Online Coronavirus Clinic: Ask a Doctor
Don't let the covid 19 pandemic grip you and your family. Talk to a doctor about coronavirus symptoms, possible exposure and your risk factors for corona disease. Get a personalised answer at the touch of a button.
So, without any further ado gather all your queries on human coronavirus and ask a doctor now. Stay safe!
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Ask a doctor about your risk for Corona disease Online
Don't let the covid 19 pandemic grip you and your family. Talk to a doctor about coronavirus symptoms, possible exposure and your risk factors for corona disease. Get a personalised answer at the touch of a button.
You can also take a second opinion on your doctor's prescription or medical reports to doubly clarify your doubts and concerns.
So, without any further ado gather all your queries on human coronavirus and ask a doctor now. Stay safe!
Is all the surge of information available about covid-19 leaving you perplexed and worried about your family’s health?
With covid-19 being declared as a pandemic by the WHO, many questions may be running in your mind about the disease and related risk factors. With no known cure or vaccine for the disease discovered as yet, you must be curious to know how to prevent it and what symptoms to look out for. And here at Ask A Doctor - 24x7, we can help. Our trusted doctors are standing by, right now, waiting to assist you. You can ask them questions as basic as what is the incubation period of the coronavirus to very pertinent ones as what is your risk percentage of getting the virus.
So, here are some basic questions you can ask a doctor:
What is coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a family of virus that are known to cause respiratory infections in human beings and animals. Coronaviruses are transmitted from animals to humans. Covid-19 is the most recently disciovred is an infectious disease caused by a new virus called coronavirus.
How do I prevent myself from getting the virus?
The virus is thought to spread by droplet infection. That is when you come in contact with the drops of saliva or discharge of the nose of an infected person if they sneeze or cough, you may get corona disease. Washing hands frequently and staying at home are best ways to prevent the virus from spreading. Avoid activities such as shopping, gatherings, parties, and visiting friends. Do not go out other than for getting day-to-day essentials.
For how long does coronavirus survive on surfaces?
Coronaviruses have been known to survive on surfaces for a few hours or up to many days. It also depends on the type of surface, outside temperature and humidity level. Simple steps that can be followed at home and at work can help you stay safe from infected surfaces. Ask a doctor online to know more on how to disinfect surfaces so as to prevent the virus from entering your body.
Have more questions about coronavirus? Simply type your question, provide us with your email address, and wait for your response from an experienced doctor who is dedicated to providing you with the expert advice and information you need.
Ask a doctor online answers even your simple questions such as how to wear a mask, how to dispose it correctly, how to wash hands, etc.
Since there is no known vaccine or drug that can prevent or cure corona disease, spreading awareness is the only way to prevent coronavirus transmission and stop it from affecting more people.
How can the doctor at Ask A Doctor - 24x7 help me?
Our doctors can answer questions about all aspects of human coronavirus. If you're unsure of whether a symptom is of corona disease, getting help from one of our doctors as soon as possible is crucial. Although this will not replace seeing an actual medical professional in person for a diagnosis, our doctors will provide you with guidance without requiring that you leave the comfort of your home. The doctors on Ask A Doctor - 24x7 are available to help you 24/7 no matter if your question is simple or complex. You can even ask our doctors online follow-up questions, and gain more insight into coronavirus transmission, coronavirus symptoms in humans and coronavirus treatment.
How Does Ask A Doctor Online Work?
Using our online ask a doctor service, you can send your questions to a doctor, and he or she will reply to your inquiry within minutes. Our skilled doctor helps you with the all the knowledge on corona disease you need and will guide you as you choose a treatment option - all from the comfort of your home or office. This means you can avoid sitting in the waiting room for hours to get some basic information from your doctor on this pandemic. You can also prevent self-diagnosis after reading pages and pages of contradicting and confusing information online.
Is Asking A doctor Questions Online As Effective As Meeting Them Physically?
Yes, we believe that it is equally effective. Our ask a doctor online service helps both the specialist as well as individual to keep track of progress and ease worries because unlike a face-to-face appointment, you won't have to take off from work or wait weeks for a doctor appointment. The best part is, you can engage with one of our doctors and get answers to your questions quickly, right from the comfort of your own home or work space.
We have it all under one roof!
At Ask A Doctor - 24x7, we want you to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are getting sound advice from a real and verified professional. Whether you have questions on coronavirus symptoms in infants, or what to eat to keep the virus away, we have all answers for you. Apart from our renowned panel of doctors, you can also ask a experienced paediatrician and nutritionist to answer all your queries.
In fact, you can ask our online doctors just about anything, including:
• Covid 19 checks
• Covid 19 facts
• Covid 19 medicine
• Covid 19 pandemic
• Covid 19 recovery
Fast and Thorough Responses
Our doctors don't just provide expert advice and reliable answers to all types of medical questions, but we do it quickly. We understand that you don't want to wait around in pain, discomfort, or uncertainty, not knowing which steps to take next. And it's why we answer most questions immediately. In fact, in mere minutes, you'll have the information you need and a thorough answer to your query, allowing you to take action.
Private and Confidential Medical Advice
At Ask A Doctor - 24x7, our doctors aren't just dedicated to offering vital information for the queries they receive. They also treat each and every question that they answer with 100% confidentiality. When you ask a doctor online using our services, you can rest assured knowing our experts will never share your information or the nature of your question. In fact, our professional physicians will never make judgments about any of your medical or health-related issues.
Instead, when you ask a doctor online, you can expect accurate answers, relevant information, and sound advice, all from experienced and compassionate caregivers.
Don't Hesitate to Contact Us!
If you have questions yo'’d like to talk to our team of professionals, please contact us today. Our team is standing by to speak with you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Don't wait—ask a doctor online now!
Frequently Asked Questions about Coronavirus Disease 2019
Q) What is Coronavirus Disease 2019?
A) Coronavirus Disease 2019, in other words COVID-19, is a zoonotic disease, meaning, it is transferred between animals and humans. In humans, coronaviruses are known to cause infections in the respiratory system showing illnesses anywhere between a mild infection like the common cold and a severe respiratory disease like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV). This particular infectious disease (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is closely related to the virus SARS. World Health Organization refers to SARS-CoV-2 as “the virus responsible for COVID-19” to reduce confusion regarding the disease.
Q) Are there different types of coronaviruses?
A) There are seven different types of coronaviruses that can affect human beings. Viruses causing mild symptoms are HKU1 (beta coronavirus), OC43 (beta coronavirus), NL63 (alpha coronavirus) and 229E (alpha coronavirus). The recently discovered new coronaviruses in 2002 and 2012 respectively are (SARS) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome transmitted through civet cats and (MERS) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome said to be transmitted from dromedary camels. The newer strain of the virus called novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV or COVID-2019) was identified in 2019 the source of which is yet to be accurately identified.
Q) How and where did this COVID-19 virus begin to spread?
A) Novel coronavirus was first identified in an outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan city in Hubei Province, China. The first case of novel coronavirus was identified on 12th December 2019 linked to exposure at the Huanan Seafood market in Wuhan. Some of the first few patients were vendors or dealers at that market. By the end of the 1st week of January 2020, China reported to the World Health Organization about a total of 59 patients diagnosed with pneumonia of unknown etiology which was suspected to be because of nCoV. By the 2nd week of January, a newly developed genetic sequencing test enabling rapid diagnosis confirmed 41 cases and 1 death from nCoV. 1 case was identified in Thailand. By the end of the 3rd week of January, there were other cases reported in Japan, Thailand, Republic of Korea and Singapore. By the end of January 2020, there a total of 571 cases in China, still the 1 in Japan, 4 in Thailand, 1 in Korea, 1 in Taiwan and 1 in the United States. A total of 95 cases were identified as severe and there were 17 deaths within the month. The World Health Organization declared the nCoV-2019 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
Till date, there are above 220,000 confirmed cases of nCoV and about 9000 deaths worldwide.
Q) Is COVID-19 a deadly disease?
A) Of all the viruses of corona, this new (novel) coronavirus influenza has proven to be quite serious. While in some people it has been completely asymptomatic (not showing any symptoms at all), in others it has caused shortness of breath, high fever and cough. In severe cases, the infection has caused pneumonia, SARS and multi-organ failure leading to one’s death. Therefore, it has been deemed to be a deadly disease.
Q) Who are at risk of contracting COVID-19?
A) Anyone not wearing protective equipment can contract coronavirus if they come in direct or close contact with an infected person confirmed with novel coronavirus disease (nCoV) or in contact with infectious bodily fluids of coronavirus on any object or surface. Transmissions occur from animal to human and human to human. The people at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 are children, elderly people and people whose immunity has been compromised (due to low immunity or other illnesses). They need to be screened at regular intervals as symptoms may not always be seen. People with pre-existing medical conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, COPD etc., are susceptible to the disease and are more at risk than healthy individuals.
Q) What would be defined as a suspected case of COVID-19?
A) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it would be defined as a suspected case of nCoV when:
* Fever and lower respiratory tract infection symptoms like cough and breathing difficulty are experienced within the last 14 days of coming in direct contact with an nCoV infected person or a history of travel to a COVID-19 infected area before the onset of symptoms
* Fever and lower respiratory tract infection symptoms experienced and in the last 14 days has come in close contact with an ill patient infected with nCoV
* A couple of other symptoms which distinguish coronavirus from other infections are exhaustion and fatigue leading to reduced activity and debilitating joints or muscle pain. These would be additional symptoms along with respiratory symptoms
Close contact is defined as coming in contact with positively diagnosed COVID-19 patient or the care area of COVID-19 space within proximity of six feet for a prolonged duration without wearing any protective gear.
Talk to your physician or contact us at AskADoctor (our dedicated 24x7 service) to clarify any doubts or questions regarding your and your family’s health.
Q) How do I know if I have been infected with Coronavirus?
A) The coronavirus pandemic that is affecting millions of people and more than halved the global economy is a new type of infection and we are yet to know the complete set of symptoms and complications. But based on the available study reports, the Novel Coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that causes variety of respiratory symptoms, ranging from mild cough, cold and fever to severe pneumonia and breathing difficulties. If one develops a cough and fever leading to rapid breathing and breathing difficulty, there is a high possibility of Coronavirus infection. You could also have contracted Coronavirus infection if you develop symptoms of loss of smell with or without cough, fever and breathing difficulty after 5-6 days of a suspected exposure / travel to the affected country.
Q) What is the mortality rate of Coronavirus when compared to other respiratory viruses known to humans?
A) Based on available data, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has calculated the mortality rate to be about 3% now. The figures vary across different regions and ages. The mortality rate of other respiratory viruses is less than 1%.
However, the mortality rate is the ratio of the total number of deaths from a certain illness to the total number of people infected by the same illness in 1,000 population. And most experts feel the figures of Coronavirus infection around the globe have been underestimated. There are many asymptomatic infected patients and undetected cases of Coronavirus infection. So the current mortality rate figure of 3% is an overestimate and overhyped. Therefore, judging the severity of Coronavirus infection based on mortality rate is inappropriate and not justifiable.
Q) I still order online and pick parcels from the delivery man. How do I handle these parcels after delivery?
A) There are too many scares and phobias doing the rounds about Coronavirus. These are mostly due to fears spread through social media. One fear is about picking up deliveries and grocery products.
There has been reports the Coronavirus germ was found in a cruise ship, 17 days after the passengers left it. Furthermore, a study has found that Coronavirus germs are found on different surfaces for hours and days. But the viability of the viral germe becomes low after a few hours on these surfaces. So, unless the delivery man was sick – has coughed and sneezed on the product, chances of infection from parcels are very low. If you are the one facing this scare, you can rub disinfectants and sanitize the parcel cover and clear away any viral particle that could be present on them.
I would however, pay more attention to wash and sanitize my hands than think of sanitizing parcels from the delivery man.
Q) Someone please elaborate on the precautions needed to be taken by pregnant women?
A) Data available on the risks of Coronavirus infection and its complications for pregnant women are limited. But based on available study reports, there seems to be no high risks of COVID-19 infection; these risks are the same as for the general population.
However, other SARS viral infection have shown that these viruses are capable of causing larger damage and severe respiratory illness in a pregnant woman. So, it is vital that pregnant women practice preventive measures.
The preventive measures you should follow are the same ones: * Washing and sanitizing hands frequently. * Keeping isolated and staying away (at least 2 feet) from sick people. * Covering mouth and nose with a clean tissue while coughing and sneezing. Properly disposing the tissue. * Avoiding crowded places. * Call your healthcare provider if you develop cough and fever.
I would also advise against unwanted visits to the doctor’s clinic. You should always call and take an appointment before making non-emergency visits to the doctor, or going for lab tests and ultrasound scans.
Q) If I touch a hard surface that has the virus on it, and then touch food and eat it, can I expose myself to the virus?
A) Studies have revealed that the novel strain of Coronavirus can survive for hours to days on different surfaces. On hard metals like steel, it can survive for up to 3 days. But the viability of the virus from surfaces contaminated days earlier is very low. So unless, the hard surface was contaminated recently by an infected person, the chances of you getting infected by touching a hard surface is highly unlikely.
If you are unsure that a hard surface was contaminated recently I will recommend washing and sanitizing your hands before touching the mouth and face or contaminating other surfaces / individuals.
Q) What are the pre-existing health conditions in a person that puts him at higher risk of being infected by COVID-19?
A) COVID-19 is caused by a novel strain and scientists across nations are pursuing research to learn more about this new pathogen virus. Some research has revealed that a few medical conditions pose high risk to COVID -19 infection. Furthermore, presence of these comorbidities cause greater threat of serious illness, complications and mortality. One study revealed hypertension had about 16.9% risks of causing serious threat following COVID infection. Similarly, diabetes caused 8.2% chances of complications after a Coronavirus infection. Other prevalent comorbid conditions with COVID-19 are chronic obstructive lung disease, smoking, coronary artery disease, HIV, immunocompromised state, steroids, immunosuppressive therapy, cancer, chronic disease including liver disease, kidney disorder and transplant patients.
Q) My father is admitted with COVID -19 and recovering from it. How would we know he is completely cured and he would not pose risks to others in our family?
A) Do not panic if any family member is infected with COVID-19. But care should be taken to keep the whole family isolated and quarantined. Family members should be screened for infection through available tests.
Recovery from symptoms is an indication that the infection is abating and the individual is on way towards recovery. However, at least two COVID-19 tests done on different occasions should show negative report before the individual is allowed to meet his family members. Negative test indicates that there is no risks of infection to others in the family and society.
Q) I have restricted myself tomy home for the last 10 days to avoid the new Coronavirus infection. During this time, I have been doing some gardening. I have heard from the news publications that the virus can stay in the air for long hours and can travel up to 25 feet. I am now worried to go out for gardening and watering plants as well. Should I be?
A) A few studies found viral particles in the air as droplets for up to 3 hours, though most particles fall off to the ground after 34 minutes. And most experts believe the residual viral particles found beyond the first 34 minutes are not potent enough to cause an infection. These are preliminary reports and more studies are necessary before arriving at any conclusion. So until then, there is no real harm from performing usual activities within the limits of own house. If you have to go out, wear a mask when there is a large number of infected patients in the neighbourhood.
Q) News and guidelines on combatting this new Coronavirus pandemic seems to be ever-changing. So, which are the authentic ones and which are the guidelines we should follow to prevent contraction of COVID-19?
A) Not everything that you read and hear about Coronavirus infection from media is true and real. If you want to get authentic and real information then talk to your doctor. Ask ADoctor to get the latest and most authentic information about COVID-19.
Disclaimer: All details regarding the Latest Coronavirus are based on the current database of the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). As this is an ongoing outbreak, these details are bound to change, so you’re requested not to rely on this solely but to check with the sources as well as your local healthcare providers as and when necessary.
COVID-19 has currently been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization. Its spread is still being monitored and extensive research is still underway regarding this infection that has gone viral. Equip yourself with all the necessary information and updates to fight this disease head on so that you can walk into a healthy and hopeful future.