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Can Asbestosis Cause Renal Failure?

Posted on Thu, 30 Oct 2014
Question: My husband died in Nov. 2013. He suffered from severe dementia. He also had asbestosis from working in an atomic energy plant in Ohio. The cause of death on the death certificate was acute renal failure. I have been told a rare complication of asbestosis is retroperitoneal fibrosis which can cause acute renal failure. Can you shed any light on this matter?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich (10 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
asbestosis is not likely cause of his death

Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to hcm. Thanks for the query.
I understand your concerns and your wish to make everything clear about his death.
Honestly,asbestosis is not likely to be neither direct or indirect cause of renal failure. It is true that it can cause abdominal and retriperitoneal fibrosis as it causes lung fibrosis but this is rare,it happens in intensive and long exposure to asbest. Also,retroperitoneal fibrosis would cause slow,chronic renal failure,not acute one. Also it would affect one kidney in the beginning and both kidney would be affected in very late stages and in this case he would have had kidney disease symptoms for years before death. Wish you good health.regards
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Ivan Romich

General Surgeon

Practicing since :2008

Answered : 13888 Questions


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Can Asbestosis Cause Renal Failure?

Brief Answer: asbestosis is not likely cause of his death Detailed Answer: Hi and welcome to hcm. Thanks for the query. I understand your concerns and your wish to make everything clear about his death. Honestly,asbestosis is not likely to be neither direct or indirect cause of renal failure. It is true that it can cause abdominal and retriperitoneal fibrosis as it causes lung fibrosis but this is rare,it happens in intensive and long exposure to asbest. Also,retroperitoneal fibrosis would cause slow,chronic renal failure,not acute one. Also it would affect one kidney in the beginning and both kidney would be affected in very late stages and in this case he would have had kidney disease symptoms for years before death. Wish you good health.regards