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What could be the large raised mole at the base of tail bone? What is the meaning of the MRI result? What is the reason for frequent vomiting of the 7 month old baby? Should i be worried of having difficulty in concentrating after fainting and hitting head? What are the solutions for oily skin and dark spots on face? What causes dizziness and what are the chances of kidney damage when suffering from diabetes? What could be the cause for tingling sensation in tailbone after a fall? Cause of more than usual yellow discharge with no itch/ smell in a sexually active female? What causes whooshing noise in ear? What are the side effects of folic acid tablets while trying to conceive? What are the chances of getting pregnant after analyzing the report? What can cause 6lbs of less weight in just a day? What is the cure for big pimples on face which is filled with oil? How serious it is to have weak heart muscles with 20 % working with no blockages? What causes memory loss after beinge drinking? Can IUD loop cause complications in pregnancy? Suggest the medication for hypertension Causes of delirium and hallucinations after taking Coreg How to overcome the pain in cheek caused from shingles? Sharp linear pain in the upper abdomen just underneath the ribs? Is NIA24 cream for dry and dark skin advisable? Could cramps, tiredness in eyes and sleepiness be symptoms of pregnancy? Should i see a hematologist for my iron levels? Could puffiness of skin below right shoulder be a fat deposit? Intense burning and pain in the left side behind the left knee while getting into a truck? What other than cipro & pyridium can treat UTI, low belly pain, pain after clearing the bladder? Suggest treatment to get off of lucozade Is z pack the medication for sore throat and cough? What are circular cluster of bumps on the arm which flaked off after rubbing alcohol? What is the cause for high blood pressure when i get l dejection? What's the treatment for general anxiety disorder alongside panic attacks? Is it normal to have braxton hicks contractions during 33rd week of pregnancy? Who can treat fibromyalgia, fractured tailbone, degenerative disk disorder & lower back pain die to excess belly fat? Could late periods, soreness on breast and increase of weight be symptoms of menopause? Is the .08 TSH a dangerous level? Any advise for tenderness in groin area of leg? Any advice for a hard feeling in the inner elbow after begin hit there in handball game? What is the remedy for terrible headache when not being on Motrin for fibromyalgia? What to do for stomach pain, fever and throwing stinkiest farts? What is an alternative drug to progyluton for heavy bleeding? How to cure black heads, pimples on face? Could septation in gallbladder cause frequent pain in abdomen? Does papaya/ pineapple with lunch and buttermilk help reduce inflammation in pancreas? Should i be concerned as i have a pine neddale in my mouth? Could pinching sensation on opening of urethra after unprotected sex be an STD? Have heightened sense of smell and taste along with nausea? How to treat umbilical hernia? How long does it take to regain original skin tone post hydroquinone 4% and a glycol acid (both Neostrata) treatment? Will bleeding of spots red and brown , cramping a matter of concern? What does light brown vaginal bleed signify? What does a sensitive,hard small lump just below belly button signify? What will happens if paint in inhaled continuously? What does bleeding and pain in legs after unprotected sex indicate? What does common bile duct enlarged/question stricture or stenosis at end of the duct mean? Which homeopathy medicine can help quit smoking? What causes pains in lower stomach more on left side? Can the doctors easily prescribe benzos to people suffering from anxiety? How to cure depression? What is the solution for recurring whiteheads on collarbone? What causes swollen index finger with red dots on it? Feeling of dizziness and head spinning upon closing eyes during sleep and tightness in the chest? Could pain under right shoulder blade and pain under ribcage be related? Can I take antibiotics for flank pain if i have history of UTIs? What could be the reasons for lump and soreness under penis head after having sex? What to do for cramping during bowel movement after removal of appendix? How to overcome the pimples appearing around my chin? What could cause pressure around sternum ? How to reduce inflammation and pain from swollen gum? Is it normal to have slurred speech after taking pain medication? What causes pelvic pain with pink blood in urine after had intercourse? Panic attack after light flashes in a person with high stress, tension & anxiety? Experiencing headaches after the intake of 1000 mg of metformin How to treat lax cardia,hepatomegaly with fat deposit and fat in pancreas? What diet plan can be recommended for obesity? How to treat painful epididymal cysts? What are the side effects of taking Misoprostol? How to treat chronic loose motion? What causes rashes on chest and stomach? How to heal subcromial decompression surgery mediated severe pain and muscle spasms in upper arm? How to heal severe itch and tiny blisters on stomach and buttocks? How to treat dizziness,fever,burning pain in knee and shoulder, history of rheumatic fever What does the semen analysis report suggest? How to treat pcos mediated periods irregularity? How to treat dust and smoke allergy mediated dark skin patches? What could have caused tiny scars looking like dent on the penis after scabs? Suggest treatment for heavy periods leading to fatigue Will melalite cream help subside scars caused by lichen planus? How to treat sudden seizure? How to heal a pus filled painful bump on arm with a red ring around? What causes spotting while taking qlaira for uterine bleeding? How to treat frequent urination and abdominal pain post unprotected sex? How to overcome the acne on my neck and chest? What are the treatments for placenta previa and is travelling recommended? Could the purplish spot on lip ne a result of chemical burn? Can bloated stomach be a sign of pregnancy? Could intense pain in shin be a sign of something serious? Is there any other way excepting hysterectomy with da vinci method to cure uterine cancer? What is the best treatment for bipolar disorder? What else besides benadryl and zyrtec will reduce rashes? What is the meaning of bulky uterus and fibroids? Should I take steroid medication for carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow? Can fever be treated with calpol and dolo? How long does cytotec take to work after consumption? What is the cause of coughing up mucus with blood? Will vicodin help fix broken fibula and tibia? Can surgery done to treat collar-bone cause hair loss? How safe is taking calcimax-500 during pregnancy? How to treat stress associated anxiety? Can severe itching be treated during pregnancy using alkaline phosphatase? Should I fear weight gain while taking Nabilone for fibromyalgia? How bad is northisterone during pregnancy? What is the cause for feet turning blue with kidney failure? Does anti-rabies vaccine prevent dog from communicating rabies? Will the bumps formed after bleeding due to an injury on lips heal by themselves? Is there an alternative solution for domstal and cold milk causing vomiting? What is the medication for dryness in eyes? What is the treatment for seronegative arthritis? What is the treatment for injury on foot that has caused bruising and swelling? When would chemotherapy start after portacath insertion on Feb 11 and partial mastectomy on 14 Jan? Is pregnancy possible with dark red menstrual bleed post sex? How to overcome my wheezing problem? What could be the lump on left side of neck of a 6 year old? What is the meaning of semen analysis report? What causes extreme pain when suffering from shingles? What causes severe leg pain, shortness of breath with heart palpitations? Will taking dolo and cifran while suffering from fever cause any problems? Is it safe to take dexorange capsules with low hemoglobin level? What do you suggest for yellow discharge when on provera? What do you suggest for a hard lump in my lip after an injury? Could i be pregnant after sex with delayed period? What do you suggest for a bump in my mouth after unprotected oral sex? Can I take reduced dosage of oxytrol after suffering from stroke? Is delayed period a strong indication of pregnancy? How to treat episodes of elevated heart rate,light headed,chest pressure and breath shortness? How to treat flu in a 9 months old child with runny nose? What could cause sudden weight gain with periods irregularity? What are the findings of the MRI report? What does this report signify:s typhi (O) = 1/40,s typhi (H) = 1/40,s Para typhi (AH) = 1/40,s Para typhi (BH) = 1/40? What do you suggest for light blood poop? How to treat severe cough in a 3 years old child while no relief with Augmentin DDS n bricrex A? How to get rid of muscle tightness in legs and feet while having plantar fasciitis? How to get rid of weird shape toenails? Is frequent sitting alright post 3 weeks of c-section and how long will the inner stitches take for proper healing? Should Tri-Sprintec be taken regularly? What does period irregularity with little cramp signify? Safe to take overdose of co-codamol for toothache? Can paranoid schizophrenic person be treated with the help of a psychologist? Reason for weight gain, tiredness, fainting, dizziness? How to treat sore throat with swollen gland,hot flashes and nausea? Should mammogram be done for echogneic cyst or benign fibroadenoma? How can child with heart surgery gain weight? Treatment for erectile dysfunction? Is it okay to have bleeding after taking Duphaston? Does Mintop5 and Evion have any side effects? Reason for breast pain, smell sensitivity, and losing breath? What are the side effects of respirdrol for alzheimer's? Is it normal to have severe headaches and nausea after a carotid artery surgery? What do you suggest for the fat in testes? What do you suggest for bad menstrual pain with matalic taste in my mouth? What do you suggest for small purple spots around the anal cavity? What do you suggest for blurred vision and loss of sense of hearing after a head injury? What are the odds of me getting pregnant after sex one day before my fertile period? Does lv infusion of rocephin help cure bronchitis? What do you suggest for difficulty in bowel movement with a history of gastrointestinal problems? Is it safe to opt for herbalife weight loss program? What do you suggest for ear infection with nasal drainage? What do you suggest for a painful lump behind my ear? Should i suffer from withdrawals or try to use kratom in low doses? Is it true that if a physician causes problems after a surgery that no other doctor wants to correct the problem? Is there a natural way to increase my breast size? What do you suggest for hip pain? What do you suggest for difficulty in conceiving with a bent ovary? What is the cause for vomiting blood with strict diet and work outs? What do you suggest for buttock pain after L4fusion? What is the remedy for the baby's loose motion? What is the cause for elevated blood pressure after getting a refill of glimepride? What do you suggest for missing my period after taking meprate? Meaning of enhancing nodular peritoneal densities in anterior mesentery? What do you suggest for my baby's constipation? What are the recommended food supplements to avoid asthma? What do you suggest for the worms in my poop? What do you suggest for redness of the skin around my baby's eyes? What do you suggest for numbness in my bottom lip after colonoscopy? What is the cause for nausea and bad period cramps? How to remove itching chicken pox holes on face? Should I take iron treatment for anemia and kidney area pain? Reason for stiffness, stuck jaw, popping? What could be the reason for having a burning pain between tibia and fibula? Is Sildenafil which is a white pill the right prescription in alternate to Colchicine for gout attack? What are the options to reduce weight quickly? What causes sudden weight gain postmenopause? Is it normal to have sharp pain in tail bone area during periods? Noticed blood discharge due to stomach cramps What are the reasons for swelling and pain in outer corner of eye? What are the causes of dizziness, vomiting, stomach cramps and difficulty in standing? No BM for 3 days with sore stomach with weight loss from shoulders & chest in a high BP patient and family history of stomach cancer? What causes swelling of lymph nodes? What causes pain in right side of head with a bone cyst in back of head? Is vibrating sensation at the bottom of tailbone a sign of cyst in ovary? Why am i having pins and needles on fingertips for 2 hours? Should i be worried of the pain in the middle of head? What are the reasons for severe back pain and feeling of pressure in lower back? Is lifting weight recommended while having bump on chest? How can i control my craving of food? What should be done after being bitten by a vaccinated puppy? Could hair fall be the side effects of taking eye infection medicines? How will turimiac interact with plaquenil and folic acid? What is the meaning of the blood test in 29th week of pregnancy? What could the reasons for vomiting and dizziness? Does diet contribute to lump formation in body? Suggest treatment for sudden onset of white light flashes and floater in eyes What could be the reasons for having knot on top of head, headache and dizziness? What causes abdominal pain and diarrhea? What causes light headedness during exercise? What is the cause for extreme body temperature? Suggest home remedies for UTI What are the findings of the CT scan report? What causes clipping like feeling in neck? Is nutrigain capsule helpful in gaining weight? Does one dark red line and a faint pink line on pregnancy test indicate pregnancy? What is the reason to feel like a rock under my patella after a total knee replacement? Should i take BP medication for having elevated BP readings only at work place? What are the treatments for pain under rib cage, increased heart rate and difficulty in breathing? What causes borderline personality disorder? What do you suggest for strep throat when i stop taking pills? Is there a chance of pregnancy after having sex during periods? Are frequent abscess and boils caused by the side effects of aerocort rotacaps? What is the cure for Hepatitis B? What does the blood test results suggest? Is ml enlarged spleen causing the pain on my left side under the rib? What could be the yellowish liquid discharge from penis? What is the cure for neck pain, tonsillitis and pain in back of neck while standing? What do you suggest for hepB with stage 1 breast cancer? Is Rabipur vaccine sufficient to protect against rabies? Exposure possibility for residual fibrosis? What does swollen cheek with a hard bump under tooth after a root canal indicate? What do you suggest for nausea,vomitting and frequent excretion? How do i lose weight with hypothyrodism? Does it mean i have diabetes when on insulin for a hole in my lung? Could pins and needles in feet and toes be the side effect of taking metroproler succinate? What is the medication other than sulfameth trimeth suspension for UTI of a 8 year old? What could be the reason for having itching and soreness in roof of mouth while having cold? Is it common for heart to make strange sounds? Treatment for glandular fever, overweight, tiredness? Is it safe to stop cold turkey when on lovastatin? Reason for shoulder pain, stiff neck, tingling arms? Should lithium dosage be increased despite side effects? What are the side effects of Kenelog shots for facial redness and bumps? Reason for mid-cycle bleeding after Depo-Provera injection? Cause of abdominal pressure and treatment? How can length of penis be increased? Is it normal to have bleeding when one is pregnant? Safe to sleep with bleeding bump on forehead? Treatment for painful tooth abscess during pregnancy? Cause of pain in shoulder and arm despite using ice pack? Should Azithral dosage be increased for child's cough and fever? Treatment for rise in blood pressure in the morning? Can Naproxen be taken together with Bactrim? Reason for itching without redness or bumps at waist? Danger if used condom was inside anus for several hours? Is it safe for liver to take oil of oregano for proctitis? Is pain in leg, shoulder, collar bone, and tingling due to sciatica? Treatment for pain and cold feeling in leg and knee after injury? Is sinus infections and low neutrophils related? What could be the reasons for pea size lump under wrist and bruise around it? Treatment for black scars from insect bites and injuries? How to stop bleeding of cyst on buttock? Is it normal to have lump and blue line after injury to child? Reason for swollen ankles and calves after taking Vyvanse? Reason for abdominal pain after childbirth? Reason for fever, pain, pus in stomach, and seizure after hysterectomy? Reason for pimples on scrotum that are not due to STDs? Time period within which one should take unwanted 72? Reason for earache, swollen and tender glands, fatigue, dizziness? Treatment for swollen and tender buttocks, constipation, and piles? Reason for delayed periods, brown discharge while on birth control? Treatment for ovarian cyst, hypoechoic lesion, pelvic pain, bloated stomach? Reason for hard mass under labia after having intercourse? Reason for numbness and tingling in thigh? Will aloe juice ease swollen and irritated throat? Should Lexapro be taken despite fast heartbeat, appetite loss, anxiety? Treatment for abdominal pain, swelling, nausea, appetite loss? What is the cause for the pain at the end of my sternum area after the removal of gall bladder? Can i use headphones after eardrum being tympanoplasted? What do you suggest for a dent developing in the top rear of my skull? What could be the black, flat spots on tip of penis that appeared after sexual contact? How to overcome bloating and the pain in my intestinal area? What causes to have periods twice in a month with hips pain? What to do for chest pain with trouble in breathing? What causes headache, white film on tongue, swollen tonsils after kissing? Could i be having slight withdrawals with restlessness when on norco? What causes chest pain for a diabetic suffering from congestive heart failure? What causes frequent dizziness in a child? Do i need to rush next steps with enlarged spleen and low platelets? Does premarin causes joint ache, tiredness with lot of bloating? How much can a uterine lining grow in 4 days? How to reduce pain in pelvic, crotch area and abdomen? How to stop bleeding and thick red mucus from ears? What is the cause for pressure on my bladder and pelvic area after depo shot? What causes delayed periods after sex? What causes abdominal pain,lower back pain and spotting? Does metoprolol and fluoxetine cause uneven heart beat and palpitations? What causes cramps, cloudy urine and irregular periods? What do you suggest for a carrier of adrenoleukodystophy? Should i be worried of large movable lump on labia majora? What are the reasons for having high gamma gt? Does the bc pill cause inflamed sinuses? Why am i having excessive thirst and what does the glucose monitor test suggest? How do i improve my balance and eliminate the itch? What do you suggest for high blood pressure,high cholestrol,Cad and diabetes? Any suggestion for unilateral tinnitus? Does iron supplements affects blood glucose levels? What causes urinating in bed and sharp pain from spine? Why is baby scared of tub bath after had rash and strep? Is it fine to have sex while taking Fertomid tablets? What causes swollen glands on underside of face for type2 diabetic? Any suggestion for penis not standing properly during sex? What to do for missed periods with negative pregnancy test? What causes white bumps around anus? How long does pregnacare conception takes to leave one's system? How to cure sickness, dehydration, weakness, chewing for no reason and humming? Would caffeinated coffee helps for suffering from fluid around the heart? Suggest alternative of subutex treatment What do you suggest for sneezing one week after ovulation? Can magnesium oxide cause diarrhea? Could poor circulation be the cause of pain in toes for years? What are the causes for bloating, hip pain, headache and leakage from breast? What is the reason for prescribing proluton depot injection? What do you suggest for sun burns when on creams? What causes difficulty in walking after a foot surgery? Are cloudy urine, spoiled eggs smell and white specks symptoms of UTI? Can dry vagina and premenstrual symptoms be signs of pregnancy? Bipolar on Lithium, Topamax, but emotionally paralyzed, sleeping a lot and varying periods Can Prevacid stop working after some time ? Delayed periods after unprotected sex while pregnancy test says negative Swelling and intense pain around the left cheekbone with recurring headache for a child Sharp stabbing pains in the left side of neck / throat Bleeding from the clitoris region with lower abdomen cramping Unable to walk after inflammation on lungs and diabetic Will Norethisterone prescribed after not having periods help to conceive ? Causes of severe black runny stools with hot and clammy skin, dizziness What does it mean to pack the drained abscess ? What do you suggest for a sore tongue with swollen taste buds? Should i be worried of abnormal erythrocytes in blood test? How to overcome my depression? What could elevated lymphocyte count, baso cell count and WBC mean? Is it ok to take a glass of wine while being on Hydrochloriothiazide with ramipril? What could throwing up, shakiness, dizziness with history of triple bypass surgery mean? What is the right medication for high BP and high cholesterol? Suggest remedy for hard ringing in ear diagnosed as otitis media with no help from cefdinir and flonase? What does progressive thoracic endplate discogenic and facet degenetation with small disc herniations mean? Itchy areas on forearm that swell up into large red lumps after scratching Is crusted top foot with black scabs after amputation of toes normal? What could pain during day with no help from nexium indicate? What could constant pain in right side of head causing vision and equilibrium problems mean? Is wrist pain with numbness normal for Carpal tunnel syndrome ? Tingling and numbness in the right hand and pain in shoulders Does lawn fertilizer exposure reduce testosterone levels ? Any reasons for scanty and painless periods ? Pockets of pus marks developing on gums and inner part of mouth What is the impact on the bladder or kidneys if refrained from urinating frequently ? Pain constantly in upper stomach after gall bladder removal Is yellow sperm from Propecia an important side effect ? Any spray to treat a very severe bed sore for a handicapped person ? What to do for a popped right upper thigh ? Are small red itchy bumps on face some infection ? Does taking Norditropin for height growth help even if he is not deficient ? Is a sudden dip in BP reading some dangerous warning ? Why Gabapentin or Norco don t reduce the constant pain since the motorcycle accident ? Will taking cholestyramine powder before breakfast be ok ? Can abdominal pain be related to half of the pancreas being very dense ? Reason for numb left toe with tingling Pain in the left leg on the back of thigh that hurts while walking Repeated soft bowel movements with cramping and gas after a recent stomach virus Why am I feeling really lazy and uninspired with no reason ? Little bump on the top of skull due to hard hit with intermittent sharp pains Anything to worry if bleeding bright red after a rough sex ? Suggest remedy for stabbing pain in arm and chest, numb fingers while being on medication for high BP Is it okay to take kadian 30 mg every 8 hours? What do you suggest for a mild sore throat with a history of diarrhea? Could hard bony knot on forehead that doesn t grow be cancerous ? What are the symptoms of thyroid cancer ? Does varying of titers mean that syphilis has recurred ? What are the best medication to overcome for heroin addict other than Xanax ? Random at the laproscopic inguinal hernia surgery area after a long time 37+3 weeks pregnant having menstrual like cramping with lower backache Causes for swollen glands in the face Does Mirena cause pregnancy like symptoms ? What to do for acid reflux, swelling in stomach and belly? Is it safe to take effexor for fibromyalgia? How long does losartan takes for BP management? What could be the reasons for severe lower back pain and hip pain? What are the side effects of an adult alternating benzodiazepines for panic disorders? What causes dull pain in inner shin? What is the cause for nausea and dizziness? Should dental space maintainer be retained in a child with baby molars? Should i be worried of the scan result? What causes disturbed sleep,headache,dizziness and nausea? What are the reasons of herpes genital attack even not having sexual contact? What causes bleeding and vaginal inflammation after sex? What are the causes of severe pain and swelling in hands and back pain? Suggest treatment for severe Tonsillitis What could cause oddly tanned semen while having kidney stone and blood mass removal from bladder recently? Could ball of skin attached to front of vagina be due to bladder prolapse? Is it normal to have a plugged and ringing ears after myringotomy? What causes belligerency after double bypass? What causes bursting of blood vessels and pinprick spots circling eyes? Is it normal to get hemorrhoid after a surgery? What could cause pressure in chest, scope and barium tests inconclusive? What do you suggest for discomfort in my ears? What is the cause for wrinkles on my penis after masturbation? What is the cause for irritating and itchy Fordyce spots? Can I take tylenol instead of hydromorphone for lupus, RA and Fibromyalgia? What is the cause for red skin burns when i touch after being treated for pneumonia? Should i be worried of cramps in 5th week of pregnancy? How do i prevent my intestines from twisting after a surgery to take out the appendix? Will cipro help headaches and nausea while suffering from prostatitis with E. Coli? Will high blood sugar level lead to heart attack? What causes vertigo attacks after lasik eye surgeries? Is safe to travel in flight with sinus headache? What are the treatments for dizziness and vertigo which worsens in winter? Could red spots on head of penis which is itchy be an STD? Will increasing Furosemide dosage increase urine output? What could be the recurring blistery rash on hand? Reason for spotting, nausea, bloating while on Implanon? Suggest treatment for paiful sores on head,neck and ears Will sinus rinse with saline water suffice for post-nasal drip? What causes difficulty in walking when suffering from knee pain? Suggest treatment for severe biliary colic What does the ultrasound of the neck arteries mean? Is it normal to have swelling and puffiness in shoulder blade with rotator cuff fracture? Treatment for sore throat, runny nose, and ear pressure? Can sodium chloride inhalation solution be used instead of albuterol solution? What causes pressure in ears? Swollen foot preceded by 3 days of diarrhea, vomiting & fever which subsided by imodium and pepto? Why am i pregnant and have bleeding for 10 days? Reason for abdominal swelling and pain, foul-smelling urine? Reason for bleeding ear and foul-smelling ear discharge? What could be the cause for knee pain with a medical history of compound fracture? Can a minor sprain of knee be detected without MRI while using knee braces? Suggest the dosage of Lamictol, Strattera and Seroquil Is it normal for leaking wound after radiation treatment for throat cancer? Is there a permanent solution to fill a forehead dent the size of a penny? Can Plavix, Aspirin and Humira be taken together after stent placement? What drug can be used to replace Meloxicam for osteoarthritis? What can rotten smell from rectum indicate? Can tingling sensation in legs be a result of being overweight? Reason for abdominal pain during urination and missed period? Is Gabapentin likely to react with morphine if taken after back surgery? Reason for sore throat, headache, and fast pulse of child? Is prednisone sufficient for fever and respiratory problems? What could be the cause for weight gain while taking depo provera shot ? Will Zirgan help subside recurrence of swelling and pain in eye? Is the lump on inner cheek after having tooth extracted dangerous? Is steroid appropriate to heal swelling of femur and tibia after knee replacement? Should I quit smoking during pregnancy completely? What does tenderness in breasts and nausea after having miscarriage mean? What do you suggest for a 'dry' feeling in the inside corner of my right eye? How harmful is paranoid schizophrenia with smoking habits? What could be the reason for having blood in my urine? Are topical antibiotics and hydrogen peroxide right treatment for redness on ears? What would the black area under tongue of an infant mean? What is the cause for muscle cramps,tight chest and dizziness? What does this report signify:cholesterol total 155, triglycerides 228, hdl cholesterol 31, vldl cholesterol cal 46, LDL cholesterol calc 78, T. Chol/hdl ratio 5.0, non-hdl cholesterol 124? How to treat periods irregularity with brown discharge,breast tenderness,headache,fatigue and nausea? What do you suggest for hernia that started to pop through again? Why would one need angiogram for panic attacks and chest pain? What could a painless,non bleeding lump be on left side of anus? What is the cause for pink discharge a week after my period? Why would the nodule not have been detected by mammogram? What do you suggest for a bruise and the pain at the location of the kidney after an injury? What could be the cause cause for shaking feeling? Could tiredness and crunching sound in neck after a fall be something serious? What is the suggested medication for burping? Can acupuncture help treat TMJ and anxiety? What could be the reason for having rashes all over my body? What causes pressure like pain in head while bending? What causes pulsatile tinnitus and numbness/ tingling in the hands on keeping the elbows bent? What does fat deposits on lung suggest ? How to heal severe back pain while on norco and lyrica with no relief? What causes dull intense pain in the base of skull? Which metatarsal pad is recommended post surgery for correction of big toe position? What is the cause for pink discharge and vaginal irritation? What is the cure for uncontrollable diarrhea for a month? What does the semen analysis report suggest? What does mucus formation in eyes with no itching mean? What could cause burning sensation on shaft and head of penis ? Will oxycodone, zocor and restoril help depression? Is it safe to drink papaya juice to reduce bruising caused due to elevated INR levels? Why am i having electric shock like feeling in head? Is Bio PT Elixir valid for claim? Will Lisinopril and Cardizem suffice to lower heart rate? Why there is a swelling of eyes,ears and nose? What is the cure for bladder infection and sore throat? Why has runny nose and cough with sputum worsen using amoxicillin prescription? What treatment is suggested for disturbed sleep? Can I take Levonelle after vomiting while suffering from constipation? How to stop heavy menstrual bleed with cramp even after several months post delivery? How to heal pain/tenderness in lower pelvic area? What can explain sharp pain in temple and grinding of teeth at night? Can Ranexa damage the kidneys in an insulin dependent diabetic with stage 3 chronic kidney disease? What is the dosage of taking Primolut N tablet? Should I be worried about indentations in head? What are the chances of getting pregnant having taken Ipill? How to heal fall injury mediated headache and pain in eyebrow region? Does Flucloxacillin have side effects such as heartburns? Is tightness in abdomen because of placenta previa? What could cause dizziness, rise in temperature and hot flashes? Which pain medication can i take as i am having severe pain from B and rotator cuff tear? How to cure IBS suspected symptoms ? What causes muscle pain in neck and chest? What do symptoms of dizziness, runny nose, shallow breathing and abdominal pain mean? Can cycling of 15 kms daily lead to low sugar levels as the caloire intake is lesser? What could be the reason for having pain in ovary area? Experiencing slow metabolism after quitting smoking What are the side effcets of taking naproxen and plaquanil ? What causes frequent urination and sharp pain above hips? Can exposure to temps below 0 followed by burning in the toes after warming them indicate Raynaud's? What is the cause for painful black bruise after a triple bipass and crodit artery surgery? Can any online doctor help me with the MRI results? What is the cause for rib cage pain? Suggest treatment to reduce swelling of the groin What could cause itchy rashes that is spreading rapidly? What is the cause for blood dripping from the penis while urinating? Will congestion cause ear fullness? What could cause frequent urination after undergoing bladder re-construction surgery? What could be the reason for having white spots on my legs? What do i do for a fair complexion? Could stomach discomfort be a side effect of nicorette or acyclovir? What do you suggest for hiatal hernia with an acidic throat when on omeprazole? How to overcome the problem of OCD? What could pink discharge days after intercourse indicate, have PCOS history? What is the normal thickness of uterine wall and safe thickness for pregnancy? Should I be concerned for CT scan after mohs surgery? What should dosage of clonazepam for anxiety and social phobia be? What causes shaking, fatigue when suffering from acid reflux in stomach? What could be the reason for losing weight? What causes tenderness and swollen breasts after last periods? How to overcome the vaginal itching and burning sensation caused after the usage of veet? Can I take metoprolol and levofloxacin after a heart bypass surgery for bronchitis? What causes sore shoulder and chest, dizziness, heart thumping for a diabetic? Can naturopathy or homeopathy cure prolonged diabetes with complications? How to overcome the cracks around my mouth? What causes numbness in lower left leg, calf muscle after taking cerazette? What is the cause of abdominal pain, chest pain and shortness of breath? Could elevated ALT and ALP levels lead to lethargy and weight gain? How to handle unplanned pregnancy that hasn't terminated despite taking pills? What is the treatment of angina or pulmonary hypertension with rashes and chest pain? What does it mean to have fibroid detected in an anteverted uterus on tests? What is the treatment for wrist fracture with history of septic cellulitis? What causes area around nail to turn white with blisters on it? How to control bleeding caused due to birth control pills? What causes migraines after having liposuction? What causes frequent urination after started losartan? Any suggestion for suffering from menopause symptoms which got worst with premarin? Can vitamins and milk of magnesia treat negligent peristaltic movement? How to treat cervical stenosis? Is aciphex available directly from the manufacturer in a cheaper rate? What could cause bowel movement during every urination? How to treat social anxiety,bipolar,panic attacks and ocd while on prozac? Is heavy feeling on toes correlated to compressed disc surgery? How to treat nasal congestion while on otrivin and saline nasal spray? How to treat constant burning in feet and pain going from back down legs? How to treat sudden shock at back head followed by collapse? How to treat eye irritation with split on the crease that stings and crusty sores in nostrils while having RA? What does blood associated ear wax signify? Can small hard lump on mouth roof be a symptom of mouth cancer? What does prolonged numbness along with water running down sensation in legs and headache signify? How to control extensive hair color usage mediated hair graying? Is gardenal effective to depress bilirubin level? How to treat pressure and pain in my upper left abdomen with nausea,dizziness and fatigue while having hashimoto's disease? How to treat pmdd while on Prozac 10mg? How to treat dull head pressure,chest and stomach pain,elevated heart rate? What does this report signify: Monocytes % H 10.5,Eosinophil % H 7.0,Potassium L 3.4,Creatinine L 0.54,Alk Phos H 266,Bili Total L 0.1? How to get rid of left sided testicular dull ache? Any suggestion for concentration difficulty, cold, difficulty losing weight after thyroid removal? Can a head injury lead to frequent dizziness and vertigo? What causes tingling pain in penis and difficulty in getting erection? Any suggestion for recurring kidney stones causing stomach pain? How long doe the side affect of suboxone last? What could cause lower stomach ache and bloating, have history of hysterectomy? Having chest aches and gettng windy after taking Bisoprolol for sinus tachycardia Should I be concerned for loud heartbeat? How to get relief from pain due to bunion on the left foot for over a year? What causes increasing hair fall after had hair smoothing done? Can anal itching indicate worm infection, also have prostatitis? Does benicar affects vision? What causes soreness in heal of foot after taking misoprostol for miscarriage? Are there any quick treatments for Acne scars other than needle treatment? How to increase fertility rate in order to conceive? How to heal very dry skin? How to heal fall injury mediated fore head bump and black,swollen left eye? How to heal perforated ear with bad throat and tonsillitis? How to treat corneliia delange syndrome andhas epilepsy with very unsettled behavior? How to heal face pigmentation while on bioderma white objective serum,yugard,kojivit plus and no.7 sunscreen 50 spf with no relief? Any suggestion for stage 4 cancer? Is it sufficient to take multivitamins and folic acid for sepsis? How to manage weight when suffering from anaemia? What causes burning, open like sore on each corner of mouth? Duration for swelling to come down after adult circumcision? What to do for child suffering from epilepsy? What could cause hallucinations and strange visions? Does ejaculating outside too far from vagina cause pregnancy? How to treat pic line insertion mediated congestion and chest pain? What could cause toilet paper to stick on outer lips of vagina post wiping? How to treat sore lump above mouth bridge right between left nostril and mouth? How to treat pelvic and leg pain,irregular periods with history of myomectomy and on rocetil 500mg,phlebodia 600mg? How to treat painless small lump near groin? How to treat sudden pain in left chest with deep breathing difficulty? How to treat skin pigmentation while on pigmincream with temporary relief? How to treat fibroid infiltrates in left upper lobe? Suggest medication for Asthma How to treat chronic throat and nasal congestion with phlegm? Any suggestion for having piece of meat in nasal cavity of nostril? Signs and symptoms to look out for during IUI? Can a type-2 diabetic take Amway-Nutrilite energy drink? How to treat constant food and saliva choking along with left sided neck hurting? How to heal red spot and dark circles under eye? Can duphaston 10mg be taken for 40 days continuously? How to treat fever with body ache,nasal congestion,sore throat and weakness? How to heal rectal pain? Is Diethylpropion 75mg available without prescription? Is clomid 100mg available in Australia? How to heal swollen labia and nipples in a 52 years old female? How to treat anxiety disorder? Is pregnancy possible with light menstrual bleed,back ache and abdominal cramp? How to treat big bump on labia (left)? How to heal H pylori IgG infection while on relief with H pylori - Kit? How to treat uncontrolled bowel movement in a 76 years old female while on thyronorm,darolac,CCM and mighty 60K? How to heal ear pain? I am 41 year old type2 diabetic had pain in Reason for clear, white discharge, nausea, and dizziness? Will Tonact TG and Nexito Plus reduce triglyceride and SGPT level? Reason for headache, increased body temperature, and muscle pain? Is pain in fingers while grasping objects due to arthritis? Will Famynor interfere with contraceptive injection? Is coughing, hives, muscle pain, palpitations due to mold? Reason for brown discharge, pain, gas, cramps, diarrhea? Will collagen help clotting after tooth extraction? Should head be checked after injury to ears? Reason for coughing, gagging, and pain? Can Azithromycin, Crocin, Montair, and Grilinctus syrup be taken together? Reason for bruising, swelling, tightening of skin after shin injury? Treatment for short-term memory? Will lump on child's eye heal with Ciplox eye ointment? Reason for headache and nosebleeds? Reason for bleeding between periods? Solution for large raised and bumpy rashes around the anus with some skin hanging down for a kid Increased throbbing pain in the wrist without swelling What diet is recommendable for ziardia associated stomach problem in 2 years old child? Does bad acid reflex after unprotected sex mean a sign of pregnancy ? How to heal flu mediated stomach ache and mild diarrhea in a 2 years old child? How to treat intercourse mediated uterine pain? How to heal disc bulge (L4)? How to treat vaginal brown and pink discharge with slight cramps? How to treat typhoid? Is a healthy pregnancy possible just after quitting lexapro,lamictal and stilnox? Does dizziness,nausea and fatigue signify pregnancy? How to heal white headed lump on forearm? Meaning of complex cystic nodule containing heterogeneous soft tissue? Should Gynaset or Femilon be taken for absence of periods? Treatment for thinning hair and hair loss? Any medication other than crocin for child with ongoing fever and throat pain ? How to cure erectile dysfunction due to masturbation ? Does Amway product Omega 3 have any beneficial effect on the fetus during pregnancy ? Why do limbs get brown ? Any medication to relieve rash on inner thigh around the vaginal area ? Reason for cramps, groin, back pain, tiredness, delayed periods? How to reduce the spleen enlargement that causes some abdominal discomfort ? Headache followed by burning and pressure with eyes hurting Solution from constipation with gas bubbles and growling in the stomach Does a retroverted uterus with secretory endometrium cause problems while conceiving ? Does urinalysis result with many epithileal cells and few mucus threads mean anything ? Does rcinex possess any adverse impact on fetus? How to control obesity? Can ketoralac 10mg cause transient colitis? How to heal big black spots on skin like blood clots? Is it okay to take cremaffin plus after brain stroke with constipation problems? What is the cause to bleed when i excrete? What is the home remedy for pyria? Should i be concerned about my right knee feeling tingly? What is the treatment for'mildly enlarged and diffusely increased ecotexture'? Is it safe to take qlaira? Can stomach pain and hard pale yellow stool be a part of food allergy? What is the remedy for a dark butt with stretch marks and acne scars? What do you suggest for the difficulty in conceiving after an abortion? Is it harmful to have raw rice often? What is the remedy for bloating,constipation and nausea? Can i conceive without taking ovral-g for heavy bleeding? What is the cause for discharge from nipples when on birth control pills? How do i get an abortion done? Is it normal to have extra costal cartilage on the bottom of my front rib cage? Is it safe to take pause500 3 times a day for 2 months for menstruation problems? Should i be worried about lymph nodes with a possibility of lupus? Is it normal to have delayed periods after IUD insertion ? Could intense vasocongestion ("blue balls") after bowels mean prostrate or colon cancer ? Is Daimcron 30 and Carbhophage the right prescription for Type2 diabetes ? Does interstitial injury to anterior cruciate ligament require a reconstruction surgery ? Does taking Azulux and Gliciphage alter the PPBS and FBS ? What do you suggest for a white lump on my penis shaft? What does this report signify:linear to irregularities hazed infiltrates in the right upper lung? What is the cause for red rashes on my face when on motek and febrex for cold? What is the cause for my buttox to bleed after using a lot of my energy? What is the remedy for itchy rashes on my armpits? Can Tamoxifen cause scleroderma and hand joint pains? Can i continue to use melas skin cream that gets my face itchy and red? What do i do to reduce weight with thyroid? Does the use of inhaler for wheezing cause side effects? Is it normal to have bleeding and pussing again after an infection being treated on the toenail? What is the cause for a lump behind my ear after getting my hair bleached? What is the remedy for redness with blisters on the lips and armpits when on chemo? What is the cause to bleed after an IRC procedure? Is sleeping always and not talking to anyone a side effect of diabetic and BP medicines ? Is drop in RBC and Lymph os after terrible bronchitis normal ? Does Obimet SR or Fertisure cause black feces ? Unable to feel any taste in any type of food Pea sized whitish lump with little veins found on right tonsil Does blood during sex and delayed periods mean pregnancy ? Why do I have no urge to pee but slight stains ? Is walking sideways, headaches and eye pressure related to dehydration only ? Does positive pregnancy test with nothing in trans-vaginal ultrasound correlate ? Is hip pain after second shot of Prolia that reduce by icing bursitis ? Reason for sudden hot flashes with vomiting Increased heart rate and gurgles on left side of chest after leg exercises Is cramping and floating bowel movement normal after taking Teva-betahistine for Vertigo ? Will Niftas and Pan40 for UTI prevent conception ? Does a lump on cervix cause any problem during pregnancy ? Difficulty swallowing saliva with right tonsil swollen with small lumps on pharynx Can going of Livalo while feeling great be a problem for Type 2 Diabetic patient ? What are the common side effects of Albuterol ? Could internal hemorrhoids be the cause for complete evacuation of feces ? Are dark urine with burning and sharp pain in stomach signs of kidney infection ? Reason for inflamed lower leg joints with stiffness, hot to touch and red blotches Sever upper right glut pain that runs down hamstring to knee Solution for inadequate level of arousal to have penetrative sex Any cure for 8 years paralytic attack on left hand and leg that shows no improvement ? Squeezing at the bottom of right lung that lasts while bringing in air Growing lump on the lower neck that doesn't hurt Stomach pain always no matter what or how much I eat with watery stools Cure from headaches and mild palpitations due to carbon monoxide poisoning Increasing bald spot on the head with a round lump in the center Difficulty in breathing, nose block, dry cough for a kid Can any exercise routine or gym help for cervical spondylitis and mild osteoarthritis ? Will swollen lower back due to wrong landing from snowboarding cure by icing and rest ? How to get rid of skin darkening problem if Melacare is discontinued ? Electric shock of pain on and off in breasts, abdomen, lower back, ribs and right shoulder Intense fear of somebody or something watching me and of darkness Is densities in left upper lobe in chest x-ray anything to worry ? Does a bruised elbow which feels tender a fracture ? What do you suggest for PTSD,depression and anxiety? Small raised bumps on either side of labia minora Slightly inflamed and itching on right side of glans Is it dangerous to have metformin after a hrt injection? Have i damaged the surgical site that hurts after an injury? Is it safe to supplement my pregnant wife's daily intake of food with beverage like ensure or boost? What is an alternative to aspirin for weakened vein condition? Is it cancerous to have a lump on the upper chest area? Intense pain in the abdomen around the heart after drinking anything Why is my lining so thin at d14? Unable to run or play even 18 months after ACL reconstruction surgery and exercises Any permanent cure for piles problem ? Why no periods after unprotected sex and taking Postinor 2 pill ? Any problems due to prolonged usage Exevate cream for skin problems on legs ? Are delayed periods with low back pain, sore breasts and increased saliva early signs of pregnancy ? What do you suggest for depression? What is an alternative to abilify for depression and vomitting? If HCG levels keep going up drastically without a miscarriage, is it early pregnancy ? What do you suggest for buzzing in my ear after a severe congestion? How to treat enlarged adenoid,recurrent cold and cough? Which day is good to prevent pregnancy? What do you suggest for yellow spot in my labia minora after sex? Is it okay to cut down ppropanolol to 40 mg in the morning and 20 mg at night for blood pressure? What do you suggest for bleeding eyes after an accident? How to heal severe ear pain with blood associated watery discharge? How to treat PCOS mediated periods irregularity while on duphaston 10 mg and glucophage 500 mg? Does foracort 400 possess any side effect for prolonged continuation? How to treat pneumonia in right lung with history of cardiomyopathy, while on antibiotics? What could cause recurring elevated heart rate,chest constriction,pain in ears,jaw,neck, while being an athlete? How to conceive post 18 years of first delivery? How to replace popped out crown with small margin? How to treat sore throat with body pain and headache? Is seroquel recommended for Alzheimer patients? How to reduce high GGT reading? Can tramadol cause dizziness and stomach upset? Can constant kitchen gas leak cause panic attack and uncoordinated feeling? Is pregnancy possible with tubes tied since 14 years? What do you suggest for hearing issues after putting in ear plugs at the gun range? Any suggestion for lump present on right lower front of neck? Does just rubbing penis on underwear cause pregnancy? How to begin taking myself off the pristiq medication? How to treat osteonecrosis of jaw? What causes itching and dark red lumps on anus with puss discharge? Is there any test for chronic fatigue syndrome? No periods with hot flashes and tender breast and nipples. Are they pregnancy symptoms? Side effects of taking Oracea and Spironolactone long-term? Suggest treatment for breathing difficulty Is it safe to take Ranitidine after discontinuing pepcid? Should child with constipation be given Miralax? Does nausea,light headedness and frequent urination indicate pregnancy? Suggest treatment for anal fissure What is the medical protocol for brain bleed? Is it normal to have knee pain with a torn medial meniscus? Treatment for dry mouth and white painful bumps on throat? What causes spotting after periods? Treatment for foul-smelling diarrhea and gas? Can I take Ativan for anxiety? Cause of bump below skin between testicles and anus? What are the side effects of Orapred on menstrual cycle? Reason for ear discomfort when burping or swallowing? What is the cause for mucus covered poop? Suggest treatment for hallucination How to get pain relief when coughing after breaking ankle? can hysterectomy cause complications after having sex? Normal for child to get tired quickly due to stomach bug? What causes compulsive lying in Children? What causes brownish discharge during periods? Reason for twitching arms and legs of child? What could multiple sensitive cysts on scalp indicate? Reason for spotting and delayed period after taking plan B? Cause and treatment for swollen and painful biceps? Is coughing after a nuclear stress test normal? How can I lose height? Is it okay if child does not take last rabies shot? Cause of slurring words, trouble focusing, and eyes burning? How to prevent recurrence of mucus discharge from anus? Treatment for abdominal and back pain? Reason for swelling and testicle pain? Does thyroid medicine have ill-effects on fetus? Safe to take Kionex when patient has high blood pressure and diabetes? What causes heavy periods? What could be the cause for freezing sensation in head during hot season? What casuses cold and frozen sensation in ankles after an injury? Suffering from intense pain and bleeding from vagina What causes lump on shoulder with chest pain and dots on skin? What is the cause and treatment for severe hairfall? What causes body tremors? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and bloating What could high MPV, consistently declining WBC and MCHC indicate? What causes lumps in the back of throat? What causes stabbing pain in upper arm during night? Treatment for paranoid and violent behavior? Treatment for pain due to swollen vein under jaw? What causes constant body pain? What does a small bump on thighs next to pubic area indicate? Is sharp pain in chest caused due to hormonal imbalance? Does crystal meth lead to ear infection and strep throat? What are the side effects of Karvezide and Perindopril? Will I be able to work in morning after taking morphine at night? What causes delayed periods? Suggest treatment for swelling and burning sensation on the eyelids What causes soreness in breasts? Can Genostin pellets be as effective as Androgel for low testosterone? What causes bumps in the base of penis? What supplements can I take along with senna supplements for constipation? What causes vomiting and profuse sweating? What causes enlarged thyroid in children? What is the right medication for major depressive disorder? What is the treatment for bumps in vagina? Should I consult a doctor for mucous cyst in lower lip? What does 'L5-S1 Disc osteophyte complex and laminectomy' indicate in a report? What is the cause for a dilated pore to come back after the removal of suture? What could be the cause for frequent urination after an intercourse? Is it normal to have loss of sensation in legs when suffering from deep vein thrombosis in legs? What could cause a flurry feeling in the chest? Does using Iliadin for stuffy nose and yellow phlegm pose any risk to the baby ? What is the cause for pressure in my head with blurred vision? Extensive vibration in the upper torso with shock like sensation throughout the body Pain in the right side of nose with eye and facial pain after being hit at the root of nose Reduced appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, gas with good BM in a person with anxiety/ depression? Red patch on the shoulder after falling down the stairs that is tender to touch Suggest alternative of Codeine Contine for pain relief Is there any vitamins or supplements that will help the low blood platelets ? What are the risks of kidney transplant ? Is heat, stretches and walking okay for peroneal tendinitis in right ankle ? What does uterus ultrasound report mean ? Any side effects of using Voltaren, Naproxen, Baclofen while on diabetic, high BP and cholesterol medicines ? What causes pain and soreness on inside of left nostril? Is nausea or vomiting with severe bloating for a child related to asthma attack ? Can I start playing tennis after recovering from hemothorax and fractured ribs ? What causes bump on back with brown stuff coming out on squeezing? Reason for tight foreskin with dryness along with clear bumps Is it normal to miss period and have spotting when Paraguard IUD is inserted? What is the condition when right ovary is not found on ultrasound? Is oxygen level affected due to weaning off steroids? What is causing chronic tendonitis in neck and shoulders and how to cure? What is causing scrotum to get bigger and causing discomfort? Suggest medication for anxiety What do you suggest for post traumatic stress? What causes bloating, breathing trouble, back pain and pressure under shoulder blades? Had spotting after protected intercourse weeks after periods. Can I be pregnant? What causes pain above tailbone? Suggest medication for carpal tunnel syndrome What causes abdominal discomfort during menopause? Should I be worried for bump near ear of a kid? What causes stinking mustard yellow color urine when taking vitamin D milk? What could cause pain during sneezing ? What is the treatment for allergic reaction in throat? What is the cause for itchiness and the pain in urethra with nausea? How to cure terrible cough and metal taste in mouth? Reason for having stabbing pain below breast, back and shoulder blade How to cure constant numbness and tingling sensation in the lower area of right thigh? What causes swollen tongue and taste buds with high fever and cough? What causes light pink discharge? Suffering from mild chest pain on the left top of breast Why having high sugar levels even after healthy diet and exercise? What causes numbness on right side of face with squishy around temple? How to cure chronic body pain ? What causes urine flow through the hole after nephrostomy tube removal? How to get rid of blisters on outside of vagina? How to get back fair complexion? What causes soreness in arm, blue spot near knot after drawing blood? Will Xanax help in relaxing before dentist appointment? Will the reclast infusion have any effect on the esophagus? What could cause redness, itchiness and pain in skin? Any home remedy to hoarseness of voice due to chesty cold ? How to cope up with marital problems along with child s failure at school? What causes sharp pain around nipple in children? What to do for skipped or fast heartbeat when having borderline hyperthyroid? Getting heavy periods and breast pain after taking yasmin pills for acne problem Any treatment for possible peripheral neuropathy in feet causing tingling? Is it okay to donate blood when exposed to a person who had mad cow disease? How safe is taking L-ititor with Alfuzosin? What causes STD? Suggest treatment for acute respiratory tract infection What causes shortness of breath and digestive problems? What could cause shooting pain on face, feet and orbit of the eye? What do you suggest for round red capsule-like objects in my feces? What causes leg pain when suffering from diabetes? What causes stomach cramps with diarrhea? How do i use proygna pill to get pregnant? How safe is taking cycotec ? Suggest medication for BP and diabetes What causes enlarged glands around the bowel? Will hypothyroidism cause weight gain? How to reduce tan and dry skin on the upper lip? What causes hearing loss in left ear? When do periods start after taking Next choice pills? How should Alesse 28 day pill be taken? Is abdominal pain and back pain a sign of infection? What causes low potatsium level? Need suggestions to reduce blisters on the lips What do you suggest for the mass on the pancreas? How to treat appendicitis? What causes burning sensation inside of the vagina? What do you suggest for my bp to be 220/150 after an injury? What could be the cause for sun burn like rashes? Do Humira injections cause frequent urination? How to prevent nausea and vomiting caused due to methotrexate injection? What treatment is suggested to reduce itchiness and dandruff? What are the side effects of eating raw rice everyday? What is the cause and treatment for fatigue and muscles aches with brain fog? What causes restless hands while taking lisinopril for blood pressure? What should we go for between ctscan and MRI to detect calcium deposits in the brain? Will in-clinic abortion be safe? Is it safe to switch from Klonopin and Haldol to Proscar and Flomax? What is the treatment for benign brain tumor related to pituitary gland? Experiencing shar pain in ears What causes brain freeze and shooting pain in ears? Is it safe to take Flomax for urinary infection? Could watering eyes and spitting up mucus be related to trichinosis? What do you suggest for vomiting after eating? What cause abdominal bloating? What causes hair loss and memory loss when on BP medication? What causes red spots on head of penis? Under what classification do i find a doctor who will monitor my need to get off klonopin? Does marijuana have any effect on thyroid? Suffering from fever even after taking Ibuprofen, what to do? What causes popping sensation below the right rib cage? Suggest treatment fro scar removal after belly button piercing Reason for erectile dysfunction Is Don Jo equipment to be placed outside the leg safe? What causes blood-clot discharge during periods? What are the effects of mifepristone on foetus? What causes burning pain in thighs? What causes abdominal pain after falling on the buttocks? What could a mass on upper lung indicate? What s causing sleepiness and slurred speech in a person who smokes cannabis regularly and does meth? What does "Anteverted uterus measures 9.3 x 6.7 x 4.5 cm" mean? Why do i feel that there is something stuck in my throat after eating cinnamon rolls? Suffering from sharp chest pain How to treat sudden bad body odor present since a week? What causes sharp pain in lateral side of leg? What do you suggest for severe pain behind the right eye with diabetes? Which of these medicine is for high BP & blood clot in the head: neurocal, etorix verniking & bonlife? what causes stinging sensation and blood in urine? What causes chest pains while doing cardio workout? What causes painful cramps on the ribcage? How do they know tht it is grade 4 tumor in the breast after an ultrasound? What treatment is suggested for Raynaud s condition? What could be the cause for clotted semen after an intercourse? What causes free fluid in douglas pouch? What do you suggest for purplish rough skin after a pet dog bite? Reason for sudden lack of cramps before periods? Is black pigmentation around mouth curable? Should i be worried about the pressure where the surgery was done to remove the wisdom tooth? How long does Cymbalta side effects last? How to cure constant diarrhea? Do low back pain, bloating and brown discharge mean pregnancy ? What is the treatment for vaginal prolapse with lower back pain? What causes stomach pain and spottting?
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