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Approx. 3 Months Ago, I Fell And An MRI Showed

Posted on Fri, 26 Aug 2022
Question: Approx. 3 months ago, I fell and an MRI showed a stress fracture on left hip. It seems mostly healed with the hip not hurting at all yet the groin muscle continues to flare up with pain. (My doctor said this is from stress fracture) Not sure if even time will totally eradicate this pain. One doctor is willing to do a cortisone shot into hip but this seems somewhat over-reaching as a first response. My question is what are some good options to minimize and hopefully stop groin discomfort? I have tried anti-inflamm. meds, some acupuncture with no relief. Also have had physical therapy which aggravates it more. Wondering if a chiropractor may be a good option or any suggestions u may have. Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Gopal (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
It will take time to heal.

Detailed Answer:
Hi, I am Dr Gopal Goel Orthopedic Surgeon.
It is very unlikely to have a stress fracture with a h/o fall- It could be hairline fracture, which are notorious for not healing .
I would like to know 1. your age , 2. MRI report 3. treatment received so far.
Normally Fracture takes about 3-6 months to heal , but healing has to be confirmed with a MRI or X Ray before you are allowed to put weight on it.
Please send me the reports and details as asked for ..
Thanks for the question. Hope to l get in touch ASAP.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Gopal (6 hours later)
Hi, doctor. My age is 65 and I would love to send reports, MRI's, etc but I am still in the dark age of computers and cannot do that. Treatment received so far is some acupuncture, some PT, some meds. Just one follow up general question. My orthopedic surgeon wants to try a cortisone injection into the hip. Is this a relatively safe injection site?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Gopal (40 hours later)
Brief Answer:
it is OK

Detailed Answer:
Hi Dr Gopal Goel Again
In my view one cortisone injection in the hip won't do much harm but may help in relieving arthritic pain. So in my opinion you can go ahead and take the injection.
Thanks for the follow up query.
Dr Gopal Goel
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Gopal (3 days later)
Doctor, just one last question. And thank u for your answers and knowledge. I am going to get an injection into the hip joint but the odd thing is most (if not all) of the pain is in the groin and leg. I feel little to no pain in the hip where the stress fracture is located. The orthopedist said this is normal to have discomfort in groin/leg. In getting the injection into the hip, will that at all alleviate some of the associated groin/leg pain? Thank u again.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Gopal (36 hours later)
Brief Answer:
The pain is due to muscle stress

Detailed Answer:
Hi, I am Dr Gopal Goel , Orthopedic Surgeon.
In any hip pathology, pain is generally felt in groin and thigh up to knee due to muscle strain and swelling in the hip joint .
So it is common to have pain in thigh or groin in case of hip pathology.
I hope to have answered your question. Please feel free to ask any other question.
Thanks again
Gopal Goel

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Gopal (6 hours later)
Doctor, just a quick follow up. Will this residual pain in groin lessen with time and do u feel physical therapy would be of any use?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Gopal (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
need to know the cause of pain.

Detailed Answer:
Hi, Dr Gopal Goel here.
To answer your question I need to know the exact pathology of your hip.
As far as the relief in groin is concerned , it will get relieved when hip pathology heals ,since that is the cause of pain.
Hope to have answered your question. will need MRI Report to further answer your questions.
Thanks for follow up.
Gopal Goel

Note: For further queries, consult a joint and bone specialist, an Orthopaedic surgeon. Book a Call now.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Gopal

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Practicing since :1983

Answered : 1532 Questions


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Approx. 3 Months Ago, I Fell And An MRI Showed

Brief Answer: It will take time to heal. Detailed Answer: Hi, I am Dr Gopal Goel Orthopedic Surgeon. It is very unlikely to have a stress fracture with a h/o fall- It could be hairline fracture, which are notorious for not healing . I would like to know 1. your age , 2. MRI report 3. treatment received so far. Normally Fracture takes about 3-6 months to heal , but healing has to be confirmed with a MRI or X Ray before you are allowed to put weight on it. Please send me the reports and details as asked for .. Thanks for the question. Hope to l get in touch ASAP.