? What causes painful and prolonged periods? How to have sucessful sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for headaches Suggest treatment for urine infection How to get off Alprazolam? What causes abnormal kidney function? What causes swelling below an incision site indicate? What causes dizziness after a head injury? What causes extreme fatigue,headaches,dry skin and irregular periods? What causes white/grey discharge from penis indicate? What causes vertigo and tingling in finger? Suggest treatment for excessive tanned skin What causes redness in the upper roof of the mouth after throat infection? What does my ultrasound report indicate about health of the fetus? Suggest treatmen for herpes What does brown spotting after delayed period indicate? What is the cause and treatment for gum infection? Suggest treatment for cold What causes vaginal spotting after urination post an abortion? What causes brain fog after alcohol consumption? What causes oozing from the incision site after an ORIF surgery? Suggest treatment dupuytrenes contracture in hands
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