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What do red rashes on penis foreskin indicate? Suggest remedy for blocked ears when suffering from cold Suggest treatment for kidney failure Is it safe to give 2 to 3 drops of brandy to a 5 year old? Is it safe to have Marijuana and alcohol inspite of suffering from heart murmur? What causes memory loss post head injury? What does my blood test report indicate? What does a blood clot behind eyes indicate? What causes numbness around lips and face? What causes pain in ear radiating to nose? What causes burning micturition post protected intercourse? What causes sleep disorder in an elderly? Is pregnancy possible when on birth control pills? What are the chances of pregnancy when on birth control pills? What causes small lump on lower back area? Suggest treatment for low BP when with history of eczema Is height increase possible at the age of 28 years? What causes deep vein thrombosis in leg? What causes Bells' Palsy? Is Bactrim the best treatment for clamidia and gonnerah? What does a swollen gland above tonsil indicate? Are pain on side of calf, numbness and swelling indicative of blood clot? What does my PSA level indicate? Is alcohol consumption safe with Coumadin, Lasix and Cymbalta? Suggest treatment for tendinitis Is it advisable to take Saridon during pregnancy? What does this blood test report indicate? What is the cause and treatment for bacterial vaginosis? What causes elevated PSA count after prostatic laser operation? What causes increased frequency of urination? What causes heaviness in one side of head radiating down to neck? Is Gabapentin safe for treatment of stomach bloating? Is it safe to use Flonase nasal spray inspite of suffering from cataract? Suggest home remedy for ring worm infection What does anti TPO of 3 indicate? How to increase blood flow in fingers? What causes choking sensation and belching feeling after having food? Suggest treatment for non-small-cell lung carcinoma Suggest remedy for strep infection in genital area What causes swelling above eyelid? What does positive blood report for stage 3 CKD with normal ultrasound indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy discolored bruise near nipple Suggest list of medical tests that should be part of regular health check up What causes chest discomfort? What causes itching sensation along with tiny brown spots on back? What are the after effects of taking i-pill regularly? Does boot cast of left ankle cause weakness in right leg? What causes headaches along with ringing in ears? What should be done when creatinine level is 2? Suggest treatment for male-pattern baldness Is it safe to start 200mcg Synthroid without any check up? What causes discomfort in leg with history of spinal fusion? Does pain in the solar plexus area indicate gall bladder issues? What causes redness and itching sensation all over body? How to keep blood sugar under control? Suggest treatment for pimples on upper arm and back Suggest remedy for burning sensation in abdomen with normal endoscopy report What causes stomach discomfort when suffering from fever? How long is Unwanted 72 effective against avoiding unwanted pregnancy? Can i take Advil for sleeplessness along with Prednisone? How long does CRT take to show its effect? What are the side effects of Invega sustenna injection? What could cause a small lump on the ankle? What does " minor anterolisthesis of L5 over S" mean? What causes FSH levels to be high? Suggest remedy for severe face rash Suggest treatment for fungal skin infections on hips Suggest remedy for lumps on thighs and burning sensation What causes recurrent pain abdomen with vomiting? What do my urine analysis, liver function and kidney function test reports indicate? Suggest remedy for radiating pain near the butocks What causes heaviness and tenderness in breast after D and C procedure? Can Zepiz be given for stress and anxiety? What causes severe coughing along with chest pain? Is it safe to take cow milk to a 15 month old child? What causes pain in right abdomen after taking Fertigyn? What causes split penis foreskin? Suggest natural remedy for insomnia What causes fatigue when suffering from GERD? What precautions should be taken during flight journey with a 1 month old baby? What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis? What causes a bad, strong odour in urine? What is the cause and treatment for poor appetite in an infant? What causes blood in vaginal discharge during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for colon cancer spreading to liver and ovaries What causes pain in forearm and wrist? What causes hard lesions on shoulder area? What is the cause and treatment for erectile dysfunction? What causes eye twitching? Suggest treatment for fever in an infant Suggest treatment for Gilbert syndrome What causes heart burn along with indigestion and sleeplessness? Suggest treatment for bowel infection along with chest infection What does my pet scan report indicate? Is missed period a sign of perimenopause? What causes elevated LDL and Triglyceride level? Suggest treatment for eye pain along with difficulty in opening the eyelid What causes ammonia smell coming from testicles? What causes a hypopigmented patch on right side of face? How to deal with hypochondria related to heart and kidney disease? What causes loose stools along with pain in solar plexis? Does Carbamazepine interact with Tecta? What causes spitting of blood clot? Suggest treatment for throat infection Suggest remedy for joints pain and warm sensation in chest and stomach Suggest treatment for nose bleeds along with spitting of blood clots Suggest treatment for misalignment of front teeth Suggest treatment for discolored patch on tip of penis Are steroids used for lung maturity in premature babies? What causes hand tremors along with numbness and tingling sensation? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Suggest remedy for fatigue when on Adderall What causes burning on penis tip along with burning urination? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression just before exams Suggest treatment for cold urticaria What does "nonspecific t wave abnormality" in an ECG report indicate? What causes constant runny nose and clogged head? Suggest remedy for painful, swollen and tender knee joints What causes lymph nodes around neck? Suggest tests to detect swine flu What causes shivering hands along with frequent cold? Suggest treatment for generalized anxiety disorder What causes soreness all over body in the mornings? Can Harvoni be taken when on Methadone? Suggest treatment for irregular periods when having PCOD Suggest treatment for symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus What causes heavy vaginal bleeding inspite of being on Ortho Evra? Are breast implants toxic to the body? What causes tingling sensation in limbs? What causes pain in lower abdomen? Is constant coughing a symptom of GERD? Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction Should contact lens be worn with high cylindrical number? Suggest treatment for excessive hair loss in a patient with hypothyroidism What causes premature ejaculation and low stamina? What causes chest pain? Suggest diet for a 4 year old picky eater What causes weakness along with shortness of breath after lifting weights? Suggest remedy for pain in groin and testicles What is the cause and treatment for migraine? What does " Calcified Granuloma at left Occipitsl Lobe" mean> Suggest treatment for bloating and heavy breathing while walking Is total gastronomy a safe procedure for treatment of stomach cancer? Suggest natural diet for a 5 month old What causes itching sensation on anal area? What does this ECG report indicate? Suggest ways to manage side effects of Losartan What do red spots on chest indicate? How to check for pregnancy? Can i apply Ketriplin for nerve pain during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for erectile dysfunction? What causes white bumps on back of throat in a smoker? What causes pain in my pelvic area and hot sensation in legs? Is heart disease hereditary? Suggest remedy for hairfall Suggest treatment for discomfort muscles in neck area Suggest pain management alternatives other than Oxycodone for chronic pain Suggest remedy for fibroblastoma on the aortic valve Suggest remedy for severe pain and swelling on ankle Suggest remedy for severe back pain Suggest treatment for excessive gas production in bowels What causes bleeding skin tear below tailbone area? Suggest treatment for shoulder pain despite having normal X-ray report How long after eating does blood sugar / insulin go up? What causes swelling in legs, feet and hands? Suggest treatment for dry cough Is there any toxicity associated with breast implants? What causes periods twice a month along with bloating and frequent urination? What causes fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, body pain and tingling on tongue? Suggest treatment for prominent hila What causes change in heart rate during sleep? Suggest treatment for symptoms of gall stones What causes bile backup during morning after taking Lipitor? Is there a blood test for gout? What causes dull pain on left side of stomach? Suggest treatment for Sjögren's syndrome What causes unusual headaches and dizziness? Suggest remedy to manage pain when having cancer of lymph node What are the chances of HIV infection after protected intercourse? Suggest treatment for stomach rumbles, gas and heavy feeling Suggest treatment for rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease Suggest treatment for shingles when diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis What causes a constant urge to take deep breaths or yawn? What causes headache and numbness on left side of body? Is it safe to color hair post mild head injury? Suggest treatment for fluctuating blood sugar levels when treating hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for irregular heart rate, atrial fibrillation and prostate cancer Suggest remedy for laboured breathing and pressure during bowel movement hernia repair What causes white discharge during urination and discomfort in lower left quadrant? Does Clonazepam and Tamsulosin cause heart damage? Can Viagra and Cialis be taken together? What causes swelling on thumb? Does Liv 52 help in bringing down SGPT levels? Suggest treatment for itchiness in penis Suggest treatment for panic attacks after hip surgery Can HPV be contracted through oral sex and non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes pain in upper left back? What does my MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for feeling of urinating along with pushing sensation
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