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What causes stomach pain in a child? Is Meftal is advisable for fever? How to increase height? What is the treatment for vaginal odor and stomach discomfort? Is effoxer a suitable anti-depressant? Suggest medication for depression Do I need a surgery for Abscess under armpit? How to prevent recurring UTIs? What can cause sudden panic attack? Is Probiotic safe during pregnancy experiencing severe pain in the belly button? Could the loss of vision be due to the lack of Testosterone? What does the follicular study report mean? What could cause severe piercing pain in abdomen after walking during pregnancy suggest? Could the lump in submandibular gland causing numbness to tongue be a result of submandibular excision? Feel fatigued even after transfusions and hospitalization for dengue and typhoid Could difficulty and teary eyes while looking at computer screen and burning sensation in eyes suggest CVS? What causes sore throat with dry cough? What causes prickly sensation on labia minora? What is the treatment for severe muscle cramps? Is it mandatory to take iron supplements during pregnancy? Could growing belly, lactating breast, feeling of movements inside stomach with HPT negative mean pregnancy? What does a small black spot under the big toe nail indicate? Is azithromycin used for vaginal infection or STD like herpes? How to check for baby's gender during pregnancy? What is the treatment for pain in leg and arm? Should i be worried of scan report? Does the increase in weight and abdomen bloating be due to Micronor pills? What could cause blurry vision, fatigue, loud swooshing sound in left ear while bending mean? Suggest treatment for sharp pains and brownish colored bubbles in urine Is it ok to vomit after taking Augmentin for a swollen lymphnode in throat ? Is bleeding during pregnancy symptom of miscarriage? Chances of pregnancy having sex on the third day after periods and taken Next choice? How to get rid of throat pain after fish bone getting struck in throat? What causes hoarsness of voice? What causes chronic constipation and severe headache? Could tiredness and pain in leg be due to multiple follicles in ovaries? Is chest pain a normal sign of panic attack? Suggest treatment for muscle pain What causes tingling in fingertips and leg pain? Is respiredon taken with nintendo all star dangerous? Should an anti rabies injection be repeated Are hair4u solution and adgain capsules recommended for hair fall? Is it advisable to take gabapentin - 300mg, metanx and Centrum Silver? What does itchy, red bumps with puss on torso, arms and legs with no help from psoriasis treatment suggest? Suggest treatment for infection below my nose What is the treatment for bowel pain and cramping? Should bleeding from nose after an injury be a sign of a major issue? Is Demerol and Buscapan effective for leg pain? What causes tiredness and fatigue What does X ray report suggest? What causes muscle spasms and twitching? Suggest treatment for hematoma in leg What should i do for swelling and pain in finger? Suggest remedy for chest pain, feeling of throwing up and headache while having GERD Suggest treatment for stopping menstrual bleeding Will the swelling and soreness caused by frostbite on fingers sure by itself? Can ADHD be controlled by ADHD RX medication? Suggest remedy for severe pain in foot, toes and fingers due to rheumatoid arthritis Suggest treatment for sinusitis pain Suggest treatment for skin rash due to food allergy Should i be worried of dull pain and heaviness in pelvic area? Could hard knot on the right side of collar bone be just a lipoma? Suggest treatment fro ear pain Can anti diarrhea tablet be taken with Movicol? What does a dark spot on the epiglottis indicate? Are increased BP and numbness on scalp due to anxiety? What causes green colored stools after taking Cerazette pills? Suggest treatment for rib pain caused by an injury What could cause swollen and hard cervical lymph nodes with constant low iron levels? What can make a person throw blood? What is the treatment for numbness in tongue? What could the painful lump in groin area be? What does prolonged full body pain and dry heaving/gagging indicate? What causes tingling sensation in left shoulder blade? How to relieve allergic rash due to amoxicillilin? What causes swelling on fingers What causes pain in left side of head? Should i be worried of ECG report? Suggest treatment for insertional tendinosis of distal tendon Can back ache and pimples be signs of pregnancy while on Pregnova, Duphaston and HCG injection ? Do polyps causes joint pain? Suggest medication for constipation and endometerious resulting from partial hysto What is the treatment for pain abdomen and nausea? How to overcome the fatty liver problem? what non nsaid medicines can be used to treat fever? Severe internal pain and tightness in neck after second cycle of FEC chemotherapy What is the meaning of diffuse bulges posterior central annular tear as shown on rest? What causes itchy raised white bumps? What is the meaning of the test report? What are chances of epilepsy recurring? What causes abdominal pain with leg cramps during pregnancy? Difficulty walking with caliper shoes due to polio on right leg Should i meet doctor for cold, sore throat, body pain and fatigue? Little or no periods at all since 4 months with pain in abdominal area Can I rely on Gabapentin for burning sensation in legs caused by Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease? What does nosebleeds, cough with nasal congestion and headache suggest? When do periods start after taking marvelon? How to treat hypothyroidism with TSH level of 6.48? Could hypoglycemia be causing greying and bluish tint of skin? What is the treatment for bloating and weight gain? Is there a restriction on Oxycodone quantity in pharmacys? How to become pregnant while having irregular periods? How long should Monticope be given to a child? Suggest under what conditions Hysterectomy to be done and substitute for Primolut N What does severe pain after eating and vomiting with history of gallbladder removal and acute pancreatitis indicate? What causes persistent itching and burning inside the vagina? Could muscle pain, stomach pain, diarrhea and constipation be due to consuming klacid for sinusitis? Is there any chances of getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse? Before ejaculation I had pulled my penis. What could cause severe itching, warm calf with scars and scabs oozing out? Does sulfameth/trimethoprim for sinusitis cause pins and needles sensation in skin ? Suggest medication for breakage around food pipe resulting a leakage of blood and an acid out of it. How to diagnose lymph node infection? What should i do to become pregnant? What causes excessive talking when suffering from depression? What causes constant smoke smell in nose? Is Carmicide syrup safe for an infant? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? Can Diane-35 regulate periods cycle in a secondary amenorrhea patient? Does andronoagen tablet have any side effects and is it effective for hair fall? Advice lifestyle changes to be made to control diabetes and high BP while being obese What causes lower abdominal pain after having sex? What causes constant pain in shoulders and arms? Why do i have vaginal bleeding after drinking alcohol? What causes severe itching all over the body? What causes persistent rib pain after an accident? What could cause recurred severe pain in knee with history of knee fracture and on brace and ibuprofen? What causes lower stomach pain? How to overcome the chest discomfort due to panic attacks? What could report suggesting theca luteal cyst with bulky anteverted uterus mean? What be the cause of heaviness around forehead and eyes leading to nausea and vomiting? What causes ear pain and creamy wax inside ear? What causes irritation in penis? What could cause raised, itchy bumps on body flattening and turning black after a while? Suggest a cheaper alternative to Percocet What is the treatment for stomach ache and diarrhea? Should i take medication for penis pain after rough masturbation? Is there any home therapy to treat sceloderma causing skin thickening in jawline and cheeks? Is there a way to correct the foot abnormality? Lower back spasm, nausea and bitter taste in mouth after unprotected sex What causes fever in evenings? What home remedies (if any) will reduce hand swelling after heroin dose? What causes swelling in throat? Is alcohol intake advisable when on Tetralysal? What is the cause for sudden pain in the testicles and abdominal region? Suggest medication Could high blood pressure be a cause of worry? Anything to worry about cyst on tailbone during pregnancy ? Suggest treatment for insomnia Can bowel cancer be the only reason for a pain in the tailbone? Suggest medication for muscle sprain Is hemangioma of a 5 month baby curable? Should i be concerned as i am experiencing shaking of head and twitching in legs after taking medicines? What could cause weightgain while being on healthy lifestyle and having polycystic kidneys and sciatica? What is the use of Zobone injection? Does the use of dianette for 10+ years cause uterine cancer? Why am i having tight scrotum after eating vegetables? What does "Bilateral pelvic fullness in both the fetal kidneys" indicate? Can i use Derive CMS gel to reduce black marks on nose? What causes infertility? Should Zydol be taken before co-codamol? What is the cause of upward pulling of toes and numbness? What causes fluttering in heart? Does zenflox UTI tablet have any side effects? Could dent formation on head be a result of constant chemotherapy treatment? Could small cut in the finger with rusted razor cause tetanus? How to relieve strained groin? What is the treatment for fever and vomiting? Can light headedness be caused as a withdrawal of abrupt discontinuing of nixito? What causes shoulder pain after lifting heavy objects? Can ST Mom 200mg be used for getting periods? Is there any medicine to get penis strength? What is the cause of pain in abdomen and bloating? What causes swelling on toes? Suggest diet and whether or not normal routine can be followed after chicken pox is cured How much is the possibility of reactivation of CMV? What causes leg cramps when suffering from high BP? How to overcome a severe case of hyperhidrosis? Suggest treatment for soreness in vagina How can i get rid of initial difficulty in bowel movement? What causes tingling on head and face after a head injury? Is it an allergy to have macular degeneration, intense pain in eye and sore throat? I punched a wall and my middle knuckle is now slightly larger than my left and tender Is it safe to take norvelo for those who had ectopic pregnancy? What could be the white, albumin like discharge from vagina during pregnancy? What causes abdominal pain after delayed periods? What causes spotting after missed periods? Cause for unwillingness to eat food Could yellow discharge while pregnant be related to thrush or BV? Suggest treatment for dandruff What does phlegm,swollen eyes and runny nose indicate? Suggest treatment for fluid in ear What causes yellow, smelly liquid coming from ears? What causes difficulty in moving thumb after a hand fracture? What causes abdomen pain, urge to vomit, frequent urination and missing periods? What causes headaches with blurred vision? What causes blood in nasal discharge? Suggest treatment for vaginal itching What causes swelling on legs? Suggest treatment for swelling in testicles Are antibiotics recommended to treat pus cells shown on urinalysis causing abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for arm pain after varicose vein removal What causes swelling and discoloration on legs? What causes pain in buttocks after an injury? What is the treatment for white patches in mouth? Does red meat cause pleurisy? What causes cramping,bloating and light bleeding? Is puss cell of 6-8 normal? What does "calcified hematoma of frontal and parital lobe" indicate? Suggest treatment for sore throat and chest congestion What causes frequent urination during pregnancy? Are Ibugesic plus,Relent and Advent forte safe for my child? How can i get rid of pain during urination? Is Powergesic MR advisable for neck sprain? Suggest medication for flu What is the cure for headache? What causes vaginal bleeding after sex? Will lobster sauce cause allergy? What is normal growth size for ovary size? What is the treatment for pain in neck,shoulder and arm? Suggest treatment for stomach pain What causes water retention in body and increased heart rate? Is Ibuprofen suggested for sore throat and stuffy nose? How to interpret scan results after miscarriage? Suggest cure for memory loss when on Epilim What are the home remedies for stomach pain, vomiting and loss of appetite of 5 year old? Suggest treatment for allergic skin reaction What does "Suspicious left apical infiltrates" mean? Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder Suggest treatment for consistent prickling in groin area What is the treatment for the symptoms of depression, anxiety and calmness? Does eruvamatin or min top 10% help for hair loss problem? Suggest medication or treatment Do i need to go for surgery as i am having infection? Does elongated prostrate gland adversely affect radiation treatments? What causes breathlessness, wheezing and cold to a 2 year old? Is there any side effects of Tugain? What does a small hanging white skin on tongue indicate? Should injury to head causing headaches be checked in case of a high BP patient? Suggest treatment for allergic itching on body What does blood in pee and continuous urge indicate? What do knots on the forehead indicate? Why would one have vomiting, profuse sweating and troubled breathing? How to correct walking imbalance of a 3 year old? What does numbness after heroin shot in hand indicate? What relieves the stiffness and pain in the neck caused due to a fall? Suggest treatment to gain weight when suffering from hyperthyroidism What causes gum pain? Is Mankind abortion Kit safe to induce abortion? What causes crusted white skin growth on shoulder? What is the cause of feeling of an electricity going through the chest? What does the urine report suggest? What causes light orange discharge with light odor after having sex? Suggest treatment for frequent urination Noticed the worst case of acne after the intake of medicines What treatment to take for lower molar pain? Suggest medication for blood pressure that has no side effects What is the treatment for swollen and painful eyelid? Why am i scared of penetration of penis? Why are fertigyn and duphaston advised in case of spotting? What are typical symptoms of fracture? Suggest treatment for skin allergy after spider bite How can i regulate my periods? Suggest safe medication for pain relief What causes pain in belly button? Should I take the second dosage of antibiotics for the pain in the tooth? How can 8 inch long string stay for a long time in intestine without creating any major problems? What causes swelling and itching in vagina after cone procedure? Could symptoms of severe nausea, headaches and dizziness refer to leaking spinal cord? What causes dizziness during pregnancy? Do men have to have an erection in order to masturbate? Should I take rabies vaccination for the scratch done by the dog? Should i meet doctor for not able to conceive after trying for 2 months? Is himalaya live 52 suggested for removing kidney stone? I have a small half inch cut mark on my nose caused by nose ring. How can i remove it? What causes dizziness and blackout? What causes small itchy spots on the inner lower arms and around the neck? What causes heart palpitations and dizziness with low blood sugar levels? Should I take a stronger dose of vyvanse? Can I take any cartilage or knee repairing medicine to get rid of stiff joints? Should i use epipen for allergy on arm? What causes black and blueness in hands and legs having the blood flow normal? What are symptoms of UTI? How to grow taller? How can i increase hb level? Can any online doctor help me with the following results? What is the treatment for sore throat,fever and chills? My husband is getting weaker and can't do nothing without somebody's help Suffering from ocular hypertension, is glaucoma hereditary? Is there any possibility of pregnancy as i am having delayed periods, breast tenderness and abdominal pain? What are the harmful effects of masturbation? How to cure an ankle sprained twice? Is switching from Metopolol to Nadolol,advisable? Could fever, lower back pain and headaches be a result of the contraceptive coil implant? What is the normal level of uric acid and why does it increase? What are the treatments for PCOS? Are Bayer and Aspirin,the same? What is the treatment for shivering and headache? What is the treatment for pain in abdomen with ovarian cyst? How to treat accident mediated shoulder pain in an epileptic patient? How to treat severe head ache? What does my bacteriology report suggest? What is the treatment for pain abdomen and gas formation? What is the treatment for loose bowel movements? Why am I experiencing cold, dough, lack of patience, weakness and irritation while suffering from asthma? What is the medication for hair loss? What is the treatment for bipolar disorder? Can stress cause headache and chest pain? Should i be concerned about dizziness after hitting my head? Is heavy bleeding normal after delivery? Should i go for a pregnancy test if i missed my period? What is the treatment for painful urination? What is the cause of spontaneous bruising on torso? What does my bone marrow biopsy report suggest? What will be the impact of taking medicine? What is the treatment for black spots and white heads? Does taking medicine affect the length of period? Is it possible to develop allergic reaction to glue? How to treat frequent hematuria with cramps? What is the cause of pocket of fluid on back side? How to treat vomit,stomach pain and dizziness? What is the treatment for rash associated with itching? What is the cause of discharge from nipple? What is the treatment for persistent cough? What is the treatment for cyst on back? Should i be concerned about my blood sugar level? Can i get pregnant even after taking i pill? Suggest treatment for high heart rate and blood pressure and frothy white sputum What could be the little ball which moves around jaw? Is it safe to use sertraline for anxiety and depression? What medication is given to stop the bleeding? How to treat face reddening and thin skin after withdrawal from skinlite cream? What is the cause of body ache and dry nose? What is the cause of blood in stools? What is the treatment for bumps on fingers and palm of hands? What causes delay in periods and constipation? Is drainage from belly normal after LAHV? What is the treatment for the Nubothian cysts on the cervix and discoloration? Why is pessery inserted in vagina? Suggest treatment for sore neck and sudden onset of severe tinnitus in both ears What causes discoloration on right big toe nail? Could blood clots in lungs be related to enlarged heart and high BP? What causes heartburn while on Cymbalta? What is the treatment for discharge from nipple? What is the cure for cold, runny nose and watery eyes of a 8 month baby? Could the stretching exercise be the cause of arm pain? Could lump on vagina opening cause miscarriage? How to treat a sore throat after a saline irrigation? What causes skin rash while on Pantoprazole? How long should i wait to masturbate after frenuloplasty on penis? Can unprotected sex lead to pregnancy? How to treat oozing pus from penile foreskin in a 18 month old child? How to treat paralysis attack? Is synthroid suggested for hives and thyroid problems? What is the treatment for fever and shivering? What causes sudden abnormal pain below the belly button with slight hardness? What causes foul taste in mouth and burning sensation in chest and throat? Why am I losing weight? What is the treatment for kidney stone? Should i keep walking or cool it for a while as i am having AVM? How to treat dry cough,fatigue and appetite loss post viral fever? What causes delayed periods? Can marijuana be smoked after a septoplasty? What can cause hearing hallucinations for a person having abnormal, though not epileptic, brain activity? How to reduce pain on side of foot in overweight person? Will minoxidil lotion and follihair be effective more after hair transplant Is using vapor cigarette with modicum of nicotine recommended? How long should Adderall be taken? Suggest treatment for stye What causes appetite loss with nausea? What should i do for prolonged and heavy periods? What causes limb shaking and uneasiness? For how long is usage of Pexep advised? Is my semen analysis report normal? Why is my son having stomach pain and upper body fever? What is the treatment for sinus infection? Should I withhold the Lasix treatment due to the non functioning of Foley catheter? What is the treatment for hair loss? What is the treatment for bumps near the anal opening? What causes strong smelly urine while have muscle disease? What is the cure for the pain in the knee to the extent of unable to straighten? What is the treatment for tingling and numbness? What should be given to a 6 month old infant for cough? What causes stricture in vagina? What causes the numbness in the thumb and next two fingers while sleeping? What is the treatment for pain after a muscle pull? What causes numbness from Diaphragm till the toes? What is the treatment for ear ache? Should I be concerned for the core biopsy of the breast and retrieval of micro calcifications? What could be the small raise in the front of head? What is the treatment for sore throat? Does Humulin R injection appear cloudy? What can cause swelling in ear after a 0g? Is it the simvastatin that is keeping my midsection afloat? How to treat a hematoma on my forehead post injury? Could HIV or STD be contacted by eroctic massages? What causes shortness of breath and increase in heart beat during bed time? What is the treatment for night sweats and body aches? Why do I feel that the sinus over eye of surgery has some pain and sinus blockage. How to take up healthy lifestyle? What causes faster heart beat to a 8 year old? What causes increase in the level of SGPT during pregnancy? What is the treatment for stomach ache and vomiting? What causes huge boil on penis shaft? What is the cause of black patches on thighs and legs? Why is my lower back puffy and sore? Why is an irritated lining of my nostril bleeding? What could be the pea sized lump on cheek which causes stinging sensation? Am I experiencing dizziness, dropped heart rate and confused periods because of the calcification shown on CT scan? What causes calf pain? How many vegan patients have autonomic neuropathy inducing urinary frequency and night sweats? Is a lungs scar visible in chest ct scan? Is Pause MF adviasable for post abortion bleeding? Excruciating pain after cortisone injections into bursa after total hip replacement What is the treatment for blister? Getting fever even after taking Zoceff tablets after PCNL done for kidney stone What treatment is suggested after analyzing the report? Should I be concerned for the high dosage of Tylenol given to the child? Could miscarriages be a result of cystic ovaries that can be treated with alivher? Is there a alternative medication for pregalin for a patient undergoing liver transplant? What causes green colored stools? Suggest treatment for numbness in hands caused by an electric shock What is the cure for scabies? Is drinking and taking 4,500mg tindamax dangerous? What is the remedy for the throat pain and congestion with wheezing and coughing? Is travel recommended during first trimester? Why does my knee give a painful grind and locks itself making it difficult to move? Are there any difference between maxoza and maxoza L tablets? Is there any procedure to straighten the joints having the cartilage dried up? How to get rid of candida? Could I be pregnant after a condom tear during sex? Suggest Alphadopa dosage to be taken during pregnancy What could be the reason for having a rash, redness on my pubic area, headache and itchiness in eyes? What causes tingling and numbness on the tongue and roof of the mouth? Why do I have an uneasy feeling in my knee? What are the treatments for PCOS and abnormal periods? What is the treatment for back pain and numbness in leg? Starting with green color diarrhea, what was the reason for death of my daughter? What is the remedy for the Ectopic beats of the heart? How to stop the hair growth in upper lip, chin and abdomen? Is crisanta pills causing pain while urination and blood? What is the reason for a bump under my jaw? What does the ultrasound report suggest? What is the cause of pain in nose and throat discharge? What causes a lump on the lip of the clitoris with no pain and fluid filled in? Is it normal to have a very heavy period after the removal of mirena iud? Suggest treatment for exfoliative chelitis Should i meet doctor for cold, cough and runny nose of a 9 month baby? What could be done for the pimples on the forehead spreading towards the cheeks? How can pain and lower leg spasms be managed? Why the period longs for more than 2 weeks? What is the cause of tiredness and loss of emotions? What is the difference in purchasing Premarin from Canada vs USA? Are bloating, back pain, cramps and tender breast symptoms of pregnancy? Should i be concerned as my lower left side of my back is sore after a fall? Why am I missing my periods inspite of taking medicines? Can a anesthetic injected into my nerves cause mood swings? What causes back pain with constipation? What could be done to the sore on the nose which is scaly and red? Is atypical pneumonia long lasting? How to get rid of homosexual feelings? Why do I hear a hissing sound in my ear with slight pain? What causes chest pain and breathing difficulty? Is bleeding after taking pill normal even if periods are not due? Why am I feeling low and having jerky legs and arms post knee replacement? Is it safe to continue with the medication to get pregnant? Should i be worried of the blood report? What medicine to be used for stopping the cramps? What causes chest pain and coughing of phlegm? Why is my skin turning dark? What causes throbbing pain in the head for a week followed by the pain in the body joints? What is the treatment for pain in neck and pressure in eyes? What was the crack sound from my knee when I attempt walking? Can non penetrative sex lead to pregnancy? Why is my knee swollen after a healthy recovery from ACL reconstruction 8 months ago? Why am I finding it difficult to sleep after trying to come off dihydrocodeine? How much zentel syrup should be given to a 3 year old child? What causes delay in periods since the due to the Depo injection? How can I make my mom sleep at night rather than sleep all day? Any medicine that is safe for abortion if pregnant or to resume periods ? Why does the bleeding occurs when on Cerazette contraceptive having Herbalife diet? What causes dizziness while on medication for Ankylosing spondylitis? Should i be worried of passing of blood clots after surgical abortion? Why have I not got my periods after taking contraceptives? Could the oily patch on the outer ear which is sore be related to Psoriasis? What causes pain in the hip, numbness in the foot and depression after a spinal fusion? What medication can increase my sperm count? What is the treatment for right heart failure? What to do for the zit and swelling near to clitoris? Does Hyponid tablets help in conceiving having several polycystic ovaries? What medication should i take for painful boil on waist? Why is my tonsil sore and has a sac like thing around it? What is the treatment for cough and blocked chest? What causes frequent and uncontrollable urination with burning sensation and tinge of blood? What is the cause of abdominal pain,blurred vision and loss of sleep? Does foam come out even after several hours of a person's death? Could tight contraction under stomach be implantation bleeding or sign of pregnancy? What is the treatment for nausea and vomiting? Can I fly for 3 hours during the 22 nd week pregnancy with all the reports normal? What causes brown colored spotting? What is the treatment for phimosis? Will baby be safe even though there is abdominal pain? Is there a possibility for me to catch a STI or STD? What does my ultrasound mean and what steps should be taken next? What causes irregular bleeding after taking Norgest? Does fertyl tablet have any side effects? What should be done of no gestational sac and fetal pole found? Why is my ear blocked after scuba diving? Could uncomfortable feeling under breast and faster heart beat be due to stress? Why do I have a white discharge and pain in back and foot joints? Should i start lactogen milk if my baby cries even after feed? Why is my HCG value increasing? What was the discharge that came out of my breast on pressing them? What is the treatment for the Parkinson's disease with swollen legs, edema and high FBS? What causes recurring sores inside tip of nose? What could be the reason for having a change in bowel movements? Is gempid-600 the correct medication for my cholesterol levels? What causes lower abdominal pain when on Cerazette? What causes swollen tonsil and blood during spitting? What is the remedy for the sore throat and lung infection with white spots near the tonsils? How to get rid of pain and swelling behind both knees? What specialist should i see for pain above right kidney? Could upper left gum pain and cheek pain be due to infection? Could the reduction in dosage of Eptoin and Levipil advisable due to the discomfort? Why there is urine leak while wearing tampon? How can i prevent vaginal infections? What causes radiating pain from tailbone to legs? Which medicine is good for loose motions with pain for 7 month child ? What does bruised muscle pain in pubic area indicate? How to ease numbness, burning and tingling in hands after chemo for matastic cancer? What causes abdomen pain and greenish colored stools after a complete Hysterectomy surgery? Should i be worried about taking anesthesia? What treatment is required for viral load of 24000 copies/ml and cd4 count 938? What to do for the stomach pain followed by a brown discharge? Can Orlistate tables be taken when suffering from diabetes? Suggest treatment for nappy rash Should I be concerned for the black eye and swelling in the parietal bone? Pain in belly button followed by vomiting Is there any relation with bleeding and TURP operation done long ago? What causes chest pain after a back muscle got dry needled? Will prolomet affect my acclimatization? How to treat pain due to swelling in the right side of face? Why do I suddenly suffer from severe chest pains or costochondritis? Unable to remember things and not able to concentrate for even few hours Could intake of Nordette pills within a day of having unprotected sex avoid pregnancy? Is lighter periods indication of pregnancy? Why is my palm getting black in color? What is the cure for the lump on the buttock near the cleavage? Suggest treatment for Prostate infection How long BP medicine withdrawal symptoms last? What does a knot under rib cage indicate? Could there be any problem after taking 5 dose of anti rabies vaccine after minor bite from street dog? What causes periodic night sweats? Does knee replacement surgery increase the risk of renal failure? Can the fatty liver be controlled through diet having the LFT results normal? Why am i getting pregnancy symptoms? Any chance to get pregnant with unprotected sex even after taking nordette? Is massive cramping followed by heavy clots bleeding for 8 hours seem like miscarriage ? Chances of getting pregnant with an unprotected sex Does hormonal imbalance affect the level of hcg in a pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for osteoporosis What causes pain behind my knees which travels down into my feet? What is the remedy for the lump below the right knee on the cartilage?? What does my post abortion examination mean? Which cream is suggested for skin lightening and pimples What is the treatment for pain in mouth,headache and dizziness? Can i get STD inspite of having protected sex? Could severe hair loss with red rashes on head wrongly diagnosed as male pattern hair loss? What are the side effects of acitrom? What causes delay in periods having taken I pill within 18 hours of intercourse? What causes numbness in hands while sleeping? What is the treatment for vomiting and fever? What causes heart perpetuation? What is the treatment for the frayed tendons and fluid under the armpit? Will taking Rimadyl be safe for Osteoarthritis? What does loose, thick, creamy stools in a child with test showing presence of yeast and bacteria mean? What is the treatment for abdominal pain and itching in vagina? What causes palpitations and high pulse rate? Will medical marijuana help lower triglyceride and LDL cholesterol level? What will be the underlying reason for high cholesterol value? Does Sulfamethoxazole/MP DS Tablet cause something like gas pains, muscles and back pain ? Is dizziness, fatigue, nasty smell from mouth oozing brownish red stuff in the area of wistom teeth removal normal? What causes swelling in the foreskin which could be due to masturbation? What causes persistent fever when on typhoid treatment? What causes flatulence and blood in stool? Chocking problem followed by a dream How to reduce swollen red spot on nose? What causes white spots below the eye and around the chest in a 17 month old? What could cause IgM reactive after intake of ciprofloxacin for two weeks? How can I reguralize periods for normal pregnancy? How to stop smoking? Suggest treatment for tinitus What causes abdominal pain, bloating and foul smelling gas to a 6 year old? Will an ovary cyst cause any problem in the foetus? Suggest treatment for fever What is the treatment for stomach pain and urgency for motions? What causes a bad smell while jogging and rush of chlorine in sinus causing the nose and eyes water? How to avoid the side effects of Pituitary micro adenoma treatment? What causes loss of balance? What is the treatment for fever and body ache? What causes behavioral changes in a teenager? What could be the reason for having a numbness and tingling feeling on face and toothache? How to treat abdominal pain with leg swelling? Can exercise help reverse vascular dementia? Suggest treatment for pain after Atrial fibrillation Which medication help in conceiving? What causes pain in the abdomen, around the chest and near the kidney area? Is femora responsible for lower e.f? What could be the whitish/red bumps on scrotum? How often can I give Asthalin SOS for cold? Will evion e capsule help in becoming fair? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? What is the treatment for discharge from nose? What causes frequent urination, vaginal discharge and blood in urine? How does taking pravastatin sodium effect people over 65 years? Why am I having symptoms of flu? Could I be pregnant? What causes pelvic pain and cramps with reddish discharge after 8 weeks of Postpartum? Which type of doctor should i consult as i am having seizures and a couple of autoimmune issues? What is the cause of missed period? What is the meaning of the scan report? Would you recommend 7.5 mg of olanzapine to cut back on the sleep hangover effect? What causes severe headaches on the right side above the eyebrow? What does my blood test report suggest? Are there any adverse interactions to taking these medicines together? What causes recurring blood clots on body? Could the sharp pain in the Ileum be due to Pravastatin taken for arthritis? Can I use q sera for hair fall during pregnancy? What is the cause of bleeding after sexual intercourse? Does Isoniazid usage have any side effects? Suggest treatment for severe back pain Should i meet doctor for cough, shortness of breath and lung pain? Having PCOS what medicines should I take to get pregnant? What causes sudden body chill with weakness and nausea? What could be the reason for having headaches, diarrhea, back pain and feeling dizzy? How can i control eosinophil count? What causes throbbing pain in the middle of the throat on the Adam s apple? Is it normal to have white spots on my tonsils after taking antibiotics? What causes loss of body balance? I feel dizzy and become hot except my hands and start shaking really badly. Underlying cause? Suggest treatment for difficulty in breathing What causes bleeding in ears? I feel as though i have a hive of bees in my head. Is this serious? What to do for the shortness of breath due to weather? What causes recurrence of fungal infection and UTI after taking complete treatment? What to do for the brainstem with focal seizures and aseptic meningitis? What is the treatment for acne? Having allergy and asthma, why is my nostril so sensitive and pouring mucus? Is a wart considered to be a symptom of HIV? Suggest diet plan to avoid loose stools in a child What can cause abdomen pain and lower back ache along with constipation after intake of ipill? What is the treatment for nausea? What could be the large, painful lump underneath skin of butt cheek? What causes needle like sensations in hands? Can i still get anti-rabies shots even though its been years after the dog bite? What is the treatment for semen leakage? What is the treatment for an ovarian cyst? What causes electrical sensations going through my body making it difficult to sleep? I had an ear infection. When shall my hearing come back? Could the x- ray of the foot shows the fractured knee? What causes bloated stomach and chest heaviness after the flu and COPD? Is levothyroxine causing my blood sugar to increase? What is the required dosage of medicine? What causes very less bleeding and delay in periods having a 8 month old baby? Are there any side effects for nail fungus treatment? Why am I feeling spasmodic pain in my breast? What could be the reason for having stabbing pain in my head and arm? What does blood in urine indicate? Is dizziness and unable to take food and drinks symptoms of pre eclampsia? Suggest treatment for swollen hard red nose What is the treatment for mild asthma and dust allergy? What do delayed periods indicate? Should ICD control BP fluctuations? How long should Cremaffin be continued despite having loose stool? Should i be concerned about cat bite? What could constant, sharp, needle pricking like headache suggest? My husband had a reaction to Dilaudid after the surgery and is experiencing severe muscle pain and fatigue What can cause pain in the lower hip and under the rib? What causes breathing difficulty and coughing? Why am I passing foul smelling gases? What is the cause of nausea and dizziness? Is pregnancy continuation possible even after medical abortion? Why is my husband's hand swollen and ankle, knees and elbows itchy? Does consumption of mdma for a sinus patient prove to be fatal? I am pregnant and they collected my HCG levels every two days instead of three. Should i be alarmed? Suggest treatment for headache, fast pulse and short breath during pregnancy Can i take sinerest tablet during pregnancy? What to do for the misshaped tonsils? What is the cause of stomach pain and loss of appetite? What could on and off earache with itching and feeling of mucus clogged throat suggest? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for chronic idiopathic constipation What is the cause of missed abortion? What causes runny nose after eating? What to do with the lump in my throat followed by cold? What could be the indent on the top of my arms? Could pain in knee while walking due to fall with history of unstable knee be more than sprain or bruise? What is the cause of swollen legs,nausea and hot flashes? What causes numbness and tingling on tongue? Is scabs on knuckles and hands due to allergic reaction? What is the treatment for diarrhea,fever and cough? Why am I feeling nerve pain starting at my groin area to the top of my calf? How to heal long standing hours mediated sharp pain in groin? What causes severe pain, redness and swelling after flu vaccine and pneumonia shot? Why am I feeling sick from the time the kitchen cabinet has hit me? What causes H1N1 symptoms? Can the varying presence of rashes be cause as a side effect of medicines like: T.Tastymont LC Kid, Syp.Livolin, Syp.Omnacornil Forte? What causes itching sensation in body? Could short, light brown periods with bloating with history of tubal ligation indicate pregnancy? Can Tylenol cause stomach upset and heartburn? What is the treatment for tiredness and heaviness in chest? Need treatment for stomach pain and burning sensation. Suggest treatment for chronic pain Is dull throbbing pain in chest while being diagnosed for costochondritis and anxiety normal? What will be the solution for the stomach pain or cramps? What is the treatment for getting fair skin? What is the treatment for ejaculation of red semen? Can cortisone shot cause increased BP and heart rate? Why is my daughter's tongue hurting? Should I be worried after RUQ Doppler ultrasound for abdominal pain? What causes sore nipple with pus and blood oozing out? What does the report showing: small slightly protruding posterior intramural hypoechoic nodule means? Could Progynova affect the fetus if taken during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain.Lab results are ALP high at 294 , WBC 4.3 , RDW SD 39 eosinophil 0.1 What causes wrist pain and lumpy vein? What is the treatment for impetigo? What could on and off body ache, burning hot body with cold chills mean? How treat a swollen toe that is red, hot, and throbbing? What can cause pain in body during nights? What can cause itch in between thumb, and in panty line area? Is it possible to have a positive ana of 2560 and not have an autoimmune disease? Suggest treatment for hyperhidrosis. How to treat a raised, itchy rash on the arm? What is the treatment for leg injury due to a dog bite? Does no sign of bleeding after misoprostol 200 mcg a cause of concern? What is the treatment for pain in bones and muscles? Could pregnancy symptoms be misdiagnosed as gastritis? What could be the small, black ball under the skin of penis shaft? Is taking medication safe during pregnancy? What are the T3 and T4 range for hypothyroid? Could acidic taste in mouth be a pregnancy symptom? What is the treatment for constipation? What could be the reason for having irregular menstrual flow? What does the MRI report suggest? What is the treatment for missed period? Suggest treatment for stomach cramping and pain accompanied by bleeding Can anyone check my semen report? Is gall bladder stone causing indigestion, gas, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and chest pain? Is it a problem if new teeth started growing before the milk teeth fall Is it normal to have pain and pus from stitched cheek? What could cause a feeling of pain in lungs and heart? Experiencing cold, headache, lot of phlegm and pain below nose What is the treatment for kidney stone? What causes fever, loss of appetite and tiredness? What can cause a sluggish sounding low feverish nausea after an accident? What causes rectal pain during bowel movement and frequent urge to urinate? What is the treatment for frequent urination? Suggest treatment for recurrent ear ache? How to get rid of the rash on my back? What is the treatment for bleeding from nose and mouth? Can I become pregnant if I maintained an elevation position? Could foam from mouth of a child while having cough and wheezing related to family history of fits? What could be the reason for having swelling in my mons pubic and labia and tenderness in groin area? How long TORCH infection Igm antibody persist in blood? What could cause heavy bleeding with swollen stomach? How to deal with sleep apnea? How to treat a pus filled navel of a 43 days old child? What is the treatment for soreness in legs? Is there any side effects for Keraglo? Is there any problem if i don't get periods? What is the treatment for enlarged lacrimal carbuncles? Is there a chance of pregnancy after taking unwanted 72? What is causing pain between the shoulder blades that runs upto my chest? Should lacunar infacrtion in right putamen and external capsules be surgically removed? Is there any risk of pregnancy after taking contraceptives? What could be the small bump inside anus? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? How can I increase the muscle mass other than taking steroids? What are the changes i need to bring in my life? I am afraid that i have missed my pill today. Can i go ahead and take one more pill of Novelon today? Can noodles be takes as a part of liquid diet? Should Pregabid and Maritfur be continued for the recurrent tumours in Brain? Is it normal to have bleeding, cramps and abdomen pain while taking primolut n? Suggest treatment for recurrent sore throat What is treatment of bumps on penis? How to treat the baby having stool results as: pus cells 8-10, cyst of E. histolytica, plenty bacteria seen ? I had L4-L5, L5-S1 micro discectomy and my doctor advised me never to drive two wheelers. Can i drive slowly? Does the urine test report indicate diabetics? Can i still be pregnant and not detecting? Is sore throat related to stomach ulcer? How to heal a radiating pain felt inside the chest for a person carrying weights? What does the chest X ray mean? What is the cause of light bleeding? Is red and sore scab in the place of stitches in knee due to fall serious? What is the permanent cure for penis infection? What is the treatment for pimples? What causes itchy red colored head, neck and arms? Need treatment for knee pain. What is the treatment for the mild leak of the tricuspid valve having the replacement done? What should be done for mucositis due to cancer? What causes long continous heavy periods after delivery? Could a skin biopsy efficient enough to show if i don t have sclerosis to the internal organs too? What is the treatment for diabetes and thyroid? Can stomach flu be misunderstood as appendicitis? For what purpose does a person use akt? What causes tingling sensation of penis head? Is there any solution for not getting pregnant? What is the treatment for failed spinal surgery? Being 9 months pregnant why do I have stomach aches and vomiting? What is the due date according to the scan report? Can homeopathy medicines help a person to walk better and to have more flexible movements? What causes shoulder and back pain after ectopic surgery? What creams or treatments should be followed to get fair skin with no help from chemical peels? Could the dizziness and blurriness in vision be due to over dosage of Lariago? What does the urine test result mean? What is interpreted from my wife's ultrasound? Is there a medication to stop bleeding after depo shot? Suggest treatment for severe constipation Why do I have wet dreams at night? When can be menstrual bleed be expected after having Modus tablet? How to treat a swollen knee for a pneumonia affected person? What causes foam like motion, fever and skin rash to a 7 month baby? Is it normal to notice a fairly large indentation on the back of my baby s skull? Who can be the father of my unborn baby? What does these CT scan of Brain indicate? Why does my child have hard stools and need to apply lot of pressure to pass motion? What causes effusion in knees? Will the bleeding create any problem to baby? What is the suggested medication for neuralgia? Is loss of lumber lordosis also a symptom of chronic problem? How to relieve chronic back pain and pinched nerve? Will my mother s creatinine level come down? Which ayurvedic medicine is recommended for elevating sexual stamina in men? What is the treatment for discharge from nipples? Can intake of vensir xl, mirap, dozept, seroquelxr, lexotan in one instance cause damage to an aged person? What could be the itchy bumps between butt cheeks? What could be the reason for having pain in my tail bone region after a fall? What is the treatment for missed period? What causes the bleeding of red blister on tongue? Why do I get pregnancy like symptoms for a month and then have my periods? Can i stop taking medication if i have more bleeding? Does duphaston affect on the unborn baby? I have urobilinogen +3 in my urine and HB count as 13 to 10.8. Is it a danger sign? What does my semen analysis report suggest? Will i miss my period if I m pregnant? Does any bleeding occur after having unwanted 72? What can be taken to make the taste buds active? Can alcohol consumption cause persistent cough? What is the treatment for burping and gas formation? What does dark spot near ribs indicate and how to remove it? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and numb feeling of penis When should i take a pregnancy test? Do I require vaccination early owing to spleen removal? What could be the reason for stomach upset and weight loss? What causes heartburn? Why is my vagina sore and itchy post sex? Why am i having pain and bleeding while passing stool? How long should i take the medicines? Suggest alternative of Warfarin for DVT and Pulmonary Embolism Does taking udiliv affect baby in any way? What is the treatment for burning sensation in penis? Noticed a white scab on my knee after a fall. Do i have to cover it? What is the treatment for PCOD and hair thinning? Experiencing discharge and pain on intercourse after loop diamerthy What causes puffy clitoris and pain during intercourse? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Is yawning, burping and unable to eat symptoms of anxiety? What does these blood test and Lipid Profile indicate? What causes itching around the opening of the vagina and irritation after passing urine? What is the treatment for pain after wisdom teeth removal? Should I increase my dosage to treat symptoms like tiredness, hair loss and extreme cold sensitivity? What is the clinical examination process for conforming pregnancy? Suggest treatment for final stage of heart failure What is the cause of less bleeding? What causes bleeding after having unprotected sex? When i remove my underwear i can see some white spot. Is it penile discharge? How do you stop clotting permanently and restore proteins C & S? What food items need to be given along with cerelac? What could be the lump on left side of butt hole? Could i be in labour as i am getting pain in my back, thigh and buttock cheek? What causes heavy bleeding when on BC pills? What does my father's brain CT scan mean? How to gain weight after delivery? What does these MRI scan of spine indicate? What is the treatment for angina and leg pain? Should i be worried of my urine report? What is the treatment for productive cough? Suggest treatment for pain during intercourse after hysterectomy My son is having watering of left eye and complaints of sharp sunlight outside What could a lump on my breast indicate? What causes dizziness? Is it normal to have light bleeding 3 days before periods? What causes itching and blisters in legs? What is the treatment for cough? What could be the reason for having a lump on my lower spine after a fall? What is the treatment for menopausal symptoms? What causes hair loss when suffering from amenorrhea? Could tingling pain in urethra after urination be a UTI? Will my periods be on time after taking i pill? Suggest treatment for painful urination,PSA level is 47 What could cause pinching pain in left chest, dull pain in abdomen with little pain while urinating? What is the treatment for bipolar and OCD? Suggest treatment for dizzy spells after an injury What causes nausea with diarrhea and stomach upset? What are the causes of body pain? I have thrush and after using a pessary found blood in my discharge. Infection? Experiencing a change in sensation to arm including numbness and a cold feeling after performing heart catherter What are my possibilities to get pregnant? Can medication cause pain in legs and feet? What causes bruising on legs? Can bupin forte plus help my opium addiction? What is the treatment for nerve pain and tingling? What is the best way to take hormones? What is the cause of scar after an i/v insertion? Can excess exercise cause angina symptoms? What is the treatment for swollen belly? What causes pain in lower abdomen inspite of having PCOS? I have a bump under my skin near my groin. Should i just do hot compresses and massage the bump to break it up? What should be done for loss of appetite of a 2 year old? Suggest treatment for swollen injured foot with pus Is it safe to take Duphaston for red spotting during pregnancy? Can medication cause vomiting? What could be the reason for having a hard lump in my breast? What causes dull gnawing pain in the general epigastric region? What are the causes of blood in urine, lump in testicle and back discomfort? How long do i need to wait before i can take an oxycodone? What does the test result indicate? How to determine whether my baby is asthmatic? What does the MRI report suggest? What could cause a nipple discharge, and small bumps on the areola area? Suggest treatment for vision problem associated with cluster head aches What could be the reason for having no regular period flow? What is the cause of pelvic pain? Is it advisable to nebulize a child with levolin for cold, cough and fever? What is the cure for painful boils with puss? Is there any possibility of pregnancy? Is smoking and alcohol addiction causing feet swelling, foot color change and bad breath? What is the treatment for pain and discomfort along the clavicle area? Should i be worried as i am having fever? What is the treatment for sore lump due to a dog bite? Is it possible for HIV to have been dormant for 16 years? is Rabonik sufficient to reduce acidity and acid reflux? What are the treatments for painful lumps on feet and difficulty in walking? Suggest home remedy for frequent headache in left side of forehead Do i need a surgery for fibroids? What are the causes of testicle pain, lower abdomen pain and vomiting? Is it safe to take ferritin,ferrous fumarate and multivitamins throughout the day time? Is it bad for me to pop a abscessed tooth myself? Does taking insulin lower the blood sugar level? What is the treatment for post partum depression? Is Dolonex DT the correct medication for muscle spasm? What can cause hearing problems in a child? Will i need transfusion if bleeding has stopped? Could white spot on palate of a teething child suggest oral thrush? What does hip pain, especially in mornings, indicate? What does the ultrasound report suggest? Is puss and blood on wart dangerous? Is home treatment recommended for schizophrenia patient? What is the alternative for Prolomet? Should i be worried as i felt like i was going to faint? Will medical abortion cause problem in future pregnancy? What could be the reason for having a bulky cervix? Who can do THP on patients after a free vascularized fibular graft? What is the treatment for back pain and poor quality of sperms? What causes heavy periods? Should I go to hospital for headaches and chest pains after being hit during play? What is the reason behind abnormal vaginal bleeding? My eye is grazed, bruised and the upper lid is swollen after a fall. Is this a part of healing process? Can Levothyroxine, lisinopril, donepezil, meloxicam, tylenol, metoprolol tartrate and Lorazepam be crushed and taken? Does smoking cause permanent Brain damage having anxiety and depression? What could be the reason for having vomiting and diarrhea? What is the treatment for migraine? What could cause sharp pain in abdomen like muscle tear while sneezing, sitting and standing? Is nausea,heartburn and stomach ache symptoms of pregnancy? What could cause fatigue, lack of energy and intrest, difficulty focussing and sleepiness? What is the treatment for painful red spot on lower back? What is the cure for black colored skin on nose? What is the treatment for swelling in tonsils? What could cause sudden pain in lower leg and sore stomach in a child? How to get rid of my pimples and the dark spot left by them? What is the cause of rib cage sensitivity? What is the treatment for delusions and alcohol addiction? What diet is best suited for a person having INR as 4.1 Order ? What does burning itching near breast indicate? What is the treatment for heartburn? Is it safe to take KINECEF-O 200MG tab while trying to get pregnant? What could be the reason for having sharp pain on left side of my chest while coughing or breathing? What are symptoms of pregnancy? Is an MRT test enough to confirm liposarcom? What could cause a violent shaking? How to overcome my constipation problem? What is the treatment for autism? What causes left sided pain while breathing? Suggest treatment for canker sores and red dots on cheek Is my polymorphs count abnormal? What does it indicate? What does my pap smear test report suggest? Can razadyne cause seizures? What causes raised red patches on chin area? How to relieve degenerative arthritis? What is the reason of hypothyroidism? Can thrush be the cause of constant itching and irritation while peeing? Is swollen ankle painful while walking after a fall serious? What causes drop in sugar level? What treatment to take for bleeding while passing stool? Suggest medication to stop bleeding
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