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Can Anyone Please Explain What My TM Flow Results ACTUALLY

Posted on Sat, 25 Jun 2022
Question: Can anyone please explain what my TM Flow results ACTUALLY mean: Thanks
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain as follows:

Detailed Answer:

Welcome back to Ask s Doctor service!

This test indicates a borderline risk profile, which means that you should pay attention to your blood pressure values and glucose plasma levels.

There is nothing serious going on!

A better control of blood pressure values and blood glucose levels would help reduce the progression of endothelial dysfunction and possible neuropathy.

It is recommended to check Vitamin D plasma levels for possible deficiency and take alpha lipoic acid and vitamin B complex in order to prevent neuropathy.

Regular physical activity can help improve endothelial dysfunction ( which leads to blood vessels stiffness and an increased cardiovascular risk).

Hope you will find this information helpful!

I remain at your disposal in case of further questions whenever you need!

Kind regards,

Dr. Iliri

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (37 minutes later)
Dr. Iliri,
It's been awile since we have spoken but I honestly need your help badly now. Please see the reports I've enclosed as well. I'm trying everything to keep my blood pressure in line. What numbers should I be focused on? It has been hard for the doctor to get my blood pressure under control with me taking Losartan HCTZ 50/12.5 mg once a day, Bystolic 5mg once a day, Amlodipine 5mg once a day and Synthroid 75mcg once a day. Glucose was at 6.4 now it's at 6.0 so I'm still trying. Should I take Vitamin D3 prescription from a doctor or what?

How much alpha lipoic acid and vitamin B complex do I need in order to prevent neuropathy? Does it need to be prescription kind or what kind OTC and dosage? I'm going to be starting to walk every day but how far and for how long should I do it?

Also, I noticed that my cholesterol is of concern. Correct? It was 268 in March but 2 weeks ago it was 228. What can I do to help with this? Should I go on a statin and if so, is it possible to come off if I should go on one at my age etc?

I'm sweating like crazy especially at night and I keep feeling a little tachycardia. Like some electrical zaps over my left breast but I've been told that they think it's anxiety.

Doc, I really feel helpless now more than I have ever felt in my life because I have a 90 year old mom and a small child that depends solely on me daily so I have got to get my health together and do it now.

Also, I'm slated to have a Treadmill Stress Test with carbonite Injection and I'm afraid to have the test with the injection. Based off what you see in my reports etc do you think I should have the TReadmill Stress Test?

Thanks for responding and I await your thoughts.

Please any advice you can give, I would truly appreciate. I really need help
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (24 hours later)
Brief Answer:
My opinion as follows:

Detailed Answer:

I think that you can just perform a treadmill test without injection or a dobutamine stress echo.

Your test is not indicative of an increased cardiovascular risk.

Regarding neuropathy, I would recommend taking vitamin B complex 2 times daily and alpha lipoic acid 600mg daily. You can take these Supplements on alternating months.

If your blood pressure values are still high, I would recommend increasing the dose of amlodipine to 10mg daily.

Regarding your cholesterol levels, I recommend taking atorvastatin 20mg for a month or two.

But please don’t panic as nothing serious is going on!

Hope you will find this information helpful!

Wishing all the best,

Dr. Iliri
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (2 hours later)
So, should I not take the supplements at the same time because you mentioned alternate months which I truly don't understand. Please explain. Also, can I take 200mg of magnesium capsules twice a day to help with blood pressure.?

When my blood pressure is 93/66 at night, do I still take my 5mg of anilodipine or not? I was also told once I start taking a Statin drug that I will not be able to come off of it because of my age etc..... my doctor said if I want he will give me Resostatin 5mg. What do you think of that one? Also, are you saying that I need a Statin now after seeing my report from today?
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (21 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain as follows:

Detailed Answer:

I meant one month yes and one month no for the supplements, in order to avoid possible overdose.

It is ok to take 200mg of magnezium twice daily.

You should not take amlodipin if your blood pressure values are low.

It is easy to stop statins at anytime because it doesn't cause addiction. 5mg Rosuvastatin is ok.

Hope to have been helpful to you!
I would be glad to assist you again whenever you need!

Kind regards,


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (28 minutes later)
You are always so respectful and courteous when you respond and thank you so much for being that way. I am going through alot right now and the doctor thinks a great deal of my problems are stress and anxiety related. I'm caring for my 91 year old mom and 13 year old child and it's alot. But, no need to cry because no one cares! I truly want to get my blood pressure under control, sugar and cholesterol in line. That is my total goal. So, do you think I should take the medicine for cholesterol now or wait? I was also told to take Krill oil, Red Yeast Rice and Resvesterol to lower my cholesterol. I really don't know what to do but I'm desperate to get my health back in line.

Any real hardcore advice would help. Thanks for everything!
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (4 minutes later)
Dr. Ilir,
Also, I noticed on my CT Artery Score it says Zero but my Carotid Artery Test shows some plaque so that totally confuses me. Can you please explain this to me?

Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (22 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain as follows:

Detailed Answer:
Hello again!

Yes, you are right! Coronary calcium score is Zero: that means probability of significant coronary plaques is quite low.

From the other side, very mild plaques are present in the carotid arteries; in general there is not a linear correlation between coronary and carotid arteries trees (presence of plaques in the carotid system doesn't definitely mean coronary atherosclerotic lesions).

I recommend trying first these natural supplements to help lower cholesterol levels naturally.
Then you should check in a couple of months cholesterol levels. If cholesterol values are still high, it will be necessary starting a statin.

On my opinion, considering the fact that you have mild carotid plaques, I would be in favor to take a statin, in order to prevent further progression of those plaques.

Hope you will find this information helpful!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask me again!


Dr. Iliri
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (1 hour later)
Doc, you have totally confused me now because in one paragraph you said for me to try the natural supplements and then retest in a few months but then you say I should take a statin now because there is some plaque present. So, what do I do? Keep in mind the date of the Coronary Test and all information when replying. Thanks
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain:

Detailed Answer:
Hello again dear Wanda!

In fact it may look a bit confusing as I exposed to you both recommended strategies:

- the first is the moderate approach, by escalating from natural supplements to a statin (considering normal coronary findings),

- the second approach, more aggressive by starting concomitantly statin and supplements (considering the presence of mild carotid plaques).

Both of them are acceptable and safe approaches, considering the fact of periodic lipid profile monitoring.

My personal opinion goes for the second approach, though the final decision depends on your discussion with the attending (prescribing) doctor.

Hope to have clarified the issues of confusion.

I remain at your disposal for any further questions.

Kind regards,

Dr. Iliri
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ilir Sharka


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Can Anyone Please Explain What My TM Flow Results ACTUALLY

Brief Answer: I would explain as follows: Detailed Answer: Dear XXXXXXX Welcome back to Ask s Doctor service! This test indicates a borderline risk profile, which means that you should pay attention to your blood pressure values and glucose plasma levels. There is nothing serious going on! A better control of blood pressure values and blood glucose levels would help reduce the progression of endothelial dysfunction and possible neuropathy. It is recommended to check Vitamin D plasma levels for possible deficiency and take alpha lipoic acid and vitamin B complex in order to prevent neuropathy. Regular physical activity can help improve endothelial dysfunction ( which leads to blood vessels stiffness and an increased cardiovascular risk). Hope you will find this information helpful! I remain at your disposal in case of further questions whenever you need! Kind regards, Dr. Iliri