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Is a HIV test conclusive after 3 months after exposure? Suggest treatment for white spots on penis head Suggest treatment for sharp pain on left side of head What causes itching in groin area after sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for huge abdominal wall bulge on right side Suggest treatment for depression when on BP medication Is moderate drinking of beer and wine safe after angioplasty? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes soreness of lower back after an RFA? Suggest treatment for symptoms of foot drop Suggest treatment for injury in the top of foot What causes low heart beat? Suggest treatment for symptoms of colonic irritation Suggest treatment for infertility when trying to conceive What are the chances of HIV through oral sex? Suggest remedy for productive cough and pain in thoracic spine area Suggest treatment for panic attacks How is dryness in eyes cured? Can HIV be contracted through protected sex? Suggest remedy for high BP, stress and decreased sperm count What are the symptoms of Pheochromocytoma? Suggest treatment for high BP Is a diagnosis of fat-containing abdominal hernia a cause for concern? Does condom offer protection against warts and HPV? Is baby not passing stool for 5 days a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for cirrhosis, portal hypertension and liver damage Suggest treatment for pain under the ribs while having bowel movement Suggest treatment for tear and bleeding in frenulum followed by stinging pain What causes elevated B12 levels? Suggest treatment for headaches Suggest remedy for weakness in limbs when diagnosed with paresthesia Suggest treatment for recurrence of anxiety symptoms after stopping medication Suggest remedy for tenderness on scalp accompanied by head pain What does my thyroid test result indicate? Suggest alternative medication for headaches Suggest treatment for symptoms of gout and tingling feeling in feet What are the side effects of Dependal M tablet? Suggest treatment for dizziness when on Amox for strep throat Can Pepto Bismol be taken for flu by a diabetic? What are the chances of STD transmission through non penetrative sex? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes discomfort and burning sensation in abdomen post hernia surgery? Is it safe to terminate pregnancy using abortion pills? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety Is it safe to have Sertraline along with Cyproheptadine for depression? Suggest treatment for increased CEA count when having colon tumor What causes severe cramps in umbilical area and difficulty passing stool? What is the best oil or lotion to keep baby skin healthy? What causes weightloss when on chemotherapy treatment? Is HIV test done after six months conclusive? What are the symptoms of colon cancer? Suggest treatment for severe lower back pain while having cold and flu What causes frequent urination and burning sensation while urination? How to get rid of biofilm in mouth? Suggest treatment for headache, chills, fatigue and difficulty in concentration What do tender breasts and nipples post surgical abortion indicate? Suggest treatment for adult bed wetting What causes liquid discharge from nipples during intercourse? What causes lack of sleep and heart palpitations after having vegan proteins? What are the symptoms of Lyme's disease? Suggest remedy for floaters in eyes and posterior vitreous detachment How long will it take for Gabapentin to take effect? What causes adults to behave as children? Suggest treatment for cirrhosis, Crohn's disease and bipolar disease Suggest treatment for fracture and tingling sensation Suggest treatment for gall bladder sludge Suggest treatment for hematoma and fracture Are there drug interactions between marijuana and Beta blockers? Suggest medication for nasal congestion causing migraine during pregnancy Suggest remedy for oral thrush and infection after oral sex What causes black particle discharge from nose post inhalation of pain fumes? What causes nausea after having Doxycycline and Azithromax? Is it safe to have two pills of Plan B post unprotected sex? Does Ecstasy interfere with effectiveness of birth control pill? What causes cracks and bleeding from foreskin? Is it safe to eat after having eucalyptus and spearmint foam bath? What causes sudden swelling and pain in knee? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in ankle after physical abuse Suggest treatment for necrotizing fasciitis infection Suggest treatment for subacrominal bursitis on shoulder What can be the harmful effect of inhaling meting plastic fumes? What causes excessive belching and rumbling of stomach after eating? What causes cold sensation throughout left arm? What causes blister type sore outside the ear Suggest treatment for symptoms of acid peptic disease Suggest treatment for bacterial pharyngitis What causes swollen feet on eating meat and pulses? Suggest dosage of Vesicare What could cause antsy feeling especially in the evening? What causes left-sided pain in kidney area and extremely dry mouth? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and fever Suggest remedy for swollen and painful ankle after a sprain Suggest treatment for COPD and shortness of breath What causes sore joints in hands and feet? Suggest treatment for congestion, cough, anxiety and stress What does this CT urogram of prostate gland indicate? What could cause minor and periodic vibrations in the chest area? What does this ultrasound of abdomen indicate? What are the side effects of taking emergency contraceptive pills? What causes sharp pain in middle of chest area followed by headache? What are the chances of HIV transmission through protected sex? Suggest treatment for post nasal drip along with cough Is it normal to loose weight quickly after delivery? Suggest treatment for headaches and diarrhea What causes redness on shaft of penis post masturbation? What causes discomfort and heaviness in chest while breathing? What causes pins and needles sensation in arms and legs? What are the chances of STD transmission through protected vaginal sex? What causes pain on right side of upper ribs radiating to sternum? What causes loss of appetite in infants? What causes body pains? Suggest treatment for purple sore under stomach? What causes burning sensation and obstruction during urination? What causes splotchy rash on thigh spreading to other thigh? What causes sharp pain in vagina during intercourse? What causes menstruation every week? Is it safe to have fat burner tablets along with Lorcaeserin to lose weight? Suggest treatment for hematoma on left ring finger knuckle What causes breathlessness during intercourse? What causes contents of stomach coming back into throat? What causes blue colored bruise along the vein on breast? Suggest remedy for burning pain in buttocks What causes tingling sensation in head after having Codeine? Suggest treatment for food infection and vomiting What causes short naps and dark circles in infants? Suggest vaccinations for a 7 month old baby What causes yellowish discoloration of eyes in infants? Suggest treatment for infection of lower right tooth Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Is taking Puregest 400mg orally the right method for infertility problem? What does this seminal fluid analysis indicate? Suggest treatment for lower back pain and stiff neck What causes acne on neck and chest post colon polyps removal? Suggest remedy for bloating and abdominal pain Suggest dosage of Buscopan and Loperamide What causes stringy mucus in stool? Suggest treatment for severe cough and cold in infants Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction in a diabetic Suggest treatment for intermittent joint pain after a fall Suggest remedy for paranoid mood disorder in a schizophrenic person Suggest treatment for bloating, gas and indigestion Suggest treatment for infertility What does this blood report indicate? Is it safe to replace R-cinex with Streptomycine for TB? Is HIV test at 40 days of exposure conclusive? What are the chances of TB relapse? Suggest treatment for painful ulcer under the tongue What causes blood in stool? What causes coughing up of thick greenish mucus? What causes severe pain and difficulty in moving or using thumb? What causes burning sensation in stomach after having meals? Suggest treatment for nausea, chills and sore throat during pregnancy Suggest treatment for thinning of hair What causes pain around kidneys? What causes swelling in temple, jaw pain and blurry vision after injury? What causes smelly vaginal discharge in post menopausal state? What causes impaired executive functions, lack of attention and memory loss? What causes pearl like bumps on skin? Suggest treatment for leiomyosarcoma on right Lung with mediastinal lymphadenopathy Suggest treatment for spreading mole Should medication dosage be changed after prolonged consumption of Oxycontin? What causes swelling near jaw and difficulty in swallowing? Suggest treatment for severe depression Suggest an alternative way to breast feed a child Suggest treatment for alcoholic liver cirrhosis and pain in stomach What do my semen analysis tests indicate? Suggest treatment for facial cellulitis, persistent headache, vertigo and depression Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and pain Is complete cure possible for a schizophrenic person? Suggest treatment for severe back spasm when planning for a child Suggest treatment for stomach pain with vomiting Suggest treatment for excessive itching problem Suggest treatment for loose motion and vomiting Suggest treatment for acute osteoporosis Is slow heart rate associated with Lyrica? Suggest treatment for problems in passing urine Suggest treatment for low BP Is a HIV antibodies detectable after 2 years? Suggest treatment for puffy and swollen eyes Suggest treatment for severe back pain Suggest treatment for sore throat and abdominal pain after using crystal meth Suggest remedy for pain in sacrum Suggest treatment for irregular period inspite of trying to conceive How to improve personal and social functioning ability of a person? Suggest treatment for lump in armpit How to reduce weight despite suffering from PCOS? How long does Remeron take to show antidepressive effect? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? Suggest treatment for sore operculum along with swollen submandibular lymphnode Suggest treatment for stomach pain and vomiting What causes unusual bowel movements every 4 hours? What causes tiny pinprick bites on torso despite clearing all bedbugs from house? Suggest treatment for depression when diagnosed with bipolar disorder What causes oral thrush post tonsillectomy? Suggest treatment for pain in lower back and below neck Suggest treatment for fungal infection on skin What causes pain on left side of body? Suggest treatment for runny nose and severe sneezing Suggest anti-inflammatory nutrients for mixed connective tissue disease
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