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Age - 32 Years. I Have Constant Problem Of High

Posted on Mon, 18 Jul 2022
Question: Age - 32 years. I have constant problem of high blood pressure from the last 5 years. Upon checking BP, it is consistently around 150/120 on normal days. Can this be cured permanently? Please recommend some medicine if possible.
Answered by Dr. Bhanu Partap (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Please refer to the detailed information below

Detailed Answer:

I need to know following details
1. Do you smoke or consume tobacco?
2. Any history of heart disease or high blood pressure?
3. Any medications which you are taking presently?

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Bhanu Partap (4 minutes later)
1. Never smoked 2. No history of any heart disease. However, when I check my blood pressure its always normally around 150/120, for the past 5-6 years. 3. Not taking any medicines at all. Aditionally, my height is 5"7' and weight is around 70 Kgs
Answered by Dr. Bhanu Partap (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hello again

Detailed Answer:
Have you went through any medical tests lately, if yes kindly provide the test results. If not kindly get these following tests done

Echo, CBC, RFT, ELECTROLYTES, RBS, B\L Renal colour Doppler

Kindly revert back with reports

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Bhanu Partap


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Age - 32 Years. I Have Constant Problem Of High

Brief Answer: Please refer to the detailed information below Detailed Answer: Hello I need to know following details 1. Do you smoke or consume tobacco? 2. Any history of heart disease or high blood pressure? 3. Any medications which you are taking presently? Regards