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Red bumps over legs and arms, started on freshly made tattoo, sore throat, cough. Cause of worry? Shingles, pain, burning sensation, rash. On pain medications, no relief. Healing time? Taking allopurinol for gout. On lisinopril for hypertension. Numbness in feet, face and lips with chest pain. Stopped medication. What to do now? Unprotected sex, heavy periods, tiredness, tender breasts. On implanon birth control. Early pregnancy symptoms? Addicted to vicodin. Taking suboxone for withdrawal from oxy contin. Can you help me in the de-addiction process? Frequent urination, urine leakage after testicular torsion surgery. Remedy? Lower back pain. MRI showing herniated disc. Suggested surgery for vertebrae fusion. Second opinion? Suffered seizure while recovering from stroke. Could this be due to the use of medication for leg pain? Diagnosed with bursitis and plantar fascitus through MRI. Severe pain in the heal. Need a permanent and faster cure Bleeding on urinating, burning sensation. Urine sample detected blood, nitrites. Cure? Tingling in tailbone on bending head forward. Previous neck pain, tailbone bruising. Treatment? Suffering from bronchitis and sinus infection. Cough, chest congestion, metallic taste in the mouth and shortness of breath. Are these symptoms of pneumonia? Fungal rash around waistline, high fever, cough, vomiting. Treatment options? Had C section, pain in incision site, over weight. Why does rectum pain? Took Tamiflu for flu, running fever, alternating tylenol and motrin. Emergency? Pain in leg from thigh to the knee. Bruising on the thighs. Had cystoscopy for kidney stones. Are these related? Bleeding after periods, vaginal itching, lump on the clitoris. Not on birth control. Anything serious? Purple splotches on the legs. Pain with swelling. Reason? Low libido, no back pain. Back surgery done, screws put in L3, L4. Causes for symptoms? Breast tenderness, sore throat, vaginal discharge. Trying to conceive. Pregnancy symptoms? Infant having itchy rashes on the cheeks, legs and back. Not going away with dermadew lotion. Can this be cured? Child with clogged ears due to wax. Tried colloidal silver, peroxide and olive oil. Had German measles and ear infection in the past. Treatment? Migraines, stuttering, missed periods, stopped ovulating. Treatment options? Had unprotected sex. Delayed periods, headaches, food craving and dizzy spells. Chances of pregnancy? Tiny spot on the knuckle getting bigger in size. Pain with redness. Any idea what could it be? Severe cramping during periods, white bumps around the nipple. Urine pregnancy test negative. Need to get blood test done? White spots and mucus in the stool. Suffer from constipation and stress. What is the reason? Painful bowel movements, pain in the penis, difficulty in urination. Any suggestions? Back pain with smelly yellow urine.
Could this be kidney disease? History of kidney stones
16 year old with migraines, seizures and nose bleeding. Could this be neurological? Swollen eyes after a seizure Brownish spots on the legs. How to get rid of them? Had used epilady for waxing in the past Suffering from E coli poisoning. Had the appendix removed. Excessive sweating in the night. Reason? Irritation in the eye. What is the remedy? Had a case of sudden heart rate, EKG was fine, had panic attacks. What should I do? Not able to speak after a stroke. Paralyzed, vision impaired. Feeling lethargic. Will this worsen? Pain and tightness in the testicles, brownish semen. What is wrong? 38 year old overweight on Azor, metformin and cymbalta. Taking azithromycin for flu and sinus infection. Having irregular heart beat. Allergic reaction? Stomach ache, belching, diarrhea. What is causing these? Abdominal pain. Difficult bowel movements. Getting treated for UTI or cystitis. History of arthritis and connective tissue disorder. What is the correct diagnosis? Pain and swelling in the leg. Difficulty in walking. Could this be due to a blood clot? Diagnosed with Afib. Suffering from flu. Altered respiration rate and BP. Should be concerned about it at this time? Does the use of CPAP lower them? Pain between the shoulder blades upon exposure to cold. Need solution Scared to eat in front of people, anxiety. Had a choking incident in the past. Need to come out of this fear Wheezing following bronchitis. On albuterol inhaler and sudafed. Taking prednisone. Anything can be done? Night sweats, fatigue, shortness of breath. Blood test shows low iron and sugar. Causes? Severe pain in the knee after knee replacement. What all tests to be done? Dry sore throat, pain in the neck and lower back, cloudy urine. Cystitis? Injured on the temple above the eyebrow. Became unconscious. Slurred speech, headaches, memory loss. Need to get checked? MRI showing hydration and posterior disc prolapse after getting a disc removed. Back pain. Need suggestions Pain in the stomach after getting the colposcopy done. Stomach feeling distended. What is the cure? Dry cough, nasal discharge, tiredness, hoarse voice, cant take a deep breath. Treatment? Body becomes numb and heavy breathing upon getting angry. Why is it happening? Have chronic episodes of lightheadedness, dizziness, spine pain, fatigued. What does this mean? On chemotherapy for lymphoma. Having clear bowel movements with mucus. Severe stomach cramps. Need to go to emergency? Broken wrist. Excessive hair growth in the area where thumb spica was put. Why? On medication for PCOD. Stopped taking it due to irregular periods. Vaginal irritation, severe abdominal pain. Reason? Protected sex, vaginal bleeding, blood clots on urinating. Missed birth control. Causes for symptoms? Taking loestrin. Severe pain without periods, nausea. Not pregnant. What tests to be done next? Fluid sensation in ears, bleeding from left ear canal, occurred after cleaning ear with q-tip. Cure? Small child, congenital ptosis in left eye, left cheek is smaller, left ear positioned differently. Treatment? Abdominal cramps, nausea, loss of appetite, gastric trouble. Could this be due to stomach flu or side effects of plan b which was taken a week back? Severe bleeding , cramps. Having a miscarriage. How long will the bleeding last? Been smoking, led to cough, slight phlegm, had mucus. Meaning? Unprotected sex with partner, brown stains in underwear. Causes for condition? Had a rhinoplasty. Pain in the eye since woke up from the anesthesia. White speck in the middle of the eye. Eye infection? Feeling dry eyes, spasms in the eyelid. What is going on? Suffering from Graves disease. Sleeplessness, itching and body jerking at night. Taking ambien and xanex. Need cure Headache, dizziness, imbalance, blurred vision. Causes and treatment for symptoms? Skin fold in the eye. Is it normal? Trying to quit smoking. Have breathing trouble. Could this be asthma? Pins and needles pain in the body, sweating, ringing in the ears. What is happening? Pain in the ovaries, delayed periods. Pain while urination. Pregnancy test negative. What else could it be? Painful lump in the lower lip. Pulsating sensation. Cold sore? Child fell on the ice with head being hit. Vomiting, diarrhea. Concussion? Sinus infection, constant mucus drainage in throat, loss of sleep. On amoxicillin, flo-nase. Cure? Does having soft sex mean low sexual attraction? Severe pain in the cheek and in the eye socket. Face turned reddish. What is it? Pain in the lower abdomen after eating nuts. No fever. History of ovaries removed Fatigue, smell sensitivity, breast tenderness, frequent urination and spotting. Pregnant? Bumps on nose, popped them, discoloured worm discharged, black bruising on nose. Treatment? 8 year old had a surgery to correct the squint in the eye. Why the inner eye is still reddish? Have itching. Infection? Had laser robotic surgery for sleep apnea. Tonsils, palate and adenoids removed. Scar tissue removal scheduled. Any other treatment rather than surgery? Small lumps in left armpit, growing in size, very painful, tingling in fingers, hand. Cure? Suffering from pain due to fibromyalgia. Difficult to work. What is your advice? Addicted to chewing tobacco. Need help in quitting the habit Sharp burning sensation in left temple, moving to shoulders, followed by dull pain. Treatment options? Persisting sinus pressure and ear pain. Throat congestion, stiff neck. Tested positive for Lichen sclerosis. Are these related? Pain and bruise on the hips. Could this be due to yoga practice? Could the use of hair product with lead acetate cause birth defect? Pinkish spotting after recovering from a medical abortion. Why? Pain in the breast, bloating, lower back pain, abdominal pain. Trying to conceive. HPT and blood serum test reports negative. Pregnancy chances? 15 year old suffering from anxiety. Fluctuating heart rate. Should be concerned? 7 month old on artificial feeding. Is it normal to have three times of bowel movements? Diagnosed with vasculitis hsp. Feeling cold, back pain, joint pain and nausea. Had surgery for kidney stones in the past. Any comments? Frequent headaches, blocked ears with pain. What is the reason? Having loose motions, vomiting sensation. What can we do? New born with high bilrubin, treatment done, now has high CRP level. Is this dangerous? Recovering from TB, loss of fine motor skills in one hand, imbalance, confusion. Any suggestions? Diagnosed with costochondritis, taking cataflam, no relief from pain, tenderness under arm, on chest and stomach. Cause? Ear pain, have silver and grey crust in ear. Had canal wall down surgery months ago. Cause? Child has bad behavior, hits randomly, is fussy eater but seems to be good and bright in school. Autism signs? Suffered paralysis, pins and needles, headache, high WBC count, weight loss, vomiting. Cause? Suffered from constipation and diarrhea, panic attacks, palpitations, stressed and anxious. Help? Watery eyes after sleep, white pus with pink eyes. Help? Forehead painful after a hit, black and blue eye, on advil. Concern about? Swollen lymph nodes, sores on scalp, swollen. What is it? Fibromyalgia, fatigue, pain, dark circles, excessive saliva, spastic bowel syndrome. What is it? Water blisters on buttocks, itchy. What to do? Bruised sole on foot, sprained ankle, clicks when I bear weight. Help? Suffering ED, low testosterone, high LH, sperm count low. What can work? Rashes under eyes, flares up, into eczema, allergic to marine protein. What should I do? Do the following points relate to cultural relativism? Dull, brownish colored blood from subungal hematoma on the toenail, no pain. Treatment required? Child diagnosed with costochondritis, has no relief with medicines. What should be done? Persisting breathing difficulty a day after cleaning bathroom with bleach. Will this fade? How can I get rid of masturbation habit? Will it result in impotency? Tiny dots on face, scars, regular pimples. Why does this happen? What can be done? What does my EKG report suggest? What is Probable Left Atrial Abnormality? Rashes and bumps on nose. Taking aquaphor ointment. What allergy is it? Have anxiety and headaches, on prozac. Can I use dex with prozac? Labia Minora swollen, painful to walk, no sexual stimulation. Ideas? Feeding a baby, cysts on chest, painful after pressing. What can it be? Hit on eye, reddish, unable to focus. Using astigmatism. Increased intraocullar pressure? Obese woman, heart beats loud, shortness of breath. What is it? End stage lung cancer, had bowel cancer, oxygen level is low. What can we expect now? Masturbation addiction, feeling guilty, exhaustion, stopped masturbating. Will I have premature ejaculation? Consistent pain in nipples, negative pregnancy test, got periods after taking ipill. Cause of tenderness? Recently diagnosed with hypothyroid, had varying skin shades on the neck. Could this be due to thyroid? Headache after trying herbal hookah, non-smoker. Long-term side effects? Burning while urination, anal base itching post TURP. Is the normal post-op recovery stuff? Child accidentally swallowed beef jerky stick, immediately complained of chest pain, seems to be fine now. Any suggestions? Swollen eyes and face, gastrointestinal and lower back pain on taking Cozaar. Is this serious? Drank lot of wine, having investigation for Haemorrhoids test. Will the alcohol indulgence show up in blood test? Using Neoprene rubber for waist trimming. Does using this belt cause cancer? Severe pain in sitting and lying down. Low vitamin-D and MRI shows cracked hip. Suggestion? Treatment for high fever in a child with congestion and cough? Maftal P? Has urinal problems, operated, painful kidney. What is the reason? High BP, on medication, controlled. On proponol hydrochloride. What is healthy? Hair fall, light dandruff, bald spots. What can I use? Toe felt strange after a walk and shower, immense pain. What is the trauma? Operated for cataracts, has hypertension, on telsartan H. Can he take ciplox as well? Nostril has strange tingling sensation, clear discharge, tried saline. Is it an allergy? Used maxi pads, vulva started to itch. Is it herpes? Treated for chlamydia. Related? Pink bump on labia minora, next to clitoris, popped the pimple, is inflamed. Now what? Diabetic, hypertensive and IHD with stent done, may have gallbladder cancer. Is it chronic inflammation? Pain while urinating, which smells bad. Is it an UTI? Vaginal spotting, light bleeding, stomach bloating, pressure in lower abdomen. History of irregular periods. Treatment? Have knee dislocate easily, soft skin and bruise after a cut. Are these symptoms of Elhers danlos syndrome? Had protected sex, after periods, taken I-pill and have irregular periods. UPT shows negative. Suggestion? Semen analysis done, shows pus cells, presence of spermatogenic cells. What should be my next step? Suffering from Thyroid, Asthma and BP. Taking Telmecrate, Thyroxin and Seroflo. Should I continuously take BP medicine? Blackheads and pimples on face, scars. Prescribed acnelite gel, melaglow cream. Suggestions? Prolonged periods cycle, several blood clots, severe pain. Tubectomy done. Treatment? Constant pain in back and shoulder. MRI shows annular bulge with small poster central & right paracentral herniation. Treatment? Sore in groin area, white nodule on applying pressure, redness, not healing. Cure? Bloated at night, throws up, maybe allergic to lactose. Take lactated tablet? Was pregnant, have cramps, tried sex, painful, sore breasts. What is going on? Suffering from IBD Pancolitis, on mesacol OD. Is it curable? Nauseated after fast food, sweating, strange colors in vision. Borderline hallucination? Delirium? Lump between hip and groin, painful, pain in the thigh. Is it cancer? Had nostrils cauterized past septum, nose bleeds, burnt. Is it related to silver nitrate solution? Suffering from general bloated stomach and sporadic attacks, high cortisol levels. What can I do? Irregular period, done laproscopic surgery for eggs, can't conceive. On Krimson. Suggest? Diagnosed with Narcolepsy, had migraines, was on sleeping pills and topamax, been off them. Is that the cause? Tonsil has been swollen, had unprotected anal sex. HIV infection? Change in penis colour, bumps on penis head, masturbation addiction. Using zole-f ointment. Causes and treatment? Pain in lower back, stopped urine and stools. Suggested to operate Lower Vertebrae. Will this help? Suffering from nose bleeds, occurs on blowing nose. Cauterization done. Treatment options? Taken Adderall, have severe discomfort due to mucus discharge from eyes, nose and throat with extreme stomach pain. Reason? Suffering from loose motions. Taking O2, bifilac hp medication, stopped, symptoms persists. Suggestions? Skin removal from face due to accident, black scar formed. Used mederma. Treatment? Recurring small, clearish bumps on palms with tiny black specs in center that pop clear fluid. Scabies? Fluttering sensation in chest, breathlessness, headaches. Taking synthroid, hydrochlorothiazide. Causes for symptoms? Consistent pain on right side, pain during urination, rusty urine, fever, chills, bleeding for a day. Reason? IBS, loose motions after eating anything. Suggestion? Look extremely pale, have visible veins in arms and legs, always feel light headed, dizzy. Anemic? Panic attacks, high BP, hypothyroid, eye occasionally feels heavy, get floaters in eye with minor discharge. Remedy? Ringing sound in ears, harsh unbearable sound in head, fever. Causes for symptoms? Small child, suffering from AVM, slow growth, loss of appetite, less weight. Treatment? Small bump on nape on neck, fever, rashes on legs, arm. Using lotion for scabies. Treatment? Chronic anal fissure. On laxative, applying cream. Still having pain after passing stools. Suggestions? Dark lips. Prescribed Depiwhite cream. Safe to use without side effects? Heavy bleeding with blood clots, cramps, back pain, sensitive nipples. Treatment for symptoms? Chest cramps on right side, extreme pain, difficulty breathing. Cure? Slipped disc in S2-S3. No relief with yoga, massage, painkillers. Hurts when coughed, sneezed. Solution? Stomach bloating, air trapped in stomach, occurred post child birth. History of fibromyalgia. Causes? Testicle pain, nausea. Colour doppler shows varicocele type one. Treatment? ECG shows heart rate 68bpm, RR 880ms, PQ 144ms, QRS 76ms, QTC 413ms, STmax -0.16mv. Normal? Pain in forearm on waking up, unable to straighten it. Taking ibuprofen, iced it. Treatment? Prescribed Prolomet for Bp, Eltroxin for thyroid in the morning. Have reactions. Substitute for Prolomet? Iron deficiency, heavy menstrual bleeding, tiredness. How to increase iron levels? Doctor exclaimed about the uterus while doing a vaginal exam. What could be wrong? High BP, anxiety, stammering. Taking concor cor, revotril. Side effects of medication? Shooting pain in the upper abdomen in the center. Having farting, belching. Both smelly. Passes green stools. What could be wrong? Severe cough, throat constriction, pins and needles sensation across chest and back. Cure? Suffering from hair loss, bald patches on scalp. Treatment options and cost? Full bladder, unable to urinate, abdominal pain during pregnancy. Was drained using catheter before. Happened again. Suggestions? Trying to concieve. All tests normal. Had unsuccesful IUI treatments. Advised laparoscopic surgery. Can I opt for IVF treatment directly? Round red,itchy spots on the lower eyelid. Prescribed psoriasis medicines. Are they ringworms? Chalazion under eyelid. On oral antibiotics, popped suddenly, fluid discharge. Continue steroid cream usage? Sharp pain in calf muscle along varicose veins, lump formed, pain on touching. Due to exercise? Small child, breastfed. Taking lactogen-1, does not like consuming it. Can we switch to nan pro-1? Raw sensation above pubic bone, frequent urination. On mirena IUD. Causes for symptoms? Hypothyroid, Syncope, ECHO shows dilated RA, RV, PA, severe TR and PH. Suggestions? Stabbing pain near right ovary, abdominal swelling, nausea. Tubal ligation, ablation done. Treatment? Suffering from diabetes, high sugar levels. Taking galvus, trivolib. Suggestions to control diabetes? History of angioplasty, have severe cough with phlegm, feel better with deriphyllin. Can I continue it? Rash with small red spots on face, acne, no improvement with medicines. Cause? Unprotected sex while on pill, have pregnancy symptoms, light spotting after stopping pill, low appetite. Opinion? Irregular periods due to stress, obesity, brownish red spotting, heavier after sex. Treatment? Dizziness, white spots in vision, imbalance, cold sweats. Causes for symptoms? Extremely sensitive penis, severe pain when garment touches it. History of swelling post masturbation. Help? Small bump and swelling in front of ear, found Parotid gland. History of pleomorphic adenoma. Is Biopsy the best method? Pregnant for third child. Is it the right age to have three kids? Had a medical abortion, test shows faintly positive, pain in abdomen. Should I go for scan? Suffering from terrible stomach cramps, found blood in mouth and nose while coughing. Reason? Light brown spotting, lasted only one day. Chances of pregnancy? Have high cholesterol, history of smoking a pipe. Suggested for quintuple bypass surgery. Right diagnosed? Severe cramps, light pink and brown spotting. On mirena IUD. Pregnancy a possibility? Removed ovarian cyst through Laparoscopy. Taking Cerazette and Progyluton, have irregular periods. Is it due to tab? Itchy vaginal lips, Pap test shows Bacteria vaginosis. Taking pills, no relief. Is itchiness due to wax used? Lower right arm and hand numbness, pricking sensation while sleeping. Using wrist guard. Causes? Difficulty sleeping. Tried tylenol pm, sleepy tea, no relief. On BP medication. Natural remedy? Delayed periods, light bleeding, dark red blood on urination. Chances of pregnancy? Pregnant, vaginal bleeding, stomach cramps, miscarriage. Suggestions? Shrinking penis, numbness, small size, loss of confidence, no erection problems. Treatment? Welt on upper thigh and small red sore on inner arm. Is it a bed bug bite? Hot flashes, mood swings, hair loss. Heart surgery done. Positive pregnancy test. Pregnant? Protruding bone on left sternum, lowering platelet count. Is it Xyphoid or a tumour? Done semen analyis. Can I take Addyzoa? Suffering from bright green stools, diarrhea, stomach pain. Causes and cure? Dark skin on lips. Non-smoker, does not drink. How to lighten skin on lips? Child had vomiting, smelling of yeast. Can we wait? Expressing gas, belching, abdominal pain, hard stools, diarrhea. Taken Librax History of ovarian cysts, colitis, diverticulitis. Flank pain, watery stools, pain near ribs and hips Pain in injured molar teeth. Taken Ponstan. How to withstand pain? Had dengue Breathlessness, back pain, leaking heart valve, speckles on lungs. Symptoms of pleurisy or pneumonia? Done semen analysis. Normal urine and stool test. Evidence of varicocele Hair loss, itchy scalp. Tried keraglo and aminoxidil. Will keraglo affect sexual ability? Had protected sex. Negative retrovirus test. Have red spots on arms, pimples on face. Am I infected? Done triple bypass surgery. No appetite, weight loss. Have diabetes type 2. What could this be? Started working out in the gym. Pure vegetarian, does not want protein supplements. Diet recommendations? Child has stomach pain, vomiting, watery stool. What should I do? Child taken Tamiflu for flu. Head injury after seizure. MRI shows acute intracranial abnormality. Meaning? Bitten by vaccinated dog. Not taken anti rabies injection. Should I be aware? Trembling voice, uncontrollable movement of lips, drooling, dizziness, cough. Can you help? White patches near groin, peeling skin, redness. How do I treat it? Cough, acute bronchitis. Prescribed levolin, azflow spray. History of cold, tonsillitis. Treatment? Sore throat, neck pain radiating to shoulder. Taking antibiotics. Due to neuralgia? Headaches, pain in the middle of head, fluid in ears, stress. MRI normal. Causes? Difficulty remembering names, words, affecting my work. History of back pain. Treatment options? Headache, painful sores in nose, pain in face, blurred vision. Dizziness, lump on head Taking Thyrox and Ecosprin. Restlessness, burning sensation in chest, shivering, fast heartbeat. What to do? Dizziness, headache, fainting, weakness. Skipping meals Head injury. Headache, large pupil. Taken Naproxen. Should I see a doctor? Painful and itchy red spots. Taken antibiotics. How can I solve this problem? Taking Regestrone tab, to postpone periods, have irregular periods. Will this help? Sinusitis, chest pain, difficulty breathing, phlegm on coughing, nausea, headaches. Suggestions? Back pain, blood in urine, bladder pressure, frequent urination, period pains during urination. Cancer signs? Semen analysis done. Opinion? Taking Citalporam for premature ejaculation. Having brief electric zaps in the head. Can I stop Citalopram completely? Had distal radius fracture due to fall. Unbearable pain, unable to move wrist. No help with icing. Solution? Suffering from pimples. Taking isotretinion medication. Safe to use dermovate and rose cream? Shoulder stiffness, numbness in left arm, bubbling sensation in groin. History of high BP, diabetes. Cause of worry? Stomach pain, blood in stools, uterine cysts. Prescribed gynera, ponstan medication. Treatment for bleeding? Pain in head near eye, noise sensitivity. Sugggestions? Pain in arm muscles. Taking toviaz, side effect is muscle pain. Due to medication? Soft corn on second toe, pink lump. Changed footwear to avoid friction. Procedure for removal? Ankle injury. Pain, swelling, bruising. Applied ice. Worried about sore lump Migraines due to noise, sun exposure, tiredness. Safe to conceive? Bleeding after having protected sex. Afraid of getting pregnant Have irregular periods, foul smelling discharge, yellow-green color. Is it dangerous? Had unprotected sex, cut on foreskin, red pimples, foul discharge, painful. Applied Candid-B Have pain in bladder. Taken Trimethoprim and amoxicillin. Have abdominal pain, bloating. What do I do? Have lipoma in eye. Soreness, itching. What is going on? Red, itchy spots on upper body and scalp. No relief with cortisone. Can you help? Dizziness, nausea, palpitation, muscle weakness, breathlessness. Normal tests. Suggestions? Taken Power capsules to build muscles. Will it affect fertility? Lower back pain. Taken ciprotab. Urinalysis shows pus cells and epithelial cells. Treatment? Delayed period. Clear vaginal discharge, burning sensation in ovaries. Have ovarian cysts Irregular menstrual cycles, no periods for last two years, depression, weight gain. Causes for symptoms? Burning sensation in chest. Normal BP. Regular smoker. Cause and treatment? Abdominal flutter and pain. History of surgery on stomach. Can you help? Constant bloating, random bruises, upset stomach. Treatment for symptoms? Have paranoid schizophrenia. Taking Amisulpride. Have trouble concentrating, seeing visuals, headache. What is going on? Had acute gastroenteritis. Soft stool with red strings History of AVM surgery and stroke. Have headache, epilepsy. Taking Keppra. Worried Pregnant. Prescribed Corcium and Thrive G. Can elemental calcium carbonate be used? History of miscarriage. Cramps, white discharge, no period. What is going on? Have nocturnal emission, weakness, joint pain. Taken medicine without relief Itchy rash in armpit, spreading to body. Oozing yellow liquid. Treatment? Blister on palms, red dots, peeling skin, itchy. How to get rid of them? Ultrasound shows cholelithiasis. Elevated liver enzymes. Worried about liver Pain under ribs, bloating, acidity. Cause? Pain under rib cage, happens after eating Child has allergic cough. Prescribed Exiplon syrup. Help Nausea when trying to eat. How to overcome this problem? Pregnant. Lower back pain, green discharge. Could it be mucus plug? Prescribed DoCresar for BP. Have giddiness. Side effects? Pain, dark spotting after taking Ovymesen. Cause? Vaginal itching, soreness, dryness, tenderness. Not sexually active. Yeast infection? Have strep throat, cough, body pain, abdominal pain, breathlessness. Taken Azithral and Augmentin Done surgery for broken spine. How long is the recuperation? MRI shows paracentral protrusion indenting thecal sac. Meaning? Dry eyelids and under eye area. Itchy corner of eyes, discharge from eyes Sore throat, pain on coughing, yawning, red spots on roof of mouth. Treatment? Taken Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Abdominal pain, bleeding. When can I get pregnant next? Face feels hot when stressed, redness, pressure in head, blurred vision. Reason? Bleeding after taking ipill. No periods now Unprotected sex, delayed periods. Taken postinor-2 contraceptive, mild cramps. Cause of worry? Itching bumps on thigh after using cellulite lotion Skin infection on foreskin and glans of penis, oozing pus. Using anti-fungal cream. Suggestions? Delayed periods, swollen breasts, back pain. Negative pregnancy tests. Chances of pregnancy? Lumps in hand, increasing in number. How to get rid of it? Have chronic hypothyroidism. Prescribed thyroxine. Have pluffy skin. What to do now? Hair loss, visible scalp. Have ovarian cysts, high testosterone. Will hair grow back normally after treatment? Blood test shows high WBC count. Feeling tired, easily bruising, weight loss Increased heartbeat, nausea. Predisposed to heart disease. Cause? Temporal pain, bulging vein, numbness in face. Taken Percocet and Advil Blood test shows high triglyceride level. Family history of diabetes Head injury, bleeding from ears and nose. Taken Strugeron. How long to be cured? Tanning and redness on face after using acne medicine. Suggestions? Does gingseng have any side effects? Want to increase penis size Vomiting after getting stung. Redness, swelling, soreness. Cause of vomiting? Have curved penis, erection problem. Taken Unani and Ayurvedic treatment. Need solution Mid-cycle spotting. Taking Yaz. Have protected sex Reddish bumps on butt cheeks. Herpes? Child had vomiting, stomach and chest pain. Due to pesticide exposure? Have bony lump at costochondral junction. Painless. Worried about tumor Whitish pink bumps on forearms, knees, thighs, neck. Applied cortisone. Due to flu? Follicle in ovary. Ovarian mass in the trasvaginal and transabdominal scan. What is the problem? Numbness in hand, painful cramps. Worried about arthritis or nerve problems Feeling tired. Prescribed Phisiotens for high BP. Will I have to take medicine long-term? Prolonged periods cycle, pain in uterus, pain on masturbating. History of irregular periods. Cause of worry? Chest pain after running. Normal cardiovascular tests. How to cure this? Swollen stomach. Done hysterectomy, prolapse and bladder repair. Blood test needed? Semen analysis shows total count as 40 million, active motile at 30%, no motile at 60%. Am I fertile? On treatment for Uveitis since 3 years. How long will it take to cure permanently? Wet dreams at night and early in the morning, exercising regularly. Treatment options? Hair appears on the second finger even after shaving constantly. How to get permanently rid of it? Sharp pain on the thumb after a blood draw. Nerve damage? Head injury, hit behind head, blurred vision, loss of sleep. Head trauma? Have throat infection. Taking r-cinex. What should be the dosage? Pain in the hip after falling. Numbness on the right leg. Need to take x-ray? Infant with fever and cough. On clarythromycin syrup. Loss of appetite and constipation. Remedy? Itching on the neck, back, arms and legs. Suffered lice infestation. Cure? Had dizziness, lost feeling in legs, tremors, nervous breakdown. Lost job, had miscarriage. Suggestions? Changing positions of the fetus in early pregnancy. Chances of twins? Burning in the anus during bowel movements. No hemorrhoids. Could this be a fissure or acidity? Chronic back pain with stomach growling. Diagnosed with cyst. Is there a chance that it changed the position? Lump with ingrown hair on the back of the neck. Should be worried? Fluttery bubble feeling on the lower legs. Stopped taking cholesterol lowering drugs. Would that be the reason? Pressure and pain in the anus and scrotum. Stones in urine. Kidney stones? Lump near the vagina. Pain while sitting and standing. Vaginal discharge. What is happening? Choking and skin irritation due to exposure to chemicals. What to do? Stopped medication for thyroid cancer. Feeling tired, exhausted. Head paining, soft, tender. Medical care required? Pus filled swelling on the head after being bitten by something. No hair growth in the area. Anything to do? Itching between the fingers after getting a tetanus shot. Swollen blister. What to do? What are the symptoms of piles? Family history of hemorrhoids. Any precautions to be taken? Pain in the forehead and head after being hit. Face feels heavy. Is it serious? 33 year old taking glyciphage for diabetes. Pus cells and albumin in urine report. On thyronorm for hypothyroidism. Kidney damage? Diagnosed with clot in brain. Unconscious. Position very critical. Suggestions? 5 year old with flu symptoms and fever, vomiting. Pain in the head. Is there a remedy? Suffering from depression. Bleeding moles. Should I be concerned? Child born with gastroschisis. Pain in the stomach, fever. Need immediate attention? Is it safe to take morning after pill frequently? Feeling nervous, anxiety attacks after getting cortisone injection. Elevated blood pressure Burning and soreness in the vagina after intercourse. Itching and redness. Yeast infection? 2 year old with pain in the head and eye. Have cough. Need to take her to hospital? Pain in the mouth, headache. What to do? Pain in the testicles, swollen vein. Back pain. Any idea what it is? Skin tag close to rectum, painful, went back to FU, used polysporin. What will relieve pain? Pain in knee, throbs. Take synvisc shot? Suggest? Have PCOS, heavy bleeding. Undergo RASPA? Testicle has sharp pain, had oral sex, used saliva and olive oil to lubricate. Why can I not ejaculate? Had gall bladder removed, bile duct narrow, pain in breast bone, spasms, nauseated. Reason? ESR rate high, low platelet count, mild dry cough. On azithral. Sufficient? Sores on face, has white seed, turn into scabs. Is it herpes or milia? Has occasional cough and cold, night sweats after fever, turns pale, enlarged tonsils. Is it allergic asthma? Early period, light, pink. Not on birth control. Reason? Explain? Had a concussion after a hit, have headaches, neck pain, dizziness, sensitive to light. Why? Severe pain in the fingers and wrist after an injury. Pain is radiating to shoulder. Swelling and bruising on the wrist. Any suggestions? Slight weight gain, acne outbreak, carving for sweet. Sign of hormonal imbalance? How to control? Suffering from pneumonia, x-ray shows cloudiness, pain in chest. Medication for complete treatment? Pressure around the ribs. Need to get kidneys checked? Severe hair loss, overweight Injured shoulder, tender, sharp pain. Prescribed inflammatory, steroid. Not much improvement. Cure? Sexually active, periods delayed. Have stomach pain, vomiting. Can she be pregnant? Child with pain in the neck and shoulders. Chances of scoliosis? Is it possible? Need information on penile reconstruction. Had a circumcision 16 year old with pain in the lower abdomen and cramps. Losing weight. What is the reason? On potassium supplement. Have muscular seizures with chest spasms. What would be causing it? Pea sized lump below belly button, pain on touching, red ring circling it. Treatment options? Severe bruising on the arm and thigh after an accident. Body aches with chills. No fever. Are these related to the wounds? Used cannabis for pregnancy nausea. Will it affect the baby? Suffering from hepatitis C. Have constipation due to taking medication for bipolar disease. Severe stomach cramps. What is the treatment? Pregnant with hypertension. High BP at the hospital. How can I calm myself during the hospital visits? Feeling severely cold at night. Is this normal? Chronic migraines, acne. Diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. Are these related to neurological disease? Infant with flu, nose bleed. Is this dangerous? Need to go to emergency? Pain and tingling while urination. Mild vaginal bleeding while urination. Difficulty in urination. What is causing these? Tingling in the penis after unprotected sex. Pain in the lower abdomen. Any suggestions? Pain in the eye, ear and head after head being hit. No brain damage. Difficulty in talking and walking. Should I be worried? Lower abdominal pain, pressure on coughing, sneezing, sex. Intense rectal pain like lightning bolt. Treatment? Rigid saphenous vein. Knot near the quadriceps. No inflammation and pain. So what else could be the reason? Swollen tonsils, white dots on the uvula. What is the treatment? Rejected for M6 ADR due to severe stenosis, degenerative disc disease. Other options are Kelowna BC Fusion, plate Atlantis by Medtronic. Opinion? Small child, high fever, sneezing, nosebleeds. Taking calpol, neurofen. Treatment options? Itching on hands and legs in the morning, at night, increases after bath. Taken cetirizine. Cure? Red ring around penis tip, pain after ejaculating, pustules on penis head. History of thrush. Suggestions? Dizziness, itchy wrists, legs, blisters on lips. Taking prednisone for sinus infection. Treatment? Heart burn, excessive gas build up, frequent burping, nausea, gagging. Cause of worry? Red blood in bowel movements, cramping, bloating, immense pain above navel. Tips to improve immunity? Suffering with Bipolar disorder. What is the effective remedy? Red burning rash on side neck, flared up, reoccurring. Permanent treatment? Stomach bloating, frequent urination, food cravings, hot flashes. On depo shot. Pregnancy possible? Back pain in lower back area and spine, chronic condition, frequent urination. Suggestions? Delayed periods, experiencing early pregnancy symptoms. Negative pregnancy test. Pregnant? Non-healing wound, consistent healing post mass removal surgery at ventral side of penis. Control measures? Soreness, pain on base of mons pubis while sitting, walking, shave regularly. What is it? Pregnant. Any harm to unborn child with mirena? Tiredness, depression, low BP. Taking medication for atrial flutter, tachycardia. Heart ablations done. Related symptoms? Severe reactions after eating Carribbean Lobster. Eaten all kinds of shellfish. Possible reason? Feet severely burned. Redness, swelling on skin that didn't burned. Is it normal? Medication? GPT(ALT), uric acid high. Reason for increasing level? How to control it? Vomiting on eating, tingling pain in armpits on left side. Due to gall bladder? Soft lump on elbow. Popped it, drained liquid, hard lump leaking clear fluid, hole formed. Treatment? Diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. History of seizures,had taken anti-convulsion medicines. Should the history be revealed to the doctor? Consistently low WBC, RBC, low ferritin, HB, suffer with IBS, post nasal drip, Raynaud's. Advised iron transfusion, endoscopy. Opinion? Child has bump on temple, purple and swollen after a fall, speed is fine. What should be done? Fingered vagina with sperm on hands, cramps in uterus, nausea. Taken morning after pill. Chances of pregnancy? Sharp pain near belly button, pain on standing, moving around. History of ovarian cysts. Causes? Have Migraines, using Verapamil ER 180. Will this cause heart issues? Neck pain, fever. Has mucous in the back of throat. On acetaminophen. Suggestions? Swollen, itchy, painful bumps on skin, hot to touch, present on foot, fingers, buttocks. Treatment? Fell down stairs, landed on feet, neck pain, numbness, sore back and shoulders. Emergency? Small child, rough indented toe nails, premature birth. Medical attention required? Child having loss of energy, pussy blood blister on the bottom of foot exactly same as the one on the other foot. Cause? Painful dry socket in mouth, bitter taste. Tooth with old filling extracted. Treatment options? Not able to hear due to water getting into the ear. Brownish discharge from the ear. Need to go to the doctor? Throat congestion, soreness, raised bumps on the tongue. Suffered from UTIs and yeast infections. Need to be worried about the throat lumps? Diabetic, had a fall, flesh scar seems to be healed. X-ray showed no healing, have numbness, hardens on gentle exercises. Normal? Swollen gland in groin, night sweats, itching on stomach, thighs. Due to excessive radiation exposure? Nausea on moving around, no vomiting, might be ear infection. Causes and treatment? Constant swooshing sound in left ear. Taken antibiotics for sinus infection. Treatment? Body ache, headache and fatigue. Sleeplessness with depression. Causes? Had unprotected sex. Having swollen glands in the neck, sore throat, pain in pelvis, foul smell during urination. Not STD. What could it be? Infection in the nose, sinus problems. Prescribed with bactrim. Does this medication cause the birth control failure? Loss of appetite, stomach pain while sneezing, nausea. Reason? Pain and bruise near the rib. Have anxiety. Should I be worried? Swollen tonsils with cuts on them. What is this? Sore throat, white coating on tongue, intermittent tingling. Diagnosed with stenosis, neuralgia, B12 deficiency. Suggestions? Delayed periods, nausea, cramps, brown vaginal discharge, unprotected sex. Menopause or pregnancy? Bruise in the buttock, pains only while walking. Fracture? Have asthma, heart palpitations. Had black out suddenly and BP was 170/85. Suggestions? Small child, fever, small red bump on soft palate in throat. Medical emergency? Sexually active, take organic birth control pills, have missed periods successively. Normal? Pregnant, have severe tummy pain with cramping, chlamydia test negative. What should be done? Child with twisted foot and swelling. Severe bruising. Is it a normal healing process? Taking Puerarai Mirifica. Heavy periods. Is this a side effect? Pounding heart unexpectedly, shivering hands. Due to too much sugar? Pain in the shoulder. Difficult to lift things, pain while breathing. What to do? Severe heart burn after eating. Not responding to antacids. Back pain. Chances of cancer? Sore soft lump above the rib cage. Family history of cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Sore muscles on the neck and back Persisting pain under the rib cage. Have smoking addiction. Could this be food related? Diagnosed with DDD, have immense pain, issues with focus, blood flow, arm pain, pounding in heart. Suggestion? Sore inner labia. Normal STD report. Have HSV-1 from birth. Is the sore related to it? Infant with pneumonia, bronchitis and strepcoc A poisoning. Had cardiac arrests. Developed hard inflamed nodules on the hands. Juvenile RA? Shaking, sweating, dizziness, arm numbness, pulsing sensation. Taking lisinopril for BP. Causes? History of cervical cancer, had spotting followed by blood clots. Recurrence? Suffering from anxiety, foggy head and erectile dysfunction. Taking Testosterone injection. Reason for these symptoms? Excessive tiredness. Urine dip test shows infection, lab results clear. Do I have infection? Bump under the collar bone, given steroids. History of injured arm, joint inflamed. Is it a Lymph node? Small child, excessive wet farting, clear liquid from anus. Medical attention required? Had Subluxation of right shoulder. MRI shows Ligament tear, suggested for operation. Will taking rest cure this?b Moved coil when having sex, trimmed and put it back. Pregnancy test negative. Suggestion? Trying to conceive. No periods. Negative pregnancy tests. Pelvic ultrasound scheduled. How to get periods? Pain in the back and neck. Could this be due to tobacco use? Diagnosed with vertical diplopia after a sports injury. Low BP. Took Dolobid. Is it safe to take? Cyst on the leg in the ultrasound. Taking presidione. Persisting stiffness in the knee. Any medication? Suffering from stomach ache and severe bloating. Feel light headed and dizziness. Cause for these symptoms? Ovarian pain, nausea and dizziness after taking clomid. Reason? Skin rashes in winters. Have mild asthma and allergies. Could this be pitiriasis liquenoide? Treatment? Itching and burning on the penile foreskin. Tried lobate. Infection? Recurrent stomach pain, fever, giddiness while standing and nausea. Weight loss. What is the cause for this? Suspected to be given Nyquil. Can the drug be detected by any test? Itchy vagina with white discharge. Cloudy urine. Why? Suffering from PCOS, sharp pain in naval and lower back. Delayed periods. Am I pregnant? Red spots on back, legs, palms, stomach heat, itching. Treatment options? Had unprotected sex. Had light bleeding during periods. Reason? Abdominal pain, blood in saliva. No blood in teeth, gums, nose. Drink occassionally. What could it be? Bumps on the rim of the eyelid. Reappears in one eye after the other. Solution? Large, raised bumps on the sacrum due to overexposure to tanning bed. See the doctor? 47 yr old, trying to concieve. Having no periods, but having fibroids. Suggestions? Was treated for blood clots in leg, lungs. Given IV. Having swollen veins in the wrist, lump in the arm. Suggestions? Radiating pain in the arm, weakness, right shoulder difficult to lift, move. No help with anti-inflammatory tablets. Cause? Loss of hearing due to ear drums collapse. Pain in the neck, side of head fuzzy. Lumps in the armpit, groin. Opinion? Protected sex, condom failure. On implanon implant. Morning after pill necessary to prevent pregnancy? Small rashes on upper arm, look like ringworm, skin coloured, scars like sun spot. Treatment options? IVC filter placed in the abdomen after brain injuey. Having pain in the abdomen. See the doctor? Worried about bowel obstructions, unable to pass stools without laxative use. Treatment options? Sexual intercourse, bleeding during sex, delayed periods, white discharge. Negative pregnancy tests. Causes for symptoms? Itching, irritation in vagina, stinging, bleeding on urinating. Swab test scheduled. Causes? Discomfort in abdomen, pain during intercourse, severe pain in tail bone, nausea. Causes for symptoms? Have total colectomy and rectal anatomosis and splenectomise. Given Pencilinfor missing spleen. Is sweats normal part of recovery? Experienced cramps and felt like water running out of the body. Had light blood discharge. Suggestion? Minor stroke, pain and numbness in left arm and leg, bruising in inner thighs. Taking coversyl plus. Cure? Brother remembers previous birth. Can foresee incidents, most of the times right. Unable to study, work. Solution? Paralysis attack on right side, plaque in head, unable to urinate. Suggestions? Diagnosed with avascular necrosis. Had decompression surgery. Symptoms recurred. Need total hip replacement? Small child, ear, chest infection, difficulty walking, slurred speech. Lumbar puncture, CT scan normal. Treatment? Diagnosed with low sperm count, taking Addyzoa, have fathered a child earlier. What could be causing this? Had Thyroid removal surgery. Taking Thyronorm, TSH level is high. Right medicine to bring it down? Positive pregnancy test after taking regesterone, advised abortion to avoid complications. Opinion? Slight fever, sore throat, intermittent headaches after unprotected sex. Could this be due to oral sex? Constant sciatica due to trapped nerve, bruising on back of knee, been doing stretching since weeks. Could that be a cause? Overweight, don't eat much, no thyroid. Any natural way to reduce it? On birth control patch. Feeling tired, headache, smelly discharge, bloated. Should I be concerned? Red bump under belly button piercing. What is it? How to get rid of it? Trying to conceive, missed periods, HPT negative. Started provera. Movements in stomach, white liquid from breast. Reason? Sinus infection, diarrhea, lower back pain, cold sweats, dizziness. Medical care required? Non-itchy skin color bumps on tummy since childhood. Is it due to some reaction? Single mother, always remain depressed, no interest in anything. How to come out of depression? Suffering from throbing pain in left shoulder after boot camp, GERD, hiatus hernia. Taking medication. No relief with antibiotics for bad cough, hurts on breathing, feels lungs about to burst. Cure? Have had kidney transplant, off prednisone, period late and slow. See a doctor? Sore throat, threw up, mild headache, swallowing hurts. Help? Dry dace, lip, chin, taking cetaphil, vaseline. What is wrong? Had an allergic reaction to sea food, swollen lips, red eyes, changed voice, vomiting, drowsiness. Help? Had negative angiogram, chest tightness, chest pain and spasms with fatigue. Artierial spasms? Bruised feeling in toe, ball like feeling, painful. Help? Have leukorrhea after removal of private hair. Is that normal? Can I contract hepatitis B with no actual sexual activity? Why do I have headache and joint pain? Been suffering from acne, black heads. Tried reducing creams. What can help? Have ear whooshing, feeling lightheaded, chronic tinnitus, problems with balance. Why? Baby not passing motion regularly, passes after putting ducolax. Same problem after starting cerelac? On Ortho777. Missed periods. Having pain in the left side of abdomen due to ovarian cyst. On medicines for hypothyroidism. See the doctor immediately? Medicines to increase the size of the penis? Had bleeding two days after the pelvic exam. Tender breasts, dullpain in abdomen, back pain. Suggestions? White spot on the nipple. What could it be? Bleeding after sex every time. Been intoxicated. Does that make any difference? Recovering from influenza, had stomach virus, throwing up and head spins. Can I get a shot of flu now? Fever, chills and burning sensation while urinating, pus cells increased in number, trace of albumin. Meaning? Headache and dizziness with stomach pain, threw up. What does it sound like? Have sinus infection, headaches and fever. What can I do about the infection? Worry? Was sick with flu, lump in throat sensation, hurts to swallow. Is it tonsillitis? Baby has loose bowels continuously, vaccines for rotavirus, stool examination showed mucus. What can we do? Pimples, black scars on face, skin darkening. Treatment for skin problems? Acne, unwanted hair growth, male pattern baldness. Prescribed pregnistar. History of PCOS. Suggestions? Pain in testis. On clavam, hetrazon, drego D. Is it Filarasisis? Normal to find blood after a stool? Is it a cut? Excessive nervousness, anxiety, nausea before going to school or parties. Causes for symptoms? Had lorazepam, went parasailing, experienced disorientation. What is wrong? Blocked nose, difficulty breathing. Using otrivin nasal spray, no relief. Cure? Reddish purple bruising on back, pain in the middle and lower back. Treatment? Had car accident. Was on aspirin twice a day. Asked to stop taking birth control pills since they would cause clots. Have bad blood clots. Solution? Red marks on penis foreskin, white crust formation, erectile dysfunction. Suggest remedy? Used chemical peel on face. Having dark pigmentation under the lips. Solution? Had abdominal pain for a minute during 22 weeks of pregnancy. Baby movements not as usual. See the gynaecologist? Increased hair fall, large clumps of hair in comb. Causes for hair fall? Bump under penis. Usually white, but turns pink after masturbation. itching. What could it be? Dizzy, headache, pain in ears after being hit. See the doctor if pain worsens? Red, itchy rash on arms, legs, hands, looks like contact dermatitis. Cure for rashes? Red spots all over legs, recurring condition, no shaving or waxing in area. Cure? Have habit of holding urine for long periods. Having bladder infection, blisters around the vagina. Hurts when touched, bleeds slightly. Suggestions? Popping sensation in ribs, pain on breathing, pain radiating to left arm. Due to fibromyalgia? Suffering from heart disease, on water tablets, excessive weight loss, stomach hard, swollen. Possible reason? Feeling of something stuck in throat, gets severe on lying down. History of LPR. Treatment? Multiple large fibro adenoma in breast. Uncomfortable, painful. Is there any kind of ablation therapy? Potatoes, bread, gets stuck in throat while eating. Loose voice suddenly while talking. How to rectify? E.coli on skin, lesion formed, no infection. Taking antibiotics. Surgery required for removal? Large bruise on hip, severe menstrual cramps after falling from steps. Muscle sprain? Bleeding after sex, metallic taste in mouth, white discharge, abdominal cramps. Pregnant? 6 weeks pregnant, spotting blood. Taken primolut-n tablets. Will they cause miscarriage? Back pain near spine, radiating to base of skull, pulsing sensation. Taking lantis for diabetes. Cure? Difficulty swallowing, swollen neck, loss of hair in eyebrows. Thyroid condition? Abdomen uncomfortably bloated, have bronchitis, have flu. Taken azithromyacin. Next? Skin rash. Maybe Rosacea, acne, dermatitis. Should I worry about HIV? Prolonged sex, penis developed sore, blotchy now. What is it? Placenta touching the internal OS, had bleeding, on shelcal HD and Feronia. Will I have a normal delivery? Loss of appetite, severe weight loss, no libido or energy. Causes for symptoms? Pain in neck, sore throat. Had excessive sex with a number of partners. Window period of HIV? Have had abdominal pain. Stopped during pregnancy. Why? Chronic infection, itching, painful crack in ear, fail to swallow. Reason? Had the implanon inserted, started to bleed, foul odor, bleeding a lot, ovarian cysts. Help? Bad appetite, low weight, inability to eat spice, on synthetic analogue steroids and ayurvedic medication. Help? Took TUMS, had indigestion, lower lip tingled, swelling, took Benadryl. What is it? Is my semen analysis report normal with pus cells, count and viability rate? Unprotected sex, light brown bleeding, pregnancy symptoms. Onset of periods or pregnancy? On clostil for pregnancy, have follicles on ovary, had ectopic pregnancy, fallopian tube cut. Chances? Brain tuberculoma, glucoma and blood sugar. On Glycerol, R-Cinex, Claribid. What medication is better? Chron's disease, passed gelatinous substance, pieces of meat in it. Treatment? Masturbation addiction, unable to control urges. Will it cause memory loss? Psoriasis on nose, cheeks. Using calcitiriol cream with cyclosporine and jucan, scaly peeling skin. Suggestions? Neck and shoulder pain, extends to backbone, neck and head shaking in rhythm. Treatment? Placenta low lying, reaching OS. How to improve conditions? Dark skin in vaginal area, infection in vagina, burning on urination. Treatment? Came off depo, on TTC, been bleeding around ovulation. Is that normal? Cold, chills, back pain, shivering. Taking diazepam, ibuprofen, omeprazole. Cure for symptoms? Nose hit, bleeding, got glue on it with syringe, took amoxicillin. Next? Pneumonia in lungs, kidney failure, sedated, not responsive, diabetic. Prognosis? Protected sex, condom failure. Taken morning after pill. Chances of pregnancy? Menopausal, pelvic pain, difficulty walking, pain on sitting, standing. Causes? Had unprotected sex, got flu, HIV tests negative. Window period? Taking antacid tablets. Sensation of blockage in food pipe. What is it? Menopausal, had vertigo, constant state on imbalance, can hear my heartbeat. Am I okay? Knee joint pain, bilateral degenerative changes seen patello femoral and tibia femoral joint. Meaning? Disturbed sleeping pattern, wake up several times, exhaustion, numbness in vagina. Menopause? Severe abdominal pain during period, fainted, on Metfal, non effective. Help? Had ovaries removed due to migraine. Any alternative to Mirena coil? Shoulder injury. Neck pain. Could I still be healing? Pregnant. Done ultrasound. Spotting, abdominal pain. Prescribed Fertigyn. Normal? History of brain aneurysm. Pain in face and chest. What is it? Skin pigmentation on face, no pigmentation on rest of the body. Which skin whitening cream will help? Taking Concor for heart palpitations. ECG shows irregular heartbeat. Is chest pain normal? Semen analysis showed oligoasthenospermia. What is the problem? Small child having cold, cough, chest infection. Taking augmentin, t-minc. Cure? Taken ipill after having sex. Brown discharge, no period. Pregnancy? Feeling bulge in abdomen while exercising, abdominal pain. What can be done? Taken Postinor 2 after partially unprotected sex. Am I safe? Red spots near bikini line, on breasts, stomach, flaking skin. STD symptoms? Severed radial artery in accident. Have circulation problems. Should plate in arm be removed? Bumps on body, hard, itching. No relief after changing soap How can I change skin tone in under arm and upper thighs? Masturbation addiction, premature ejaculation, small penis size, unable to have sex. Suggestions? Hole in gums, soreness. History of Mano. What is it? Cramping, brown discharge after PAP smear. Why did this happen? Have chest pain. Relieved by coro-nitro spray. What is going on? Irregular menstruation, negative pregnancy test. Blood and white substance in urine. Am I sick? Rashes on neck and eyelids, painful, itchy. Further help? Pain during intercourse. What could be the reason? Have hypogonadism. Prescribed testosterone. Have small penis and testis. Future health problems? Grade two prostrate enlargement, uneasiness during urination. Taking medication for BP, diabetes. Cure? Diagnosed with mild COPD, bad cold, severe back pain, chest phlegm, pain and breathlessness with palpitations. Why? Have generalized pruritus. Have boils, itching. History of taking Zaditen Dark circles under eyes, excessive computer usage. Using cucumber, still visible. Cure? Had wisdom tooth removed. Excessive saliva. Had gum stitches removed. Worried Had irregular periods. Done hormone tests. Meaning of low progesterone level? Had UTI after gall bladder surgery. Done urine test. How serious is this? Pain in leg, difficulty walking. Taken paracetamol, placed hot water bottle Child has cough with green-yellow mucus. Gargling with food soda. Should a nebulizer be used? Taking Efetron and Raciper for knee problem. Is Vizylac enough for stomach acidity? Pain under ribs, abdominal pain, bulge below rib cage Taking Nexito for anxiety. Want to confirm if Valproate is safe Done total knee replacement surgery. Difficulty walking initially, knee pain Child has cough, nose bleed, red rash behind ears, swollen neck. Does he need anything? Bruising and lump in leg after injury, pain, swelling near knee, warm to touch. Should I be concerned? Frustration, difficulty controlling anger. What should I do? Taken medicine for high prolactin level. Had miscarriage. Now taking folic acid. Next step? Done follicular study. Taken HMG-150 injection. Will she ovulate normally? 36 weeks pregnant, braxton hicks. Urine shows traces of glucose. Normal symptoms? Child has fever, dark and foul-smelling urine. Prescribed trimethoprim. Have Down syndrome Red horse shoe shaped mark on right hand, dull pain, not a rash. Causes? Noticeable vaginal odour, sexually active. Partner smokes meth amphetamines. Causes for symptoms? Have thyroid problem. Ultrasound shows goitre. Is surgery required? Diagnosed with Hepatitis B. Want to gain weight, have premature ejaculation Done tubal ligation. Breast tenderness, heaviness, constant urination, nausea. Pregnant? Had removal of urinary bladder stone and BPH. Now developed stricture. How safe is uroplasty? Running nose, chest phlegm. Taken medicine. Normal blood test. What is the condition of my lungs? Have irregular periods. Prescribed Daflon. Can I take this medicine? Undergoing IVF. Will I succeed in this cycle? Itching in inner thigh, red spots, itching. Now peeling, dryness, bleeding. What is this? Taken postinor pill twice. Have abdominal pain, bleeding, gas, weight loss Undergoing chemotherapy for bowel cancer. Have diarrhea. What can I do? Taking Tetralysal. Feeling of obstruction in chest, burping, difficulty breathing. Should I go to the doctor? Taking folic acid. Green-yellow discharge, strange odor, irregular menstruation. Help Had sex after stopping depo shot. Stomach pain, vomiting. What is wrong? Done IUI and IVF. Have blocked tube and fibroid spills. Done HSG test. Can block be removed by Ayurveda? Pregnant. Taken MTP kit tablet. No bleeding. What can we do? Suffering from vertigo. Taken APo- prochlorperazine, headaches, dizziness. Cure for symptoms? Child has black tongue, excessive salivation. Earlier had ear infection Have vaginal itching. No sexual contact, no discharge or smell. Used Dermaide. Hormonal problem? Have borderline Hepatitis C. How can it be converted to negative? Have type 2 diabetes. Taking insulin and metformin. Have weight gain and sleepiness. How do I tackle this? Had heart attack. Ash colored skin, blue lips, chest pain. How long to survive without medical help? Flowing nose, sneezing. Taking LCZ tablet. Does medicine cause weight gain? Have belly button discharge. Taken antibiotics. How do I get rid of this? History of UTI and POT syndrome. Stomach pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea. Using marijuana Abnormal periods after getting tubes tied. Why is period lasting so long? Pregnant. Rash on hands, itching. Applied antifungal cream. Any help? Have bilirubin problem. Can I use Ursocol? Semen analysis shows abnormality of morphology. Can pregnancy happen? Stomach pain, abnormal period. Negative pregnancy test. Taken Meftal spas. Now brown discharge Had chlamydia. Irritated skin around vagina. What is going on? Child has tooth pain after dental work. Lump on gums. What could this be? Blood clots in period, nausea, abdominal pain, labored breathing Feeling of gas bubble in abdomen, painful during intercourse. Cause? Abdominal pain. Normal ultrasound. Had tubes tied. Is it ectopic pregnancy? Suffering with eosinophilia. What is the treatment? Chronic diarrhea, loose stools, gas formation after eating, weight loss. Taken amoxicillin. Cure? CT scan for CECT thorax shows obstructing lesion, metastasis to lungs. Next step? Delayed periods cycle. HCG test negative for pregnancy. Causes for delay? Sore throat, tingling sensation, red circles on roof of mouth. Cause of worry? Pain in hand due to exercising, thumb popping out. Normal? Is it okay to take the final dose of Rabipur earlier than usual? History of RT joint injury. Taken prednisone. How can it be treated? Chest injury. Pain, hyperventilating, numbness. Should I be worried? Can turmeric speed up the dissolution of clotted blood in a perianal hematoma? Seeing bright lights near peripheral vision. Diagnosed as palinopsia. Which specialist to visit? Have pain after orgasm. Burning urination. Negative urine culture. Can you help? Prescribed Glucophage for irregular periods due to PCOD. Nausea, breast tenderness. What can it be? Have abnormal ECG. Normal Echo and ultrasound. Have high heartbeat. Do I need to worry? AST and AlT high, exercising, very few drinks. How can I drive back to normal? Itching sensation near penis, stinging between thigh and testicle, pimples. Treatment options? Been having heart palpitations, stressed, tingling down the arms, shortness of breath. Will it leave? Pregnant, baby kicked stomach internally, vomiting, discharge from ears. Due to sinus infection? Noticed bulging while sex called EMS, pregnant, labia majora engorged. What is it? Had glucose tolerance test, triglyceride level, sugar level seem distorted. Start anti diabetic medicines? Swollen thighs, hot to touch, recurring chronic condition. Causes? Animal bite, got abrasion, washed with a soap, anti tetanus given, antirabies given, bled after days. Help? Had a heart attack, showed blockages, had a triple bypass previously. Can nothing fix this? Been having ear pain, lot of flakes and wax, got it out, white spots on ear drums. Am I okay? Had procedure done for cervical ectropion, severe cramping, red blood and clotting. Why? Several episodes of unprotected sex, delayed periods. Taken unwanted-72. Chances of pregnancy? Suffering from migraines. Prescribed topamax, no relief. Treatment options? Small child, cold, cough, chest congestion. Taking cough syrup, using nebulizer. Treatment? Dark red spot on old tooth after having teeth removed. Is it blood clot? What can be done? Suffering from chronic calcific pancreatic duct calculus, suggested ESWL treatment. Possible? Phlegm in vocal cords, have bronchitis, hoarse voice, on cough medicine and allergy pill. What can I do? Small child having seizures. Prescribed ranitidine, sodium chloride, dextrose injection. Safe to give? Diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis after a quadruple by pass, on amioderin. Why dry cough? Lumps on anus, painful, pus filled. What is wrong? Pregnancy history of thyroid disorders, hair fall, loss of weight, pain in the eye. Why? Help? Suffer from pain and trotts after food, have a camera procedure, problem digesting food, loss of weight. Amounts to? Hook Worm? Delayed periods, pregnant, wants abortion. Can mifegest kit be used? Periods delayed, light pink bleeding again after periods, tubes clamped. Any chances of pregnancy? Burning sensation in vagina, swelling on the outer left side, herpes. Causes for symptoms? Back injury, pain in left upper back, shooting down to elbow. Taking ibuprofen. Cure? Red itchy rash after laser treatment for cherry angiomas. Medication for getting relief? Swollen, bleeding growth removed from scalp. Used silver nitrate to stop bleeding. Malignant lump? Heart beat fast, chances of mitral valve prolapse, advised to cut back coffee. Concerned? Sexually active, paragard inserted. Bumps, itching, smell from vagina after intercourse. Reason? Takes time for complete bowel, stomach pain and urge for passing motion arises again. Remedy? Missed periods. Pregnancy test negative. On birth control, took antibiotics for kidney infection. Possible reason? Child suffering from chronic hives outbreak, on antihistamines, no allergies. Permanent treatment? Greenish yellow patches on breast. Caused due to rough actions during intercourse, sign of breast cancer? Suffering from genital warts, tired, dizziness, headaches, family history of cervical cancer. Possible cause, treatment? Burning pain, numbness after doing EMG on hands. Any damage to nerves? Headaches, knots above ear, swollen lymph nodes. Treatment for symptoms? Head injury near eye brow, swollen lump, headache, pain behind right eye. Medical attention needed? Diabetic, regular bladder infections, kidney removed. Cause for UTIs? Small child, suffering from fever. Taking imol, red rashes on skin, loose green stools. Correct medication? On depo, anti-anxiety medicines, breasts continue being huge and tender even after periods, have discharge in nickers. Any ideas? Severe dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia. Had endometritis and other symptoms. Advised uterus removal, no children. Any options? High fasting blood sugar, swollen legs, pain. On insulin. Bypass surgery done. Suggestions? Diabetic, on glucored, insulin, humalog, amaryl, gained weight. Can they cause erectile dysfunction? Haven't had sex, sore penis skin, wrinkled. Is it warts, bacterial? On HRT, had complete hysterectomy, had palpitations, cough, breathlessness, racing heart. What is wrong? Areas on hand remain red, itchy and turn to scabs, itchy. What is wrong? Wants to pre-pone periods, prevent pregnancy due to sexual contact. Which medications will help? Itchy anal hole, red and raised, no odor or fluid. What is it? Numbness in right foot due to twisted ankle, tingling and burning on walking. X-ray needed? Been off tramadol, frustrated, suicidal tendencies, violent, back and knees pain. Help? Lump behind left ear, pain on touching, dry skin on face, scalp, itchiness on chest. Cure? Quit smoking. Homeopathy? Helps solve cravings. Recommended? Delayed periods, tiredness, moodiness, heart burn, cramps. Negative pregnancy tests. Serious symptoms? Rash on scrotum, brown spots, redness, swelling, not sexually active. Cause of worry? Had laproscopy operation for fibroid, no period. On cyclenorm E. Now? Cut on thumb, red streaks going from thumb to arm. Prescribed cefadroxil. Medical emergency? Severe stomach pain, headache. Taken cyclopalm, digene, crocin. Permanent cure? Legs feeling hot at night, stiffness and pain. What is the reason?i Sickness in stomach, weak bladder, vomiting, severe headaches. What can help? Small child, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach bloating, no weight gain. Cure for symptoms? Difficulty in breathing and chest congestion after using an oxidizing spray. Sore lungs, cough. How to cure this? Heaviness in throat, reflex problems. Taking prilosec. Causes for symptoms? Pain in the throat with reddish spots. Throat congestion. On nexium. What is the reason? Heaviness, numbness in leg, right above knee, lump formation, tiny bruise on it. Causes? 8 weeks pregnant, bout of food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea with blood. Emergency condition? Unprotected sex, pull out method, frequent bowels, urination, pain in ovaries, white discharge. Pregnant? Sharp pain while urinating, defecating, burning sensation in pelvic area. D&C procedure done. Treatment? Severe back pain after straining. Reason? 15 year old having shortness of breath and increased heart rate and weight loss. Have smoking addiction. Need to see a doctor? Black lump on the arm with pus formation. What is this? Recurring yeast infection. Using monistat to treat it. Medication for complete cure? Delayed periods. On birth control. Nausea, abdominal pain and sweet craving. Pregnant? MRI of shoulder showed minimal fluid in the subacromial bursa, fluid in joint capsule. What is the meaning? Suffering from PCOS, irregular periods, kidney stones and UTIs. Gall bladder removal suggested. Are these related? Chronic diarrhea, stomach cramps. Taking Imodium. Remedy? Pregnant with nausea and severe vomiting. Is there anything to be done to reduce the vomiting.? Small child, red spots on buttocks, irritation in anus, vaginal itching. Applied double base cream. Cure? Diagnosed with achalasia, wants to try balloon stretching method to cure it. Effective method? On yasmine. Took pills after unprotected sex. Any chances of getting pregnant? What will happen if syringe with Dilauded is squirt down the throat? Child throwing up. Strep test done. No fever, eating good. What medication can be given? Itching near and under testicles, slight redness. Treatment options? Postpartum, have soreness and large opening to vagina due to improper stitching, severe discomfort in standing or sitting. What will help? Did ultrasound for shoulder pain. Tendon detachment. Given steroid injection. Need surgery? Viral fever, intense stomach ache, leg pain near joints. How long is it safe to give ibuprofen? Extreme Dizziness, taking medication for stress and depression. Cause for dizziness? Feeling Nauseas, tired and sensitive nipples, due for periods. Are these pregnancy symptoms? Bruised swollen ankle after a fall. Need an x-ray? Broken bone? Suffering from dry cough and chest pain. Extremely burping and unable to digest the food. Is it due to Romilstat tab? Tattooed on calf, have bumps leaving a scar. What can it be? Suffering from shortness of breath, flu and cold. ECG shows Nonspecific inferior ST, X-ray shows normal. Suggestion? What are Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress. Natural remedy? Been taking exforge, have swelling in throat, crushes airway, freezing effect, on steroids. Help? Light bleeding, white discharge, uncomfortable ovarian pain, heavy clotting. Am I having a miscarriage? Pain and stiffness in neck, cracking and popping, headaches, tiredness. What can I do? Smoking weed during pregnancy. What are the risks for the baby? Dull pain in the left pelvis, bloating, tiredness, frequent urination, frequent sickness, blisters in mouth, greasy stools. Reason? Cut leg while snowboarding. Had stitches. Stitches hurting, swelling, numbness around it. Matter of concern? Pain in testicle, small bump in sack. Anything to worry? Found pregnant after threesome. Boyfriend not willing to accept. Chances of child being his? Child suffers from painful cold hands, feet. Diagnosed with Raynauds. How to get relief? Trying to conceive, implanon removed. Absence of period, cramps, tender breast. Side effects of removal? Periods started. Pain, blood coming out during urination. Loads of blood on wiping. Possible cause? Pain in left wrist during movement. No visible damage. How to fix it? Toe purple and blue, swelling after surgery. Unable to wear shoes, hurts walking barefoot. Remedy? Have bipolar 1, took lithium, had goiters, on seroquel. What is wrong? Lump in arm pit during periods. Tests normal. Undergoing menupause, swelling continues. Reason? On depo, had unprotected sex. Had watery bleeding. Is it implantation bleeding? Am I pregnant? Anger problems, mood swings, smoking pot. Is he bipolar? How to correct it? Has Emphysema, cleared state of prostate cancer, wearing life vest, on breathing treatment. Situation sounds like? Have PCOS, using metformine, clomid, have light cramps, got positive ovulation. Meaning? Delayed periods, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, hot flashes. Causes for symptoms? Neck and back pain, one hip higher than the other. What can be done? Have had cold, cough, sense holes in lungs, pain in chest. Pain associated with? Bought plan B after ejaculation, urinated frequently, blood in tissue, vaginal pain. What is it? Trying to get pregnant, used clomid, positive pregnancy test, using progesterone cream. Okay to have cervical mucus? Pain in ovaries at the time of ovulation, lasts for few days. On mirena. Causes? Severe cold, fever, cough, bright yellow mucous in nose. Taking medicines. Yellow liquid , matter of concern? Had unprotected sex using withdrawal method. Missed periods. Chances of pregnancy? Gastritis, dizziness, nausea, stomach discomfort, headache. Taking medication for high BP. Cure? Sudden knee pain, swelling, pain on walking. MRI done, referred to orthopaedic specialist. Cancer? Stinging pains in the left hand when made a fist at side. No pain when put above the head. What could it be? Ultrasound shows fetal pole 9mm, gestational and yolk sac present but no heart beat. Explain? Severe headache, low fever, pricking eyes. Relapse of viral meningitis? Had bump on cheek. Recently became bigger, red, swollen, popped, released foul smelling pus. What could it be? Tonsils removed previously. Feeling of a bump in throat. No help with antibiotics. What could it be? Spasms in calf, pulsating sensation, tenderness, feeling light headed. Causes for symptoms? Flu, fever, nausea, high pulse rate. Taking tamiflu. Should I seek further medical attention? Red rash on stomach, chest, underarms. Suspecting syphilis. No other symptoms. Due to any underlying condition? Child having heart murmur, increased heart rate, pounding heart. Also, burps a lot. Linked to heart murmur? On Adderal for ADD. Poor apetite, anemic, tiredness, dizziness, poor vision, constant headaches. Reason? Flu, cough, pain under rib cage, might be a pulled muscle. Would tensor bandage help? Constant stomach ache. Tried milk free diet, controlled toileting. Problem persists. Suggestions? Having pain in the left kidney area after falling from stairs. Damage to kidney? Recovering from anorexia. Cannot stop binge eating. Gained 20 pounds in a week. Suggestions? Had mini heart attack with chest pain, cold sweats, numbness in left arm. Having stomach pain. What could be wrong? Tried shooting meth. Penis shrunk, masturbated , had intense orgasm. Tongue white, sore, frequent motions, metalic taste in mouth, loss of co-ordination. Suggestions? Having regular periods but experiencing early pregnancy symptoms. Suggestions? Child having green mucous discharge from ears. Does not speak, hears ok. Turners syndrome? Had colonoscopy, fissure confirmed. On medicines, some improvement. Sentinel pile itching. No help with medicines. Suggestions? Diagnosed with follilitus on scalp, severe headache, painful lump under the lesion. Recurring one after the other. Solution? Painful lump on the collarbone near throat. Had pain in the shoulder, armpit. Reason? Had depo shot, trying to conceive, periods late, scanty bleeding. Chances of pregnancy? Perianal rash, severe itching after application of epilator cream. Have internal hemorrhoids. Possible treatment? Feel nauseated, fell on ground, started sweating very cold. What could be the reason? Got partial thyroidectomy. Experiencing soar throat, body pain, headache, fatigue, fever. How to treat it? Child constantly tired and pale, started going to school. Medication to combat this problem? Prognosis after a widow maker heart attack? Suffering from anxiety, depression. Medications? Brown mark on wrist, fingers. Not fungus. Does not itch, hurt. What could it be? Have herniated disc, overweight. On Hydrocodone 7.5. Planning to start Oxyelite Pro dietary supplement. Suggestions? Had unprotected sex. Had red dots on penis. Now, having just pain. Reason? Pregnant. Baby's heart not growing. Is that normal? Having Arabella. Bleeding with light clots, which smells like metal. Suggestion? Itchy bumps around the groin area, abdomen, behind the knees. Itchy sporadic blisters on the fingers and palms. Using hydroxyzine and trimcinolone acetonide. Permanent cure? Intermittent chest pains and tightness. Normal EKG, stress and ECHO reports. Family history of strokes. Reason for pain? Running nose, cough and sneeze. Prescribed with vyvanse. Dry burning itchy eyes. Is this due to the medication? Extra scar tissue removed, found lump above my incision. Cause for the lump? 11 yr, had gall bladder removed previously. Having pain in mid upper quadrant of GI tract, nausea, below normal CBC levels. Suggestions? Cyst on forehead, in nose. Taken cortisone shots, no relief. Permanent cure? Fast heart beats while sitting. Due to stress? Door slammed on the hand knuckles. Having bulge, throbbing pain in the little finger. Solution? Having hypothyroidism, acid reflux, IBS. Taking medicines. But having difficulty since the effects of medicines are interacting with each other. Suggestions? Not had sex but just foreplay orally using condoms. Am I sexually active? Unprotected sex, delayed periods. On depo injection, missed one shot. Pregnancy possible? Severe gastric problems, stomach pain. History of jaundice infection. Treatment? Ultrasound shows small freefluid, thickened multicystic endometrium. Differential hyperplasia versus neoplasia. Gynecolic correlation suggested. Suggestions? Head pressure on waking up, pain on coughing, pressing eyes. Sinus condition? Will I have a deficiency if I don't eat lamb meat or beef? Red shiny spot on chest. Growing in size, no itching. Mole next to the spot. What could it be? Child having coartation of the aorta, hole in the heart. Has developed breathing problems. Asthma or related to heart? 82 yr old. Passing loose stools mixed with blood, left abdominal soreness. Had colectomy pereviously. Reason for soreness? Had gall bladder removal. Having bad burning sensation going up the chest. What could it be? Unprotected sex during period. Bleeding stopped after having ipill, again started. What to do? Head hit other person while playing. Become disoriented, seeing dark spots, tingling in fingers. Solution? Painful, sensitive skin around abdomen. Undergoing menopause. Is it a symptom of hormone change? Ankle sprained, swelling. MRI shows talar, sub talar synovial effusions. How to treat it? Child had flu, vomiting persisted, vomit bright pink color, keeping hydrated. Concerned? Diabetic, hypertension patient having thyroid problem. Prescribed thyronorm. Any side effects? Finished chemotherapy for uterus cancer Trying to conceive, periods late, pinkish color mucus seen on whipping, cramping. Pregnant? Frequent pain in upper abdomen between breast along with headache, fullness. What could it be? Number of fat balls on arms and thighs. What is causing this? Any treatment? What is causing pain in back of head while laughing, occasional migraines, vertigo, lightheadedness? Had sex using condoms. But the vaginal fluid touched the uncovered part of the penis. Risk of HIV? Depressed due to mothers alcoholism. She has mental issues, cunning, full of hatred. Suggestions? Red, itchy bumps on calves, kness, arms, hands, feet, stomach. What could it be and treatment? Accidentally gave Metformin to the child instead of Nabumetone. Advised not very serious and would cause just stomach sickness. Opinion? Suggestions for a good antidepressant without any side effects? Baby having diarrhoea, vomitting, no fever. On antibiotics. Suggestions? Visible fluttering all over the body, brain fog. Had high cholesterol when young, did a lot of sexual stuff. Suggestions? Red bump on left eyebrow, eyes swollen, swelling in middle of head, painful. Possible cause? Swelling, blisters on top of ear, taking time to heal. Reason for blisters? Strain in head, eyes after hitting in middle of forehead and nose. What to do? Taking Yamini pills from day one of periods, missed once, had intercourse. Pills over. Any issues? Fell down, cheek bone hit, black eye, numbness near nose. Face feeling not yet returned. Concerned? Dizziness felt on standing. Walk 5-6 miles, been to disney world earlier. Possible cause? Child tested for Salmonella typhi. What stage of typhoid is it? Prescribed Levofloxacin, Cefixime. Correct medication? Heavy bleeding for weeks after implant. Felling tired, no energy. Reason for bleeding? Red rash on genitals. Itchy, small white build up. Gets irritated during sex. Solution? Left sided pain, cramps while urinating, passing dark yellow urine. Report normal. Cause for pain? Sharp pain in right ear, pain on swallowing, opening mouth wide. Causes for symptoms? Delayed periods, unprotected sex. History of irregular periods. Medication to induce abortion? Polymenorrhea during periods, spotting followed by heavy periods. Inserted mirena birth control. Treatment? Copd, heart failure, shortness of breath, fast heart beat, smoking. How long he can go on? Nausea, bleeding, pain in lower abdomen, tinglings in legs, arms after abortion. Reason? Diagnosed menieres after spell of vertigo, vomiting. Prescribed medication. Is this condition permanent? Child having moving lump on side of neck. What could it be? Full term pregnant, become irritated, blue colored, severe hypotension. Died due to tachycardia and tachypnea Trying to conceive, removed mirena. Having light brownish bleeding. Is it implantation bleeding? Sharp pain in left side of head, chest and arm pain. On blood pressure medication. Due to stress? Terrible digestive tract disease, bloody stools, fistulas, bloating, pain, IBS. Diagnosis for above symptoms? Severe diarrhea, weight loss. Blood test shows blood cells, high liver enzymes. Meaning? Cold, flu, fever at night, lumps under forehead, pulsing sensation. Cause of worry? Is it possible for genital herpes to genetically pass to an unborn child? Male, high pitched voice, sounds like a woman's voice. When will I develop a deep voice? Child suffering from OS ASD. Chances are there of success with device closure. Suggestion? Cough with mucus, cold, wheezing, asthma. Taking winolap-5. Safe to continue medication? Working out to lose weight post pregnancy. Weight stable. Doing something wrong? Heart rate high. Unable to sleep, close eyes after drinking red wine, completely sober. Reason? Pregnancy symptoms, test negative. Had early period, ended soon. Getting cramps, headaches. Is it normal? Yellow discharge from left nostril, cold, headaches at night, pain behind head. Related symptoms? Taking fertility treatment, missed period, not ovulated. Normal while taking treatment? Suffering from headaches, migraines. Taking eliwel tablets, no relief. MRI normal. Causes? Going for IUI. Prescribed clomid, matured follicles present in ovary, injected fertigyn. Precaution to be taken? Pain, discomfort in upper back, burning, fizzing feeling. Reason for pain? Taking Duphaston for irregular periods. having sore nipples, cramps, nausea. Pregnancy tests negative. Suggestions? Possible to have neorofibromatosis without fibromas? Back injury, breathlessness, coughing blood, blood sensation behind throat. Emergency condition? Pain, swelling, pussy bumps, mucous at the back of throat. Advised due to viral. Opinion? Does oral sex on penis cause any health problems? P24 antigen and ELISA test for HIV came negative. Still have risks for HIV? Had cough for weeks with yellow to white sputum. X-ray showed RLL density. What could it be? Diagnosed with labyrinthitis, foggy sensation in head, muffled sound in right ear. Normal symptoms? Facial injury, loss of consciousness, swelling in right eye, headache, slurred speech. Medical attention required? Pelvic pain, indigestion. X-ray showed ovarian follicles. Any ideas? Lower back pain, feeling of obstruction in throat. Chills, headache, pressure in lungs. Should I be concerned? What is the connection between tooth infection and tonisillitis chronica? Cracking, squelching sensation in head, severe anxiety. Cause of worry? Brown discharge, bleeding, chest pain after periods ended. Due to working out? Child born with port wine stain on face. Best treatment? X-ray shows folded aorta, change in apices. History of cough and burning chest. Have high BP Headache, back ache, stomach cramps, sore breast, vomiting. Brown discharge after periods Bleeding, passing clots, abdominal cramps, spotting. Negative pregnancy test. Help Lower back pain, knee gives way. X-ray shows knee wear and tear. Do I have a crumbling spine? High heart rate after breathing treatment, had asthma attack. Is it dangerous? Have incoming wisdom teeth, painful. How to reduce pain? Brown discharge, blood in urine, lower back pain. Negative pregnancy test. Taken emergency contraception Waking up wet frequently, overweight. Family history of renal failure. Due to diabetes? Pregnant, brown discharge. Ultrasound showes irregular gestational sac. Breast tenderness, lower back pain Taken Duphaston for delayed period. When should I expect my next ovulation? Had protected sex. Now wrist pain. What is the problem? Taken Excedrin migraine for headache. Have nausea, weakness, hot and cold chills. Due to medicine? Sweating, light headedness. History of gastric bypass Lump in throat, discomfort swallowing, swollen chin, generalized hives Accidentally swallowed coins, sore throat. Should I take medical action? Diabetic. Urine test shows HBA1C shows 8%. Increase insulin dosage? Nausea, hot flashes, frequent urination, pink vaginal discharge, unprotected sex. Implantation bleeding? BP 130/90. Had mental stress, sleepless nights before checking. Matter of concern? Lumps under armpit, tender. Should I use deodorant? Tired, headache, cramping, spotting, constipation. Could I be pregnant? Cracked lips, tingling, swelling in tongue, left cheek. Rinsed mouth with peroxide. Allergic reaction? Chest pain when sitting on toilet seat. Could you help? Lump on inside of thigh, redness. No pus or blood. Painful, swollen. What should I do? Hip pain after running. Any suggestions on ways to help this heal? Lump in head, painful, dizziness, mood swings. Mental disorder or tumor? Child has stuffy and runny nose. Fever, leg pain, lethargy. What could it be? Child had diarrhea, red bumps near buttocks. Tried Desitin cream. What can I do? Child has vomiting and fever. Given Tylenol and Motrin. Unable to walk. Suggestions? Pain in left side of face, vision deterioration. Can you shed some light? Soreness and tightness in shoulder and back. History of carpal tunnel syndrome. Related to heart problem? Heat rash in groin. Can Ebernet cream be used? Had unprotected sex. Taken Postinor 2. Have thick, brown vaginal bleeding. Is it normal? White spot on hip bone X-ray. Loss of range of motion in hip. What could it mean? Taking Lamez, Selzic and Serenace for bipolar disorder. Weight gain due to medicines? How long do withdrawal symptoms from bath salts last? Chest x-ray shows suspicious infiltrates. Impression deferred. Apico-lordotic view suggested. Meaning? Increased pus cells. Have diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. Reason for high pus cells? Pain in stomach, relieved after bowel movement Child has spastic diplegia. Can Semlarass surgery help? Taken Clomid. Now cramping, tiredness, hot flashes, diarrhea, constipation. Early for pregnancy test? Child has nose bleed. History of broken nose. Due to previous injury? Pain and burning sensation in testis, abdominal pain. Normal urine test. Suggest measures Itchy ear, pain, wetness. History of sinus drainage. Should I have it checked out? Have positive HCV C. HCV ELISA reactive. How to reduce it? Brown discharge after taking birth control pill, excessive saliva. Pregnant? Lower back pain, cough. MRI shows dessicated L4-L5. Is surgery the only option? Colonoscopy showed capsule endoscopy and non-specific erosions. What could these be? Have leukemia. Taken antibiotics for ingrowing toenail. Should nail surgery be done? Breast pain after fall, cough. Taking medication for high blood pressure. What do you think? Do girls have more sensitive nipples than boys even before puberty? Had protected sex. Brown discharge, bubble guts, pressure in abdomen. What is wrong? Have premature ejaculation. Prescribed Nexito, Tazzle, Paroxitine. Is this problem curable? Child catching cold frequently, chest congestion, vomiting. Is this a cause for concern? Heart pounding in chest when waking up. Is everything okay? Have bicornuate uterus. Now pregnant. Worried about miscarriage Have hair loss. Suggested Minoxidil. Hair above ears not growing Migraines, neck and shoulder pain, radiating to elbow, wrist, finger numbness. Causes? Back pain. MRI shows bilateral pars interarticularis defect, mild disc bulge. Currently under heat therapy. Advised surgery. 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