
Can HIV Spread Thru Spit?

Posted on Wed, 22 May 2024
Question: Sir,while driving a bike near my house, an unknown person who was ahead of me spitted. A few drops fell on me. Soon after returning home(within minutes of this incident) my 5 year old son immediately started playing with me. I feared if that unknown person had HIV blood in his spit(due to any wound in his mouth or due to any other reason) then can it infect my son as his mucus membrane or any wound (he often has wounds due to playing) came in contact with that blood mix with spit on me?
Can HIV infect me if it came in contact with any of my mucus membrane or wound?
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (41 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Your HIV risk is almost 'NIL'

Detailed Answer:
1. First of all, if the individual is a HIV positive individual and on regular treatment (now almost 90% are on treatment), their viral load would be under control and they remain no longer infectious to others. It is called as U=U (Undetected= Undetectable).
2. Even if we consider this individual is not on treatment, saliva does not contain adequate virus to cause a new infection. As you mentioned, even if it is contaminated with blood, then also the possibility of HIV transmission is remote.
3. Spitting in a country like ours is not uncommon. Nobody had infected with HIV through this route.
4. Moreover, many people and few children positive with HIV are taken care by their family for years and not got infected with HIV in spite of saliva spray during their conversations.
So, not to worry, the HIV transmission through this route is almost unlikely.
Dr S. Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr.Raju.A.T
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (12 hours later)
Respected sir, sorry to disturb again. I was on election duty before some days. We were staying in a rural area school. The latrine and toilet was in very bad condition. while using the toilet and latrine in the night I felt in the dark that some of the liquid (might from the toilet pan or floor) fell on my private parts or penis and/or into the anal area. I also slipped and fell in the toilet in the dark. I couldn't wash me properly as I have to leave the toilet early for other's and prepare for the polling duty. I performed the duty throughout the day and became free in the late night of the next day only. I don't know whether anybody used the toilet just before me or not. I fear if there was any HIV fluid from any person in that toilet might had fell on my genital part or anal area or I contacted my genital part or anal area with that fluid while slipped and fell then is there any fear of HIV infection to me?????
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Your HIV risk is almost 'NIL'

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
HIV can't be viable outside the body fluids more than few seconds. It can't withstand atmospheric oxygen and dryness, It is highly fragile. Because of these reasons, we are able to control this infection to an extent. It will not spread through casual ways. Imagine people with HIV are living with their family members, At times they are cared by them. I was a consultant in a HIV children home for few years, nobody in such situations got infected with HIV.
The same toilets would have used by others also. Even if we consider that someone's semen (HIV incidence in our country is just 0.21 %) was spilled over the floor and came in contact with the same, then also the chances of getting HIV infection is remote.
Dr S. Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (2 days later)
Respected sir,
Sorry to disturb again. I was using a toilet in the ground floor of an office. Some drops of liquid fell on my penis from above. While I inquired I heard that the pipe of another toilet on yhe upstair is leaking. I fear if that liquid from the other toilet was any HIV fluid then can it infect me as it fell on my penis or mucus membrane and I didn't wash it. I might have masturbated after 5-6 hours of this incident(don’t remember exactly). Is there any fear of HIV infection to me ?????
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (16 hours later)
Brief Answer:
HIV can't be transmitted through this way

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Once again same answer.
In most of the toilets used by many people are not in a good shape and leaking. That does not mean that it can spread HIV to another person. HIV can't thrive outside body fluids for not more than few seconds. Thank God, otherwise half of XXXXXXX population would got infected. So, not to worry
Kindly consult a psychiatrist also once for your unnecessary fear complex.. Phobia
Dr S. Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (3 days later)
Respected sir, sorry to disturb again. I bought a karaoke microphone from market. The shopkeeper tested it while selling to me. Then after after about 5 minutes my 5 year old son opened the pack and played with it by saying his words. The mouth piece was touching his lips while saying(might be continuously). I feared if that shopkeeper had any blood or any such fluid having HIV on his lips which might have contacted that mouth piece and might had lived there as it was packed(might not got exposed to environment). My son might have any wound on his lips. He plays frequently with it. I don't remember whether I wiped his mouth properly or not.
my wife also kisses him on his lips. I am mot sure whether there is any wound on the lips of my wife too. Is there any fear of HIV infection to my son or wife due to this ?
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (14 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Transmission of HIV cannot occur through this route.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
I already mentioned that HIV is not viable outside the body fluids not more than few seconds. Human saliva of an infected individual never have an infecting doses of virus. Moreover your son played with that instrument 5 minutes after it was used by another individual. How can an individual get an infection through this mode?
Not to worry.
You are thinking out of the box and very odd possibilities.. Please consult a psychiatrist as early as possible.
Forget about HIV infection. There are many good thing in this world to think.
Dr S. Murugan
Note: Get personalized answers to your HIV related queries You can choose to talk face to face with your doctor. Book a Video Call now.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan

HIV AIDS Specialist

Practicing since :1974

Answered : 3107 Questions


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Can HIV Spread Thru Spit?

Brief Answer: Your HIV risk is almost 'NIL' Detailed Answer: Hi, 1. First of all, if the individual is a HIV positive individual and on regular treatment (now almost 90% are on treatment), their viral load would be under control and they remain no longer infectious to others. It is called as U=U (Undetected= Undetectable). 2. Even if we consider this individual is not on treatment, saliva does not contain adequate virus to cause a new infection. As you mentioned, even if it is contaminated with blood, then also the possibility of HIV transmission is remote. 3. Spitting in a country like ours is not uncommon. Nobody had infected with HIV through this route. 4. Moreover, many people and few children positive with HIV are taken care by their family for years and not got infected with HIV in spite of saliva spray during their conversations. So, not to worry, the HIV transmission through this route is almost unlikely. Dr S. Murugan