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Suggest treatment for guinea worm disease Suggest best contraception methods to avoid unwanted pregnancy Suggest treatment for hypothyroid symptoms even after levothyroxine intake Suggest treatment for elevated liver enzymes How is ebola virus transmitted? Suggest treatment for painful veins in the scrotal area Suggest treatment for high cholesterol levels Suggest treatment for blue colored veins, brittle and pale nails Suggest treatment for cold and watery eyes Suggest treatment for puss filled red dots on pubic area Suggest treatment for post nasal drip Suggest treatment for puss filled red dots on pubic area Suggest treatment for constipation What causes ankle pain? Suggest treatment for acidity Is it safe to have intercourse during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for neck pain after working on laptop for a while Is a single dose of I pill effective? Suggest treatment for pain in throat while swallowing Suggest medication for relief from redness and burning sensation What causes pain in wrist? Suggest supplements to reduce weight Suggest treatment for frequent urination Suggest ways to reduce abdominal fat Suggest treatment for peeled off foreskin post intercourse Suggest treatment for knee dislocation Suggest treatment for L5 S1 disc bulge Suggest treatment for persistent cold Suggest treatment for Upper respiratory tract infection Suggest treatment for elevated liver enzymes Suggest treatment for anxiety, uneasiness and unusual behavior of a child What is the ideal time to do nuchal translucency test during pregnancy? What are the benefits of Glutathione? Suggest treatment for bloating and gas after eating food What is the ideal time to do NT scan during pregnancy? What causes vaginal bleeding after having unwanted 72 pill? What causes pain originating at the top of eye and temple area? Suggest treatment for swollen ankles when suffering from apical hypertropic cardiomyopathy Is Frisium the right medicine for sleeplessness? What does a bump on temple indicate? Suggest treatment to stop fluid leakage from leg What is the cause and treatment for night sweats and OCD? What causes white boil marks on shoulder and neck of an infant? Suggest treatment for melanoma What causes severe bleeding from cut on finger? Suggest treatment for poor blood flow to kidneys What causes sudden weight gain? Is nbulization effective than taking powder inhalers? What causes consistent pain around the pelvic area? Should Glynase MF be taken before or after meals? Is Zantac and over the counter medicine? Is blood pressure of 108/73, normal? Suggest treatment for postnasal drip What is the cause and treatment of lower back pain? What do nodules on thyroid gland indicate? Is Regestrone Sandoz effective in delaying periods? What do flaky brown spots on breast indicate? What does a red spot on wrist indicate? What causes increased sex drive? What causes absence of periods while breastfeeding? Can Valdoxan and Crestor be taken together? Suggest best formula milk for an infant Suggest treatment for depression What does my HSV-2 test result indicate? What causes large red blood cells? What causes tiredness,low hearing,neck stiffness and vision problems? What causes brown vaginal spotting,dark under eye circles and diarrhea? What causes chest pain while breathing? What causes false positive for Methamphetamine in a drug test? What causes delayed period with brown vaginal spotting? Is high fever in a terminal cancer patient a matter of concern? What causes brown vaginal spotting? What does my ultra-sensitive PSA test result indicate? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for pain in wisdom tooth What causes decreased urination? How to check for vertebrae fracture? Is it safe to take Nexpro L for long period of time? What causes rash and itching on face? What does elevated ESR level indicate? Suggest treatment for injury to penis What causes tiredness and breathlessness when recovering from cold? What does 496 creatinine level in urine mean? What causes lower abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for pain and cuts on penis head What causes thin skin on forearms and shin? What causes dizzy spells after suffering a heart attack? What causes dizziness while on treatment for high BP and anxiety? Is Advair Diskus effective in treatment of sleep apnea? Suggest treatment for anxiety What causes pain and numbness in hands and feet after hospitalization? Suggest treatment for swollen ankle Suggest treatment for pain in stomach with nausea and pain Suggest treatment for nausea,cough and severe headaches Suggest treatment for eczema on hand Suggest herbal medicine for BP and Sugar control Suggest treatment for painful penis and non retraction of foreskin Suggest treatment for a dry spot on skin What does my urine report suggest? Suggest treatment for autoimmune hepatitis What causes lower left sided abdominal pain? What causes pain and spasms in wrist? Suggest treatment for fever, cold and wet cough Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for thread worm and tapeworm infections Suggest exercises to prevent diabetes and heart ailments What causes painful excess tissue under both armpits? When does bleeding start after using MTO kit for abortion? What causes headache,leg pain,body pain and vitamin D deficiency? Is an HIV test done at 4 months conclusive? What casues difficulty in swallowing? What causes hearing loss after stapedectomy operation? What does the MRI scan of lumbar spine indicate? What causes dizziness,nausea,headaches and difficulty breathing? Does taking Adgain tablet for hair fall cause headaches? Suggest treatment for respiratory infection in an infant What causes anal fissures? Suggest treatment for blood in stool What causes severe pain in legs,groin area, back, shoulders and arms? Suggest treatment for swollen and painful ankles What is the cause and treatment for klebsiella infection? How to gain weight? What does a lump between neck and shoulder indicate? Suggest treatment for severe back pain What causes pain and limited mobility in arm? What causes leg pain? What causes burning in stomach with bloating? What causes giddiness, loss of balance and pain in the temple area? Are Ultracet and Meftal Spas intake safe when suffering from pancreatic cancer? What causes red spots in penis shaft after intercourse? What are the symptoms of proctitis? Suggest treatment for severe pain near stomach Is there anyway of increasing ovary reserves? How should rabies vaccination be taken after a dog bite? What causes recurrent fever and weakness when suffering from typhoid? What should be done after taking an over dose of Alfuzoshin Hydrochloride? What does the following MRI report indicate? What causes severe upper abdominal pain? Are swollen lymph node on neck,dry cough and cold symptoms of STD? What does my blood test report suggest? What does the semen analysis report suggest? What causes swelling on penis foreskin? Is result of HIV RNA test done after 11 weeks of exposure,conclusive? Suggest treatment for quiver in left eye What causes pain in left wrist? What do lumps under skin surface indicate? Is it safe to take vitamin B12 supplements for acne? Suggest treatment for increased PSA level Suggest treatment for hard lump on lip wound Can an EMG test be conducted on any part of the body? What are the chances of pregnancy after vasectomy? What does an LDL of 162 and total cholesterol of 264 suggest? Suggest alternative treatment for acne Suggest treatment for OCD Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for burning sensation under left rib Is numbness on finger after trauma normal? Suggest treatment for stress and pressure feeling on chest Suggest treatment for frequent diarrhea and constipation with pain What causes spinal headaches? Suggest treatment for swollen elbow and arm Suggest treatment for dimple on right cheek after bruising What does a small cyst in kidney indicate? Suggest treatment for frequent urination and drip Suggest treatment for joints pain Suggest treatment for itchy boils on vagina with whitish discharge Suggest treatment for dry, itchy patches of skin on elbows and knees Can Aleve tablet taken for back pain cause miscarriage? What causes bumps over penile area with pain in urethra? What causes painless ,movable lumps on jaws? Suggest treatment for pain on knee after injury Suggest remedy for high BP while eating ice What does my X ray report suggest? What does my semen analysis report suggest? Suggest treatment for bad odor from nostrils and mouth What are the chances of conceiving by IVF while on treatment for TB? Suggest treatment for tremors, gaits and balance problem What causes severe pain in abdomen of a 11 year old? What causes pain in teeth while chewing? What causes foul odor from perineal area? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking emergency contraceptives? Suggest treatment for suicidal thoughts in a 66 year old What causes fatty liver with hepatomegaly? Suggest treatment for thinning cornea Suggest treatment for diabetic diarrhea Suggest treatment for fatty liver following alcohol abuse problem Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain and frequent urination What does my sons blood test report suggest? Suggest treatment for scratchy throat, dry cough without mucous Suggest treatment for hypertension Suggest remedy for high blood sugar in a 3 year old Is Unwanted kit the tight process for medical abortion? How long it takes Prednisone to ease asthma problems? Suggest treatment for problem in ejaculation Suggest treatment for leg cramps at night Suggest treatment for grown out wisdom tooth with severe pain Suggest treatment for itchiness and pain after bee stung Suggest treatment for itchy bright red rash on back Suggest ways to control acne break outs Suggest treatment for pain in left breast
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